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1、第三部分 专题一 第十一讲 特殊句式 专题训练第三部分 专题一 第十一讲 特殊句式1.对于感叹句、祈使句、反意疑问句和否定句的考查主要从以下几个方面进行:(1)感叹句的考查要点是what与how引导的感叹句作为宾语从句出现在试题中,其难点有两方面:一是复数名词或不可数名词前面用what还是how;二是感叹句的语序。(2)祈使句的主要考点是:根据句式特点判断是祈使分句还是状语成分;祈使句and/or结果分句。(3)反意疑问句主要考查主从复合句和并列句后面的反意疑问句。(4)否定句的考查主要是对于部分否定句的辨认。2对省略句的考查主要从以下几个方面进行:(1)省略主语、主语和谓语、主语和谓语的一部

2、分;(2)不定式符号to的省略;(3)状语从句中主语和谓语动词部分的省略;(4)不定式中动词的省略;(5)not,so,neither,nor的“替代性”省略。3对倒装句的考查主要从以下几个方面入手:(1)含有否定意味的词置于句首时,部分倒装;(2)only位于句首时(主语前除外),部分倒装;(3)so/such.that句型中,so/such位于句首时,so/such后的主句倒装,that从句不倒装。4对主谓一致的考查重点是:(1)主语as well as/together with名词/代词;(2)not only.but(also).,neither.nor.,either.or.连接两

3、个主语;(3)means,works等词汇作主语。5强调句型的考查重点是:(1)强调句型的疑问句形式。(2)对not until 的强调。62011年高考将注重考查知识之间的交叉现象,加大了综合考查语法知识的力度,在考查强调句的同时考查定语从句,把省略句以及强调句与时间状语从句、地点状语从句的考查等融合到一起,强调了学生综合把握语法知识的能力。1(2010四川高考)If you have a job, _ yourself to it and finally youll succeed.Ado devote Bdont devoteCdevoting Dnot devoting解析:考查特殊句

4、型。本句为“祈使句and陈述句”句型;do是对谓语动词devote的强调。答案:A2(2010重庆高考)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _ ,one of the ten largest cities in China.Alies Chongqing BChongqing liesCdoes lie Chongqing Ddoes Chongqing lie解析:考查倒装。表示方位的介词短语At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jiali

5、ng River位于句首,故此处应该用全部倒装。答案:A3(2010南京第三次模拟)What a pity!All his property,the books,the pictures and the house,_ consumed by the big fire.Awere BwasChad been Dhave been解析:本题考查主谓一致和时态。本句的主语是all his property,property表示财产,是不可数名词,因此谓语动词用单数形式。句中的the books,the pictures and the house是同位语,对property进行补充说明。事情发生在

6、说话之前,故用一般过去时。答案:B4(2011厦门市质量检查)Either the ways or the time _ yet,but you may ask the headmaster for some information.Aisnt decided Bhasnt decidedCarent decided Dhavent decided解析:考查语态与主谓一致。本句的主语由either.or.连接,谓语动词应该与or后面的名词保持一致,使用单数;根据语意可知,应该使用被动语态。答案:A5(2011海南五校联考)How can we reduce CO2 in our home?It

7、s easy._ off your TV or computers when youre not using them,and youll greatly reduce it.ATurn BTo turnCTurning DTurned解析:考查固定句型。本题考查的是“祈使句and陈述句”结构。语意:当你不看电视、不用电脑的时候,把它们都关掉,这样就能大大降低室内二氧化碳的含量。答案:A6(2010合肥第三次教学检测)_ and the problem could be settled.AA bit more effort BTo make more effortCMaking more ef

8、fort DIf you make more effort解析:考查句式。句中有并列连词and,因此前面应该是一个完整的并列句,结合选项此处应为“祈使句and陈述句”结构,前面的祈使句也可用名词代替。句意:再多一点努力,问题就会得到解决。答案:A7(2010厦门市质量检查)It is the test system,rather than the teachers,_ is to blame for the students heavy burden nowadays.Awho BthisCthat Dwhom解析:考查强调句型。本句强调的是主语the test system而不是the te

9、achers,因此不能用who,只能用that。答案:C8(2010湖南十二校第二次联考)_ she is not so cheerful _ she used to be?AHow is it that;as BWhy is it that;whatCIs it why;that DHow it is that;as解析:考查强调句和状语从句。句意:她怎么不像以前那样高兴了?第一空是强调句的特殊疑问句部分;第二空为not so (as).as固定句式。根据第二空的搭配可排除B、C两项;根据句意可知A项正确。答案:A9(2010潍坊质量监测)When people cut down big t

