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1、单词5| |weep |vi. |cry |哭泣| | | |Its not worth weeping over him. |为他流泪完全不值得。| | | |People wept with joy when the end of the war was announced. |宣布战争结束时,人们喜极而泣。| |calculator |n. |C a small device for calculating |计算器| | | |a pocket calculator |袖珍计算器 | | | |You wont be allowed to take a calculator into

2、the exam. |你不能把计算器带进考场。| |geometry |n. |U |几何(学) | | | |the laws of geometry |几何定律 | | | |a geometry lesson |几何课 | |package |n. |1. C a box of sth. |一盒| | | |She bought a package of cookies. |她买了一袋小甜饼。| | | |His mother found he hid a package of cigarettes in his room. |他妈妈发现他在房间里藏了一包烟。| | | |2. C a

3、set of things that have been put up together in paper or in a box |包裹| | | |The postman has just sent a package for you. |邮递员刚刚给你送来一只包裹。| | | |The package was delivered last week. |包裹上周已经寄出去了。| | |vt. |make sth. into or put sth. in a package |包装;打包;捆扎| | | |Their products are always attractively pac

4、kaged. |他们产品的包装总是很吸引人。| | | |The cookies are packaged in paper bags. |这种小甜饼是装在纸袋里的。| |filter |vt. |pass sth. through a device to remove unwanted elements |过滤| | | |The cigarettes are filtered. |这些是过滤嘴香烟。| | | |Devices in the two chimneys would filter dust from the smoke given out into the air. |两个烟囱

5、里的装置可以滤除排放到空气里的烟雾中的灰尘。| | |n. |C |过滤器 | | | |an oil filter |滤油器 | |grateful |a. |thankful |感激的,感谢的| | | |I am grateful to you for your help. |我感谢你对我的帮助。| | | |If you could get that report finished by Thursday Id be very grateful. |如果你能在周四完成那份报告,我将十分感谢。| |harden |v. |1. (cause sb. to) become stronger

6、, severe, or lacking in human feelings |(使)变得坚强;(使)变得冷漠| | | |Rough living in the desert hardened the young men a lot. |沙漠中的艰苦生活把这些年轻人锻炼得更加坚强。| | | |As the war progressed, attitudes on both sides hardened. |随着战争的推进,双方的态度都变得强硬了。| | | |2. (cause sth. to) become hard, strong, etc. |(使)变硬;(使)硬化 | | | |T

7、he mixture hardens as it cools. |这种混合物冷却时会变硬。| | | |The paint takes a few minutes to harden. |这油漆需要几分钟才会变硬。| |brand |n. |C a type of product made by a particular company |品牌;商标| | | |Which brand of toothpaste do you prefer? |你喜欢用哪种牌子的牙膏?| | | |This isnt my usual brand of shampoo. |这不是我常用的那种牌子的洗发水。|

8、|manufacturer |n. |C a person or company that produces goods |制造者,制造商| | | |Germany is a major manufacturer of motorcars. |德国是汽车的主要生产国。| | | |We should send these goods with defects back to the manufacturer. |我们应该把这些残次品退回厂家。| |cane |n. |C a long stick used esp. by old, ill, or blind people to help t

9、hem walk |手杖| | | |The old man cannot walk without a cane. |那位老人不用手杖走不了路。| | | |My father pointed with his cane at the deep valley below us. |我父亲用手杖指着我们脚下深深的山谷。| |hook |vt. |attract sb. and keep their interest or loyalty |吸引,迷住| | | |She is afraid that her teenage boy will be hooked by drugs. |她很担心她

10、十几岁的儿子会染上毒瘾。| | | |The apartment store gave away small gifts to hook customers. |那家百货商场分发小礼品来吸引顾客。| | |n. |C a device used for catching or holding things |钩子;钩状物| | | |a fish hook |鱼钩 | | | |Hang your shirt on a hook. |把你的衬衫挂到挂钩子上。| |noticeable |a. |easy to notice |显而易见的;明显的| | | |Theres been a noti

