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1、Unit3Isthisyourpencil教案课题 3B Unit 3 Is this your pencil?课型New课时Period 1主备人 教学日期教学要求1. 能初步听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型:This isnt my pencil. Is this /that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读写词汇:school bag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case3. 能初步听懂、会说、会用物主代词my, your。4. 树立团结友爱、帮助同学的助人为乐

2、的精神,培养正确的价值观。教学重、难点能听懂、会读、会运用单词school bag, pen ,pencil,crayon.,ruler,rubber,pencil case,lunch box, 并正确运用一般疑问句和做相应的回答。教具学具图字卡、学习用品。教学活动内容教学活动内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图Step1.Warming up 1.GreetingT:Hello, boys and girls!Ss:Hello, Miss Li.T: You are good boys and girls. So dont talk in class, OK?Ss: OK,

3、 Miss Li.2. Sing a song “Dont talk, Tom!”T:Great! Lets sing a song, girls sing Tims part, boys sing Toms part. Lets PK!Step2. PresentationPre-task:句型和词汇1. 教授一般疑问句 Is this/that .及肯定回答Yes, it is和否定回答No, it isnt. a. Free talkGreetingHave a free talkGreeting师生交流歌唱男女比赛GreetingWarming-up用前一单元所学祈使句“Dont ta

4、lk”课前对话,引导到歌曲,活跃气氛教学活动内容教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图T: Look! Whats this? (拿一本学生的英语书)Ss: Its a book.T:Is this an English book? Ss: YesT: Whats that?(拿一本学生的语文或数学书)Ss: Its a book, too. T: Is that an English book? Ss: No.b. 教授句型出示句型-一般疑问句:Is this/that a/an .?肯定回答:Yes, it is.否定回答:No, it isnt. 1)老师出示所学单词

5、卡片进行操练2)PPT出示图片,根据图片同桌练习句型c. Free talkT: xxx. Is this your English book? S1: No, it isnt.T: Oh,xxx. Is this your English book?S2: Yes, it is.T:Boys and girls, is this his/her book?Ss: Yes, it is.T: Here you are.S2: Thank you.d. 教授句型出示句子-Learn to readWork in pairsListen and try to answer questions.Re

6、adGuideGuide and judge从特殊疑问句引入到一般疑问句操练Is this/that a/an.? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.从对话引入句型Guide and judgeConsolidation教学活动内容教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图一般疑问句:Is this/that your/his/her.?回答: Yes, it is. No, it isnt.PPT出示图片,根据图片同桌练习句型(-Yes No)2. 教授词汇T: Is this your rubber?S: Yes it is. T: What else do

7、you have on your desk? S:. 教授词汇:ruler, pencil Show a schoolbag and ask student: T:Whats this? .Yes, its a schoolbag.教授schoolbag school+bag= schoolbag 比较hot+dog= hotdogT: Whats in my school bag? xxx, please come here and open it. Touch, take out and say!S: . 教授pencil case, pen, crayon. a. Read words-

8、 high and low voice.b. 拼读c. 老师拿讲台上从书包里拿出来的学习用品,让学生大声说。3. Practice 出示模板:A:Whats this/that? B: Its a . A: Is this/that your/ his/ her.? B:Yes, it is/No, it isnt. A: Here you are. B. Thank you.T: Now, collect your stationaries in a group. 同桌练习师生对话跟读,齐读,开火车读如果老师大声读,学生小声读小组练习操练Is this/that your/his/her.?

9、 Yes, it is. No, it isnt.学习身边的文具类英语单词,用直接询问、对比、游戏等方式。调动学生积极性,集中注意力,达到巩固效果。老师在一个组内找同学做示范,组内收集文具做对话练习Consolidation教学活动内容教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图Step3While-reading T: Look! Mike is nervous. Lets watch the cartoon and answer the questions:1. What is Mike looking for? 2. Did he find out at last?a.Wa

10、tch the cartoon and answerb. Read after it.c. Read in a groupStep4 Homework1 听读第三单元课文部分15分钟,要求熟读。2 抄写书后单词表四英一中。观看映像个别回答跟读小组读播放影像资料交流问题逐句跟读,注意语音语调鼓励加入感情色彩分角色朗读Consolidation板书设计:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Is this/that a/an/your/his/her.? schoolbag pen pencil pencil caseYes, it is. crayon rubber ruler

11、No, it isnt.课题 3B Unit 3 Is this your pencil?课型New课时Period 2主备人李珍教学日期教学要求1.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型:This isnt my pencil. Is this /that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.2.能听懂、会说、会读写词汇:school bag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case, lunch box3. 能初步听懂、会说、会运用句型wheres?4. 能读懂动画中的幽默之处。教学重、难点1. 能初步

12、听懂、会说、会运用句型 wheres?2. 能读懂动画中的幽默之处。教具学具图字卡、学习用品。教学活动内容教学活动内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图Step1.Warming up Greeting and free talkT: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.T: Hello/Hi!/ How are you?S: Hello/Hi/ Fine, thank you.T: Whats this/that?(手指着学生的文具)S:Its a pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, p

13、encil case.T: Is this your/ his/ her.?S: Yes it is/ No, it isnt.Step2Revision Revision- story time1Game time a. Guess timeT: Look, I have a new schoolbag. Please guess, Whats in it? 请一位内容掌握的较好的同学到前面掏,让同学们猜他摸到的,回答正确的小组加分。GreetingHave a free talkGreeting通过游戏环节巩固所学文具类词汇和交际用语及句型 Is this/ that a.? Yes, i

14、t is No, it isnt. 游戏环节增加了趣味性,吸引学生的注意力。GreetingWarming-upPresent the new sentences.教学活动内容教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图Ss: Is that a pen, .?S1: No, it isnt.Ss: Is that a .?S1: Yes, it is.事先把个别学生的文具也放进书包里,猜正确后,进行插入式问答。T: This isnt my pencil case. Is this your.?S2: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.T: Here you are.S2: Thank you.b. M

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