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1、M3 Unit1词汇和翻译句子M3 Unit1 单词秀(一)-P151.He has made good preparations for the exam, so he is now taking the exam c_.2. The tall man was _(无处) to be seen when they decided to look for.3. A large sound was heard out of the dark room, and I was f_ with fear.4.The excited man held my hand f_, thanking me ag

2、ain and again.5.We passed through several _(被遗弃的)villages where local people had left already. 6.The w_ of our city reported that it will be rainy this afternoon.7.He could feel her heart b_ with fear when someone slammed the door.8. Joe spent the whole afternoon _(观察) the experiment that he was doi

3、ng.9.The student is always lying and there is no _(实话) in what he says.10. Many years later, my mothers hands were _ (粗糙) with hard work.参考答案:1.confidently 2.nowhere 3.frozen 4.firmly 5.deserted 6.weatherman 7.beating 8.observing 9.truth 10.rough根据提示翻译句子(一)1.丢失的钱包任何地方都找不着。(nowhere)2.当我在街上走的时候,我听到有人从

4、后面叫我。(hear sb doing)3.等她到达街的拐角处时,脚步声消失了。(by the time)4.这给了我一个机会来回报晴天里人们给予我的帮助。(a chance to do, pay back)5.过马路时,你最好要当心过往车辆。(watch out for)6.吃饭的时候,听些宜人的音乐,而不要看电视。(rather than)7.一个巨大的响声从黑暗的房子里传了出来,我害怕得僵住了。(be frozen with)8.她抬头发现自己身边站着一个男人,他的手搭在她的胳膊上。(with 的复合结构)8.那位流行歌星被一群歌迷跟随着走进了大厅。(用过去分词作状语)参考答案:1.Th

5、e missing wallet is nowhere to be found.2.While I was walking in the street, I heard someone calling me from behind.3. By the time she reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were gone.4. It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me when its sunny.5.While crossing the stre

6、et, youd better watch out for the passing cars.6.While having dinner, listen to some enjoyable music rather than watch TV.7.A large sound was heard out of the dark room, and I was frozen with fear.8.The pop star entered the hall, followed by a crowed of his fans.M3 Unit1单词秀(二)-P9111.I said hello to

7、her, but she _ (不予理睬)me as usual.2. Generally speaking, many students feel s_ before an examination.3.The _(数据)you need are still being analyzed on the computer.4.It is often u_ to see parents quarreling with each other.5.The _(志愿者) all felt hungry after they worked all day.6.He is doing _ (实验)to le

8、arn more about the affects of alcohol on the brain.7.You d better make an apology to her p_ so that you can show your sincerity.8. At the border you will be asked your _(目的地) and how long you plan to stay.9.My grandma m_ some medicine because she had no school in childhood.10.He loved her d_ since t

9、hey experienced lots of difficulty.参考答案:1.ignored 2.stressed 4.unpleasant 5.volunteers6.experiments 7.personally 8.destination 9. misuses 10.deeply根据提示翻译句子(二)1.我们明天是否野营,要看天气情况。(dependon)2.既然我们已经得到这个在重点学校学习的机会,我们就要充分利用它。(make the most of )3.它表明对话的主要意思应该和阅读的主要意思有关联。(be related to)4.在如此寒冷的冬天里,我需

10、要一件厚外套使我暖和起来。(warm up)5.当我们走进教室的时候,他突然挥手叫我们停下来。(all of a sudden)6.这是个好主意,也有一些事实依据,但最终证明是错误的。(prove to be)7.我感到如此疲劳,不禁怀疑自己能否到达目的地。(cant help doing sth)8.我正要走出我的办公室的时候,电话铃响了。(ring out)9.如果你坚持要走,至少也要等到这场暴雨停了再走。(情态动词must的用法)10.听说下一周有一些美国客人将来我们学衔参观。(Word that的名词性从句)参考答案:1.Whether wellgocampingtomorrow de

11、pendsontheweather.2.Since we have got the chance to learn in a key middle school, wed better make the most of it.3.It shows that the main idea of the dialogue should be related to the main idea of the reading passage.4.I need a thick overcoat to warm me up in such a cold winter.5.When we went into t

12、he classroom, all of a sudden he waved us to stop.6.It was a nice idea and had some basis in reality, but it proved to be wrong in the end.7.I felt so tired that I couldnt help wondering whether or not I could get to my destination.8.I was walking out of my office when the telephone rang out.9.If yo

13、u must go, at least wait till the storm is over.10.Word has come that some American gusts will come for a visit to our school next week.M3 Unit1单词秀(三)-P16-181.People ran away in p_ as soon as the building caught fire.2.My grandpa has tried lots of _(治疗)for his illness, but useless.3.I havent found a

14、 good job, so I have to work here _ (暂时)4.He jumped into the lake and bravely saved the d_ girl.5.According to the latest weather report, a f_ storm is on its way.6.They sat at the back of the classroom, talking in _(低语)7.Regular exercise will help to strengthen your m_.8.Whenever he makes mistakes

15、, he always manages to _(避开)being punished9.He is the best in our class, so he h_ go to Beijing University.参考答案:1.panic 2.treatment 3temporarily 4.drowning 5.fierce 6.whispers 7.muscles 8.avoid 9.hopefully 根据提示翻译句子(三)1.在我的老师的帮助下,我的数学取得了巨大的进步。(make progress)2.我没有料到学校的大门口碰见我从美国回来的叔叔。(run into)3.正如人们所知

16、道的一样,如果鲨鱼有选择,他们不以人为食物。(feed on)4.今年暑假我们有可能去香格里拉旅游。(be likely to)5.相对于其他危险而言,人们遭受鲨鱼攻击的机率其实是很小的。(compare to)6.在战斗中,这位勇敢的战士用他的手指刺入了敌人的眼睛。(stick in the)7.不要惧怕鲨鱼,因为人类被闪电击中的机率比遭受鲨鱼攻击的机率大30倍。(倍数表示法)8.每当他不能完成家庭作业的时候,他总是设法逃避了惩罚。(avoid doing )9.我的问题是Polly是否能够完成昨天我交给他的任务。(用表语从句)10.每天早晨爸爸打扫好屋子以后就开始读报纸。(用现在分词作状语

17、)参考答案:1.I have made great progress in math with the help of my teacher. 2.I didnt expect to run into my uncle at the school gate who returned from America.3.As people know that sharks dont feed on humans if they have the choice.4.We are likely to have a journey to Shangrila this summer holiday.5. Th

18、e chances of being attacked by a shark are very small compared to other dangers.6.The brave soldier stuck his finger in the enemys eyes during the fight. 7. Dont be frightened by sharks as there is 30 times greater chances of being hit by lightning than being attacked by a shark.8.Whenever he cant finish his homework, he always manages to avoid going punished.9.My question is whether Polly can finish my task that I gave him yesterday.10.Having cleaned our house, my father begins to read newspaper every morning.

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