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1、医学口语世界卫生状况英文报告1【医学口语】世界卫生状况英文报告1General health issuesA global strategy on occupational health was formulated, and country activities supported. Guidelines and monographs were produced on such subjects as the health implications of occupational exposure to organic dust and sensitizing agents as well

2、as selected metals, solvents and pesticides. Since 1976 WHO has evaluated the health risks posed by exposure to some 200 industrial chemicals and other substances. An international collaborative oral health research initiative is being set up in collaboration with the International Dental Federation

3、 among others. An international action network was established on noma and other mutilating diseases and accidents of the face. Significant progress was made in meeting the rehabilitation needs of the 35 million persons with disabilities in Africa, using the community-based district health approach.

4、 WHOs global data on blindness were updated. Training and research in this field is supported by WHO jointly with NGOs. Quality standards were prepared for small-scale manufacturers of intraocular implants used in cataract surgery.As a part of activities to promote healthy lifestyles, a school healt

5、h education resource centre and databases were established as well as two regional networks of health promoting schools. The regions for health network in Europe was expanded to include 20 regions. National tobacco control programmes are supported. Recent Winter Olympic events have been smoke-free,

6、thanks to collaboration between the International Olympic Committee and WHO.WHO provides countries with information and guidelines on the organization of health systems based on primary health care. Technical guidance is given on the formulation of new health policies and strategies and the reorgani

7、zation of health care financing systems.WHO promotes information exchange between countries in relation to the development of human resources for health. It has launched an initiative to determine optimum approaches to the training of health personnel under changing socioeconomic conditions. Reviews

8、 of public health training and medical education are supported. Fellowships are provided for training in many health and related fields. National, regional and interregional action plans for upgrading nursing and midwifery practice are being drawn up through a network of WHO collaborating centres.In

9、 the field of pharmaceuticals guidelines for drug prescribing are being expanded. National systems for drug registration, surveillance and quality assurance are being established in a number of countries with WHO collaboration. The WHO model list of essential drugs is being revised and updated. Work

10、ing with bilateral agencies, other United Nations bodies and NGOs, WHO collaborates with 55 countries in framing national policies in such areas as drug selection and legislation. Operational research is carried out on the rational use of drugs. Guidelines, tools and training materials have been pre

11、pared on many aspects of drug management.The WHO Global Commission on Women s Health has drawn up an agenda for action relating to women, health and development. Under the auspices of the commission, a scheme to provide credit and banking facilities to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged is being

12、implemented in Africa. At the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, WHO played a key role in helping to reach a consensus and transcend political and religious differences. This was made possible by the Organization s medical and ethical credibility and its inclusive

13、approach to health.Together with UNDP, WHO promotes recognition of health and environment concerns in national plans for sustainable development and has given financial and technical support to six countries for this purpose. WHO has been designated task manager for the health chapter of the 1992 Un

14、ited Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). In collaboration with several United Nations bodies it has prepared a progress report on health, environment and sustainable development, stressing the importance of reform with respect to community development, environmental health, na

15、tional decision-making and national accounting. Materials produced by WHO included guidelines on the operation of poisons control facilities, 15 health and safety guides, and over 200 international chemical safety cards providing basic information on the diagnosis and treatment of poisonings. Traini

16、ng and research on the broad topic of health and environment are supported.WHO worked with 26 countries in greatest need in planning and implementing health reforms as part of an overall effort for strengthening of national managerial capabilities. A third report on progress towards health for all b

17、y the year 2000 was prepared for submission to the WHO governing bodies in 1995. Research on health futures was organized; and assessment of the global health situation and trends in priority diseases and conditions continued. A total of 184 nongovernmental organizations are now in official relation

18、s with WHO. The growing awareness among Member States of the need to improve health care delivery systems, and a notable interest on the part of the World Bank to promote improvements in the social sector, provided a timely opportunity to forge closer links between WHO, the Bank and governments. Col

19、laboration was also strengthened with the five major regional development banks. The traditional good working relations with UNICEF, UNFPA, FAO, ILO and UNESCO continued.WHO continues to strengthen national capacity for emergency preparedness and relief. Technical expertise and emergency medical sup

20、plies were provided to a number of countries including Afghanistan, Angola, Burundi, Iraq, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan and some new independent states in 1994. WHO cooperated closely with the European Union on assistance for the countries of former Yugoslavia. Ten joint missions were undertaken with WFP

21、for the organization of food aid in support of human resources development.Handbooks and guidelines in different fields of health technology were produced. Progress was made in developing portable laboratory instruments, solar-run equipment and other types of appropriate technologies.Up-to-date, aut

22、horitative health information is provided to all Member States through a large number of publications, a series of widely-distributed periodicals, electronic networks and library services. WHO facilitates access by countries to a number of databases containing information on such subjects as communi

23、cable diseases and HIV/AIDS. For many health workers in developing countries, WHO materials are often the only source of reliable information on health.Charting the futureBy the end of the 20th century we could be living in a world without poliomyelitis, a world without new cases of leprosy, a world

24、 without deaths from neonatal tetanus and measles, a world without dracunculiasis. In 1993 measles killed nearly 1.2 million children and infected more than 45 million; poliomyelitis killed 5 500 children and as of that year 10 million people were disabled; leprosy killed 2 400 people and infected 6

25、00 000; neonatal tetanus killed 560 000 newborn babies; dracunculiasis infected 2 million people.By the end of the century maternal mortality could be half what it was in 1993, when more than 500 000 women died in childbirth. Infant mortality rates could be no higher than 50 per 1 000 live births. A

26、t least 70 countries had higher rates than this in 1993. By 2000 mortality of children under 5 years could be no more than 70 per 1 000 live births. At least 60 countries had higher rates than this in 1992. We could be living in a world where less than 10% of babies are born weighing under 2.5 kg. I

27、n 1990, 17% of babies were born below this weight. For babies born at the beginning of the 21st century life expectancy could be at least 60 years in every country of the world. In 1993, 50 countries were below this target.In the year 2000 at least 85% of the world s population could be within one h

28、our s distance of medical care. In 1993, about 1 billion people had no access to local health services within a one-hour journey. Deaths from malaria could be cut by a fifth in at least 75% of affected countries; the number of deaths and new infections from tuberculosis could be substantially reduce

29、d; the number of new carriers of hepatitis B could fall by 80% as a result of childhood vaccination; deaths from heart disease in people aged under 65 could be reduced by at least 15%; all pregnant women could have proper care.The year 2000 could see a world where malnutrition among children under 5

30、 years will fall by 50%; where micronutrient deficiencies from vitamin A and iodine will be eliminated; where the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia in women of childbearing age will be reduced by 33%; and where 85% of the population will have access to safe water and 75% to safe sewage disposal.

31、These are neither utopian goals nor na?ve wishes for a perfect world. They are achievable - provided the world cares enough and the necessary resources are made available. WHO sees four main priorities for action in the future.The first priority is to ensure value for money by using the available re

32、sources as effectively as possible and redirecting them to those who need them most. The aim is to create self-help environments in which men and women can solve their own problems, establishing and sustaining a development process that will ensure a brighter future for their children.The second pri

33、ority is poverty reduction through better health. Investing in health saves money as well as lives. It must be accepted that expenditure on health is not a drain on national resources but a prerequisite for economic and social progress. Poor health inhibits an individual s ability to work, reduces earning capaci

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