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1、哈尔滨工业大学博士研究生入学考试英语真题General English Admission Test For Non-English Major Ph.D. program(Harbin Institute of Technology) 第一套Part I Reading Comprehension (40 points)Passage 1Questions 1-5 are bashed on the following passage. The planets last intact expanses of forest are under siege. Eight thousand yea

2、rs ago, forests covered more than 23 million square miles, or about 40 percent of Earths land surface. Today, almost half of those forests have fallen to the ax, the chain saw, the matchstick, or the bulldozer. A map unveiled in March by the Washington-based World Resources Institute not only shows

3、the locations of former forests, but also assesses the condition of todays forests worldwide. Institute researchers developed the map with the help of the World Conservation Monitoring Center, the World Wildlife Fund, and 90 forest experts at a variety of universities, government organizations, and

4、environmental groups. Only one-fifth of the remaining forests are still “frontier forests,” defined as relatively undisturbed natural forests large enough to support all of their native species. Frontier forests offer a number of benefits: They generate and maintain biodiversity, protect watersheds,

5、 prevent flooding and soil erosion, and stabilize climate. Many large areas that have traditionally been classified as forest land dont qualify as “frontier” because of human influences such as fire suppression and a patchwork of logging. “Theres surprisingly little intact forest left,” says researc

6、h associate Dirk Bryant, the principal author of the report that accompanies the new map. In the report, Bryant, Daniel Nielsen, and Laura Tangley divide the world into four groups:76 countries that have lost all of their frontier forest; 11 nations that are “on the edge”; 28 countries with “not muc

7、h time”; and only eight-including Canada, Russia, and Brazil-that still have a “great opportunity” to keep most of their original forest. The United States is among the nations said to be running out of time: In the lower 48 states, says Bryant, “great opportunity” to keep most of their original for

8、est. The United States is among the nations said to be running out of time: In the lower48 states, says Bryant, “only 1 percent of the forest that was once there as frontier forest qualifies today.”Logging poses the biggest single threat to remaining frontier forests. “Our results suggest that 70 pe

9、rcent of frontier forests under threat are threatened by logging,” says Bryant. The practice of cutting timber also creates roads that cause erosion and open the forest to hunting, mining, firewood gathering, and land clearing for farms.What can protect frontier forests? The researchers recommend co

10、mbining preservation with sustainable land use practices such as tourism and selective timber extraction. “Its possible to restore frontiers,” says Bryant, “but the cost and time required to do so would suggest that the smart approach is to husband the remaining frontier forest before its gone.”1. W

11、hat is the main idea of the passage?A. The present situation of frontier forest on Earth.B. The history of ecology.C. The forest map in the past.D. Beautiful forests in different parts of the world.2. The word “unveiled” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _.A. evaluated B. decoratedC. designed

12、D. made public3. Frontier forests have which of the following benefits?A. They keep climate stable.B. They enhance timber industry.C. They provide people with unique scenery.D. They are of various types.4. The phrase “on the edge” in Paragraph 5 probably means_.A surrounded by frontier forest B near

13、 frontier forestC about to lose their frontier forest D under pressure5. According to the passage, roads created by timber-cutting make it possible for people to_. A travel to other places through the short cutB exploit more forest land C find directions easily D protect former forestsPassage 2Quest

14、ions 6-10 are based on the following passage.(2005年9月PETS3真题)To get a chocolate out of a box requires a considerable amount of unpacking: the box has to be taken out of the paper bag in which it arrived the cellophane wrapper has to be torn off, the lip opened and removed; the lid opened and the pap

15、er removed; the chocolate itself then has to be unwrapped from its own piece of paper. But this insane amount of wrapping is not confined to luxuries: it is now becoming increasingly difficult to buy anything that is not done up in cellophane, polythene, or paper.The package itself is of no interest

16、 to the shopper, who usually throws it away immediately. Useless wrapping accounts for much of the refuse put our by the average London household each week. So why is it done? Some of it, like the cellophane on meat, is necessary, but most of the rest is simply competitive selling. This is absurd. P

