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1、高考英语短语动词汇编一 介词at 构成的短语 all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何 ones service 听候某人吩咐 a loss 困惑,不知所措 first sight 乍一看,初看起来 the expense of 由.付费由.负担费用;以.为代价 ones ease 安详,自在,不拘束 the sight of 当看到.时,一见.就 stake 在胜败关头 length 详细地;最终,终于 hand 近在手边,在附近 the risk of 冒着.的危险二 包含all 的短语

2、1.all the best 万事如意 2.all in all 从各方面说,总的说来3.all the same 都一样,无所谓;尽管如此,仍然4.above all 首先,尤其是 5.all too often soon 太频繁/太快6.all at once all of a sudden in a flash 突然7.all but 几乎,差一点8.once(and)for all 一劳永逸地 9.all the way 一直,完全三 动词be构成的短语动词 married to 与.结婚 engaged to 与.订婚 engaged in sth be o

3、ccupied with sth be occupied in doing sth be employed in 从事,忙于 tired of 对.厌烦 tired with 因感到疲劳 burdened with 负重 equipped with 装备 furnished with 提供,布置 worth doing 值得做 proud of take pride in 以.而骄傲 content to do sth甘愿于干 content with 对.感到满意 up to sb 是某人的职责,由

4、某人决定 Be up to sth 多达,能胜任 meant intended/designed for/to do 打算给,打算用作 crazy about be keen on be enthusiastic about 对.狂热 hard on 对.苛刻,使.极为难 calculated to do sth. 旨在,打算或计划做某事 badly off 贫困的 upon sb 逼近某人 thankful/grateful to sb for sth 对.心存感激 capable of 有能力,能够

5、 strict in sth. 对某事严格要求 be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求 四 动词break构成的短语动词 1.break out 爆发 2.break in 打断;闯入3.break into 闯入;破门而入 4.break away from 脱离5.break down (机器,车辆)坏了;身体跨了;谈判失败了;精神崩溃;分解 6.break up 驱散,拆散,学校放假7.break through 突破8.break off 折断;中断;断绝五 动词carry构成的短语动词1.carry on 进行 2.carry out 执行;进行3.carry away

6、 拿走4.carry off夺走,抢走六 动词call构成的短语动词 on 拜访某人 on sb to do 号召 at 拜访某地 for 需要;要求;邀约(人);取(物) in 请来;收回 up打电话;征召;回想起 off 取消 forth 唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起七 动词catch,hold构成的短语动词 1.catchtakeget hold of sth. 抓住某物2.catch up with 赶上3.catch sight of 发现;看到4.hold up 举起;阻滞(交通等)

7、;耽搁5.hold back 阻止;控制,抑制;隐瞒6.hold out 维持坚持;伸出7.hold on (在困境或危险中)坚持,(打电话时用语)别挂断8.hold on to 紧紧抓住;不出手,不转让八 动词come构成的短语动词 e into being (事物、局面等)产生;形成e along 过来;快点e out 出来;出版 e true 实现e back to life 苏醒过来 bring.back to lifee to the point 说到要点,触及问题实质e about 发生,造成 e across run into meet with knock into 碰见e t

8、o an end 结束 bring to an end put an end/a stop to sth e to light 为人所知,显露 bring sth to light 使(某事)显露出来 throw light upon 使明白,阐明 e up with 提出,想出;拿出一笔钱e up 被提出 13.when it comes to 当谈到.时e to terms with达成协议,妥协 be on good terms with in the long term in terms of 九 动词do构成的短语动词 good to 对.有好处 harm to 对

9、.有害处 with 处理 sb.a favour 帮某人的忙 up 系纽扣;梳理 without 没有.也行,用不着,将就 go without 没有 manage without 没有.也行 violence to 对.施暴十 动词get构成的短语动词 1.get over 克服;度过 2.Get together 相聚3.get onalong well with与.相处融洽,进展顺利4.get into trouble 陷入麻烦 5.get in a word 插话6.get rid of 除掉 7.get through 通过;接通;完成;用完

10、 8.get aboutaroundround传开,传出去9.get across 使理解10.get down to(doing)sth安心做,开始认真干11.get accustomed/used to 习惯于十一 动词give构成的短语动词 1.give up 放弃2.give in ( to) 屈服;投降3.give out run out run out of use up 用完;耗尽4.give away 分发;捐赠;泄露5.give off 放出 6.give back 归还;恢复 7.give birth to 生育 十二 动词go构成的短语动词 1.go ahead 继续;干

