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1、Lecture4动名词讲义Lecture-4-动名词-讲义DB. be worthy to be done “某事值得被做”1.3.3 Worthwhile: 与worthy一样,既可作表语,又可作定语。表示某事因重要、有趣或受益大而值得花时间、金钱或努力去做,一般做“值得的”、“值得做的”、“有意义的”解。用作表语时,可接动名词或动词不定式。 A. be worthwhile to do / doing sth. “值得做某事”2. 动名词的作用:2.1 作主语 Reading aloud is very helpful. 当动名词短语作主语时常用it作形式主语。 Its no use qu

2、arreling.2.2 作表语 In the ant city, the queens job is laying eggs.2.3 作宾语 We have to prevent the air from being polluted. 动名词作宾语时,若跟有宾补,则常用形式宾语it. We found it no good making fun of the others.2.4 作定语 He cant walk without a walking-stick. Is there a swimming pool in your school?动名词作名词后置定语:不同的名词,对这两种后置定

3、语的选择是有区别的,有的只能用to do,有的只可用of doing,有的两种都可以。2.4.1 hope, risk, possibility, impossibility, probability, prospect, responsibility,等,一般只能用of doing作后置定语。In fact, there is no hope of their winning the game.He will run the risk of losing his life to save the child.2.4.2 will, willingness, suggestion, concl

4、usion, decision, permission, agreement, refusal, determination, proposal, resolution等,一般用不定式作后置定语。 Mary has the will to win the first prize. He has drawn a conclusion to go abroad with his family.2.4.3 way, chance, need, necessity, right, freedom, power, opportunity等,既可用不定式短语,又可用of doing短语作后置定语。 Her

5、 chance to go (of going) abroad was lost. He has the right to do (of doing) that.2.5 作同位语 The cave, his hiding-place is secret. His habit, listening to the news on the radio remains unchanged. 3. 动词doing结构的常见动词口诀:放弃享受可后悔,坚持练习必完成,延期避免非介意,考虑要求不自禁,建议冒险去献身,错过否认不喜欢。 give up/enjoy/repent, keep(on)/insist

6、on/practice/finish, lay(postpone)/avoid(escape)/mind consider/cant help, suggest/risk miss/deny/dislike 其它动词:Admit/acknowledge/ Resent/stand/pardon/imagine/favor/forbid/excuse/ appreciate/complete/confess等。4.动名词的复合结构:动名词复合结构由物主代词或名词的所有格动名词构成,在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语等成分。4.1 作主语:名词所有格/普通所有格(口语)动名词的复合结构 The boys

7、 / The boy being educated in an atmosphere of simple living was what his parents wished for. “there be”动名词复合结构 There is no joking about such matters.4.2 作宾语:形容词性物主代词/宾格代词动名词的复合结构 I would appreciate your/you(口语) keeping it a secret.She is ashamed of her sons/her son(普通所有格/口语) being a prisoner. “there

8、 being+动名词复合结构”作介词of的宾语,表示存在。 Helen never dreams of there being a chance for her to be sent abroad very soon.4.3 作表语 What troubled us was our not having enough time.5. 只能接动名词或名词的to短语Accustom (oneself) to(习惯) admit to(承认,供认)aid (n.) to(辅助)amount to(总计,等于) apply to(致力于)归因于) be accustomed

9、 to(习惯于)be committed to (使负有责任) be devoted to (致力于) be faithful to(忠于) familiar to(为所知) Sb. be familiar with(对熟悉) be opposed to (反对)be reduced to (落到,使变小) be resigned to(听任) be sensitive to(对敏感) be superior to(优于) be used to(习惯于)devote oneself to(专心于)face up to(面对)get down to(开始认真处理) in addit

10、ion to(加之) in relation to(与有关) indifference to (对冷漠)keep to(坚持) lead to(导致)limit to(局限于) live up to(不辜负) look forward to(期待)object to(对反感) (把归功于) owing to (因为)point to(表明) preferto(较喜欢,宁愿) put ones mind to(全神贯注) resign oneself to(听从,顺从) resignto(托付给)resortto(求助于)sink to (低到地步)stand up to(勇敢地面对

