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1、合作意向书英文合作意向书英文篇一:合作意向书羊毛衫加工分厂项目合作协议书Letter of Agreement甲方Party A:乙方Party B:双方就羊毛衫加工车间项目的合作事宜,经过初步协商,达成如下合作意向:Through a preliminary discussion on the cooperation of knitted sweater workshop, both parties have reached the intents as following:一、同意就 羊毛衫加工车间 项目开展合作开发。1. Agreement on the cooperative deve

2、lopment on 该项目的基本情况是:额的51%,乙方以生产加工设备为出资形式,占出资总额的49%。 Both parties will invest_*$ on the project. PartyA will provide fund and workshop facilities as investment, accounting for 51% share. PartyB will provide the processing equipment, accounting for 49% share.二、 甲乙双方各自负责2.甲方应做好以下工作Resonsibilities For

3、PartyA:1、 以租赁形式提供生产、办公场地20XX平米(包括仓储),租金低于市场价,租金列入合作成本;1) Rent out the production and official field 20XXm2 to the cooperative workshop. The rental should be lower than the market price and should be listed as a production cost of workshop.2、 负责流动资金的融资,其利息列入合作成本;2) Provide cash flow which is listed a

4、s the production cost of workshop.3、 负责设备进口的相关税费;3) Relative importation tax for transportation of the equipment.4、负责中国境内的运输、安装费用,此费用列入合作分厂成本4) Transportation and installation fee in Chinese Mainland, which is listed as the production cost of workshop.乙方应做好以下工作Responsibilities For PartyB:1. 负责产品开发、销

5、售;1) Development , marketing and sales of the product2. 负责生产技术指导。2) Supervise the production三、其他Others:1. 甲方负责加工生产,协助乙方销售;1) PartyA is responsible for the production and assist PartyB for marketing and sales.2. 乙方负责提供整套羊毛衫生产加工设备; 2) PartyB is responsible for the xxplete set of production equipment3.

6、 项目总负责人由甲方委派,助理负责人由乙方委派;3) Chief responsible person is appointed by PartyA, and assistant should be appointed by PartyB.4. 此项目财务独立核算,专款专用。经营过程中所产生的风险或利润分配按双方所占股份比例共同承担或享有4) The funds are for the project only and respective accounting. According to the respective share stipulated in this letter of ag

7、reement, both parites bear the risk or profit which generates in the prosecution together. (For instance, the party occupies 51% share should bear 51% risk or profit.)四、 本协议书是双方合作的基础,甲乙双方的具体合作内容以双方的正式合同为准。4.This Letter of Agreement is the base of cooperation, the detail of which is subjected to the

8、confirmation of formal contract.五、本协议书一式两份,自签字之日起生效,甲乙双方各执一份。5. This Letter of Agreement is written in 2 copies and will be effective from the signing day. Both parties hold one respectively.甲方PartyA: 乙方PartyB:代表人Representative:代表人Representative:年 月 日Date:篇二:项目英语项目合作协议书甲方: 乙方:甲、乙双方在平等、自愿原则下开展英语培训合作,


10、甲方的工作状态不能满足乙方的要求,乙方有权中止合作;但需结清甲方所有应得提成,具体提成方式请按本协议第三条计算。5、甲、乙双方在提出终止合作前,均需提前半个月通知对方,双方处理好相关事务方可终止合作。6、协议生效期间,在未经甲方许可的情况下,乙方不得以“变态外语培训”名称在各分校开设外语培训班。7、协议满一年双方均有权根据上一年合作状况决定是否续签协议。协议期间一年最后一个月所得提成乙方应按甲方当月应得提成的50%支付给甲方。8、双方在合作期间因培训发生的新问题协议中未规定,双方本着诚信、平等的态度协 商解决,协议自双方负责人签字(盖章)之日起生效,有效期一年。 甲方签字: 乙方签字(盖章):

11、年 月 日 年 月日篇二:中英文投资合作意向书agree customary legal opinions must be delivered the content of which shall bemutually agreed upon. 双方同意遵守交/投资的法惯,其内容必须为双方所共同认可。5.this loi is in duplicate one copy for each party each of which shall be deemed anoriginal when executed. 本意向书一式两份,双方各持一份,执时效等同于原件。party a:party b:甲