11、吧2.go by (时间)过去;经过(地点)3.go out (灯、火)熄灭4.go on(doing) 继续做某事5.go on to do sth接着做另外的事6.go over 检查;复习7.go through 完成;通过;经历;仔细检察8.go all out trydo ones best 竭尽全力9.go about 开始着手,到处走动,传开10.go for 运用于,应用于11.go in for 参加,爱好 12.go with 相配 13.go without 不吃喝用14.go up 上升,上涨15.go down 下降,降沉,下沉十三 动词have构成的短语动词 1.h

12、ave a word with sb 和某人说句话2.have words with 争吵3.have(deep)effects on 对.有(深远)影响4.have difficulty in find difficulty in have trouble in 做有困难十四 动词keep构成的短语动词1.Keep sb company 陪伴某人2.keep track of 把握.动态.保持.联系;记录3.keep up with 跟上 put up with be fed up woth catch up with break up with4.keep back 保留;阻止;隐瞒;拒留

13、5.keep away from 远离6.keep out of 使.不进入7.keeppreventstop.from doing sth 制止(防止).做某事8.keep up 坚持,维持;使不低落9.keep sb at a distance 与某人保持一段距离,不愿接近10.keep an eye on 留神,看管 11.Keep sb informed of 随时向.报告情况十五 动词knock构成的短语动词1.knock down tear down pull down 撞倒,拆除2.knock off 撞掉下来3.knock about 连续打击碰撞,漂泊,闲逛 十六 动词loo

14、k构成的短语动词 1.1ook up抬头;查阅( refer to consult)2.1ook out 小心3.1ook into 调查;往里看,凝视4.1ook forward to 盼望5.1ook through 仔细看;浏览6.1ook up to 尊敬7.1ook down upon 瞧不起9.1ook treatconsidercount think 把.看作10.Look sb in the eye 正视,正面瞧某人十七 动词make构成的短语动词1.make a beeline for 朝.径直走,走直路,走近路2.make an apology to

15、 向道歉 made up of consist of be composed of 组成4.make up 组成;化妆,打扮;补充;弥补;编造;捏造;占据百分比5.make room for 给.腾地方6.make up for 弥补7.make use of 利用8.make the most of make the best of make full use of take full advantage of 充分利用 9.make ones way 排除困难前进 10.make progress in 进步11.make for走向,前往;促成,有助于12.make out 认出

16、,理解 13.make it another time 14.make ends meet 收支相抵,量入为出 make matters worse to make things worse worse still whats worse even worse 使情况更糟糕的是 16.make it 成功,及时达到,出席到场 17.Make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用 18.make sense 讲得通,有意义.言之有理 19.make sense of 懂得,了解.的意义 20.make comments on 发表评论21.Make a good resea

17、rcher 成为好的研究人员 十八 动词put构成的短语动词 1.put away 放好;收起来2.put down 记下;平息 3.put out 扑灭;出版4,put up 举起;建造;张贴;公布;投宿5.put up with(=standbear) 忍受 6.put on 穿上;上演;增加体重 7.put off 延期;拖延8.put forward提出建议.拨快(钟等) put back 拨回时钟 gain时钟走快 lose时钟走慢9.put pressure on sb 对某人施加压力10. As sb puts it 正如某人所说11. put sb on a diet 控制某人

18、的饮食12.put the blame on sb 归咎于某人13.put a burden on sb 给某人增加负担十九 动词take构成的短语动词 1.take up 占用(时间;空间);从事 ;作为消遣学着做;继续,接下去2.take the place of 代替 3 take ones place 就座;代替某人职位4.take it easy 别紧张5.take your time 别着急6.take off 脱掉;起飞;成功7.take in 欺骗,收留8.take on 承担;呈现(品质、面貌) 9.take over 接管 10.take it for granted 想当

19、然 二十 动词turn构成的短语动词 1.turn up 出现;开大(音量);到达,发生2.turn down开小(音量),拒绝 3.turn over翻转;交付 ,移交4.turn in 交出 5.turn to 找某人寻求帮助;翻到;转向6.turn out 结果是;关掉;查明;生产7.turn around 转身(转变,逆转,卸完货离去)8.turn upside down 倒置,颠倒二十一 动词help, die构成的短语动词1.Help/aid/assist sbwith sth Help sb (to) do aid/ assist sb to oneself t

