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1、国贸复习题型精华国贸考试复习内容一、名词解释(言之成理吧)Internal economics内部规模经济:expanding the firms own scale of production raises its productivity and cut its average costStolper-Samuelson Theorem斯托珀尔萨缪尔森定理:According to H-O theory, international trade is almost sure to divided society into two groups: gainers-from-trade and

2、 losers-from-trade, because changes in relative prices are likely to raise the revenues of production at the expense of others. External economics外部规模经济:productivity gains and costs reductions that an individual firm reaps from the expansion of other firms in the same industryEffective tariff rate有效

3、关税保护率:the percentage change in the value added in an industry because of the imposition of a tariff structure by the country rather than the existence of free tradeOptimal tariff最佳关税:The optimum tariff is that rate of tariff that maximizes the net benefit resulting from the improvement in the nation

4、s terms of trade against the negative effect resulting from reduction in the volume of trade. Trade creation贸易创造:Trade creation takes place whenever economic integration leads to a shift in product origin from a higher-resource-cost domestic producer to a lower-resource-cost member producer. Such a

5、shift represents a movement in the direction of the free-trade allocation of resources and hence is presumably beneficial for welfareRybczynshi theorem罗伯津斯基定理:the development of a new natural resource, may reduce the development of other lines of productionLaw of comparative Advantage比较优势: comparati

6、ve advantage comes from the relative difference of productivities based on the relative difference of technologies. A nation should produce and export the commodities of comparative advantage, and import the commodities of comparative disadvantage.Terms of trade贸易条件:the ratio of the price of its exp

7、ort commodity to the price of its import commodityThe Leontief Paradox里昂惕夫之谜:Since the United States was the most K-abundant nation in the world, Leontief in 1951 used U.S. data for the year 1947 and expected to find that it exported K-intensive commodities and imported L-intensive commoditiesThe re

8、sults of Leontiefs test were starling. That is, the U.S. seemed to export L-intensive commodities and import K-intensive commodities. This was the opposite of what the H-O model predicted and because known as the Leontief Paradox.(就是说根据H-O理论,美国是一个资本密集型的国家,应该出口资本密集型的产品,进口劳动密集型的产品,但事实缺相反)Economics of

9、scale规模经济:the percent reduction in average costs achieved by expending all inputs by a given percentageInfant industry幼稚产业: An industry in which there is a potential advantage in the future, but because lack of know-how and the initial small level of output, will not be set up or, if already started

10、, cannot successfully compete with more established foreign firms.Buyers credit买家信贷:the exporting nation gives foreign buyers of the nations exports low-interest loans to finance the purchase二、画图1. The effect of an Import Quota under Monopolist conditions.垄断条件下的进口配额效应P1702. Welfare effect of export

11、subsidy in large country case. 贸易大国情形下出口补贴的经济效应P183 producer surplus a + b + cconsumer surplus a + b government subsidy b + c + d + shadownet social cost b + d + shadow3. Rybczynski theorem. 罗伯津斯基定理P1104. Subsidy to an import-competing industry对进口替代产业的生产补贴P1875. Different tastes as a Basis for Trade

12、.需求偏好不同所导致的国际贸易P99(如第一章课件,牛肉和红酒的东东)6. immiserizing growth. 贫困化增长P1117.Draw a map and then explain the impact of tariff(关税): the smallcountry caseprice effect: p* rise to p*+tconsumer effect: -(a+b+c+d)producer effect: atrade effect: M0 decrease to M1revenue effect: credistribution of income effect:

13、the loss of consumer transfer to the benefit of producer or the revenue of governmentnet welfare effect: -(b+d)8. Dumping. 倾销P90三、计算1.REP (REP = ( V V) / V)2.Trade diversion 贸易创造a+b、贸易转移a+c3.The gain of a country from import tariff1. 设中国是汽车进口(import)的小国,对汽车的需求和供给(demand and supply)分别为: Dc = 2000 - 0

14、.02 P , Sc = 1200 + 0.03 P并设国际市场上汽车的价格为10000美元,请用数字和图形说明下列问题:(1)自由贸易(free trade)下,中国汽车的产量(production)及进出口量(imports and exports), 自由贸易对国内消费(domestic consumption)及厂商的福利影响 (the welfare of manufacturers)(2)中国对汽车征收(levied)每辆3000美元的进口税(import duties),国内汽车的产量及贸易量;与自由贸易相比,消费者(consumers)和厂商的福利变化。 Before the

15、free trade , we can find that 2000-0.02P=1200+0.03P, P=16000 , D=S=1680With the free trade at the price of P=1000S=1200+0.03*10000=1500 , D=2000-002*10000=1800So the production of China is: 1500 the import of China is :1800-1500=300the free trade results in an increase in CS of area ACDE and a reduc

16、tion in PS of area ACEB. When China levied per $ 3,000 on car import dutiesP13000, D2000-0.02P1740,S1200+0.03P1590,the import of China is: 17401590150The increase in the price of car from 1000 to 13000 as a result of the tariff leads to a reduction in CS of area ACDB and an increase of area AFEB.2.

