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本文(学年人教版高中英语选修十学案讲义Unit 3 Fairness for all词汇篇学生版.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

学年人教版高中英语选修十学案讲义Unit 3 Fairness for all词汇篇学生版.docx

1、学年人教版高中英语选修十学案讲义Unit 3 Fairness for all词汇篇学生版Unit 3 Fairness for all-词汇篇_1. 掌握常考词汇的运用;2. 掌握句型的运用;一. 单词扫描1. Dr King encourages us to fight against this unfair system which prohibits us blacks from sitting where we like.金博士鼓励我们同这个禁止我们黑人随意就坐的不公平的制度作斗争。prohibit vt. 禁止搭配:prohibit sb. from . 禁止某人做 prohibi

2、t sth. 禁止做如:The government introduced a law to prohibit tobacco commercials on TV.政府采用新法律来禁止电视上播放烟草广告。I fear that a prior engagement will prohibit me from joining you in dinner.有约在先,我恐怕不能与你共进晚餐。2. The other three submitted but Rosa was unwilling to do so and she was arrested.另外三个屈服了,而罗莎不愿意这样做,她拒绝站起来

3、,于是她被捕了。搭配:submit oneself to sth./ sb. 顺从,屈服 submit sth. to sb. 提交,呈递如:No one needs to submit to circumstances.我们不必屈从环境。We should submit our plans to the council for approval.我们应该向理事会提交计划以求批准。Soldiers must submit to orders.士兵应该服从命令。3. Theyre hopeful that they can negotiate a fairer situation if all

4、the blacks support them.他们满怀信心,如果全体黑人都支持他们,他们可以通过谈判而赢得一个较为公平的局面。 negotiate v. 商议,谈判,交涉派生:negotiation n. 商议,谈判,交涉如:Weve decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判。We are satisfied with the smoothness of the negotiation.我们对谈判的顺利进行很满意。4. The whites, on the other hand, s

5、houted abuse at us.而另一方面,白人们大声咒骂我们。句中abuse是动词(词性),意思是咒骂。如:The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.名词;“滥用”。Dont abuse your friends.动词;“辱骂”。Its easy to abuse ones power.动词;“滥用”。Abuse of animals is unusual behavior.名词;“虐待”。二. 句式突破1. It is regarded as an offence

6、if we sit at the front of a bus and if we break this law, we receive a heavy punishment.如果我们坐在公交车前面的座位上,就会被认为是违规了,如果我们不遵守这项法律,我们会遭到严惩。句型:It is regarded as/ that. 人们认为1)很多人认为上升的犯罪率与经济不景气有关。It is regarded that there is relation between the rising crime rate and the economic recession.2)英国内战通常被看作是现代世界史

7、的开端。The British Civil War is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.2. Today we went to church where our minister, Martin Luther King, Jr, announced that a boycott of the buses and trolleybuses will begin tomorrow. 今天我们去教堂做礼拜,我们的牧师马丁 路德 金宣布:从明天开始抵制公交车和无轨电车。1)该句的主干为:we went to ch

8、urch。where引导一个定语从句:where our minister, Martin Luther King, Jr, announced that a boycott of . tomorrow,修饰先行词church。在该从句中,Martin Luther King, Jr作our minister的同位语,that引导一个宾语从句:that a boycott of the buses and trolleybuses will begin tomorrow。2)boycott vt联合抵制e.g. We boycott all products tested on animals

9、.我们抵制用动物做产品实验。 n. 抵制boycott of / on / against 抵制called for a boycott 号召抵制organize a boycott 组织抵制e.g. The group is urging a nationwide boycott of toys manufactured with child labor. 这个组织呼吁联合抵制雇佣童工生产的玩具。 He called for a boycott of the elections. 他呼吁联合抵制选举活动。3. It is regarded as an offence if we sit at

10、 the front of a bus and if we break this law, we receive a heavy punishment. 如果我们坐在公交车前面的座位上,就会被认为是违规了,如果我们不遵守这项法律,我们会遭到严惩。1)front作名词,意为“前面,前部”。表示“某空间内部的前部”时,front前要加定冠词the;表示“某空间外部的前面”时,front前不用冠词。2)offense = offence n. (动词形式:offend) 冒犯;违法行为e.g. The possession of stolen property is a criminal offen

