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初三英语中考考点 二冠词.docx

1、初三英语中考考点 二冠词课题名称初三英语中考考点 二、冠词教学目标同步教学知识内容第一部分:词法 中考考点 二、冠词个性化学习问题解决冠词专题练习教学重点中考考点 二、冠词教学难点冠词专题练习教学内容中考考点二: 冠词的用法考查重点冠词的考查重点包括不定冠词a和an的用法,定冠词the的用法和零冠词的用法等。一.a和an的区别不定冠词有a和an两种形式,a用于辅音(不是辅音字母)开头的词前,an用于元音(不是元音字母)开头的词前。 例如:a boy, a university, a European country; an hour, an honor, an island, an eleph

2、ant, an umbrella, an honest man ,a useful book不看字母看读音,不见原因(元音)别施恩(n)二.不定冠词的用法1.泛指某一类人、事或物;相当于any,这是不定冠词a/an的基本用法。 A horse is an animal.2.泛指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。 A girl is waiting for you.3.表示数量,有“一”的意思,但数的概念没有one强烈。 I have a computer.4.表示“每一”,相当于every. I go to school five days a week.我一周上五天课。5.用在序数词前,表

3、示“又一”,“再一”。 I have three books. I want to buy a fourth one.6.用在某些固定词组中:a lot(of), after a while ,a few ,a little ,at a time ,have a swim ,have a cold ,in a hurry ,for a long time,have a good time ,have a look三.定冠词的用法1.特指某(些)人或某(些)物,这是定冠词的基本用法。The book on the desk is mine2.指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。Open the wind

4、ow, please.3.指上文已经提到的人或事物。I have a car. The car is red.4.指世界上独一无二的事物。Which is bigger, the sun or the earth?5.用在序数词,形容词最高级前。The first lesson is the easiest one in this book.6.用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。the Great Wall 长城,the United States 美国7.用在某些形容词前,表示某一类人。the poor穷人, the blind盲人8用在姓氏复数形式前,表示“全家人”或“夫妻俩”。the Gr

5、eens 格林一家或格林夫妻俩9.用在方位词前。on the left在左边,in the middle of在中间10.用在乐器名称前。She plays the piano every day.11.用在表示海洋,河流,山脉,群岛及国家和党派等名词前。the Black Sea黑海,the Yangzi River长江12.用在某些固定词组中:all the same仍然;all the time一直;at the moment此刻;at the same time同时;by the way顺便说;do the shopping/washing买东西/洗衣服;in the morning/

6、afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上;in the open air 在户外,在野外四.零冠词的用法1.棋类,球类,一日三餐名词前不用任何冠词 Play chess play football have supper特例:当football,basketball指具体的某个球时,其前可以用冠词:I can see a football.我可以看到一只足球。Wheres the football?那只足球在哪儿?(指足球,并非“球类运动”)2.季节,月份,星期,节假日名词前不用任何冠词.In July in summer on Monday on Teachers Day3.人

7、名,地名,国家名前不加冠词Beijing is the capital of China4.学科,语言,称呼,语职务名词前不用冠词Math is hard to learn5.复数名词表示类别时不加冠词They are workers I like eating apples6.名词前已有物主代词(my,your,his,her等)、指示代词(this/these,that/those)、不定代词(some,any等)及所有格限制时,不用冠词my book(正);my the book(误)7.在表特定的公园,街道,车站,桥,学校等之前。No.25 Middle School五.用与不用冠词的

8、差异in hospital住院/in the hospital在医院里 in front of在(外部的)前面/in the front of在(内部的)前面 at table进餐/at the table在桌子旁 by sea乘船/by the sea在海边 go to school(church)上学(做礼拜)/go to the school(church)到学校(教堂)去two of us我们当中的两人/the two of us我们两人(共计两人) next year明年/the next year 第二年a teacher and writer一位教师兼作家(一个人)/a teac

9、her and a writer一位教师和一位作家(两个人)英语冠词专项复习中考真题集锦:真题l(2004甘肃、青海卷35)-John,there is _Mr. Wilson on the phone for you.-Im in( ) bath.A.a;the B.the;a C.a;不填 D. the;不填真题2(2004重庆卷32)The most important thing about cotton in history is _part that it played in _Industrial Revolution.A.不填;不填 B.the;不填 C.the;the D.a

10、;the真题3(2004广东卷28)While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope.Newton made _ discovery which completely changed _ mans understanding of colour.A.a;不填 B.a;the C.不填;the D.the;a真题4(2004福建卷23)Its _world of wonders,_world where anything can happen.A. a;the B. a;a C.the;a D.不填;不填真题5(2004湖北卷23)

