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1、awfxyw大学英语四级词汇讲解-+懒惰是很奇怪的东西,它使你以为那是安逸,是休息,是福气;但实际上它所给你的是无聊,是倦怠,是消沉;它剥夺你对前途的希望,割断你和别人之间的友情,使你心胸日渐狭窄,对人生也越来越怀疑。罗兰大学英语四级词汇讲解该讲的都在六级的帖子里说了,这里就只提一点,我继续开始做四级词汇,一是为了方便大家学习,二是让自己重新复习一遍四级词汇,我不希望我的考试只是为了一张纸,我要么真正掌握英语,要么撒手不做。因为四级词汇较多,我一次录入量为三十个,根据你的情况对单词进行主次归类,然后背诵,而对于考六级的同学,反复吃透这些常用词汇才是真正之要义。Have a good trip!

2、第一天 abandonvt. 抛弃,离弃The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.那个狠心的男人遗弃了妻儿。vt. 放弃They had abandoned all hope.他们不再抱任何希望。考点abandon+doing sthabilityn. 能力I do not doubt your ability to the work. 我不怀疑你干这项工作的能力。反inabilityaboardadv. 在船(飞机、车)上Welcome aboard! 欢迎各位搭乘本机(船)!adv. 上船(飞机、车)prep. 在船(飞机、车)上; 上船(飞机、

3、车)abroadadv.(在)国外,出国Do you like being abroad ? 你喜欢在国外生活吗?同overseaabsencen. 缺乏,不在场;缺乏,没有in the absence of definite information 没有确切消息的情况同lack难点absence from 不在,缺乏in the absence of 缺乏的情况下absentadj. 缺乏,不在be absent from school 旷课adj. 茫然的,恍惚的absentminded 心不在焉的absoluteadj. 绝对的,纯粹的,完全的同completeabsolutelyadv

4、. 完全地,绝对地absorbvt. 吸收absorb knowledge 吸取知识同 take invt. 吸引的注意,使全神贯注考点be absorbed in 全神贯注于abstractadj. 抽象的反concreten. 摘要,梗概an abstract of a speech 一篇演说的摘要同summaryabundantadj. 丰富的,富有的,充裕的考点be abundant in 富于,富有abusen. 辱骂shower abuse on sb. 大骂某人n. 虐待;滥用an abuse of trust 辜负别人的信任vt. 辱骂;虐待同ill-treatvt. 滥用Do

5、nt abuse your authority. 不要滥用你的威信。academicadj. 学院的,学术的;理论的The issue is academic. 此问题过于注重理论。acceleratev. 加速;促进同speed upaccentn. 口音,腔调a Cockney accent 伦敦东区的口音n. 重音acceptancen. 接受,同意;承认,认可The proposal met with general acceptance. 这个建议得到普遍的认可。accessn. 接近(或进入)的权利(方法或机会等)Only high officials had access to

6、the Emperor. 只有高级官员可以接近皇帝。n. 通道,入口同entrance难点have / gain access to 可以获得(或接近)accidentaladj. 偶然的,意外的;附带的accommodationn.(pl.)住处,膳宿accompanyvt. 陪伴,陪同He was accompanied by his secretary. 他有秘书随行。vt. 伴随,和 一起发生lightning accompanied with thunder 雷电交加vt. 为伴奏The singer was accompanied at the piano by Gerald Mo

7、ore.该歌手由杰拉尔德穆尔钢琴伴奏。accomplishvt. 完成,实现a man who will never accomplish anything. 永远一事无成的人vt. 达到(目的等)Can you accomplish your purpose ?你能达到目的吗?accordancen. 一致,符合难点in accordance with 与 一致,按照,根据accordinglyadv. 因此,于是;照着,相应地accountn. 叙述,说明;帐,账户open an account 开户头vi. (for)说明(原因等)His illness accounts for his

