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1、英语基础练习Unit1 Will people have robots?一、单词将;会;要机器人每件事情纸张(few的比较级)较少的污染树木建筑物;楼房航天员火箭太空;空间太空站飞行Take的过去时月亮落下Fall的过去时爱上单独地;孤独地宠物鹦鹉大概;或许去滑冰一套衣服能;能够有能力做某事穿衣非正式的;随意的哪个;哪几个甚至世界杯Write的过去时我自己;我本人面谈;面试v预言;预测n 预言;预测come的过去时实现;达到声音公司Think的过去时策略;战略小说使人不愉快科学家未来;将来大量;许多早已;已经Make的过去时工厂简单的;简易的这样的;这种厌烦的;厌倦的各地;到处人;人类巨大的;

2、庞大的外形;形状地震蛇可能的电的;导电的牙刷像是;似乎不可能的;不会发生的家务;家务事级别;等级二、词组1、去上学 2、在家 3、使用钱 4、免费 5、休闲时间 6、更少的人 7、更多的污染 8、五年后 9、电脑程序员 10、在太空站11、爱上了 12、作为一名记者 13、有趣的人 14、不同的宠物 15、养一只宠物鹦鹉 16、滑冰 go skating17、工作日期间 18、在周末 19、能 20、度假 21、下一届世界杯 22、获奖 23、需要 24、实现25、当然 26、未来 27、看起来像 28、同一样 29、例如 30、一遍又一遍 31、这样的工作 32、一百年前 33、帮助 34、

3、花费几百年的时间 35、是机器人行走和跳舞三、句型 1、污染会少些吗?Will _ _ _ pollution?2、不,不会的。No,_ _.3、会有更多的污染。There _ _ _ pollution.4、树木会更少吗?Will there be _ _?5、孩子们将不去上学。Kids _go to _.6、孩子们将在家里的电脑上学习。Kids will _ _ home _computers.7、你认为人们家里会有机器人吗?_ you think there will _ robots in _home?8、我会穿得跟休闲一些。Ill _ _ _ dress _ casuallly.9、

4、哪个国家会赢得下届世界杯?_ country will _ the _ World Cup? 10、明天的天气将会是怎么样?What_ the weather _ _ tomorrow?四、根据课文填空_ ten years,I think Ill_ a reporter. Ill_ in Shanghai, _ I wen to Shanghai last year and _ in love_ it. I think its _ a beartiful city. _ a report. I think I _meet lots of interesting people. I _ Ill

5、 live_ an _ with my best friends, because I dont like living _, Ill _ pets. I cant have_ pets now because my mother _them, and our apartment_ too small, so in ten years, Ill have many _pets, I _even _ a pet parrot! Ill probably go_ and swimming every day. _ the week Ill_ smart, and _ will wear a sui

6、t. _ the weekend, Ill be_ to dress more _. I think Ill go to to Hong Kong _ vacation, and one day I might _ visit Australia.相关中考巨型18. help sb. (to) do / help sb. wth sth.你可以帮助我学化学吗? _ my chemistry?2. 那个男孩帮老人把一捆柴扛上了山。The boy _carry a bunch of wood up the hills.3. 他要我帮他解决那个问题。He asked me _.4. 最好的办法就是帮

7、助他们找到水。The best policy is _.5. 她走进了办公室,帮老师拿录音机。She went into the teachers office to_ the tape recorder.19. I dont think that1. 我认为王平不是一个好学生。_ _ Wangping is a good student.2. 我认为他不会来。_ he will come.3我觉得他不会放弃学习。_ he will give up study.4. 我认为长时间坐在电脑前对眼睛没有好处。 _ it is good for your eyes to sit too long a

8、t a computer.5. 我并不觉得你哥哥很健壮。_ your elder brother is strong.1. 我认为小鸡不会游泳。_ chickens _ swim.26. keep /make sth. +adj.1. 请你把门敞开着好吗?Will you please ?2. 请保持阅览室整洁。Please .3. 每天做运动可保持身体健康。Doing exercises .4. 夏天我们必须保持牛奶和肉类的新鲜。In summer, we .5. 危险时我们保持镇静很重要。 in danger.6. 让我们把城市变得更美。Lets .7. 等他使我很生气。Waiting f

9、or him .8. 象粉色这种柔和的颜色使人们感到放松。Soft color like pink .9. 这部电影太悲伤了以至于让我们都哭了。The movie .10. 他的话使父母很生气。What he said .28. make/ let sb. ( not) do sth. 1. 王老师病了,咱们去看望他吧!Mrs Wang is ill. _ to see her. 让他不要把书借给我弟弟,他会把书弄坏的。_the book to my younger brother, he will break it. 为了学好英语,老师总是让我们早晨大声朗读。 To learn Englis

10、h well, the teacher always in the morning. 今天天气不错,让我们去走走吧 Its a fine day today. _for a walk.5. 妈妈让我尽快把屋子整理干净。My mother _ as soon as possible.6. 不如让王先生开车吧,你们都喝醉了。Please_, you are all drunk.22. It takes sb. some time to do sth.1. 他每周用两个小时的时间做家务。_ the housework2. 昨天他花了四个小时才到那儿。 there yesterday.3. 那道数学题

11、真难,我花了两个小时的时间才做出来。The math problem wan so difficult that _.4. 我每天步行去上班只需十分钟。_ to office every day.5. 她花了三个月做这个实验。_ do this experiment.43. Onethe other/Some others1. 我有两件T-恤。一件白色,一件黑色。I have two T-shirts. _2. 我有两个好朋友。一个喜欢画画,一个喜欢打篮球。I have two friends. _3. 我有两支钢笔。其中一个很便宜,另一支很贵。I have two pens. _4. 同学们