11、ceable improvement in her handwriting. |她的书写有了明显提高。| | | |Its noticeable that the weather is getting colder. |天气明显转冷了。| |unnoticeable |a. |not easy to notice |不引人注意的;不明显的| | | |The armys presence in the north of the city is unnoticeable. |部队在这座城市的北部出现并不引人注目。| | | |The orange wallpaper at the back of

12、 the hall is unnoticeable. 大厅后面的橘色墙纸不很显眼。 | |wheeze |n. |C |喘息声;喘气声| | | |He has a slight wheeze in his chest. |他胸部有轻微哮喘声。| | | |The cough, wheeze, and shortness of breath are things that go with smoking, not with age. |咳嗽、气喘和气急这些症状是吸烟而不是年龄引起的。| |pneumonia |n. |U |肺炎| | | |People who are often in be

13、d can easily get pneumonia. |长期卧床的人易患肺炎。| | | |Youll catch pneumonia if you go out in this cold weather without a coat. |这么冷的天你不穿外套出去,会得肺炎的。| |reunion |n. |C a gathering of people who have not met for a long time |团聚;重聚| | | |We had a family reunion where I saw relatives I hadnt seen for 20 years. |

14、我们家团聚了一次,我见到了好些20年不见的亲戚。| | | |The reunions between old friends are touching. |老朋友重聚令人感动。 | |slim |a. |1. (of people) thin |苗条的;纤细的| | | |Im trying to get slim. |我在设法让自己变得苗条些。| | | |Shes got a lovely slim figure. |她身段苗条优美。| | | |2. (of hope, chance, etc.) very small |微小的;渺茫的| | | |slim hopes of succ

15、ess |成功的希望渺茫 | | | |They have only a slim chance of winning. |他们获胜的机会微乎其微。| |advertisement |n. |C a picture, set of words, or a short film, which is intended to persuade people to buy sth. |广告 | | | |a television advertisement for a new car |为新汽车做的电视广告| | | |If you want to sell your old house, why n

16、ot put an advertisement in the local paper? |如果你想卖掉你的旧房子,为什么不在地方报纸上登一则广告?| |worldly |a. |having a lot of experience and knowledge about people and life |世故的 | | | |He is not the right man for my sister: My sister is naive while he is worldly. |他不适合我妹妹:我妹妹很单纯他却很世故。| | | |She was much older and more w

17、orldly than I was. |她比我大好几岁,也比我老练得多。| |drag |vi. |smoke |抽烟| | | |He dragged on one cigarette after another for one hour. |他一支接一支地抽了一个小时的香烟。| | | |He dragged on a whole package of cigarettes while waiting for me. |他等我时抽了整整一包烟。| | |vt. |pull sb. or sth. along with effort and difficulty |拖;用力拉| | | |W

18、e dragged the fallen tree clear of the road. |我们把倒下的树从路上拖开。| | | |He moved slowly, dragging his tired feet. |他拖着疲惫的双脚慢慢地走着。| |starve |vt. |not give or not be given sth. that is needed |(使缺乏);(使)得不到| | | |The little dog was starved of food. |小狗没有食物。| | | |The project was starved of funds. |这个项目缺乏资金。|

19、 | |v. |suffer or die because there is not enough food, or make sb. else do this |(使)挨饿;(使)饿死 | | | |They got lost in the desert and starved to death. |他们在沙漠中迷了路,饿死了。| | | |Shes starving herself to try to lose weight. |她为了减轻体重而忍饥挨饿。| |weaken |v. |make or become weak or weaker |(使)变弱 | | | |They watc

20、hed her slowly weaken as the disease progressed. |随着她病情的发展,他们眼看着她身体逐渐变弱。| | | |They were weakened by hunger and climbing became difficult. |他们由于饥饿而体质减弱,攀登变得困难起来。| |poisonous |a. |causing death or illness if taken into the body |有毒的| | | |poisonous plants |有毒的植物 | | | |Dangerously high levels of pois

21、onous chemicals were found in the river. |这条河里发现了危险的高标有毒化学物质。 | |swallow |vt. |1. make food or drink go down the throat |吞;咽| | | |If you dont chew your food properly, its difficult to swallow it. |如果你不把食物适当咀嚼,是很难下咽的。| | | |He put a grape into his mouth and swallowed it whole. |他把一颗葡萄放进嘴里一口吞下。| | |

