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1、最新外研版六年级英语上册各单元要点六年级上册单元要点Starter unit Welcomeback.一四会单词:1.Weather(天气):sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy /raining2.Building(建筑物):tourist office, park, police station, post office, school, phone box, museum, church, bus stop, fruit shop, train station, hospital, cinema, supermarket3.(方位词)beside(旁边), opposi

2、te(对面), next to(隔壁), right(右), left(左)二短语1.P2-3 理解并能表达18个短语。Work harder 更加努力 Do more listening and reading 多听多读Eat healthy food and eat better 多吃健康的食物Drink more water多喝水 Exercise more 多锻炼Laugh more often多笑 Enjoy life 享受生活Get good grades 取得好成绩 Learn something new 学些新东西Study often 经常学习 Read more books

3、 多读点书Watch less television 少看电视 Play fewer games 少玩游戏Take a trip去旅行 Get along better with people 与人和睦相处Make new friends 交朋友 Spend more time with family and friends 多与家人和朋友在一起Help others 互相帮助 2.P4 理解并默写以下短语get on the bus/get off the bus, put on/take off, turn on/turn/off3.背诵p2 Part1三句子:1.-How was you

4、r summer holiday? -It was great.(OK/boring/tired/bad)2.Have you got a plan? -Yes,I have. /No,I havent. 3. -Whats the weather like?/ Hows the weather? -Its sunny/ cloudy/ windy/rainy. 4.- Excuse me,where is the post office? - Go straight ahead./ Turn the frist left./ Turn the second right.四语法:一般将来时(

5、be going to do / Sb. Will do/ I shall do)Unit1School is great fun! 一.四会单词:Subjects(科目):Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Music, Art, History, PE, Drama, French, Geography, ICT,by,fan,nice,play二能认读并规范书写1到10的序数词(1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,9th,10th,,)“第几” 1st=first 2nd=second 3rd=third 4th=fourth

6、5th=fifth 6th=sixth 7th=seventh 8th=eighth, 9th=ninth, 10th,=tenth 三句子:-What do you like doing in (subject)? 在.课上,你喜欢做什么?-I like/love doing ./ I like/love (subject).四.1.P8 2b 背诵 2.P11 Part5 能懂句子并写出科目2.读懂描述学校生活的小短文P8,能就短文内容判断正误或回答问题P8-P9,并能运用短文中的句子写作:“School is great fun ”或者 “School life”五、语法(会用人称代词和

7、物主代词)Unit2Big cities 一、四会单词:1. Countries(国家):London, the UK, the US, China, Washington DC, New York, Sydney, Australia2. capital, city, turn the third left/right,busy,map,river3. 能识读地名:the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, the White House, the Smithsonian Castle, Beg Ben,

8、The British Museum, the Palace, Hyde Park, National Gallery,Changjiang River, Han River, the East Lake, Sydney Opera House三、句子: Beijing is the capital of China.London is the capital of the UK.Washington DC is the capital of the US.四、P15,P18,P19背默; P29,P31关于城市的短文,能懂并正确完成书上练习五、本单元的表一定背默清楚Country国家City

9、城市Famous places 名胜地China中国(PRC)中华人民共和国(Peoples Republic of China)Beijing北京(the capital city ) 中国首都the Great Wall the Palace Museum 故宫the UK英国(Britain)London伦敦(the capital city )英国首都the London Eye Tower Bridge Big Ben (大本钟),Britain Museum(英国博物馆)Hyde Park海德公园the US美国(the USA)(America)Washington DC华盛顿(

10、the capital city ) 美国首都 the White House the Smithsonian Castlethe US美国New York 纽约Statue of Liberty 自由女神像France法国Paris巴黎(the capital city ) 法国首都the Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔Japan日本Tokyo东京(the capital city ) 日本首都the Fuji Mountain富士山 Australian澳大利亚首都: Canberra 堪培拉Sydney 悉尼Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院Unit3Festivals