11、ce. 占有偷盗赃物是一种犯罪行为。 Punishment for a first offence is a fine.初犯的惩罚是罚款。His solicitor said he committed the offence because he was heavily in debt. 他的律师宣称他负债太多已构成犯罪。The bill makes it an offence to carry a knife.法令视携带刀具为犯规行为。4. Meanwhile the hostility of the whites grew. 然而,白人们的敌意也在不断上升!1)meanwhile意为“与此

12、同时”,可用作副词和名词(in the meanwhile),表示在某动作或情况发生或存在期间将可能发生另一件事。2)hostility n. 敌意;恶意hostility towards / between 敌意,恶意,不友善e.g. hostility towards foreigners. 对外国人不友善。5. Dr King encourages us to fight against this unfair system which prohibits us blacks from sitting where we like.金博士鼓励我们同这个禁止我们黑人随意就坐的不公平的制度作斗

13、争。观察 阅读下列各句,并试着总结prohibit 在句中的含义及用法。1) Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.2) At that time, there were laws that prohibited blacks from owning property.3) The high cost prohibits the widespread use of the drug.4) His poor eyesight prohibited him from becoming a pilot.归纳 prohibit作及物动词,其

14、含义及用法有: 禁止某事物或禁止某人做某事(尤指以法令 规章或条例的形式)。如句1和句2; 使(某事物)成为不可能,阻止。如句3和句4。常用结构为:prohibit sth. / sb. (from doing sth.),意为“禁止,阻止某事/某人做某事”。联想 prevent / stop / keep . from doing . 阻止做如:He threw himself in front of the door and prohibited / prevented / stopped / kept us from leaving.6. The other three submitte

15、d but Rosa was unwilling to do so and she refused.其他三个人乖乖起来让座,但是罗萨不愿意那样做,她不起来。submit vi. & vt. (submitted /submitting) 顺从;服从e.g. I will submit to nobody.我不会顺从任何人。 提交,呈送e.g. All applications must be submitted by Monday.所有的申请周一前必须提交。 主张,建议submit + (that)从句e.g. I submit that the jury has been influence

16、d by the publicity in this case.我承认陪审团在这个案件中已经受公众影响。7. I like to be punctual for work and no boycott is going to make me late.我向来喜欢准时上班,所以不会让抵制活动影响我迟到。1)punctual adj. 守时的;准时的同义:on time punctually 副词 punctuality 名词e.g. a punctual start at 9 oclock 九点整开始2)be punctual for sth. 守时e.g. Shes always very p

17、unctual for appointments.她总是很准时赴约。8. Those in the cars waved and we saluted them back.车上的人向我们挥手,我们向他们致意。salute vt.& vi. salutation 名词 欢迎,致敬 to salute the flag / an officer 向旗帜 / 长官敬礼e.g. The two soldiers saluted Lieutenant Cecil.那两个士兵向塞西尔中尉致敬。The men jumped to their feet and saluted.他们跳起来敬礼。 vt. 向致意

18、;赞扬,赞颂e.g. James Joyce was saluted as the greatest writer of the 20th century.詹姆斯乔伊斯被赞颂为20世纪最伟大作家。 vi. 致意,打招呼;行礼e.g. They all raised their glasses in salute.他们都举杯致意。 n. 致敬,欢迎;敬礼;举枪,举刀(礼)e.g. His first words were a salute to the people of South Africa.他的第一句话是向南非人民致敬。9. In court we won a fundamental v

19、ictory in the battle for our civil rights. 法庭上我们赢了这场为了人权的斗争中的根本胜利。fundamental adj. 基础的,根本的fundamentals n. 基本知识,基本原理e.g. We have to tackle the fundamental cause of the problem.我们必须抓住这个问题最基本的原因。10. It was not until November 13, 1956 that the US Supreme Court declared separation on buses was not consti

