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英语 词汇及短语梳理.docx

1、英语 词汇及短语梳理必修一 Unit 1 重要单词、短语梳理核心单词upset; ignore; concern; power; settle; suffer; recover; disagree; ( 共8个)识记单词survey; calm; loose; entire; series; outdoors; dusk; curtain; dusty; partner; pack; suitcase; overcoat; teenager; exactly; grateful; dislike; tip; swap; item (共21个)核心短语add up; have got to; b

2、e concerned about; go through; set down; no longer/not any longer; get/be tired of; pack up; get along with; join in (共10个)一、 核心单词1. upsetadj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的e.g. After she died I felt very, very upset.她死后,我感觉非常非常难过。Marta looked upset.玛尔塔看起来很沮丧。 vt. (upset, upset) 使不安;使心烦 Losing the ring upset her ver

3、y much.指环的遗失使她很心烦意乱。n. 不安、烦恼He is suffering from great stress and other emotional upsets.他正遭受着巨大的压力和其他情感上的不安【常考搭配】:get upset 伤心,烦恼,感到不安、烦躁 be upset about/at 对.感到伤心、烦恼、不安 e.g. Mother might get upset or Mother might get angry. To get upset wont help I am upset about your words. He is upset at his faul

4、t.【相关词汇】: upsetting adj. 令人心烦意乱的,令人苦恼的【习题演练】:单选1. What_ her most was that nobody had even bothered to tell her about the changed timetable(13,华一五模) A upset Bignored C shocked D trapped2. By six oclock Michael was worn out, and so she was for the sound of a car stopping outside. (11,荆州中学期中)A. sorry B

5、. upset C. concerned D. grateful3. Nobody knows the man killed in the accident, so it is difficult for the police to find out his_ . A. base B. identity C. loneliness D. Upset完成句子1. The whole incident me and my fiance terribly. (upset)整个事件已使我和我的未婚妻非常烦恼。Key: had upset2. She warned me not him. (upset)

6、她警告我不要说任何让他心烦的话。Key: to say anything to upset3. He if youinterrupthimatthis moment. 你现在去打扰他,他会生气的。(upset)Key: will get upset4. Many staff his departure, arguing that he was involved in a financial crim. (upset)据称,很多的员工对他的离职感到遗憾,认为他是卷入了典型的经济案件。Key: said to be upset with2. ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视She said he

7、r husband ignored her.她说她丈夫对她置之不理。【常考搭配】: be ignorant of 对.不了解,不知道;e.g. Theyseem tobeignorantofwhat happenedhere【相关词汇】:.ignored adj被忽视的;被忽略的ignorantly adv.无知地;不学无术地ignorance n.无知,愚昧;不知,不懂ignorant adj.无知的,愚昧的【习题演练】:单选1. We could _ him and go direct to the chairman, but we would be skating on very thi

8、n ice.(11,武汉二中期末) A. ignore B. attack C. blame D. sentence2. Theyve been told that if they want to build a highway between the two towns, they should first try to how much it is going to cost.(12,黄冈中学期末)A. recover B. ignore C. recognize D. determine3. Drivers who _ yellow traffic lights will mostly

9、receive warnings and education, and at present, they will not be punished, the Ministry of Public Security announced.(13,黄冈期末)A. perform B. ignore C. employ D. remove完成句子1. Thosedemandsshould (ignore)那些要求应该被忽视。Key: beignored. 2. Atthebottomoftheladder , and atthe topwehave knowledge.(ignore)在阶梯的最底层,

10、我们是无知的。 当我们到达顶端时,我们就拥有了知识。Key: we haveonlyignorance3. Only considerwhat has gone before. (ignore)只有那些最无知的架构师才放弃考虑过去的经验。Key: themostignorantarchitectdoes not4. onesignoranceisthe maladyoftheignorant.(ignore) 不知道自己的无知是无知者的可悲之处。Key: Tobeignorantof3. concern vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到;关心e.g. I didnt concern mysel

11、f with politics.我不关心政治。The bulk of the book concerns Sandys two middle-aged children.这本书的主要部分讲的是桑迪的两个中年孩子。n. 担心;关注 ;(利害)关系e.g.: The group has expressed concern about reports of political violence in Africa.该集团已对有关非洲政治暴力的报道表示担忧。The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease.该行

12、动是针对公众日益增长的对该疾病传播的担忧而采取的。【常考搭配】:concern oneself 从事,忙于(常与with, about, in, over连用);关心,关注,关切,挂念,担心,忧虑of concern 重要的;具有意义concern about 对表示担心/忧虑;使(自己)关心【同义词】: deal with/ relate to vt.涉及,关系到;使担心【习题演练】:单选1. It was no easy job, but Toms _ expression showed that he would finish it in time.(12,二中期末) A. determ

13、ined B. concerned C. spellbound D. surprised2. As far as Im concerned, its _ to read peoples private letters without permission.(11,龙泉中学期末) A. certain B. logical C. illegal D. wild3. A growing number of students spend so much time on internet and TV with less and less rest and study, which _ parents

14、 and educators very much.(12,湖北八校)A. settles B. concerns C. conquers D. commands 4. If you say that some people are selfless, you agree because they _ other people more than themselves.(12,湖北八校)A. go through B. get along with C. care about D. concern about完成句子1. _, what he thinks is not the most imp

15、ortant. (concern)在我看来,他想什么不是最重要的。 Key: as far as I am concerned2. The Sino-Japanese DiaoYu Islands Dispute people all over the world.(concern)中日钓鱼岛争端已经成为全世界人民的主要担忧Key: has become a major concern for3. she might lose her job, she has decided to go for further study to keep up.(concern)担心她可能失去工作,她决定去深

