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人教版八年级上册英语 Unit 8 词汇与语法基础解析版 2.docx

1、人教版八年级上册英语 Unit 8 词汇与语法基础解析版 2知识图谱Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?知识精讲一、必背词汇shake ek vt. 动摇;摇动;震动vi.动摇;摇动;发抖n. 摇动;哆嗦milk shake奶昔(牛奶和冰淇淋等的混合饮料)blenderblendr 搅拌器;果汁机peel pil vt.剥落;削皮pour pr倒;倾倒yogurt jogt酸奶;honey hni蜂蜜watermelon wtrmeln西瓜spoon spun 勺,调羹pot pt n. 壶;盆;罐vt. 把装罐;射击;节略vi.随手射击add

2、 d 增加finally fanli 最后,最终saltslt盐sugargr糖cheesetiz干酪,奶酪popcorn ppkn 爆米花corn krn玉米,谷物machinemin 机器dig d vt. 挖,掘;探究vi. 挖掘n.戳,刺;挖苦hole hl n. 洞,孔;洞穴,穴;突破口vi.穿孔;(高尔夫球等)进洞vt. 凿洞sandwichsnwt 三明治butterbtr 黄油,奶油turkey trki火鸡lettuce lets 莴苣,生菜piecepis 件;篇;片;块;Thanksgiving ,ksv n. 感恩节traditional trdnl 传统的autumn

3、 tm n. 秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期adj. 秋天的,秋季的traveler trvl 旅行者Englandglnd 英格兰;英国celebrate selbret 庆祝;庆贺mix mks vt. 配制;混淆;使混和;使结交vi. 参与;相混合;交往n. 混合;混合物;混乱pepper pepr 胡椒粉;辣椒fill fl vt. 装满,使充满;满足;堵塞;任职vi. 被充满,膨胀n. 满足;填满的量;装填物ovenvn烤箱;烤炉plate pleit n. 碟;金属板;金属牌;感光底片t. 电镀;给装甲coverkvr 遮盖,盖子,gravyrevi肉汁;肉汤servesrv接待,服

4、务temperature temprtr 温度,气候二、重点词汇1. add verb /d/to put something with something else to increase the number or amount or to improve the whole加,相加;增加,添加;补充说,继续说1). Beat the butter and sugar together and slowly add the eggs.把黄油和糖搅拌在一起,再慢慢把鸡蛋打进去。2). Shes added a Picasso to her collection.她的收藏中增添了一件毕加索的画

5、作。2. traditional adjective /trdnl/following or belonging to the customs or ways of behaving that have continued in a group of people or society for a long time without changing传统的1). The villagers retain a strong attachment to their traditional values/customs/beliefs.村民们依然固守着传统的价值观/ 习俗/ 信仰。2). The s

6、chool uses a combination of modern and traditional methods for teaching reading.该校采用传统与现代方式相结合的方法教授阅读。3. mix verb /mks/to (cause different substances to) combine, so that the result cannot easily be separated into its parts(使)混合,拌和1). Oil and water dont mix. Even if you shake them together they sepa

7、rate into two layers.油与水不相融合。即使你将其混在一起摇晃,它们也会分为两层。2). Radioactive material was mixed in/up (with) the effluent.放射物质被混在了废水里。3). Mix the eggs into the flour.在面粉里和入些鸡蛋。4. fill verb /fl/to make or become full; to use empty space(使)充满,(使)装满,(使)注满;占据;布满1). I filled the bucket with water.我往桶里注满了水。2). I cou

8、ld hear the tank filling.我能听见往蓄水池里注水的声音。3). She filled most of her time watching TV.我去图书馆打发开会前的一个小时。5. serve verb /sv/to provide food or drinks提供(食物或饮料)1). Do they serve meals in the bar?这家酒吧提供饭菜吗?2). Breakfast is served in the restaurant between 7.00 and 11.00.餐馆早上7点到9点供应早餐。三、必背短语turn on 打开fillwith

