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luck and opportunity.docx

1、luck and opportunityDo you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work正方:Good morning, everyone we are the objective part. I am debater 1 han .I am debater 2 JoneWe are the negative part. I am debater 1 ding. I am debater 2 Li .正方立论:We both sides have to seize this opportunity,to pu

2、rsue our desires for success. Our opinion - -the opportunity and luck is the key to success. If there is no opportunity, even though you have talent you have not demonstrated vision and the opportunity to stage. Mrs. Courier said: the weak waits for the opportunity the strong creates opportunity”. W

3、e think: Opportunity and Luck are the keys to success! Thats all, thank you.反方立论:Our side insists on that hard working is the key to success. Its true that hard working and the opportunity are the important factors to success. But we are discussing which is more important. First,seeing from the side

4、 of philosophy, the inside factor is the most importance to everything developing. The hard working is the inside factor. Second, seeing from the way to success, we must set up a goal in the first instance, and through the personal hard working, we can hold the opportunity and achieve to success. So

5、 we believe the hard working is the key to success. Thats all, thank you.自由辩论:反方:We believe that success should be the combination of strong spirit and ability. The people without ability even have the best opportunities, he still cannot succeed. We can see from the difficult hardships that. “Super

6、Girls” also are not fame overnight. They cant be inseparable with their efforts. To look at the students who failed in the college entrance examination, dont they have the opportunity? Thank you.正方:The hard work can not lead to success. “Super Girls” become famous overnight. They all have strength a

7、nd work hard during this pried. But if there is no this opportunity Super Girls competition, they certainly are still unknown to hard work. Can you say that the opportunity and luck is not the key to success? Thank you反方:No pains,No gains. I think everyone can understand this simple truth! The peopl

8、e without ability even have the best opportunities, he still cannot succeed. If Newton is a farmer, and he has no knowledge, when the apple fall on his head, he may just eat it. What is the effect of this opportunity? Thank you正方:If a person does the meaningless favor without any opportunity and luc

9、k, he also is the failure. Opportunity and luck can bring hope of success. Every famous people are successful by opportunity and luck. How can you be successful by efforts alone? If you have no chance to perform, you will be a very ordinary person for you all lifetime. So the opportunity and luck is

10、 the key to success. 自由反方;Seen from the normal personal relationships, the opportunities and luck is only the result created by people. If we do not fight, the only result is failure instead of the success.正方:Bo le and horses are our familiar example. Opportunity and luck are the premise of all the

11、other factors. If there are no opportunity and luck, even if you have talent, you cant get a stage to show yourself.反方;Einstein once said: Opportunity only prefers the mind prepared.” The countless scientists of the success in history have told us, the people who hard work is easier to success than

12、that who only wants to wait for the opportunity and luck.正方:It is clear that success after opportunity and luck. Success is a result, opportunities and luck is the conditions. Since you are successful, the opportunity and luck is Indispensable. 正方总结: Thank for the well debating of the negative part.

13、 We insist on our view that the luck and opportunity is more important than hard working. The hard working is important, but not the key to succeed. When the opportunity is coming, the hard working man or other may catch it and succeed. Hard working can improve the personal ability. It makes us adva

14、ntages of catching the opportunity. So hard working is for getting the opportunity. It means that there is no opportunity and there will be no success. Our side insist that the luck and opportunity is more important than hard working for success.A征求他人观点或意见的用语I would be glad to hear your opinion of 我

15、很乐意听听你对的意见。Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗?I was wondering where you stood on the question of 我想知道你对问题怎么看。B引入自己的新观点或看法的用语Another point is that 另一点是Another way of looking at it is 看这个问题的另一个看法是I forgot to say / tell you that 我忘记要讲.C就自己阐述的观点进行总结时的用语Thats all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。Do you a

16、gree? Im sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。D就对方阐述的观点进行总结时的用语As you said 像你所说的那样But didnt you say that? 但是,难道你没说过吗?、If I understood you correctly, you said that 要是我理解正确的话,你说过.E如何礼貌地反对对方某一观点Im not sure really.Do you think so?Well, it depends.Im not so certain.Well, Im not so sure about that.Im inclined to

17、 disagree with that.No, I dont think so really.F如何强烈反对对方某一观点I disagree.I disagree with you entirely.Im afraid I dont agree.Im afraid you are wrong there.I wouldnt accept that for one minute.You cant really mean that.You cant be serious.1 How to agree strongly with an opinion I couldnt agree more! Th