10、rees,new trees should be planted._,they will have no trees to cut down in the future.AIf not BIf soCIf no so DIf dont解析:考查省略。句意:当人们砍倒大树时,应该种植新树,不然的话,他们以后就没有树木可砍了。if not如果不,不然;if so如果这样的话。答案:A10(2010浙江金华十校3月联考)Not until the press reported the pollution _ why the water supply had been cut off.Apeople

11、did know Bpeople had knownChad people known Ddid people know解析:考查倒装句和时态。not until置于句首时,主句要用(部分)倒装结构,由此可以排除A、B两项;另外,根据reported可知C项时态不正确。因此,正确答案是D项。答案:D11(2010湖南十二校第二次联考)We have to stop talking here outside.Listen,_!Hurry up,or well be late.Athere goes the bell Bthere does the bell goCthere the bell g

12、oes Dgoes the bell there解析:考查倒装句。当here,there等表示方位的副词置于句首时,句子要倒装,且用全部倒装。答案:A12(2010日照市调研考试)Mary looks so excited and happy._if you win the first prize.ASo will you BSo do youCSo would you DSo did you解析:考查特殊句型。句意:“Mary看起来很兴奋,很高兴。”“如果你得了一等奖,你也会这样的。”考查“so系动词/助动词/情态动词另一主语”句型,该句式用在肯定句中,表示前面所说的肯定情况也适合于另一个人

13、或物。答案:A13(2010厦门市质量检查)Did you see who the driver was?No,so quickly _ that I couldnt get a good look at his face.Adoes the car speed by Bdid the car speed byCthe car sped by Dthe car speeds by解析:考查倒装句式和时态。so.that.结构中so部分位于句首时,要使用部分倒装的形式;从问句可知答语应该使用过去时态,因此选择B。答案:B14(2011东北三校一模)_ happened to be no one

14、in that house when the typhoon hit the area.AIt BThereCThis DThat解析:考查特殊句式。句意:当台风袭击那个地区时,那座房子中碰巧没有人。本句是there be句式,“there happened to be.”表示“碰巧有”。答案:B15(2011东北三校一模)Only when _ in the afternoon _able to leave.Athe match was over;they wereBwas the match over;were they Cwas the match over;they wereDthe

15、match was over;were they解析:考查倒装句。句意:只有当下午的比赛结束后他们才能够离开。only引导的时间状语从句位于句首时,主句需要用倒装结构,从句不倒装。答案:D.单项填空1(2011南通一模)Did you hear that Li Hua was robbed during his recent trip to South Africa?Yes,not only _ his money,but he was nearly killed.Ahe lost Bdid he loseChe had lost Dwas he lost解析:本题考查倒装句。由not onl

16、y.but also.引导的句型中,前半句中应用部分倒装结构,故先排除A、C两项;再根据句意,不但丢了钱,还差点丢了性命,可知选B。答案:B2(2010海淀第二学期期末)Not until they left school _ how much their teachers loved them and helped them.Athey realized Bdid they realizeCthey would realize Dhad they realized解析:考查倒装。not until引导的时间状语位于句首时,主句用部分倒装;由从句的动词left可知所填部分的时态用一般过去时,选

17、B。答案:B3(2010南通二模)The policeman told me that I had passed the driving test and never in my life _ so happy and excited.AI felt Bdid I feelCI had felt Dhad I felt解析:考查动词时态和倒装句。由never可知此处时态用完成时。而句子的谓语是told,故用过去完成时,且never位于句首,后一分句用部分倒装,选D。答案:D4(2010东北三省四市联考)Such a great event _ that it attracted governm

18、ents and people from across the world to Shanghai.Awas World Expo 2010BWorld Expo 2010 wasChad World Expo 2010 been DWorld Expo 2010 had been解析:考查倒装句。在such.that.结构中,当such置于句首时,句子要倒装,由此可以排除B、D两项;根据从句谓语动词的时态可知,A项正确。答案:A5(2010合肥第三次教学检测)Since my return to China,I havent seen my host mother in America,no

19、r _ from her.AI heard BI have heardCdid I hear Dhave I heard解析:考查倒装句。句意:自从我回到中国之后就没有见过我在美国的房东妈妈,也没有收到她的来信。nor是具有否定意义的词语,位于句首时用倒装语序。另外,句中的时间状语since短语表示延续到现在的情况,所以用现在完成时。答案:D6(2010青岛市联合模拟)Only under special circumstances _ to take makeup tests.Aare freshmen permitted Bpermitted are freshmenCfreshmen a