17、两国贸易模型 中国: 美国:Dc=20000.02P Duc=18000.02PSc=1200+0.03P Suc =1400+0.03P问题:(1)贸易前双方的均衡价格(equilibrium price)和产量(output)。 Before the free trade , we can find that China: 2000-0.02P=1200+0.03P, P=16000 , D=S=1680US: 1800-0.02P=1400+0.03P,P= 8000, D=S=1640(2)自由贸易时,国际市场的价格,各国产量及贸易量,自由贸易对两国福利影响。 With the fre

18、e trade D=2000-0.02P+1800-0.02P=3800-0.04PS=1200+0.03P+1400+0.03P=2600+0.06P D=S,3800-0.04P=2600+0.06P the D=S=3320,P=12000With the free trade of price of 12000China: S=1200+0.03*12000=1560,D=2000-0.02*12000=1760US: S=1400+0.03*12000=1760,D=1800-0.02*12000=1560So the production of China is: 1560 the

19、 import of China is :1760-1560=200So the production of US is: 1760 the export of US is :1760-1560=200Chinas import profit : 200*(1600012000)/2=400000USs import profit:200*(120008000)/2=400000(3)中国对汽车进口征收3000美元的单位税,各国的价格、产量、贸易量。 When China levied per $ 3,000 on car import duties2000-0.02P+1800-0.02(P

20、+3000)=1200+0.03P+1400+0.03(P+3000),P=10500 (the new world price)China:Pc=10500+3000=13500 Sc=1605 ,D=1730US:Puc=10500 Suc =1715,D=1590关税对中国汽车制造商、国内消费者和中国政府的福利影响。Producer benefits:(1560+1605)*(1350012000)/2=2373750Consumer loss:(1730+1760)*(1350012000)/2=2617500Government revenue: 3000*125=375000关税的

21、福利净损失(与自由贸易时相比)net welfare of tariff:2373750+3750002617500=1312504. 设中国对小汽车的关税税率(tariff rate)为180%,国内一典型的汽车制造商的成本结构和部件关税 如下:成本项目 钢板 发动机 轮胎占汽车价格比重20% 30% 10%关税税率 60% 120% 30%请计算对中国小汽车行业的有效保护率(ERP)。如果钢板、发动机、轮胎的关税分别降为10%、30%、5%,计算小汽车的有效保护率。ERP=1.8-(0.2*0.6+0.3*1.2+0.1*0.3)/1-(0.2+0.3+0.1)=322.5%ERP=1.8

22、-(0.2*0.1+0.3*0.3+0.1*0.05)/1-(0.2+0.3+0.1)=421.25%四、简答1.Describing the changes of the factor intensity during the product cycle.P93-P95描述产品周期过程中要素密集度的改变(科学知识密集-资本密集-劳动力密集)Product cycle theory suggests that the technological development of a new product generally has three stages: new product phase,

23、 growth phase, standardization phase. In the first stage, the new product is actually a knowledge-intensive product. In the second stage, changes into a capital-intensive product. The third stage , changes into a labor-intensive product.2. What are some possible explanations of the Paradox? P69-P71对

24、里昂惕夫之谜的各种解释Due to the high efficiency of American workers由于美国工人效率高所致Due to the rich human capital of U.S. 由于美国人力资本丰富所致 Due to the natural resources of U.S. 由于美国自然资源所致Due to the Factor intensity reversal由于生产要素密集型逆转所致Due to the trade policies of U.S. 由于美国贸易政策所致Due to the demand reversal由于需求逆转所致3. What

25、 dynamic benefits are the nations forming a customs union likely to receive? P202关税联盟对成员国的动态效应The increased competition that is likely to result有利于加强竞争Economies of large-scale production可带来规模经济效益Stimulus to investment有利于激励投资4. Summarized the reasons for trade protectionism.贸易保护主义的原因1 Protect the inf

26、ant industry保护幼稚产业2 Improve the terms of trade改善贸易条件3 Strengthen national defense为国防和保障国家安全4 Correct “domestic distortion”纠正国内市场“扭曲”5 Increase government revenue增加政府收入6 Share foreigners monopolistic profits分享国外垄断利润7 Enhance the power to retaliate and negotiate作为报复或谈判手段的观点5. The concept and condition

27、s necessary for immiserizing growth.贫困化增长的概念和产生条件Concept: The situation where a nations terms of trade deteriorate so much as a result of growth that the nation is worse off after growth than before, even if growth without trade tends to improve the nations welfare.The following conditions are neces

28、sary in order for immiserizing growth to occur:1 the countrys growth must be biased toward the export sector;该国生产能力的增长主要集中在出口商品生产部门2 the foreign demand for the countrys export must be price inelastic;国际市场对此种商品的需求弹性较低The countrys merchandise exports account for a large share of world markets该国的商品出口在世

29、界市场上占有较大份额6. H-O theory: cause and conclusion.Cause: H-O theory started on doubting the trade theory of Adam Smith and Ricardo. Heckscher suggested that in addition to technical differences, there must be other factors that determine the countries in the comparative advantages of different products.

30、Conclusion: the differences of factor endowments is the basic reason that cause countries have the comparative advantages of different products.朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典 - 查看字典详细内容五、论述论述题(2题30分)1. The impacts of decreasing tariff rate. the impact of the import and exportThere Is no doubt that decreasing tari

31、ff rates will lead to the growth of imports. That is because it will reduce the import costs. the impact on the domestic marketDecreasing tariff rate will lead to lower production costs using raw materials of imports, and thus may promote their products price decline.Another effect on the market is to alleviate the pressure on domestic inflation. the impact of domestic enterprisesEnable enterprises to gain foreign advanced equipment, quality raw materials and components, so that the competitive position of domestic enterprises increased.From various industries, the i

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