11、There was _time _I hated to go to schoo1.A. a;that B.a;when C.the;that D.the:when真题6(2004辽宁卷31)When you finish reading the book,you will have _ better understanding of_ lifeA.a;the B.the;a C.不填;the D.a:不填真题7(2004浙江卷22)The Wilsons live in _A-shaped house near the coast.It is _17th century cottage.A.t

12、he;/;the C./;the;a真题8(2004江苏卷27)Tom owns _ larger collection of _books than any other student in our class.A. the;不填 B.a;不填 C.a;the D.不填:the真题9(全国河南、河北、山东、福建24)When you come here for your holiday next time,dont go to _hotel:I can find you _bed in my flat.A. the;a B.the;不填 C.a;the D.a;不填真题1

13、0(2004四川卷31)If you buy more than ten,they knock 20 pence off _.A. a price B.price C.the price D.prices真题11(2004天津卷24)When he left _college,he got a job as _reporter in a newspaper office.A.不填;a B.不填;the C.a;the D.the;the真题12(2004湖南卷26)For a long time they walked without saying _word.Jim was the firs

14、t to break _silence.A.the:a B.a;the C.a;不填 D.the;不填真题13(北京春季卷28)On _news today,there were _reports of heavy snow in that area.A.the:the B.the;不填 C.不填;不填 D.不填;the真题14(2004上海春季卷28) .As a rule, domestic servants doing odd jobs are the hour hour all hour hours真题15(2003全国卷26)The

15、 sign reads “In case of _fire,break the glass and push _red button.”A.不填:a B.不填;the C.the;the D.a;a真题16(2003上海卷25)I earn 10 dollars _hour as _supermarket cashier on Saturdays.A. a;an B.the;a;a;the真题17(2003北京春季卷24)Theres _dictionary on _desk by your side.A.a;the B.a;a C.the;a D.the:the真题18(

16、2003安徽春季卷23)-Where is my blue shirt?-Its in the washing machine.You have to wear _different one.A.any B.the C.a D.0ther真题19(2003上海春季卷23)An accident happened at _crossroads a few metres away from _bank.A.a;a B.不填;a C.不填;the D.the:不填真题20(2002全国卷26) 。Jumping out of _airplane at ten thousand feet is qui

17、te _exciting experience.A.不填;the B.不填;an;an D.the, the真题21(2002上海卷21)One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _good knowledge of basic word formation.A./ B.the C.a D.one真题22(2002京、蒙、皖春季卷26)I dont like talking on _telephone;I prefer writing_ letters.A.a;the B.the;不填 C.the;the D.a;

18、不填真题23(2002上海春季卷22)The cakes are delicious.Hed like to have _third one because _second one is rather too small.A.a:a B.the;the C.a;the D.the;a真题24(2001全国卷29)The warmth of _sweater will of course be determined by the sort of _wool used.A.the;the B.the;不填 c.不填;the D.不填;不填真题25(2001上海卷21)A bullet hit th

19、e soldier and he was wounded in _leg.A.a C.the D.his真题26(2001京、蒙、皖春季卷10)Mr Smith,theres a man at _front door who says he has _news for you of great importance.A.the;不填 B.the;the C.不填;不填 D.不填;the真题27(2000全国卷10)Most animals have little connection with _ animals of _ different kind unless they ki

20、ll them for food.A.the;a B.不填;a C.the;the D.不填:the【1答案及解析】A不定冠词修饰人名时,表示初次提到一个人,或者说话者认为没有必要或不想具体说明是哪一个。根据谈话的内容,所说的bath(澡堂,浴室)显然是说话双方都知道的,故前面须加定冠词,因此答案选A。【2答案及解析】C part意指作用。特指工业革命时期所起的作用应加the,由普通名词构成的专有名词前用the。因此c为正确答案。【3答案及解析】A根据句子的意思,牛顿的一次发现,是泛指,应用不定冠词;而人类的观念,不是某一个人,故在man前不能用冠词,答案选A。【4答案及解析】B 世界上独一无

21、二的事物前一般用定冠词,但当此名词带有定语修饰时,前面应用不定冠词,故答案选B。【5答案及解析】B 根据句子的意思,并没有明确表明某一段时间,因此,这是泛指一段时间,从而排除C、D;而从句的主、谓、宾等齐全,从而可知,a time在从句中作状语,故答案选B。【6答案及解析】D表示对某东西有所了解时,习惯在understanding前加不定冠词;而life泛指生活时,前面不用任何冠词,故答案选D。【7答案及解析】D 根据house、cottage,两个空都必须填冠词,从而排除A、C;第二空后的17th century只表示房子的年代特征,而不表示具体的顺序.【8答案及解析】B 第一空填不定冠词,

