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高中英语 M8 Unit1 words and expressions导学案 牛津译林版选修8.docx

1、高中英语 M8 Unit1 words and expressions导学案 牛津译林版选修8高中英语 M8 Unit1 words and expressions导学案 牛津译林版选修8Words and expressions 姓 名:学号:班级:高二( )班知识与技能目标:Enable students to learn some new words and expressions、 教学重点:Train the students some phrases、 教学难点:Enable students to master key structures、第一部分:自主探究I、 识记短语1、_

2、肥皂剧2、 _决心做某事3、 _ 在逃,躲避;忙碌,奔波4、 _ 达到,符合5、 _ 救援某人6、 _ 涉及,谈及7、 _ 目的是8、 _ 音调一致,和调II、 重点单词或词组用法探究1、abuse: vt、 & n、 虐待;辱骂;滥用原句回放Pips sister often abuses him, but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip、 该句是 句,句中abuse的词性是 ,意思是 ,句型would rather do than do的意思是_,还可表达为 _

3、。小试牛刀!1)口头翻译下列句子,并在横线上总结abuse的意思。 Prisoners reported being regularly abused by their guards、 They were accused of abusing their power to keep prices artificially high、 He was fined $10,000 for verbally abusing the judge、2) Those government leaders their power to get illegal profits for themselves wi

4、ll finally get punished, and none of can escape justice、A、 overlook; whom B、 abuse; whomC、 employing; them D、 abusing; them3)I would rather _ for a walk in the park alone than _ in the hotel with my parents、 A、 go; to stay B、 to go; stay C、 going; staying D、 go; stay知识网络abuse n、 be an abuse of “滥用”2

5、、 desperate: adj、 铤而走险的,拼命的,不顾一切的;绝望的;渴望的原句回放Pip, who is seven years old when the story begins, is in a foggy cemetery when a desperate criminal appears and frightens him、 该句中有 (几个)从句,句中desperate的意思是 。小试牛刀!1)口头翻译下列句子,并在横线上总结desperate的用法及含义。 He was desperate for a job to support his family、 The singe

6、r, Taylor Swift is desperate to meet British Prince Harry、 People in the flood stricken area are in desperate need of necessities of life 、2)根据汉语提示完成句子。A boy was lost in the desert、 He (急需)some water, but he couldnt find any, so he (感到绝望)、Thinking of his mother, he (拼命地试图 ) walk out of the desert、 H

7、owever, he couldnt find the right direction because of the strong wind、 At last he looked at the sky (绝望地)and fell asleep、自主归纳你还能想起我们学过的表示 “渴望,迫切希望得到某物或做某事”的其他表达方式吗?for sth for sth be anxious/eager/dying long/ desire to do sth to do sth3、 vain:adj、 虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的原句回放Money and education, however, c

8、hange him, and before long he becomes vain and ashamed of his background、 句中vain的词性是 ,含义是 ,常见意义还有“徒劳的,无结果的”,in vain “徒劳地,无意义地”。小试牛刀!1)I tried to persuade Sue to come with us, but I failed、(同义转换,每空一词) I tried to persuade Sue to come with us、 I tried to persuade Sue to come with us, but what I did is

9、just 、2)Hiseffortstoraisemoneyforhisprogramwere_becausenooneshowedanyintentiontotakeacentoutoftheirpockets、A、inplaceB、insightC、ineffectD、invain4、 bent on (doing)sth、 :决心做某事(通常指坏事)原句回放Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estellas love、 该句中bent是 的过去分词,be bent on的意思是 。小试牛刀!1)约翰决心不惜一切代价赢得胜利。2

10、)The girl was bent _ being engaged to the guy she loved deeply, but her parents wouldnt approve _ her、A、 on; of B、 to; of C、 on; for D、 to; for3)Hearing she failed again, the student _ her face in her hands and cried、A、 bent B、 sheltered C、 buried D、 trapped自主归纳你还能想起我们学过的表示 “决心做某事”的其他表达方式吗?_5、 resis

11、t:vi、& vt、 抵制,反抗,抗拒,抵挡住原句回放Fagin and his group of criminals find him and drag him into the life of crime, pressuring him with the threat of violence if he resists、 该句是 句, 句中persuading短语充当 (成分),resist的词性是 ,意思是 ,常见的用法:resist sth、/ resist doing sth抵制做某事,抵住做某事的诱惑;cant resist doing sth、 忍不住做某事(=cant help

12、 doing sth、)。小试牛刀!1)The MP4 was so beautiful and it happened to be40% off, so I couldnt resist _ it、A、 to buyB、 buyingC、 to be bought D、 being bought2)She _ the temptation to buy a coat she could not afford、A、 challenged B、 obstructedC、 contradicted D、 resisted6、 live up to: 达到,符合(期望等)原句回放However, i