12、方:乙方:signed by: signed by:委托人签字:?.委托人签字:?.date: date:日期:日期: page 2 of 2篇三:公司英文商函合作意向书模板、格式合作项目意向书letter of intent for projectdate:july 28,20XX(日期)attn:ohwan k&c corporation(收件:公司名称)正文内容(全英文,格式顶头写,每段隔开一行)。 sincerely yours,公司名称 co., ltd.(英文名称需盖章)地址:公司地址 电话:86- 传真:86- add: 翻译上述地址电话传真篇四:项目合作意向书格式项目合作意向书

13、 就20XX年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力项目合作意向书甲方:包头市星海煤炭运销有限公司乙方:李海、王立强 双方就20XX年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力项目的合作事宜,经过初步协商,达成如下合作意向:一、 双方同意就20XX年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力项目放置包头市星海煤炭运销有限公司展开互二、工作期间由甲乙双方各自负责。 甲方应做好以下工作:1.甲方提供公司合法有效的公司各项注册备案资料。确保公司无债权债务及其它的因素,影响20XX年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力项目的顺利审批及落实后的工作。2.在20XX年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力项目工作的过程中。对煤炭铁路运力项目审批需要签订的,各项文件、协议、合同在不违反国家法律及规定,

14、不损害甲方经济利益的条件下,甲方无条件的即时签订。3.如年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力批准落实后。甲方应积极配合乙方寻求公司及年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力(或)转让、(或)合作的伙伴。在确保双方均获得合理的利益条件下,甲方无条件的配合乙方,做好年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力(或)转让、(或)合作、(或)自用的等各项工作。4.未经双方同意,甲方不得单独私自将公司及年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力(或)转让、(或)合作、(或)自用。甲方在工作中的费用由甲方自己承但 。 乙方应做好以下工作:1. 乙方负责组织和实施好年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力的申报、审批、落实工作。甲方应应积极配合。2. 乙方负责签订在煤炭铁路运力项目审批中,需要签订

15、的各项文件、协议、合同,须经甲方审核同意。甲方应积极配合。3. 年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力批准落实后。乙方应尽快主动积极寻求公司及年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力(或)转让、(或)合作的伙伴。在确保双方获都得合理的利益条件下,乙方无条件的做好,年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力(或)转让、(或)合作、(或)自用的等各项工作。4.未经双方同意,乙方不得单独将私自年度呼铁局煤炭铁路运力(或)转让、(或)合作、(或)自用。乙方在工作中的费用由乙方自己承但 。三、在铁路部门20XX全国煤炭产运衔接合同总核准后,双方商定在七个工作日内。签订煤炭铁路运力实际应用及双方利益合理分配的细则合同。甲方:代表人:(盖章) 乙方:代表人:

16、20XX年12月25日篇五:国际项目合作意向书项目及市场合作意向书 甲方: (以下简称甲方)乙方: (以下简称乙方)甲乙双方本着平等合作、互惠互利的原则,经双方友好协商,就合作共同开发油田及新疆范围内市场,达成如下初步意向,并共同遵守执行:一、合作事项:1、合作范围:2、合作地点:3、合作内容:二、合作分工甲方责任:1、 负责2、 负责3、 负责 乙方责任:1、 负责2、 负责3、 负责三、其它约定事项:1、甲、乙双方应共同遵守合作项目所涉及商业内容的保密的责任和义务;2、一方向另一方提供的以文字、图像、音像、磁盘等为载体的文件、数据、资料以及双方在谈判中所涉及到此项目的一切言行均包括在保密范

17、围之内;3、保密条款适用于双方所有涉及到此项目的人员及双方由于其他原因了解或知道此项目信息的一切人员;4、本意向书是双方合作的基础,合作的具体方式、内客与执行等以双方正式签订的合同、章程及协议为准;2、本合作意向书一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,由双方代表签字盖章后生效,未尽事宜,双方另行协商。篇三:中英文合作意向书羊毛衫加工分厂项目合作协议书letter of agreement甲方party a:乙方party b:双方就羊毛衫加工车间项目的合作事宜,经过初步协商,达成如下合作意向:through a preliminary discussion on the cooperation of k

18、nitted sweater workshop,both parties have reached the intents as following:一、同意就 羊毛衫加工车间 项目开展合作开发。1. agreement on the cooperative development on 该项目的基本情况是:额的51%,乙方以生产加工设备为出资形式,占出资总额的49%。 both parties willinvest_*$ on the project. partya will provide fund and workshop facilities asinvestment, account