20、tutional.直到1956年11月13日,美国最高法院才宣布公共汽车上把黑人和白人分开是不合宪法规定的。1) constitutional 宪法的; 构成的 constitutionally 副词constitution 名词constitute 动词反义词:unconstitutional 违反宪法的2) supreme adj. 最高的, (程度)很大的,最大的e.g. He enjoys supreme power in this country.他在这个国家享有至高无上的权力。 It required a supreme effort to stay awake. 要用最大的努力保

21、持清醒。11. We may only have struck one small blow for liberty but who knows where itll lead?我们可能只是为了自己进行了一个小抗争,但是谁会知道这次小的抗争将来会怎么样?1) liberty n. 自由,随意e.g. individual / personal liberty 个人自由religious/political/economic liberty 宗教,政治,经济自由2) take the liberty of doing sth. 擅自或冒昧地去做某事e.g. I took the liberty

22、of canceling your reservation. 我随意取消预约。3) be at liberty to do something 表示一个人可以自由地、随意地、不受约束地做某事 e.g. I am not at liberty to discuss these matters.我没空讨论这些事情。12. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:“We hold these truths to be self-evident, th

23、at all men are created equal.”我有一个梦想,那就是有一天这个国家会站起,并实现真信条的真谛:“我们认为人人生而平等这个真理是不言而喻的。”1) live out 活过,实践e.g. The money enabled them to live out their dreams.这笔钱能使他们实现梦想。2) self-evident 不证自明的;不言而喻的。e.g. Its self-evident she wont pass, so why are they entering her for the exam?明摆着她不会及格,为什么他们还要为她报名参加考试呢?1

24、3. With this faith we will be able to transform the unpleasant sounds of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.带着这个信念,我们就能把我们国家中令人不快的声音转变成为洋溢着手足之情的优美交响乐。transform into 把变为e.g. The magician transformed the man into a rabbit.魔术师把一个人变成了一只兔子。1. If we sit near _ front of the bus, well have

25、_ better view. A. 不填; the B. 不填; a C. the; a D. the; the2. The incomes of skilled workers went up. _, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise3. If we leave right away, _ well arrive on time. A. hopefully B. curiously C. occasionally D. gradually4

26、. In that school, English is compulsory for all students, but French and Russian are _.A. special B. regional C. optional D. original5.The little girl who got lost decided to remain _ she was and wait for her mother.A. where B. what C. how D. who基础演练.单词识记 1. contribute v.捐献;贡献 (1)_n.捐款;捐资;贡献 (2)_n.捐

27、助人,作出贡献者2. civil adj.国民的,国家的 (1)_adv.有礼貌地 (2)_v.使文明;使有教养 (3)_adj.文明的3. encourage v.鼓励(1)_adj.被鼓励的(2)_adj.给人鼓励的(3)_adv.给人鼓励地(4)_n.鼓励;鼓舞4. offence n.冒犯;罪行(1)_v.得罪;冒犯(2)_n.犯罪者;违法者(3)_adj.烦人的5. hope n.& v.希望(1)_adj.抱有希望的(2)_adv.有希望地(3)_adj.绝望的(4)_adv.绝望地6. negotiate v.谈判;协商(1)_n.谈判;磋商(2)_n.谈判代表;协商者(3)_a

28、dj.可协商的7. punctual adj.准时的;守时的(1)_adv.准时地;守时地(2)_n.准时;守时8. coincidence n.巧合;一致(1)_adj.同时发生的(2)_adj.碰巧的9. fit vi.适合;合身;安装 adj.健康的;适合的(1)合身的;订做的(3)_n.装配工;修理工(4)_adj.适合的;恰当的10. develop v.发展;开发;研制(1)_n.发展(2)_n.开发者;研制者(3)_adj.发展中的(4)_adj.发达的;高度发展的.短语天地-英汉互译1. 成双的;成对的 _2. 计算出;计划;出现好结果 _3. 为而斗争/战斗 _4. 构成;编造 _5. 有道理;有意义;讲得通 _6. seize on _7. prohibit sb. from (doing) sth. _8. as regards _9. live out _10. none other than _.所给词正确形式填空1. His rudeness has_ many people. (offence)2. Chinese _ is one of the oldest in the world. (civilize)3. He runs 3 miles every mornin

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