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1、英同义词近义词大全同义词编造:fabricate fiction spin(编造) weave伪造(的):fake pattern forge mork bogus sham 一群:a galaxy of.(talent) a pack of. a multitude of. a herd of+牛羊鹿 a host of a gangs of stacks of.发(射)出:emit radiate共同的:joint mutual reciprocal壮观的:magnificent grand stately majestic治疗:treat cure heal therapy remedy

2、神圣的:sacred holly divine sainted衰退:lag decline recession强调:highlight stress emphasize underline空的:empty vacant hollow blank大: tremendous vast immerse huge massive工资:wage salary pay bonus健康的:wholesome healthy sound倾向:tend incline apt to. lean towards. predispose be liable to潜在的:potential latent underl

3、ying优点:merit advantage edge (优势)缺点:lame disadvantage drawback shortcoming defect赤裸的:bare naked bald合同:bargain contract pact bond (契约、债券)职业的:career professional vocational名声(声望):celebrity fame reputation prestige(+ous) publicity举起:hoist lift elevate uphold heave详细的:detailed elaborate致命的:malignantdead

4、ly fatal mortal怀疑的:suspicious skeptical魅力:glamour charm差异:odds difference distinction补偿:offset compensation合法的:legal valid legitimate职业:vocation profession occupation子孙:offspring descendant阴谋:scheme plot intrigue conspiracy杰出的:outstanding distinguished significant prominent eminent残酷的: harsh (剧烈的) i

5、ntense brutal fierce severe正直的:upright straight sraightforward故意的:deliberate intentional人行道:pavement side walk古怪的:odd peculiar eccentric queer weird独特的:characteristic peculiar particular节约:economize thrift saving n.一致:accordance consistence coincidence coherent adj偏见:prejudice bias副的:vice associate

6、deputy 不可思议的:incredible(非凡的) marvellous singular支票:check cheque纪念品:souvenir token债务、借款: debt loan deficit讽刺地:ironically sarcastically恶毒的:malignant vicious气味:scent smell odour/odor对比:parallel contrast(对比) comparison(类比)宇宙的:universal cosmic码头:dock pier复杂的:complex complicated intricate本质的 :intrinsic(固有

7、的) inherent essential interior inwardness n.本能的:instinctive gut残疾人:the disabled the paralyzed invalid铜(制品):bronze brass copper绳、索:cord rope string决心:determination resolution担忧的:apprehensive丢脸、耻辱:shame +ful disgrace humiliate垂直的: erect直立的 vertical关于: regardingprep. concerning极度地:exceedingly非常地 excess

8、ively extremely尊重: esteem尊敬 regard respect无知: ignorance illiteracy标志: badge象征 token symbol危险:danger hazard peril提取:extract abstract refine(精炼)自我:ego self多. :multiple(多重的) manifold(多方面的) multifaceted(多方面的) (新)时代: epoch eras虚假的: phony disguise sham hypocrisy serial狡猾的:sly crafty subtle cunning领域: real

9、m field area domain territory进取心:initiative enterprise临时的:temporary provisional transient连续的:continual continuous consecutive sequent subsequent (随后的)放纵: loose indulgence棘手的:throny awkward一系列:a string of a array of消遣: diversion amusement entertainment recreation pastime坚固的:firm substantial苗条的:slim s

10、lender头脑 skull扩音器: amplier megaphone loudspeaker罪恶: sin vice骚动: uproar turbulence极限: utmost(极端的) extreme terrific中心: hub center nucleus彻底的: utter thorough radical机构: outfit institute灾难: catastrophe calamity misfortune潮流: current趋势 tendency最好的: superb一流的 crack fabulous暗示: hint暗号 cue clue宣誓: swear咒骂 o

11、ath围巾: wrap scarf先驱: pioneer van团结: unity solidarity consolidarity剩余物: remainter remnant先进的: progressive advanced傲慢的: arrogant lofty谨慎的: cautious discreet同义动词激怒:offend provoke寻求:seek quest explore蔑视:despise defy scorn disregard闪耀:shine sparkle glitter glimmer glow欢呼:hail acclaim迷惑:confuse puzzle per

12、plex bewilder培养:cultivate栽种 rear foster容忍:stand bear endure tolerate传播:scatter sow强迫:compel force enforce抓住:grasp grip seize clutch snatch扔: toss throw cast fling一点:a touch of a handful of a thread of + light曲解:distort contort torture浸: dip submerge soak immerse投票:vote ballot poll呼喊:exclaim shout恐吓:

13、intimidate威胁 menace threaten眨眼:blink wink征服:conquer conquest侵蚀:erode (-sion) corrode侵入:invade(invasion) intrude值得:merit deserve合作:collaborate协作 corporate征税:levy impose任命:appoint委派 assign commit designate grant遭遇:encounter confront假定:presume assume诱惑:tempt诱使 induce lure跳: skip jump leap复制:replicate d

14、uplicate打盹儿:nap doze假装: pretend assume disguise使惊讶:astonish行贿: bribe corrupt传授: instruct impart增大: increase augment竞争: scramble (for) rival contest撤退: retreat recede颠覆: overturn invert膨胀: inflate swell共鸣: echo回响 resound resonate vibrate引起: underlie arouse trigger stir up拖延: prolong drag linger剥: deprive + of strip shear + of颤抖: shiver shake quiver tremble责备: blame.for. reproach.for.

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