9、 充满coverwith覆盖make dishes做菜one by one一个接一个mix everything together 把所有东西混在一起四、经典句型1. How do you make a banana milk shake?2. -How many bananas do we need?-We need three bananas.3. -How much yogurt do we need?-We need one cup of yogurt.4. Turn on the blender.5. Cut up the bananas.三点剖析一、考点:英语中的名词可分为可数名词

10、和不可数名词。1. 可数名词可数名词指物体的数量可数。其单数形式可在名词前加a或an,表示“一个”,如:a banana“一根香蕉”。其复数形式在词尾加-s或-es(特殊情况除外),如:two bananas“两根香蕉”。2. 不可数名词不可数名词指物体的数量不可数。不可数名词没有单复之分,也不能在单词前直接加冠词a或an。表示不可数名词的数量时在不可数名词前加相应的量词构成短语。如:a piece of“一片”。3. 可数名词与不可数名词的修饰词1). 可数名词的数量除了用冠词a/ an和基数词表示外,还可用下面的词表示:many“许多”,如:many apples许多苹果a few“几个”

11、,如:a few students几个学生few“很少”,如:few people很少的人2). 不可数名词还可用下面的词表示数量:much“许多”,如:much rain大量的雨a little“一点儿”,如:a little water一点儿水little“很少”,如:little meat一丁点肉3). 既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词的词有:lots of=a lot of“许多、大量”;some“一些”(用于肯定句)。二、易错点:How many与how muchhow many和how much都用来对“数量”进行提问,意为“多少”,前者主要用来对可数名词的数量进行提问,后接可数

12、名词复数;后者主要用来对可数名词的量进行提问,后接不可数名词。另外,how much还可以直接用于询问价格。如:-How many weeks are there is a year? 一年有多少个星期?-There are fifty-two.有五十二个。-How much is your backpack? 你的背包多少钱?-Its thirty yuan. 三十元。-How much milk is there in the glass?杯子里有多少牛奶?-There is only a little. 只有一点。题模精选题模一:可数名词和不可数名词例1.1.1 -Its hot tod

13、ay. Have some _, please.-No, thanks. Im not thirsty at all.A.waterB.potatoesC.breadD.cakes例1.1.2 The broken _ may cut into your hand if you touch it. You should be careful.A.glassB.glassesC.candleD.candles例1.1.3 根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 (1)Its wasteful (浪费) to _ (倒掉) the clean water.(2)We almost need _ (盐

14、) every meal.(3)I dont like pure(纯) milk; I like y_.例1.1.4 单词拼写(词汇运用)根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。 (1)Well live in a new a_ next year.(2)Robots can do s_ jobs and dont get bored.(3)Whats the s_ of the tree?(4)Koalas usually sleep d_ the day.(5)Where will you spend your h_?题模二:how many, how much的用法例1.2.1 -_ studen

15、ts are there in your class?-Forty-one.A.How manyB.How muchC.How longD.How heavy例1.2.2 _ does a car cost in China?-It can cost as little as 50,000 yuan and as much as 300,00 yuan.A.How manyB.How muchC.How moneyD.How price随堂练习随练1.1 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。1. They need some _ (蜂蜜) .2. Could you help me _ (倒出) so

16、me orange juice into the glass?3. Early this morning I was busy _ (挖) in the garden to plant trees.4. Eating too much _ (糖) is bad for your teeth.5. Dont have the _ (机器) working all day.随练1.2 用所给词的适当形式填空1. After two hours discussion, they _ (final) reached an agreement.2. -What are you doing?-Im _ (

17、peel) a banana.3. Would you like to buy some _ (tomato) and _ (yogurt)?4. In summer, there are a lot of _ (watermelon) in the supermarket.5. I dont like drinking, _ (orange) but I like eating _ (orange).随练1.3 选词填空(词汇运用)根据旬意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。每词限用一次。(1)They work _ the night and sleep by day. (2)