22、|2. believe sth. too easily |轻信;轻易接受| | | |I found his explanation rather hard to swallow. |我觉得他的解释很难让人接受。| | | |He swallowed her story whole. |他对她的故事深信不疑。| |bunch |n. |1. C a number of things growing, tied, or grouped together |串;束;把| | | |a bunch of keys |一串钥匙 | | | |I bought a bunch of flowers in

23、 the market. |我在集市上买了一束花。| | | |2. C a group of people |群;伙| | | |Theyre a nice bunch. |他们是一群好人。| | | |I dont like any of them much, but hes the best of the bunch. |他们当中哪一个我都不大喜欢,不过他就算这伙人当中最好的了。| |insect |n. |C |昆虫| | | |Ants and flies are both insects. |蚂蚁和苍蝇都是昆虫。| | | |Ive got some sort of insect

24、bite on my leg. |我腿上被小虫咬了一口。| |insecticide |n. |U a chemical substance used for killing insects |杀虫剂,杀虫药| | | |an insecticide spray |杀虫喷剂 | | | |an insecticide powder |杀虫药粉 | |pregnant |a. |having a baby or babies developing in the body |怀孕的,妊娠的| | | |She was six months pregnant. |她怀孕六个月了。| | | |The

25、 center gives advice and care to pregnant women. |该中心给孕妇提供建议和护理。| |poison |vt. |give poisonous things to sb. to harm or kill them |使中毒| | | |Hundreds of wild animals had been poisoned by the insecticide sprays. |数百只野生动物被喷洒的杀虫剂毒死。| | | |Four members of the family had been poisoned to death. |这家有四口人被毒

26、死。| | |n. |C, U a poisonous substance |毒物;毒药| | | |rat poison |毒鼠药 | | | |poison gas |毒气 | |quotation |n. |C a sentence or phrase quoted from another person |引语| | | |He began his speech with a quotation from Karl Marx. |他用马克思的一句话来开始自己的演讲。| | | |The quotation is attributed to Zhu Xi, an ancient Chin

27、ese philosopher. |这句话引自中国古代哲学家朱熹。| |batter |v. |hit sb. or sth. hard again and again |击打;猛击| | | |He kept battering at the door. |他不断地捶门。| | | |The man was nearly battered to death. |那个人差点儿就被打死了。| |battered |a. |being treated violently by a family member |受虐待的| | | |The battered wife decided not to

28、put up with her husband any more and to take legal actions. |那位受虐妇女决定不再忍受丈夫的恶行,而要采取法律措施了。| | | |The battered child was shy before strangers. |那个受虐儿童在陌生人面前很胆小。| |shelter |n. |C a place where people are protected from danger or bad weather |庇护所;避难所| | | |They are in desperate need of food, clothing, a

29、nd shelter. |他们极需粮食、衣服和住所。| | | |We eventually reached the shelter of the caves. |我们终于到达山洞,有了避身之处。| | |vt. |protect sb. or sth. from danger or bad weather |庇护;保护| | | |Federal agents knew the family had been sheltering criminals in their home. |联邦特工人员知道那家人一直在家里窝藏罪犯。| | | |Beyond this rose the green

30、hill that sheltered the castle. |耸立在那边的那座青山遮掩着城堡。 | |zone |n. |C an area marked off with a particular purpose |地区;地带| | | |no smoking zones |无烟区 | | | |San Francisco is in an earthquake zone. |旧金山处在地震带。| |literally |ad. |used for showing that what one is saying is really true |确实地;真正地 | | | |I am li

31、terally broke. |我确实是身无分文了。| | | |There were literally thousands of people killed by the flood. |确确实实有数千人死于洪水。Phrases and Expressions| |pick up |lift sth. or sb. up |拿起;举起| | |He picked up the book from the floor. |他从地板上捡起了那本书。| | |Jim dropped his pen and bent to pick it up, causing a sharp pain in his back. |吉姆把钢笔掉到了地上,弯腰去捡起来的时候背部一阵疼痛。|

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