20、o sth尽管请便;请随便吃3.cant help doing情不自禁 4.cant help but do sth 不得不做某事5. cant help to do 不能帮忙做某事 6. It cant be helped 不可避免7. help out 帮忙摆脱困境8. with the help of Under the guidance/command/ control of 在.帮助下9.die of 死于.(内因) die from 死于.(外因)10.die out 灭绝,熄灭,消失 11.die away12.die down13.die off 二十二 动词send构成的短语

21、动词 1.send for 派人去请 2.send out 发出(光亮等)3.send up 发射 4.shoot up 迅速上升,猛增5.send off 寄出,派遣;给.送行6.send in 寄送某处进行处理 7.send/drive sb mad 让某人发疯二十三 动词set构成的短语动词 1.set about doing sth set out to do sth get down to doing sth开始;着手.2.set outoff for leave/ start for 出发;开始3.set fire to set.on fire 放火烧.4.set an examp

22、le to 树立榜样 5.set aside 6.set foot on /in7.set down 写下,记下,让乘客下车 8.set sail 起航 set in二十四 动词point,agree,pay构成的短语动词1.point out 指出 2.point at 指指点点 3.point to 指向 4.agree to /on/ with for 付钱 off还清债务,带来好结果 back把钱还回给某人 二十五 cut 动词短语 1.cut up 切碎 2.cut down 削减,减少;砍倒3.cut in 插嘴,打断;超车抢挡

23、t out 切断删除5.cut off 切断,使隔绝二十六 pull 构成的动词短语 1.pull down拉下 tear down knock down拆毁2.pull out 拔(抽,取)出;(车等)驶出;摆脱困境3.pull in (车)停下,(车)进站,(船)到岸4. pull through (使)度过危机,(使)恢复健康5. pull up (使)停下,拔起二十七 leave 构成的短语 1.leave.alone 听其自然,不要去管 2.leave aside 搁置,不考虑3.leave behind 不带,忘了带;把.撇在后面;留下4.leave behind 不带,忘了带;把

24、.撇在后面;留下5.leave off (doing) sth 停止,中断 二十八 let 构成的短语 1.let sb/sth alone 对.放任不管 2.let down 使失望;放下,降低3.let out 放走,释放;发出;泄漏4.let in 让.进入,放.进来5.let alone not to mention still less更不用说二十九 live 构成的短语 through 度过,经受住 up to 遵守,实践(诺言等);符合,不辜负 with 与.在一起生活;忍受,忍耐 on 靠.生活,以.为食物

25、ize ones dream 实现梦想三十 “决不”种种表达1.In no case 2.on no account no means 4.on no condition5.under no circumstances no way 7.not in the no time 三十一 V sb of sth 类动词accuse cure suspect warn remind assure convince rob suspect inform cheatof骗取某人某物三十二in face of in favor of in praise of in m

26、emory of in charge of in possession of in honour of in search of in want of in need of in terms of 三十三 表示看的词1.stare at 凝视 2.glare at 怒视 3.glance at 浏览,扫一眼4.catch a glimpse of 看一看,瞥见 认出6.glance over ones shoulder 回头朝后看 7.witness 目击;作证三十四 moment 构成的词 any moment 随时,在任何时候 the moment 此刻,目

27、前3.for the moment 暂时,目前 a moment 立刻,马上5.the moment =as soon as 不久三十五 under 类词(对比with the help of)Under attack/repair/constructionUnder the command of under the guidance of under the stress ofunder the control of under the direction of 在指导下 三十六 up 构成的词组clear up 放晴;收拾整理;澄清;解决 look up 查找;抬头看save u

28、p 储存 add up 加起来 tidy up 收拾干净 round up 把.聚拢 break up 打碎;分解;驱散 speed up 加速bring up 抚养 set up 成立close up 临时关闭;伤口愈合 light up 照亮,点燃;容光焕发call up 打电话(给);召集;使人想起 do up 整理,包装,打扮pick up 拾起;学会;用车来接;收听到;好转 take up 开始学;从事;占据 tear up 撕毁 dress up 穿上盛装,精心打扮;装饰,修饰hold up 支持,支撑;延迟;展示,举出 cheer up 振作起来,使高兴三十七 同源宾语1.die a heroic death a happy life 3.dream a good dream4.think a negative thought 三十八 to 为介词的词组1.add to 3.lead to 4.Be up to 5.get close amused/accustomed to 7.get down to 8.look forward to 9.refer

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