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1、英语短语Units 12.重要词汇及短语1.set down 记下;写下 the first place 首先;第一;原先3.burst into sth. 突然而猛烈地发出或产生某事物4.centre on/upon 将某人(某事物)当作中心或重点5.concentrate on 专心致志于6.Tour de France 环法自行车赛7.keep track of 记录;掌握的线索;保持对的联系8.stand out 突出;出色 diagnosed with. 被确诊患有(疾病) a row 连续,一连串11.lead do sth. 致使某人做某事1

2、2.apply for 提出申请(或要求等)13.make for 走向;向前进;有利于,有助于;倾向于14.get a better understanding of. 更充分地理解15.head down to. 向进发,动身16.hang ten (冲浪运动中)作十趾吊 the name of 以的名义;代表18.push on(with sth.)毅然继续(做某事) out of 耗尽;用光20.apart from. 除外(尚有)21.set sail(to/from/for.) 起航pete for 为而竞争 search of 寻找24.give

3、birth to 生;产生 long as (表示条件)只要 the height of 在顶点;在(事业等)的高峰27.for once and always 一劳永逸地 made up of 由构成;组成.重点句型1.Tiananmen Square is the largest square in the world with an area of about 40 hectares.(with引导的短语作定语)2.Impressive as the record is,it fades next to the story of Armstrongs str

4、uggle against disease.(as引导让步状语从句时要倒装)3.July 13,2001 saw a very bright night in Beijing that will never fade in history.(see在该句中的意思是“目睹;经历”)4.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。)5.It was not until 1874,when a young American explorer followed the Nile from Lake Victoria through t

5、o Lake Albert,that this part of the rivers course was finally explored.(强调句型)6.It was believed that the northern coast of this continent lay somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.(It is/was believed that.人们相信)Units 34.重要词汇及短语 a consequence(of )作为(的)结果2.the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦3.go walkabout

6、到灌木丛中闲逛4.break out(指激烈事件)突然发生5.feed.on给(人或动物)食物;喂养;饲养6.round up使集合在一起7.stand for代表,代替;象征,意味着8.have a strong/great influence on.对有重大影响9.benefit from.从受益10.differ from.和不同 fond of喜欢12.have fun with开玩笑13.set foot on踏上14.give birth to生;产生 area在面积上16.keep out(使)在外17.all the year round终年18.have

7、access to接近(或进入)的方法(或权利、机会等)19.on a large scale大规模地;大范围地20.pass away去世;逝世21.belong to属于22.base.on.把基于 first sight 乍一看(之下) born into 出身于25.have an appetite for 爱好26.look out for 照料,照看27.put together 把放在一起;把加在一起 out 做出;设计出;制订出;算出29.make contributions to 对作出贡献30.adapt to 适应.重点句型1.Many

8、Aborigines and islanders were moved and had their land taken away from them.(have sth. done 结构)2.Only in this way could the people in Australia build a society of diverse cultures.(倒装句)3.Some books are to be tasted;others swallowed;and some to be chewed and digested.4.Shanghai is not longer what it

9、used to be. 5.It was Joseph Banks who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.(强调句,强调句子的主语,主语为表示人的名词)Units 5-6.重要词汇及短语1.take into consideration 考虑到,顾及 charge(of) 处于控制或支配地位;负责3.hand in hand 手拉手;密切关联的4.get across 传播;为人理解5.appeal to 有吸引力;呼吁;上诉6.keep an eye out for sb./sth. 留心或注意某人或某物7

10、.make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通8.apply. to. 运用;应用9.lose heart 泄气;灰心10.take it easy 别紧张;放松点11.keep up 维持;保持;使某事物处于高水平mon sense 常识;情理13.leave behind 忘带;留下14.lose ones way 迷路e to an end 结束;中止 through sth. 经历某事物而幸存17.tie up 系;拴;捆 stake 在危险中19.go for 为去努力获取20.lose weight 减肥 to blame 该受责备;应负责22.b

11、e upset about. (对感到)不安的;不快的;心烦意乱的23.associate. with. 使发生联系;使联合24.protect. from. 保护免于 promoted with (用手段来)宣传,推销26.create/form a positive image of 塑造/形成一个正面的形象27.point out 指出28.think twice 重新考虑29.believe in 相信;信仰30.set off for. 出发,动身到 accustomed to 习惯于32.on all fours 匍匐,趴着e to a decision 决定下

12、来e to an agreement 达成一致;达成协议e to a conclusion 告终;下结论36.take up 拿起;着手处理;开始(从事于).重点句型1.Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a companys profits.(部分否定)2.Good advertisements make it possible for companies to introduce new products and increase sales.(make 后接复合宾语)3.Some companies prefe

13、r a well-known word,while others choose names from old stories or legends.(注意该并列连词的词义及用法)4.It is possible that the reader or viewer will remember the advertisement but not the name of the product.5.In the 1960s,a British car company which made very expensive cars was about to sell its latest car in

14、Germany.6.A young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children,and wait for help.(suggest后接宾语从句,从句的谓语动词用“(should)+动词原形”结构)7.No pains,no gains!不劳则无获!Units 7-8.重要词汇及短语 for 喜爱;照顾2.leave alone 不管;随去 want of 需要4.close up (尤指暂时)关闭;使靠近 about 介意,在乎,关心 standards 安全标

15、准7.working conditions 工作条件 conscience 社会道德9.a poor excuse 一个差劲的借口10.bring in 赚入;获利 badly-off 生活穷困12.fall asleep 入睡13.have no eye for 不关心;不在意14.far from 远离;一点也不ment on 评论,批评,解释 face of 面对,在面前,不顾 favor of 支持,赞同;为有利于 praise of 称赞 hope of 抱着的希望 charge of 掌管,负责