18、ats absolutely true! Absolutely! I take your point. Id go along with you there. Im with you on that. Thats just what I was thinking. Thats a good point. Thats just how I see it. Thats exactly my opinion. 2 How to half agree with an opinion Yes,perhaps. Well, yes. Yes, in a way. Mmm,possibly. Yes, I

19、agree up to a point. Well, youve got a point there. Theres something in that,I suppose. I guess you could be right. Yes, I suppose so. Thats worth thinking about. 3 How to disagree politely with an opinion I am not sure really. Do you think so? Well, it depends. Im not so certain. Well, Im not so su

20、re about that. Im inclined to disagree with that. No, I dont think so really. 4 How to disagree strongly with an opinion I disagree. I disagree with you entirely. Im afraid I dont agree. Im afraid you are wrong there. I wouldnt accept that for one minute. You cant really mean that. You cant be serio

21、us. You must be joking.Are pets good for our daily life? Nowadays people have different opinions about whether having pets stay at home or not. now lets have a discuss about the topic. 正方: we are the objective part. I am debater 1 姓名 I am debater 2 姓名 反方: We are the negative part. I am debater 1姓名.

22、I am debater 2姓名 1正方立论: We both sides have to seize this opportunity,to pursue our desires for success. Our opinion - -pets are good fou oer daily life. If there is no pets, and families are far away from where we are, even though you have sapre time ,nobody will share happiness with you. We think:

23、pets maybe a member of our families,we cant live without them. Thats all, thank you. 2反方立论:Our side insists on that pets are not good for our daily life . Its true that pets can reduse the feeling of loneliness. But dont you think health is more important? First,keep a pet is very dirty, pets would

24、make germs everywhere .Second, pets often bite people who are innocence. So we believe pets are bad fou our daily life. Thats all, thank you. 自由辩论: 3反方: We believe that keep a pat may cost lots of money and time.when pets are ill,we must pay much attention to them,when pets died,we must be very said

25、,because of these reasons , keep a pet maybe a trouble thing. people who live without pets will share more time with friends , communicate with people is better than communicate with pets. Thank you. 4正方: We live in a fast-speed time, we dont have enough time to stay with our parents,a pet may bring

26、 them much happiness. With pets ,parents will often go for a walk ,its good for peoples health,especially for the old. Can you say that pets are not important ? Thank you 5反方: Keep pets as families arent always true , because many people spend much money with them ,pets often waste food .as you know

27、 ,there still have many people have nothing to eat in the world. people or pets , which will you choose? Thank you 6正方: people treat pets well arent false, because they are rich. Theyll alse help poor peole all over the world . there is nothing to do with pets , pets need people care. Theyre lives t

28、oo. So pets are good fou our daily life. 总结: Thank for the well debating of the both parts. Acroding to the discuss,we know,Pets may make people feel happy,especially to the old people who live alone.So pets are good friends to humans.But for the blind,pets are not only friends but also a useful too

29、l,such as guide dogs.Its so helpful. On the other hand,keep a pet may cause many troubles.It wastes a lot of time and money,also,its very dirty.In fact,there still have many people in the world have nothing to eat. In our opinions,pet maybe a family in the families which really need.But waste too mu

30、ch time and money is not worth. 首先来说个人的能力是有限的.如果只发挥自己的个人能力.是很难取得成功的.其次.人也是一种资源.人际交往能力强的人会最大程度上面利用这个资源.从而和别人相比较.他所能调配的资源就会很多.也更容易达到目的.然后做一件事情.尤其是难度越大的事情.那么需要团队合作.人际交往能力强.就越能使这个团队充满凝聚力.大家为了同一个目标而奋斗.那么就可以更快的达到目标.First, personal ability is limited. If only play their personal ability is hard to succeed.

31、Secondly. People is also a kind of strong interpersonal skills. People will use the resources to the greatest extent it. Thus compared with others. He can allocate resources will be much easier to achieve purpose. Also.Then do one thing. Especially the more difficult things. You need to teamwork. In

32、terpersonal ability. The team with the same goal. Everyone, to strive. So can quickly reach the goal.又是新一年的开端了,每个人都在计划着未来的同时,也不时在回顾总结往年事业的进展情况或成败与否,其中最清晰的两个原因是:个人原因还是社会原因;是个人能力不足,还会机会未成熟,每个人在不同时段会有同的感受。不过我觉得不管是处在政府机关单位,还是企事业单位,在个人的工作成长中人际关系起着重要的作用,也许会有很多人会感叹,千里马常有,而伯乐难寻,倘若有贵人相扶,定会一跃千里,何其要一步一个脚印呢。但是在这个万千变化的竞争时代,个人能力和人际关系都是相辅相承的,缺一不可。个人能力是创业的地基,而人际关系就好比

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