12、正在上体育课。一些同学在踢足球,一些同学跑步。The students were having PE class. _5. 春天到了,一些同学想去爬山,另一些同学想去远足。Spring is coming. _6. 这是我最喜欢的两本书。一本叫西游记,另一本叫哈里.波特。 These are my two favorite books. One is called The Monkey King, _ 7. 一些人说印度电影很无聊,但另一些人说它们很棒。Some people say the Indian films are boring, .8. 我有两个收音机。一个是大的,另一个是小的。I

13、 have two radios. _.9. 我有两个爱好。一个是游泳,另一个是滑冰。I have two hobbies. _.10. 周三下午有两节课。一节是化学,另一节是政治。There are two classes on Wednesday afternoon. _, the other is politics.11. 学生们都在做扫除。一些在扫地,还有一些在擦玻璃。All the students are doing some cleaning. _, others are cleaning the windows.12. “学生们在干什么?” “有的在种树,有的在给树浇水。Wha

14、t are the students doing? _.13我有两个朋友,一个来自美国,另一个来自英国。I have two friends. _.14. 学生们在上体育课,一些人在打排球,另一些人在踢足球。The students are having their P.E. lessons. _,_.15. 公园里有许多人,一些在划船,一些在钓鱼。There are many people in the park. _.41. Its important for sb. to do sth.1. 学好英语对我们来说很重要。Its _well.2. 每天吃早餐对我们的身体健康很重要。_ bre

15、akfast every day.3. 为了学好语文,多读好书是很重要的。_ more good books in order to learn English well.4. 多做体育运动对我们的身体很重要。_more exercise.5.多外出旅行对开阔我们的视野很重要。_to open our eyes to go sight-seeing.答案18. help sb. (to) do / help sb. wth sth.2. Could you please help me with3. helped the old man to4. to help him to solve th

16、e problem5. to help them find water6. help her teacher with19. I dont think that1. I dont think2. I dont think 3. I dont think 4. I dont think 5. I dont think 6. I dont think , can26. keep /make sth. +adj.1. keep the door open 2. keep the reading room clean (and tidy) 3. keeps healthy / can keep hea

17、lthy 4. have to keep milk and meat fresh5. Its important for us to keep calm 6. make our city more beautiful7. made me angry 8. makes people relaxed9. was so sad that it made us cry 10. made his parents very angry28. make/ let sb. ( not) do sth. 1. Make him not lend2. Lets go 3. makes us read aloud4

18、. Lets go out5. makes me clean the room6. let Mr. Wang drive the car22. It takes sb. some time to do sth.1. It takes him two hours every week to do 2. It took him four hours to get3. it took me two hours to work it out4. It takes me only ten minutes to walk5. It took her three months to 43. Onethe o

19、ther/Some others1. One is white, the other is black.2. One likes drawing, the other likes playing basketball.3. One is cheap, the other is expensive.4. Some are playing football, others are running.5. Some students want to climb hills, others want to go hiking.6. the other is called Harry Potter.7.

20、but others say they are great.8. One is big , the other is small.9. One is swimming , the other is skating.10. One is chemistry11. Some are sweeping the floor12. Some are planting the trees, others are watering the trees.13. One is from America, the other is from England.14. Some are playing volleyb

21、all, others are playing soccer.15. Some are boating, others are fishing.41. Its important for sb. to do sth.1. important for us to study English2. Its important for our health to eat3. Its important for us to read 4. Its important for us to take5. Its important for us,Unit 1词组1、去上学 go to school2、在家

22、at home3、使用钱 use money4、免费 be free5、休闲时间 free time6、更少的人 fewer people7、更多的污染 more pollution8、五年后 in five years9、电脑程序员 computer programmer10、在太空站 on a space station11、爱上了 fall in love with12、作为一名记者 as a reporter13、有趣的人 interesting people14、不同的宠物 different pets15、养一只宠物鹦鹉 keep a pet parrot16、滑冰 go skat

23、ing17、工作日期间 during the week18、在周末 on the weekend19、能 be able to20、度假 on vacation21、下一届世界杯 the next World Cup22、获奖 win awards23、需要 need to24、实现 come true25、当然 of course26、未来 in the future27、看起来像 look like28、同一样 the same as29、例如 for example30、一遍又一遍 over and over again31、这样的工作 such jobs32、一百年前 a hundre

24、d years ago33、帮助 help with34、花费几百年的时间 take hundreds of years35、是机器人行走和跳舞 make robots walk and dance句型1、污染会少些吗?Will there be less pollution?2、不,不会的。No,there wont.3、会有更多的污染。There will be more pollution.4、树木会更少吗?Will there be fewer trees?5、孩子们将不去上学。Kids wont go to school.6、孩子们将在家里的电脑上学习。Kids will study

25、 a home on computers.7、你认为人们家里会有机器人吗?Do you think there will be robots in peoles home?8、我会穿得跟休闲一些。Ill be able to dress more casuallly.9、哪个国家会赢得下届世界杯?Which country will win the next World Cup? 10、明天的天气将会是怎么样?What will the weather be like tomorrow?四、根据课文填空In ten years,I think Ill be a reporter. Ill li

26、ve in Shanghai, because I wen to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. I think its really a beartiful city. As a report. I think I will meet lots of interesting people. I think Ill live in an apartment with my best friends, because I dont like living alone, Ill have pets. I cant have any pets now because my mother hates them, and our apartment is too small, so in ten years, Ill have many different pets,

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