18、There are many trees on both_ of the road. (3)_ need light and water.(4)The factory didnt provide(提供) a good _for its workers. (5)They have six holiday_ for sale. 随练1.4 句型转换句型转换。(1)Will there be more pollution in the future? (作肯定回答)Yes, _ _. (2)There is a girl in the room. She is dancing.(合并为一句 )The

19、re _ a girl _ in the room. (3)Its impossible for me to work out that difficult problem.(改为同义句)It _ _ for me to work out that difficult problem.(4)Tom spent two hours finishing his homework.(改为同义句)It _ Tom two hours _ _ his homework.随练1.5 翻译根据汉语提示完成句子。(1)我们将会有更多的空闲时间。Well have _ _ time.(2)这个周末有足球赛吗?_

20、 _ be a soccer match this weekend?(3)我们今天下午要为英语考试作准备。We _ _ _ study for the English test this afternoon. (4)将来人们就不用钱了。People _ _ money in the future.(5)明天你打算做什么?What _ you _ _ _ tomorrow?随练1.6 补全对话根据对话内容。从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余A: Linda, I am reading a book about the future life.B: Sounds cool. _A: W

21、ell, I think I will be an excellent businessman (商人) in ten years.B: _A: Because I like selling things to people, and I am good with people.B: _A: I will live in Hangzhou. I went to Hangzhou three years ago and fell in love with (爱上) it.B: Will you live with your parents?A: Yes, I like living with m

22、y parents. _B: Will you have pets?A: Yes, I will. _I will walk them every day.B: What will you do to relax then?A: I will Visit lots of famous places with my pet dogs能力拓展拓展1 -Could you please tell me how to _ an apple milk shake?-Sorry, I cant.A.doB.buildC.makeD.cook拓展2 -What should I do next?-_ the

23、 warm water into the blender.A.PeelB.PourC.TakeD.Give拓展3 -How many _ can you see in the picture?-Two.A.dogB.childC.sheepsD.sheep拓展4 -Good morning. Can I help you?-Sure. Id like _.A.two cup of milkB.two piece of breadC.two pieces of breadsD.two cups of milk拓展5 语法填空根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的正确时态填空What will the

24、world be like in the future? I think a lot of what we see in science fiction films (科幻电影)_(come) true.There _ (be) flying cars parking (停) on top of buildings. If this happens, there wont be any busy streets! I _ (think) that most houses will be green, because we _ (use) green energy (能源) like wind.

25、 In the future, I think robots_ (do) most housework, so life will be easier.There _(be) robot teachers, too. Children_ (take) small computers to school, not books. No one really_(know) what our future will be like. All we need to do _ (be) to believe in ourselves. As Albert Einstein once _ (say), I

26、never think of the future. It comes soon enough. 拓展6 Hello, everyone. The plane will take off soon. Please _ your phone.A.turn onB.turn offC.turn downD.turn up拓展7 - _ do you often get to school, Michael?-On foot.A.HowB.WhenC.WhatD.Where拓展8 -These shoes look cool. _ are they?-They are on sale, only $

27、69.A.How muchB.How longC.How manyD.How soon拓展9 填空题用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加助动词或情态动词)(1) Look! The bus_ (come).(2) He_ (not go) home yesterday afternoon.(3) _ you _ (find) work in Hefei last year?(4)Tom usually_ (walk) to school.(5) The moon _ (move) round the earth.(6)The children_ (watch) TV at home ev

28、ery evening.(7) -What _ you _ (do) tomorrow? -Nothing much.(8) -Where is Jim? -He _ (mend) his bike in the garden.(9)Alice _ (write) two letters to her parents last week.(10) We _ (visit) you next Sunday. 拓展10 完形填空Most people have their future plans and dreams. And they hope the plans and dreams can _1_

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