16、memory of 为了纪念;为追悼 honor of 为了纪念 search of 搜寻 need of 需要25.turn down 拒绝 follows 如下27.end up in 以告终,以为结局 by one 一个接一个地;逐个地 back to (时间)追溯到30.get it wrong 误解31.on the contrary 相反的是;反而32.toast to 干杯;祝酒33.make sense of 弄懂的意思 other words 换句话说;换言之35.take risks 冒险36.ex

17、periment with 进行试验;进行实验37.piles of 一大堆;一大批;一大团38.fall behind 落后于e across (偶然)遇见40.make progress 取得进步 调整;调解 a consequence 因此43.regardless of 不顾,不管,不拘44.take place 发生45.thanks to 多亏了,由于46.wake up 醒来;叫醒47.stay up 挺住;坚持不睡觉48.broaden ones horizons 开阔眼界 the beginning 开始;起初.重点句型1.But

18、 make sure to be early in the office the day after!(make sure 后常接从句或of doing sth.)2.Much good may it do you!3.If they would rather die,they had better do it.4.Its not my business.5.My hands are too cold to write.6.Lets observe another little scene,as you might have in your life to come.(as引导定语 从句)7.

19、I beg your pardon a thousand times.8.Learning a language is obviously more than memorizing words,phrases and structures.(more than 不仅仅)9.If you were to spend as many hours studying English,you would make great progress.(虚拟条件句)10.The less anxious and more relaxed the learner,the better the language a

20、cquisition proceeds.( the more .,the more . 越,越)11.Not all of us want to be translators or interpreters.(部分否定)12.It is time(that)the bus arrived here to pick up all the passengers.(虚拟语气的使用)13.It is high time for us to put an end to this silly argument.Units 9-10.重要词汇及短语1.lay off 解雇;不理会;使下岗2.make mat

21、ters worse 使情况更困难或更危险3.get rid of 摆脱4.make ends meet 使收支相抵;量入为出 devoted to 献身的;专心于的 a role in 在中起作用7.medical treatment 医疗8.reach a decision 决定下来;下结论9.aim at 瞄准;针对;目的在于10.take measures to . 采取措施来(做)11.make a living 谋生12.depend on 依靠;取决于 on 以为主食;靠生活14.prevent. from . 阻止,阻挡;制止;妨碍

22、vide . for . 为提供 the needs of 满足的需要 burdened with . 使负重担18.put pressure on . 给施压,增添压力19.state-owned companies 国有企业20.lose weight 减肥21.ready-made clothes 成衣22.make fun of 取笑某人23.attend to 处理;照顾;关照24.take pride in 对感到自豪 up 打扮;梳妆26.let down 不支持;使失望 length 最后;终于;详细地 a time 一次2

23、9.go far (人)大有前途;成功e into being 形成 to 关于 accused of 被控诉,控告;被指责,谴责33.set free 使获得自由;释放34.refer to 参考;涉及;谈到;指的是35.turn to 转向,变成;求助于36.adapt to 使适应,使适和37.get accustomed to 变得习惯于38.for a moment 片刻;暂时 through 度过;经受住40.break out in tears 突然大哭起来41.cut off 切掉;割掉;剪下;切断;隔绝42.tear at 撕,扯.重点句型1

24、.What kind of programmes does the WHO run?2.If I had had insurance,the sickness wouldnt have caused such a big problem.(虚拟语气)3.This allowance,however,is only enough to cover the most fundamental needs such as food and clothing.4.They cannot afford to consult a doctor or purchase medicines from a che

25、mist when they get sick,nor can they make sure that their children keep a healthy diet.(部分倒装)5.It is sometimes said that a society can be judged by the way it cares for its weakest members.(据说)6.It was not until World War that the importance of Flemings discovery was fully recognized.(强调句)7.She stoo

26、d by the window and looked out at a grey cat walking along a grey fence in a grey backyard.(表示感觉的动词后接宾语补足语的情况)8. .and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.(相当于定语从句的不定式结构)9.I had my hair cut off and sold it .(have作使役动词的用法)Units 1112.重要词汇及短语1.stick with继续支持;保持联系2.through thick and thin 不

27、顾艰难3.pull out of从中退出4.cater to满足某种需要或要求5.for the sake of由于;为了的利益 reality事实上;实际上7.keep an eye on 照料;照管8.take sth.into account考虑;体谅 a whole 总的说来;作为整体10.once again再一次 up to依照行事;做到;不辜负(期望) 认为13.on ones own独自,靠自己,独立14.the majority of大多数;大部分15.a pie chart饼状图16.a bar chart柱状图17.

28、 使(和)调和,相配 suspected of 被猜疑,被怀疑19.take measures to .采取措施(做) familiar with 对熟悉 made up of构成;组成 把认为23.on the other hand 另一方面24.attach to 伴随 aware of 察觉到,感觉到,获悉 suitable for适合做27.guard.against. 守护(免于),保护28.make the best use of充分利用29.on the surface 表面上的,外表上3

29、 a matter of fact 实际上 satisfied with 对满意32.lose face 失面子 means of以,借着34.put . to use使用,用,利用 demand有需要的;吃香的 as to为了,目的是37.sit for参加(考试)38.concentrate on 集中;专心;专注 begin with首先;第一;起初40.drop out (of)(从活动、竞赛等中)退出;辍学41.result in产生某种作用或结果 skeptical of怀疑43.take in把(某人)带进;领入

30、44.rely on依赖;依靠 far as(远)至(某处);到程度46.lifelong learning 终身学习 out解决;计算出;详细拟订48.have a lot in common有很多共同之处 suited for适合做,对适宜.重点句型1.Not only will these qualities make you rise in the eyes of others,you will also feel better about yourself.(部分倒装)2.While working there you discover that the management does not take proper measures to ensure hygiene

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