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1、中英手势语在非言语交际中的比较英语专业毕业论文 本科生毕业论文题 目 A Comparison of Chinese and English Body Languages in the Non-verbal Communication 中英手势语在非言语交际 中的比较 学生姓名 嘻嘻嘻 学 号 XXX 专业班级 英语11104 指导教师 XXX 完成时间 201X年5月 A COMPARISON OF CHINESE AND ENGLISH BODY LANGUAGES IN THE NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATIONTHESISSubmitted in partial fulf

2、illment of the requirements forThe degree of Bachelor of ArtsIn Hunan University of Arts and ScienceBy Tan HanbiaoSupervisor: XXMay 2015Hunan University of Arts and Science摘 要 非语言交际和语言交际同等重要,非语言交际包括图像性符号,眼神,服装,手势等等。在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色,有时候比语言更有说服力,但不同国家和地区,由于传统文化和风俗习惯的不同,手势也会不同,同一种手势所表达的意思可能有很大的差异。所以在跨

3、文化交际中,交际双方若不能进入同一文化背景下,就会产生不解或误解,从而使交际失败。从跨文化交际的目的出发,为了避免这些不必要的麻烦的产生,比较不同文化背景下手势语的异同,论述手势语在非语言交际中的重要性,研究的目的其实是能够更好地理解和运用它,因此,掌握人类基本的非语言交际的技巧有利于我们更好地交流。关键词:手势语;非言语;差异;重要性Abstract Nonverbal communication and language communication are equally important, nonverbal communication, including sex symbol im

4、age, eyes, clothing, gestures, and so on. Plays in our daily lives an important role, and sometimes speak louder than words, but different countries and regions, due to different cultural traditions and customs, the gesture will be different, with a gesture to express the meaning may have big differ

5、ence. Therefore, cross-cultural communication, communication if the parties can not enter the same cultural background, will have puzzled or misunderstanding, so that the communication failure. The purpose of cross-cultural communication from starting, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble generatio

6、n, comparing similarities and differences between sign language under different cultural backgrounds, discusses the importance of sign language in non-verbal communication, the purpose of the study is to better understand the fact and use it, therefore, to grasp basic human nonverbal communication s

7、kills will help us communicate better.Key words: body language; non-verbal; difference; importanceContents摘 要 iAbstract iiIntroduction 1Chapter 1The history of body language studies and its future trends 21.1 The definition of the body language 21.2 The history of body language 21.3 The future trend

8、s of the body language 2Chapter 2 The importance and necessity of studying the body language 32.1The importance of learning the body language 32.2The necessity of learning the body language 3Chapter 3 Common use of the body language in the non-verbal communication 43.1 The representation of 1-10 ges

9、ture 43.2 Hand count 43.3 Common use of gesture 4Chapter 4The function of the non-verbal communication and relation with verbal communication 5Conclusion 6Bibliography 7AcknowledgementsIntroductionChapter 1The history of body language studies and its future trends1.1 The definition of the body langu

10、age1.2 The history of body language1.3 The future trends of the body language Chapter 2The importance and necessity of studying the body language2.1The importance of learning the body language2.2The necessity of learning the body languageChapter 3Common use of the body language in the non-verbal com

11、munication 3.1 The representation of 1-10 gesture 3.2 Hand count 3.3 Common use of gestureChapter 4The function of the non-verbal communication and relation with verbal communication.Conclusion BibliographyAcknowledgements I have eternal gratitude to Xu Xiaoqiu, my tutor, for her inestimable help an

12、d valuable instruction, and to Professor Li, for his insightful lectures, which inspire me to compose this dissertation. I am greatly indebted to Professor Li, for his allowing me to have access to his books pertinent to this dissertation. I also thank those who help me in course of the writing and whose names I cant list here one by one.

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