8、 absence. 他因为生病,所以才缺席。难点settle ones account (with) 结清欠账;(喻)报复on account of 由于,因此on no account 决不(放句首时句子倒装)takeinto account 对加以考虑account for 说明的原因accumulatev. 积累,积聚同pile up ; store upaccuracyn. 准确,正确性同precision n. 精确度accurateadj. 准确的,精确的同exact , preciseaccusevt. 控告,告发难点accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人The poli

9、ce accused him of murder. 警方指控他谋杀。accustomedadj. (to)习惯的,惯常的难点be/become accustomed to sb./sth. 习惯于 = be/become used to sb./sth.achievevt. 完成,实现同accomplish , completevt. 达到,得到同attain第二天 achievementn. 完成,达到;成就,成绩acidadj. 酸的,酸性的n. 酸,酸性物质acquaintancen. 熟人He has a wide circle of acquaintance. 他交际很广。n. 从经

10、验获得的知识,习知He has some acquaintance with German. 他略懂德文。难点make the acquaintance of sb. 与某人相识have a bowing / nodding acquaintance with sb. 与某人有点头之交acquirevt. (由技术、能力、努力或行为而)获得、得到acquire a good knowledge of English 熟谙英文考点an acquire taste 嗜好acren. 英亩actionn. 行动,行动过程;作用难点bring/call sth. into action 使起作用,使生

11、效,使操作put/set sth. in action 实行,开动put sth. out of action 使停止工作,使不适用take action 开始行动,采取行动the action on 对.的作用activityn. 活动、活性His time of full activity is past. 他充满活力的时期已经过去了。n. 活动,所做或待做的事情My numerous activities leave me little leisure. 繁多的事务使我一点空闲也没有。actorn. 男演员actressn. 女演员actuallyadv. 实际上adn. 广告adapt

12、v. (使)适应,(使)适合He adapt himself to his new conditions. 他适应了新的环境。v. 改编,改写The book is adapted to the needs of beginners. 本书经过改写以适合初学者的需要。难点,adapt to 适应,适合.additionn. 加,加法;附加物难点in addition 另外,加之in addition to 除.之外additionaladj. 附加的,另外的adequateadj. 足够的,充分的$10 a week is not adequate to support a f

13、amily. 十美元一周不足以维持一个家庭。反inadequateadjectiven. 形容词adjustvt. 调整,调节The body adjusts itself to change in temperature.身体能自行调节以适应气温变化。同adaptn. 校正,校准adjust the errors 校正错误adjust the meters 校正仪表administrationn. (事务,尤指公共事务,国家政策等)管理,经营;行政机关,局Successive Administrations failed to solve the countrys problems.历届政府

14、未能解决该国的问题。admissionn. 准许进入,准许加入Admission free. 不收门票。n. 承认,供认by/on his own admission 如他自己所承认的admitv. 承认,供认I admitted my mistake. 我承认我的错误。I admitted to feeling ashamed of my conduct. 我承认我对自己的行为感到惭愧。同acknowledge ; confessn. 准许.进入,准许.加入Only one hundred boys are admitted to the school each year. 该校每年只收一百

15、名男生。难点承认,供认.admit sth.admit to doing sth.admit doing sth.adoptvt. 采用,采纳European dress has been adopted by people in many parts of the world.欧洲服饰为世界许多地方的人们所采用。考点adopted 作前置定语意为“收养的”,作后置定语为“采纳的”adopted children 收养的孩子methods adopted 采用的方法adultn. 成年人同grown-upadj. 成年的,成熟的同matureadvancedadj. 先进的,高级的advant

16、agen. 优点,有利条件The school has many advantages. 这学校具有很多优点。同superiorityn. 利益,好处He gained little advantage from his visit to Landon.他游历伦敦获益甚少。难点gain/have an advantage over 优于,胜过in advantage of 利用,乘.之机take advantage of 趁机利用We should take advantage of these good conditions. 我们应充分利用这些良好的条件。adventuren. 奇遇;冒险