22、a collection of是常用结构,意为:的收集品。a+抽象名词+of,这样的短语还有:a knowledge of,a waste of,a variety of.a number of,a way of等。第二空后的名词泛指书籍,因此不用冠词。【9答案及解析】A 本题考查冠词用法。find sb.a bed为固定短语,意为为某人安排床铺;前面go to the hotel或go to a hotel都可以。用排除法可得出答案选A。【10答案及解析】C the price表特指买10个物品所要的价钱,故要加定冠词the。【11答案及解析】A当“college,school,hospit

23、al”等名词表示一种状态时,前面不能用冠词修饰;而reporter表示泛指某种身份时,前面加不定冠词。故答案选A。【12答案及解析】B第一空填不定冠词,表示泛指,意思是“一句话”;第二空填定冠词,特指前面“没有说一句话而形成的沉默”。【13答案及解析】B因news后有today修饰,特指“今天的新闻”,故用the;第二空泛指某方面的报道,并非特指,reports为复数,故其前不用冠词。【14答案及解析】A by为介词,意为“以为标准或单位,以计”。主要有两种表达方式:by +the+度量名词,如:by the day,by the yard;by+范畴名词.如:by time,by weigh

24、t,by length。【15答案及解析】B fire是物质名词,其前可用零冠词或定冠词。泛指时用零冠词,特指时用定冠词。前一个空表泛指,因而用零冠词;后一个空要填定冠词,特指那个红色的按钮。译文:标志上写着“如果发生火灾,打碎玻璃并按下红色按钮”。【16答案及解析】C hour以元音开头,前面加不定冠词an,an hour每小时;。表示“一个”,放在supermarket cashier前面表示类指,说明人的身份。译文:星期六我做超市出纳员每小时挣10美元。a/an的用法规则:以元音音素开头的单词前用an,以辅音音素开头的单词前用a。【17答案及解析】A desk后有by your side

25、修饰表特定的,故前面要用the;there be后的名词常用非特定形式,故用a。【18答案及解析】 C题意只是简单地表示“需另一件衣服”,由于不知“我”共有几件衣服,排除B;other前无the,后需用复数名词,排除D;any强调“任意一个”,排除A。【19答案及解析】 A at a crossroads表示“十字路L1”,crossroads是复数形式单数用法;bank是可数名词,不能单独使用,前要加冠词或用复数。此处是泛指.前面要用不定冠词a。【20答案及解析】C airplane和experience都是可数名词,表示泛指,前要加不定冠词。译文:从一万英尺高的飞机里跳出来是一次令人激动的

26、经历。【21答案及解析】C a knowledge of sth.为固定短语,意思为:对某事物有一点了解。knowledge是不可数名词,当被某些修饰语修饰时,前面要加不定冠词,如:He has a very good knowledge of English.他在英语方面有丰富的知识。【22答案及解析】B从第一空可排除A和D,因为本题意思是:“我”不喜欢在电话上(即通过电话)谈话。on the telephone通过电话,on a telephone是指在一部电话上,类似的还有-on the radio,on the internet,on TV等。后一个空应是泛指,不用the也不用a(因为

27、是复数)。【23答案及解析】 C注意序数词前面的冠词的用法:当序数词表示顺序时用定冠词the;表示再一次时使用不定冠词a(an)。从句子的意思可知,a third one表示再吃一个;the second one表示所吃的第二个。译文:蛋糕很好吃。他想再吃一个,因为第二个太小了。【24答案及解析】 B a/an/the+可数名词单数表示类别或直接用可数名词复数表示类别(通常指物),所以sweater前用定冠词表示类别限定;the sort of wool = the wool。【25答案及解析】 C伤及某人某部位或拍、打、拉某人某部位要用句式wound/bite/beat/pat/take +sb+介词+the+部位。译文:子弹击中了战士,他的腿受了伤。【26答案及解析】A第一空是特指;news为不可数的抽象名词,不加冠词。【27答案及解析】B表示“某种”时常用词组a/this/that/those +kind(s)of+名词,亦可用名词复数+0f+kind(s),两个animals都是表泛指的名词复数,故都不带冠词。of a kind同一类的;of a different kind另一类的,都属固定结构。译文:大部分的动物中,一个种群与其他种群之间是没有什么联系的,除非是捕杀它们作为食物。

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