11、)stick to(坚持) take to(习惯于)thanks to(多亏)turn to(使变成)with a view to(为了) with an eye to(考虑到) with regard to(关于)奉献)6.其它接动名词的动词短语preventfrom (阻止) as well as (除也)burst out (爆发)give up (放弃) cant help (禁不住)be tired of (疲倦) be fond of (对喜欢)take up(继续)be capable of(有能力干)be afraid of (害怕)be proud o

12、f(对自豪)think of/about(考虑到)hold off (拖延)put off(耽搁) keep on(坚持)insist on(坚持)count on/upon(依赖)set about(开始从事)be successful in(成功干) good at(擅长)succeed in (成功)have difficulty( trouble, problem, pleasure, a difficult time) in (干有困难)7.V.+doing和V.+to do sth.意义差别不大试图开始继续爱,讨厌忽略计划要求喜欢。 attempt/ begin start/con

13、tinue/deserve, dread hate/neglect omit /intend plan/need require/like love prefer7.1 在begin, cant bear, cease, continue, dread, like, love, neglect, omit, prefer, propose, start等动词之后,用ing表示一般的行为;用不定式表示特定的或具体的动作。 I cant bear living alone. 我受不住孤独。(一般的行为) I cant bear to see the child treated stupidly.

14、我受不了对那孩子的愚蠢对待。(某一次具体的行为。)7.2 在need, want, require, deserve等动词之后,可用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义,这相当于不定式的被动语态。 She wants to repair the desk. The desk wants repairing.7.3 在begin, start之后虽能跟不定式也能跟-ing,但若跟的是静态动词,便只能用不定式。 We begin to see(明白) what he meant. She began to believe his story. 当begin, start已用于进行时,其后的动词也用不定式。

15、 Its beginning to rain.8. V.+doing和V.+to do sth.意义差别大8.1 forget /remember to do表示忘记/记住要去做某事; forget /remember doing表示忘记/记住做过某事。 The light in the classroom is still on. I forgot to turn it off. 教室的灯还亮着,我忘记关了。(没有做关灯的动作) I remembered writing him a letter a year ago. 我记得一年前给他写过信。 (已做过写信的动作)8.2 regret to

16、 do表示对要做的事遗憾(未做);regret doing表示对做过的事情遗憾,后悔已做。 I regret to have to tell you about this, but I have no other choice. She doesnt regret telling you what she thought.8.3 stop to do 表示停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事情;stop doing表示停止做某事。 Joe stopped to smoke a cigarette. Joe must stop smoking.8.4 cease to 表示长时间,甚至永远停做某事;c

17、ease doing表示短时间停止做某做,以后还会接着做。 That zoo has ceased to exist forever. The girls ceased chatting for a moment when their monitor passed by.8.5 try to do(try ones best to do sth.)表示努力,企图做某事;try doing (have a try) 表示试验,试着做某事。 You must try to be more careful. I tried gardening but didnt succeed.8.6 go on

18、to do表示做了一件事后,接着做另一件事;go on doing表示继续做原来做的事。 After she had finished her math, Jenny went to do her physics. Go on doing the other exercise after you have finished this one.8.7 be afraid to do 表示不敢,胆怯于做某事,是主观上的原因不去做,意为“怕”:be afraid of doing表示担心出现doing的状况,结果。doing是客观上造成的,意为“生怕,恐怕”。 Mary was afraid to

19、step further in grass because she was afraid of being bitten by a snake. I was afraid of waking my husband, because he went to bed too late.8.8 interested to do表示想了解某事;interested in doing表示喜欢做某事。 Helen shall be interested to know whats in her students mind. She is interested in working as a teacher. Do you want to be a teacher?8.9 mean to do 表示打算,想;mean doing表示意味着。 I mean to go, but my brother would not allow me to. To raise wages means increasing purchasing power.

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