11、一、四会单词:Mid-autumn Festival, Thanksgiving, Halloween, back, down, far, get, plant 二、能够理解并背默关于中秋节、感恩节(P20)和万圣节(P22)的小短文 ,并根据短文内容回答问题(P22)。 三、能够读懂故事Thanksgiving(P21)和A surprise(P24-25).四、 *将表一定背默清楚Festivals(节日) Date(日期)Countries(国家)Food(食物) What to do 节日里做什么Mid-Autumn Day中秋节on 15th Chinese lunar August

12、Chinamoon moon cake2.People far from home look up at the moonand think abouttheir families.Thanksgiving Day感恩节on fourth Thursday in Novemberthe USAturkey,sweet potatoesother vegetables1.have a big dinner1.People meet in the streets 2.Enjoy their holiday together.Halloween万圣节on 31st October

13、 Britain and the USAbig dinner 1.Children dress up aswitches, monsters or ghosts.2.They go from house to house3.Trick or treatDragon-boat Day端午节on 5th Chinese lunar May ChinaZongzi粽子1.People will have dragon boat race .(人们将进行龙舟比赛) ZongziChristmas圣诞节on 25th December European countriesbig dinner大

14、餐1.Decorate Christmas trees .(装点圣诞树)2.Dress up as Santa tosend presents(装扮成圣诞老人送礼物)Spring Festival春节On 1st Chinese Lunar JanuaryChinaDumping(饺子)big dinner1. Families get together 2. have a big dinner3. Dress new clothes(穿新衣)4. Visit each other(互相拜访)了解中国重要节日时间春节 Spring FestivalThe 1st day of the Chin

15、ese lunar January元宵节 Lantern FestivalThe 15th day of the Chinese lunar January除夕 Chinese New Years EveThe 30th day of the Chinese lunar December端午节Dragon Boat FestivalThe 5th day of the Chinese lunar MayUnit4 Accidents单元核心词汇(四会)knee, ear, finger, arm, hurt, earache, cut, knee, always, be, careful, f

16、oot, accident, broke, broken, left, right, hospital, leg, 单元核心句型Whats the matter with you? My knee hurts.Ive got an earache. I cut my finger.单元核心语法一般过去时单元写作描述事故本单元的教学目标:1、 知识目标 :A 掌握四会单词:right, kind, well,hair, head, ear, eye, teeth, shoulder, arm, elbow, finger, knee, leg, stomach, toe, feet, footB

17、. 掌握四会句型:When I/Name was , . Whats the matter with you? My knee/ear/leg/ hurts.C.背默P32 Part1和Part2d. 能够读懂关于小偷的故事P33并能根据句子选择图片与读出故事。e. 能够正确使用人称和物主代词进行表达。f. 能够理解并唱出歌曲Take care.g. 能够读懂故事Bad luck for Tony.语法:一般过去时一写出下面动词的过去式 am,is _ are_ break _ have,has _ do _ find _ go _ want _ come _ born _ fall _ cu

18、t _ put _ see _ eat _ hurt _ born _ live _ want _ call _二.P43 Part7运用一般过去时表达他人在过去某个时间是否做过以下事情:went to the zoo/the cinema, played basketball/football, watched cartoons/sportsUnit5Animals in danger 单元核心词汇Cow, rabbit, lion, horse, elephant, polar bear, panda, tiger, animal, legs, nose, small, big, eat,

19、 live, its, other, Africa, China单元核心句型It has got Its It livesThey are It eats Its smaller/bigger than Has it got? Does it? Is it? Lets单元核心语法一般现在时,一般过去时单元写作Animal本单元的教学目标:掌握四会单词:cow, lion, rabbit, horse, elephant, polar bear, kingfisher, tiger, rhino, panda, dirty, grass, work, yesterday 能够读懂描述动物的短文并

