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1、英语专业四级范文10篇仅供参考英语专业四级范文10篇,仅供参考!英语专业四级范文(1):Mutual Understanding(互相理解)As an old saying goes, Treat others the way you want to be treated. Likewise, if you want to be understood, you must first seek to understand others.To understand others is to put yourself into others shoes and to be aware of thei

2、r feelings. That is often perceived as a mere selfless act; but in fact, when you seek to be empathetic, you can melt an otherwise cold relationship and thus are more likely to get understood.If clinicians, for instance, treat patients like medical conditions, not people, then minor disagreements be

3、tween them may escalate into greater conflicts. On the contrary, if a care provider can put himself in patients place, trying to feel their pains and sufferings, the patients will be more inclined to understand the clinician, even if the treatment falls flat.In conclusion, understanding generates wi

4、thin us love and inclusiveness. Only when we attempt to understand others, can we truly care about them and tolerate differences. Its understanding that enables us to have a generous heart to be considerate and benevolent. If everyone is willing to do so, we will surely be better understood and tole

5、rated. (190 words)英语专业四级范文(2):WhyRespect Is Important?(为什么尊重是很重要?)Why respect is important goes back in time, respect plays an important role insurvival. If we think of a small tribe wandering in the desert, we can imagine that a person not respected by anyone could be left behind and die. Such a pe

6、rson was considered to have no worth, no importance, no value to the group.This, I believe, is the foundation of our psychological need to feel respected.Nowadays it seems much more possible to survive without being respected. Someone could, for example, inherit a large sum of money, have many serva

7、nts and employees and have salesmen constantly calling on him and catering to him, yet not be respected in the least. Someone could also make a lot of money through having aparticular talent which is valued, such as being able to dunk a basketball yet not really be respected, perhaps because of the

8、way he treats others.Still, there is a value to respect which money cant buy.Though someones life might not depend on it, there are times, many times in fact, when another person has the chance to make a personal decision - a judgment call. When that person feels sincere respect for someone else, th

9、ey will make a different decision than if they feel no respect, even if they have customarily shown a false, pseudo-respect to the person.In summary, it is for both evolutionary and practical reasons that respect is important, and also why we simply feel better when we are respected. (250 words)英语专业

10、四级范文(3):The Power of Cooperation(合作的力量)The intended meaning of the compelling photo above is far-reaching and affords much food for thought! One cannot help but be moved by the scene as illustrated in the caricature, where there are two handicapped men, with their broken legs tied together, running

11、forward and leaving the dust flying behind them, with a caption under this caricature indicating: “With one leg of yours and one leg of mine, we jointly brave our way forward here and there!”Given its profound social implication, the thought-provoking phenomenon is well worth our endeavor to explore

12、. Undoubtedly, this cartoon arouses our deep concern over the issue of mutual support. The message conveyed in it, I suppose, is twofold.In the first place, in contemporary society, if one wants to achieve his targets or intends to fulfill his ambitions, he has to work hard, make efforts and get pre

13、pared on the basis of his team, otherwise, he will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit him.Secondly, the difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not mainly lies in the fact whether or not he could cooperate successfully with others.As a famous quotation from the

14、 ancient Greek Aesops Fables put it, “United we stand, divided we fall.” We should glory in team work and helping one another; take self-seeking to be a disgrace. (226 words)英语专业四级范文(4):How to Improve Students Mental Health(如何提高学生心理健康)Students mental health, an issue neglected for long, has now gain

15、ed increasing public concern. As to how to improve it, heated discussions are right on their way. As far as Im concerned, the universityshould set upa mental healthworkshop to improvestudents psychological health. Its necessary for the following reasons.For one thing, many problems of mental disorde

16、r may be nipped in the bud. Many students may find it hard to deal with pressure from study and personalrelationships, and therefore pains, puzzles and frustration may arise. The workshop will be a place for the young people to release their pressure by talking with teachers there. In the meantime,

17、teachers may have a chance to detect signs of psychological problems in advance and take precautious measures accordingly. For another, students may know some ways to improve their mentalhealth. If the experts of the workshop can give lectures on regular basis, those students suffering from mental d

18、isturbances will know what to do and face their problems bravely.From the factors mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that a mental health workshop can play a vital role in students daily life and help to protect them from mental illness. (203 words)英语专业四级范文(5):Academic Dishonesty on

19、Campus(校园学术造假)It is shown in the recent surveys that many college students copy papers from the Internet to save the trouble of doing their assignments. In my opinion, this kind of academic dishonesty is very harmful to these students.First, copying papers from the Internet makes students lazy. Copy

20、ing papers from the Internet seems easy and can save some time and trouble. In other words, students will become lazier and lazier. Second, students can learn little from copying others work. Students cannot improve their abilities just bydownloading papers from the Internet without their own thinki

21、ng and working. Whats worse, once students get used to academic cheating, they may also cheat in other cases in the future, which will be very dangerous for them, especially when its put down in the honesty record .Therefore, in order to prevent academic dishonesty on campus, some punishments by the

22、 school may be necessary. But the most important thing is that teachers should talk to those students, and make them aware of the fact that copying others work cannot bring them any knowledge and that only by working hard can they improve themselves. (191 words)英语专业四级范文(6):The Benefits and Dangers o

23、f Campus Politics(校园政治的利与弊)Campus politicshas improved the quality of students life on campus and is playing an important role in college life. While we may advocate it because of the benefits, we cannot ignore its problems.On the positive side , college students will grow mature and develop their a

24、bilities from participation in campus politics. For one thing, by attendingcampus political activities, students will learn how to handle relationships with all sides in a more mature way, which will better prepare them for life after graduation. For another, they can develop their sense of responsi

25、bility as well as practical capabilities, especially management and coordination capacity, because the campus political activities provide students with a stage to show themselves and bring their abilities into full play.On the negative side, campus politics might bring some problems. Too muchpartic

26、ipation in campus politics might influence study. Besides, some students being keen on campus politics is for fame and gain, which is harmful to the healthy development of mentality. Therefore, schools and teachers should give necessary instructions to students on their participation in campus polit

27、ics.Allin all, we cannot deny the benets campus politics brings to college students, but we should also be aware of the potential danger it may hold for them as well. With necessary guidance, campus politics can be a good stage for students to grow. (226 words)英语专业四级范文(7):On Dormitory Security(宿舍安全问

28、题)It is reported that recently in quite a few universities, dormitories on campus have been broken into and burglaries have happened every now and then. In fact, students have complained a lot that burglaries are like nightmares in theircollege years. I think its high time that both students and uni

29、versities did something to reduce and eliminate this kind of crime.On the one hand, there are some measures which universities can take. First, universities should have all the dormitory doors and windows checked, find out and repair the broken ones so that thieves cannot go in easily. Second, the n

30、umber of university security staff should be increased. Security personnel should patrol on campus and cross-question any suspicious person. On the other hand, students should also do something to protect their belongings. First, when they leave their dormitories, they should keep doors and windows

31、locked to keep out sneak thieves. Second, students should lock their valuables up inlockers. In this way, they can reduce the risks of burglaries happening.In one word, both students and universities should do something to reduceburglaries in dormitories. And only in a safe dormitory can a student l

32、ive and study happily. (197 words)英语专业四级范文(8):Certification: A Way to Prove Oneself(证书:证明自己的方式)For a growing number of Chinese people, the most productive thing to do with ones spare time is to study for some kind of certification. From languages tobusiness skills to teaching, certications act as proof of ones interest, attitude and ability.Certifications accomplish several purposes. First, they show employers that one is diversied. While ones interest is not limited to only one major, he will win himself more chances o

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