19、ing for 51% share. partyb will provide the processing equipment,accounting for 49% share.二、 甲乙双方各自负责2.甲方应做好以下工作resonsibilities for partya:1、 以租赁形式提供生产、办公场地20XX平米(包括仓储),租金低于市场价,租金列入合作成本;1) rent out the production and official field 20XXm2 tothe cooperative workshop. the rental should be lower than th

20、e market price and shouldbe listed as a production cost of workshop.2、 负责流动资金的融资,其利息列入合作成本;2) provide cash flow which is listed as the production cost of workshop.3、 负责设备进口的相关税费;3) relative importation tax for transportation of the equipment.4、负责中国境内的运输、安装费用,此费用列入合作分厂成本4) transportation and installa

21、tion fee in chinese mainland, which is listedas the production cost of workshop. 乙方应做好以下工作responsibilities for partyb:1. 负责产品开发、销售;1) development , marketing and sales of the product2. 负责生产技术指导。2) supervise the production三、其他others:1. 甲方负责加工生产,协助乙方销售;1) partya is responsible for the production and a

22、ssist partyb for marketingand sales.3. 项目总负责人由甲方委派,助理负责人由乙方委派;3) chief responsible person is appointed by partya, and assistant should beappointed by partyb.4. 此项目财务独立核算,专款专用。经营过程中所产生的风险或利润分配按双方所占股份比例共同承担或享有4) the funds are for the project only and respective accounting. accordingto the respective s

23、hare stipulated in this letter of agreement, both parites bearthe risk or profit which generates in the prosecution together. (for instance, theparty occupies 51% share should bear 51% risk or profit.)四、 本协议书是双方合作的基础,甲乙双方的具体合作内容以双方的正式合同为准。4.this letter of agreement is the base of cooperation, the de

24、tail of which issubjected to the confirmation of formal contract.五、本协议书一式两份,自签字之日起生效,甲乙双方各执一份。5. this letter of agreement is written in 2 copies and will be effective fromthe signing day. both parties hold one respectively. 甲方partya: 乙方partyb: 代表人representative:代表人representative: 年 月 日date:篇二:公司英文商函

25、合作意向书模板、格式合作项目意向书letter of intent for projectdate:july 28,20XX(日期)attn:ohwan k&c corporation(收件:公司名称)正文内容(全英文,格式顶头写,每段隔开一行)。 sincerely yours,公司名称 co., ltd.(英文名称需盖章)地址:公司地址 电话:86- 传真:86- add: 翻译上述地址电话传真篇三:中英文投资合作意向书 agree customary legal opinions must be delivered the content of which shall bemutuall

26、y agreed upon. 双方同意遵守交/投资的法惯,其内容必须为双方所共同认可。5.this loi is in duplicate one copy for each party each of which shall be deemed anoriginal when executed. 本意向书一式两份,双方各持一份,执时效等同于原件。party a:party b:甲方:乙方:signed by: signed by:委托人签字:?.委托人签字:?.date: date:日期:日期: page 2 of 2篇四:英文版合作意向书 loi english henan cbm dev

27、elopment and utilization co., ltdand dart energy pte ltdand letter of intent on cooperativedevelopment of unconventional gas dated: may 20, 20XXcooperating parties:party a: henan cbm development and utilization co., ltdparty b: dart energy pte ltda. precondition to the cooperation1. party a is a bus

28、iness entity incorporated under the approval of henanprovincial3. party c focuses on clean energy and is engaged in development and utilizationof4. it is the intention of the parties that party a and party b will cooperateand carry outexploration work in the 6 cbm blocks under the principle of “easi

29、erblock/cherry-pick development first” subject to the condition that the choice isbeneficial to all parties.technical evaluation with a view to determining the feasibility and scale of cbmexploration and development within the corresponding areas. to this end, all partiesagree to include a confident

30、iality clause in this loi with the aim of facilitatingthe providing and sharing of appropriate data.6. party b and party c agree to cover the costs to carry out the technical duediligence b. cooperation intentionevaluation of the feasible area selected by party a to determine the potentialfor cbm resources. the evaluation shall also identify a preliminary view of the mostpromisin

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