20、能完成相应的练习或活动。能够读懂故事The Kingfishers 并背默。了解形容词的比较级的用法,能够用bigger than/smaller than书写句子描述动物大小的区别。能够运用下列句型描述动物:lives in. It eats. It has. It is. It looks.They are.They like to eat.能够运用一般过去时表达他人在过去某个时间是否做过以下事情:went to the zoo/the cinema, played basketball/football, watched cartoons/sports具体做到:一、四会单词:cow, l

21、ion, rabbit, horse, elephant, polar bear, kingfisher, tiger, rhino, panda, dirty, grass, work, yesterday 二、了解形容词的比较级的用法,能够用bigger than/smaller than书写句子描述动物大小的区别。三、运用下列句型描述动物:lives in. It eats. It has. It is. It looks.They are.They like to eat.四、P38 Part1 默写 P39 Part2 背默 P42 Part5, P43 Part 6 背默Unit6

22、 Children of our world单元核心词汇Live, get up, go, precious, love, have, listen to, want to, often, sometimes, help, feed, walk, important, need, want, start, 单元核心句型Toms precious thing/things is/arelike/likes/love/loves st./doing st单元核心语法一般现在时(三单),现在进行时单元写作My day, My friends, My precious things, My hobbi

23、es本单元的教学目标:1、知识与技能目标 掌握四会单词:near, chicken, little ,precious to ,feed fish加两个短语能认读,听懂并用下列句型表达自己:Im , I live in, I get up at, I like/love, I have,School starts at, In the morning/afternoon/evening I often, My good friends name is, We oftentogether, There arepupils in my class. Most pupils like 能认读,听懂并

24、用下列句型介绍他人: Name/She/He/It is, Name/She/He lives in, Names precious things are, Name/She/He/It loves/wants, Name/She/He/It has got, Name/She/He/It likes doing st., Name/She/He gets up at, In the morning/afternoon/evening Name/She/He/It often 能读懂描述世界各地小朋友生活情况的短文,能根据获取信息完成练习。能唱出英文歌曲We are the children

25、of the world.并表达美好的愿望。具体做到:一四会单词:near, chicken, little 二、能认读,听懂并用下列句型表达自己:Im , I live in, I get up at, I like/love, friends name is, We oftentogether, There arepupils in my class. Most pupils like 三、能认读,听懂并用下列句型介绍他人或他物(Name)/She/He/It is. Name/She/He lives in.Names precious things are. Name/She/He/I

26、t loves/wants.Name/She/He/It has got. Name/She/He/It likes doing st.Name/She/He gets up at. In the morning/afternoon/evening Name/She/He/It often 四、语法:一般现在时(在表达时,注意主语为三单时,谓语动词的变化)参考资料小 作 文 (基础篇) 1. Animals .Im Bob .Im twelve. I like animals . I like cows . It has got four legs . It eats grass. It li

27、ves on a farm . It is black and white . Its bigger than a cat . It gives us milk. 2. My friend . Im Bob . Im twelve .I have a friend . She is Anna . She is twelve ,too . She gets up at six . She loves music . She likes singing . She likes apples . She likes cats . She loves red . She has a lot of CD

28、s . Her CD player is her precious thing .3. School is great fun . Im Bob . Im twelve . I go to school at eight . There are 47 pupils in my class . Miss Li is my teacher . She is nice . I am her fan . I like PE . I like playing games best . School is great fun .4. Accident . Im Bob . Im twelve . I we

29、nt to school . I had an accident . I cut my finger . It was a deep cut . There was blood on it . I went to the hospital. I was sad . 小 作 文 (提升篇) 1. My class (School is great fun .)I come from China . I walk to school every day . In our class there are 46 pupils : 22 girls and 24 boys . Most pupils i

30、n our class like English . In English , we like singing songs and playing games . We all love sport . Our classroom is great . We like our teachers . School is great fun . 2. My favourite city(一)Wuhan is my favourite city . It is a city in China. Its a city of rivers . The Changjiang River runs across the city from west to east . The Han Riv

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