17、adverbn. 副词advertisementn. 广告;做广告,登广告advisablen. 优点,有利条件adj. 明智的,可取的难点It is advisable that . + should do (表示虚拟)aeroplanen. 飞机 同airplaneaffectv. 影响The climate affected the amount of the rainfall.气候影响了雨量。v. 打动,感动The audience was deeply affected.听众深受感动。affectionn. 爱;感情难点have an affection for/towards sb

18、. 喜爱某人affordvt. 负担得起,I cannot afford the expense. 我花不起这笔费用。vt. 供给,给予难点cant afford to do sthafford sb. sth 提供某人某物afterwardsadv. 以后,后来I did not remember the answer until afterwards. 到后来我才想起答案。同after第三天 agencyn. 代理(处),代办处agentn. 代理人,代理商a general agent 总代理商law agent 法律顾问a secret agent密探My agent has powe

19、r to sign my name.我的代理人有权代我签字。n. 经纪人house agent房产经纪人n. 作用者;作用物;动因Rain and sun are the agents that help plants to grow.雨水和太阳是促使植物成长的因素。aggressiveadj. 侵略的,好斗的;敢做敢为的,有进取心的agreementn. 同意、一致We are in agreement on that point. 在那一点上我们意见一致。同harmonyn. 协定,协议come to an agreement with sb. 与某人达成协议考点in agreement

20、with 同意aidn. 援助,救护同supportn. 助手,辅助物vt. 帮助,援助He came to aid me to buy this box. 他来帮我买下箱子。aircraftn. (单复数同型)飞机,飞行器airlinen. (飞机的)航线;航空公司airplanen. 飞机alarmn. 警报,报警器;惊慌vt. 使警觉;使惊恐Dont alarm yourself. 不要惊慌。vt. 向报警alcoholn. 酒精,乙醇同liquor , spiritsalikeadj. 相同的,相像的The two brothers are very much alike. 这两兄弟非

21、常相像。alloyn. 合金alloy steel 合金钢v. 使成合金,搀和alphabetn. 字母表altervt. 改变,变更The nuclear structure is altered. 核结构发生了变化。alternativen. 供选择的东西;取舍,抉择adj. 两者择一的;供选择的altituden. 高度,海拔同height ; elevationaluminium / aluminumn. 铝amazevt. 使惊奇;使惊愕,使惊叹同surprise ; astonishambitionn. 雄心,抱负;野心A boy who fills ambition usuall

22、y works hard. 一个胸怀大志的男孩通常很用功。ambulancen. 救护车amountvi. (to)合计,共计His debt amount to $5000. 他的债务共达5000美元。同add up (to) ; number ; totalvi. 等同,接近What he said amount to nothing. 他的话不重要。同correspond (to); equal ; (be)equal (to)amusevt. 给以消遣,给以娱乐We amused ourselves with the cat while we waited. 我们在等待时以逗猫为乐。同

23、entertain.analysisn. (pl.)analyses 分析,分解Chemical analysis of water yields hydrogen and oxygen.水经化学分解会产生氢和氧。n. 分析结果in the final analysis 归根到底analysevt. 分析,分解It was analysed by a strain energy method.这是用应变能力方法解决的。ancestorn. 祖宗,祖先;动物品种的原型;(法律)被继承人anchorn. 锚,锚状物cast (drop)anchor 抛锚vi. 抛锚The ship anchored in the harbor. 这条船在港口抛锚。ancientadj. 古代的,古老的anglen. 角,角度;观点,看法What angle are you writing this story ? 你是从何种观点写这故事 ?同viewpoint难点at the angle (of) 从角度an acute (a sharp) angle 锐角a right angle 直角an obtuse angle 钝角anklen. 踝,踝关节hurt ones left ankle at broad jump 跳远时伤了左踝announcern. 报幕员,播音员

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