16、造。Key:much concerned that4. As a matter of fact, the boss his clerks life. (concern)事实上,那个老板很关心他员工的生活。Key: is much concerned about4.power n. 能力;力量;权力The police have the power of arrest.警察有逮捕权。vt. 为提供动力The flywheel battery, it is said, could power an electric car for 600 miles on a single charge.据说,“

17、飞轮”电池每充电一次可驱动一辆电动汽车行驶600英里【常考搭配】:in power 执政的;掌权的;当权的e.g. Ifaleaderputshimselfabovethe law,thenstability only lastsfor as long asheisinpower.【习题演练】:1. Due to _ power failures in the neighborhood, people often have to get some candles just in case.(11.二中期末) A. mean B. stubborn C. extreme D. frequent2

18、. He has been working hard all the year round, which laid the _for his brilliant future.(12,华师一期末)A. fame B. basis C.ability D. power3. The famous actress is fairly honest and doesnt hide her _ of a mother of two girls although some fans dislike it.(12.孝感一中期中) A. power B. experience C. disadvantage

19、D. identity4. He for nine years, but still doesnt want to leave office. A. came into power B. took office C. has been in power D. has come to power5. Settle Vi安家;定居;停留e.g. They decide to settle in New York他们决定在纽约定居He visited Paris and eventually settled there.他访问了巴黎并最终在那儿定居了。 vt. 使定居;安排;解决;确定e.g. Th

20、ey agreed to try to settle their dispute by negotiation.他们同意尽量通过谈判解决他们之间的纠纷。 As far as were concerned, the matter is settled.在我们看来,此事已定。【常考搭配】:settle down定居;安定下来;专心于One day Ill want to settle down and have a family.总有一天我会想安顿下来,成个家。settle inv. 迁入Iwanted to settle in America.我想迁到美国去。settle for满足于WhenI

21、buysomething,Ihave tosettleforwhatsavailable.当我买东西时,我不得不满足于商家提供的东西.【相关词汇】:adj.settled稳定的;固定的n.settlement解决,处理;会计 结算;沉降;殖民settler移居者;殖民者settling安置;固定;沉淀物;移居【习题演练】:单选1. He is_ to arrive at 5 p.m. I hope his train will not be delayed this time.(12,二中期末) A. decided B. scheduled C. settled D. organized2.

22、 The teacher always waits until all the children _ before he starts the lesson.(13,黄石四中期中)A. get down B. set down C. put down D. settle down3. According to this mornings report, two prisoners who murdered a woman last year _ last night and the police are looking for them. (13,孝感高中期中)A. recovered B.

23、escaped C. settled D. burst4. The couple decided to in the mountain since it was so quiet and the air there was so fresh as well. (12,荆州中学期末)A. fall down B. turn down C. set down D. settle down完成句子1. It was requested in his fathers letter that _in a peaceful way. (settle)父亲的信中请求以和平的方式解决这个问题。Key:the

24、problem to be settled 2. Dont the so-called thegoodlife, becausethegoodlifeisnotgood enough.(settle)不要满足于实现所谓的“美好的生活”,因为美好的生活是不够好的。Key: settleforachieving3. Wehaverenouncedtheuseofforce ourdisputes.(settle)我们已再次宣布放弃使用武力来解决争端。Key: tosettle6. suffer vt. & vi. 遭受;忍受;经历e.g.: He is still suffering after

25、medicine.吃过药后,他依然感到很难受。I dont think our relations will suffer for such a small quarrel.我认为这样的小吵小闹不会妨碍我们之间的关系I can not tolerate to suffer the loss of 1% of the profit.我不能容忍把百分之一的利润损失掉【常考搭配】suffer from 忍受,遭受;患病;受之苦Youll suffer from smoking too much.吸烟过多你的健康会受到损害。suffer for 因而遭受You will suffer one day

26、for your carelessness.你大大咧咧的早晚要受惩罚的。【相关词汇】:adj.suffering受苦的;患病的sufferable可忍耐的;可容忍的;可忍受得了的n.suffering受难;苦楚sufferer患者;受害者sufferance容许;忍耐;默许【习题演练】:单选1. The teacher said that he was worried about Marys school work and that her private life wasnt his .(13,黄冈期中) A. concern B. schedule C. attitude D. suffe

27、ring2. -Didnt you have good time at the party? -No, I _ a lot from the noise made by the hand.(13,汉铁9月)A. worried B. suffered C. heard D. pained3. Air pollution is one of the problems that we cant afford to _.(12,宜昌期中) A. ignore B. suffer C. request D. bury4. _ the terrible disease, she cant have a

28、good sleep every night.(12,孝感期中) A. Learning from B. Suffering from C. Looking after D. Changing into完成句子1. Because of his carelessness that we . (suffer)由于他的粗心大意,我们正遭受巨大的损失。Key: are suffering a great loss2. During the war, I .I wrote my diary to set down my experiences so that I would remember them

29、 when I was old.(suffer)在战争期间我遭受了很多的苦。我用写日记的方式记录下我的经历,这样到老了我才不会忘记这些。Key:suffered a lot3. They have the country. (suffer)他们已为国殉难了。Key: suffered for4. Weare notborn .Weare borntofight.(suffer) 我们并非天生注定要受苦,而是能对抗逆境。Key: to suffer7. recover vi. & vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得e.g.: He lost his new bike, but he recovered it in the school.他丢了新自行车,但从学校又找到了。She recovered consciousness after about twenty minutes.过了大约20分钟后,她恢复了知觉。She at once recovered herself and stopped crying.她立刻镇静下来,并停止了哭泣。【常考搭配】recover from 恢复;恢复知觉e.g. Sleepissoimportantbecauseitallowsthebraintorecoverfromtherigoursoftheday.睡眠是非常重要的,它让我们的大脑从一天的严酷工

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