20、re permitted Dare permitted freshmen解析:only后面跟状语位于句首时,句子要部分倒装,故答案为A。答案:A7(2010西城5月)Mary was only too ready to help others,seldom,_,refusing them when they turned to her.Aif never Bif notCif any Dif ever解析:考查习语的用法。后半部分是对前半部分的进一步说明。句意:玛丽总是乐于助人,如果有人向他求助,他很少拒绝别人。if ever“如果曾经有过的话”,符合句意。答案:D8(2010烟台二模)The

21、y landed safely on the island in the Pacific.Everything went on better than _.Aexpected BexpectingCexpectation Dto expect解析:考查省略句的用法。可以将than expected看成是than it was expected的省略。better than expected为习惯用法,表示“比预期的好”。答案:A9(2010烟台检测)He is rather difficult to make friends with,but his friendship,_,is more

22、true than any other.Aonce gained Bwhen to gainCafter gaining Dwhile gaining解析:这里once gained是once the friendship is gained的省略,由此可知,the friendship与gain之间存在被动关系,所以这里选A。答案:A10(2010海淀第二学期期末)Have you heard that Jones,along with her parents,_ to Hainan for the winter vacation?Really?No wonder I havent seen

23、 her these days.Ahas been Bhave beenChas gone Dhave gone解析:考查主谓一致和词义辨析。主语中心词是Jones,是单数,所以所填词用单数形式;根据应答句中No wonder后的从句意思可知所填词意思是去了,动词用go,选C。答案:C11(2010保定模拟)Did you arrive here this morning?Yes,it was at nine oclock _ we came here.Awhen BbeforeCwhich Dthat解析:考查强调句型。本句是强调句型,被强调部分是at nine oclock。答案:D12(

24、2010重庆诊断)I dont know _ makes her different from others.Honesty,I think.Ahow is it that Bhow it is thatCwhat is it that Dwhat it is that解析:考查特殊句式。上一句的意思是“我不知道是什么让她与众不同”,what it is that makes her different from others是know的宾语从句,因此要用陈述语序。从句是一个强调句,被强调部分是主语what。答案:D13(2010烟台四校联考)_ the instructions on the

25、 packet when you take the drug and the drug,I think,will work soon.AFollow BTo followCFollowing DFollowed解析:考查祈使条件句。句意:如果你服药的时候按照包装上的说明服用,我认为这种药会很快起作用的。此处的祈使句中含有when引导的状语从句。I think为插入语。此句实际上是“祈使句and/or陈述句”结构。祈使句中要用动词原形。答案:A14(2010哈尔滨检测)In my opinion,what matters is not how much a present costs,_ wha

26、t it means to you.Ahowever BnorCeither Dbut解析:本题考查固定句式。根据语境知,重要的不是礼物的价钱而是它对你的意义。not.but.意为“不是而是”,所以D项正确。答案:D15(2010河南六校联考)_ seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to be admitted into colleges or universities.AThere BItCWhat DThat解析:考查句子结构。简化之后就显现出此处是there be句型。在it seems t

27、o be句型中,it是形式主语,而此句中没有作真正主语的成分,应排除。答案:A16(2010东城练习二)Only when Tom fully recovered _ back to work.Adid he go Bhe wentChad he gone Dhe had gone解析:本题考查倒装句型。only位于句首,后面的句子需要部分倒装。所以用did he go。答案:A17(2010苏锡常镇四市教学调查)Not only _ know the theory,but also _ learn how to apply it in practice.Ashould we;should w

28、e Bwe should;we shouldCshould we;we should Dwe should;should we解析:考查倒装句的用法。not only置于句首时,not only所在部分要倒装,but also部分仍用正常语序,因此C项正确。答案:C18(2010海南五校联考)I have been living in Haikou for 10 years,but seldom _ so lonely as now.Ahave I felt BI have feltChad I felt DI had felt解析:考查时态和倒装。分析but之后的分句,seldom,no,n

29、ever等具有否定意义的词置于句首时,句子要进行部分倒装,再结合前一分句的时态可知,答案为A。答案:A19(2010苏州一模)The number of children who have lost parents to AIDS _ to rise to over 26 million in 2011.Aare expected Bis expectingCare expecting Dis expected解析:本题考查主谓一致和动词语态。定语从句中的谓语动词与先行词保持一致,the number of 意为“的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,排除选项A和C;根据语境知,这个数量预计会上升,主语与expect之间是被动关系,故D项正确。答案:D20(2010南昌二模)The police were seeking more information to find

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