13、f you like the book, you should probably not be too eager to see the film, as is is not likely to live up to your great expectations、 该句是 句,句中live up to your great expectations的意思是 。小试牛刀!1)根据汉语提示完成句子。 他所做的不符合他的声誉。W hat he did failed to 、 如果她当年履行了自己的诺言,她就会进入耶鲁大学了。Had he , she would have made it to Ya

14、le University、 如果WTO不将有世界人口五分之一的国家纳入这一组织,那么它就名不副实。”The WTO cannot if it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind、我们应该尽力去做以不辜负父母亲的期望。Well do what we can to 、2)As students, we should study hard and try our best to _ our ideals、A、 live with B、 live up toC、 live through D、 live on

15、知识网络live up to ones reputation符合某人的声誉;live up to ones promise 履行某人的诺言;live up to ones name 名副其实;live up to ones expectation不辜负某人的期望7、 intend: vi、 & vt、 打算,计划,想要原句回放The poem was published in1794 and, like many of Burns poems, it was intended to be a song、 该句中intend的用法为,其意思是 ;此外intend常见的用法还有:intend do

16、ing/to do sth、 打算做某事;intend sb、 to do sth、 打算让某人做某事;had intended to do sth、/intended to have done sth、 本来打算做某事;be intended to do / be intended for sb、/sth、专门为打算(或设计)的;intend that从句(should+动词原形,should可以省略)。小试牛刀!1)根据汉语提示完成句子。 环保地图并不是专门为游客准备的。G reen Maps is not travelers、 我本来打算赶早班的火车,但没及时起床。, but I did

17、nt get up in time、 我想让他跟我去那儿。I go there with me、I that he there with me、2)These flowers were _for your mother for her seventieth birthday,but as she is away, I would be glad if you accepted them、A、 devoted B、 intendedC、 supplied D、 produced3)Most highways are lined with billboards of advertisement,

18、which _by passing cardrivers、A、 are intending to readB、 are intended to be readingC、 are intending to readingD、 are intended to be read知识网络intention n、 目的,意图,打算;with the intention of 有的目的,打算;have the/no intention of doing 有(没有)做某事的打算8、 rescue: vt、& n、 营救原句回放My favourite character in The Attic is Stu

19、art, who comes to her rescue and adds some comedy to this otherwise dark tale、 句中rescue的词性是 ,come to ones rescue的意思是 ; rescuefrom “从救出” 小试牛刀!1)根据汉语提示完成句子。 在全球气候峰会上,专家们呼吁人们拯救许多物种免于灭绝。A t the Global Climate Summit experts people many species extinction、 他紧紧抓住一根树枝直到我们把他救了下来。H e got a firm hold of a bra

20、nch until we 、第二部分:达标测评I、 根据要求将下列句子翻译成英文1、政府决心要清除一些领导滥用权力的现象。(bend; abuse)_2、 她非常渴望成功以不辜负父母的期望。(desperate; live up to)_3、 他本打算为这个项目自己筹一笔钱,但所有的努力都是徒劳。(intend; vain)_4、 看到那种情形,我忍不住要去救她。(resist; rescue)_II、 单项填空1、Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Award again this year, and his talks always _ the expecta

21、tion of most audience、A、 put up with B、 end up with C、 live up to D、 add up to2、 My sister is very stubborn, so it is _ to change her mind、A、 in peace B、 in sight C、 in vain D、 in dismay3、 Well, Id rather you _、 A、 dont B、 didnt C、 wont D、 wouldnt4、 Many companies in the developing countries, China

22、in particular, are _ to hire more MBAs to improve their traditionally unscientific approaches to management、A、 conventionalB、 appropriateC、 considerateD、 desperate5、 I dont think the chair can take your weight ; its _ children、A、 related to B、 referred to C、 connected to D、 intended for6、 She _ to c

23、atch the early train,but she didnt get up in time 、A、 intended B、 was intendedC、 had intended D、 was intending7、 This notice is _ to raise peoples concern about road safety、 A、 intended B、 meant to C、 designed toD、 all above8、 Charles did what he could _ the servant, although he himself was i n dang

24、er、 A、 rescueB、 rescuedC、 to rescueD、 rescuing9、 _ to give up smoking, he threw away his _ cigarettes、 A、 Determining; remainedB、 Bent; remainingC、 Determined; remaining D、 Bent; remained10、 _ he is,Fred can resist _ anything dishonest、A、 A child though; having done B、 A child as; doingC、 Although a child; to be doing D、 Child as; doing美文欣赏One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music、 Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone、

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