17、ackaging is using up scarce energy and resources and messing up the environment.Little research is being carried out on the costs of alternative types of packaging. Just how possible is it, for instance, for local authorities to salvage paper, pulp it, and recycle it as egg-boxes? Would it be cheape

18、r to plant another forest? Paper is the material most used for packaging-20 million paper bags are apparently used in Great Britain each day -but very little is salvaged.A machine has been developed that pulps paper, and then processes it into packaging, e.g. egg-boxes and cartons. This could be eas

19、ily adapted for local authority use. It would mean that people would have to separate their refuse into paper and non-paper, with a different dustbin for each. Paper is, in fact, probably the material that can be most easily recycled; and now, with massive increases in paper prices, the time has com

20、e at which collection by local authorities could be profitable.Recycling of this kind is already happening with milk bottles, which are returned to the dairies, and it has been estimated that if all the milk bottles necessary were made of plastic, then British dairies would be producing the equivale

21、nt of enough plastic tubing to encircle the earth every five or six days!The trouble with plastic is that it does not rot. Some environmentalists argue that the only solution to the problem of ever growing mounds of plastic containers is to do away with plastic altogether in the shops, a suggestion

22、unacceptable to many manufacturers who say there is no alternative to their handy plastic packs. It is evident that more research is needed into the recovery and reuse of various materials and into the cost of collecting and recycling containers as opposed to producing new ones. Unnecessary packagin

23、g, intended to be used just once, and making things look better so more people will buy them, is clearly becoming increasingly absurd. But it is not so much a question of doing away with packaging as resources for what is, after all, a relatively unimportant function.6. The sentence “This insane amo

24、unt of wrapping is not confined to luxuries” means that_.A not enough wrapping is used for luxuriesB more wrapping is used for luxuries than for ordinary productsC it is not only for luxury products that too much wrapping is used D the wrapping used for luxury products is unnecessary7. The local aut

25、horities are_. A the Town CouncilB the policeC the paper manufacturersD the most influential citizens8 If paper is to be recycled,_. A more forests will have to be planted B the use of paper bags will have to be restrictedC people will have to use different dustbins for their rubbish D the local aut

26、horities will have to reduce the price of paper9. British dairies are_. A producing enough plastic tubing to go round the world in less than a week B giving up the use of glass bottles C increasing the production of plastic bottles D reusing their old glass bottles10. The environmentalists think tha

27、t_. A more plastic packaging should be used B plastic is the most convenient form of packaging C too much plastic is wastedD shops should stop using plastic containersPassage 3Questions11-18 are based on the following passage.(找到了出处)The tragic impact of the modern city on the human being has killed

28、his sense of aesthetics, the material benefits of an affluent society have diverted his attention from aesthetics, the material benefits of an affluent society have diverted his attention from his city and its cultural potentials to the products of science and technology: washing machines, central h

29、eating, automatic cookers, television sets, computers and fitted carpets, He is, at the moment, drunk with democracy, well-to-do, a car driver, and has never had it so good.He is reluctant to walk. Statistics reveal that the distance he is prepared to walk from his parking place to his shopping cent

30、er is very short. As there are no adequate off-street parking facilities, the cities are littered with kerb-parked cars and parking meters rear themselves everywhere. Congestion has become the predominant factor in his environment, and statistics suggest that two cars per household system may soon m

31、ake matters worse.In the meantime, insult is added to injury by “land value”. The value of land results from its use: its income and its value increase. “Putting land to its highest and best use” becomes the principal economic standard in urban growth. This speculative approach and the pressure of i

32、ncreasing population lead to the “vertical” growth of cities with the result that people are forced to adjust themselves to congestion in order to maintain these relatively artificial land values. Paradoxically the remedy for removing congestion is to create no re of it.Partial decentralization, or rather, pseudo-decentralization, in the form of large devel

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