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1、新概念英语一讲义New Concept English Book1 讲 义主讲:Dick LiuLesson 1 Excuse me!.Grammar in use一般疑问句:用yes或no来回答的疑问句。补充:1.陈述句:用来陈述事实或说话人看法的句子。分:肯定句和否定句。eg: This is my book. (肯定):This is not (isnt)my book.(否定)2.疑问句:用来提出问题的句子。分:一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 反意疑问句 选择疑问句将肯定陈述句改为一般疑问句:eg:This is your pen.(肯定句)改成一般疑问句:Is this your pen?

2、把系动词:be (is am are) 提前到句首。肯定回答:Yes,it is. 否定回答:No,it isnt.Everyday English1.Excuse me!.为了引起别人的注意; eg:Excuse me ! Is this your handbag ( pen, book)?.向陌生人问路; eg:Excuse me.Could you please tell me the way to the post office?.问时间; eg: Excuse me.Could you tell me the time?/What time is it?.从别人身边挤过; eg: E

3、xcuse me.Could you please make some room for me?.在宴席或会议中途离开一会儿;eg: Excuse me. May I leave for a little while?.借用他人东西; eg: Excuse me. May I use your pen?.打搅别人或打断别人说话; eg:Excuse me, Could I ask you a question?.请求帮助。 eg: Excuse me. Can you help me?2.Please tell me. 3. Thank Good!4.After you!5.Please ex

4、cuse me for being late.Lesson 3 Sorry, sir.Grammar in use否定句:在系动词be(is am are)后面+not is not=isnt am not are not=arenteg: This is my car.(肯) This is not(isnt) my car. That is your pen. (肯)That is not (isnt)your pen. I am an English teacher. (肯)I am not an English teacher. They are students. (肯)They a

5、re not(arent)students.Everyday English.Come in,Please! .Im pleased to meet you!.Come here, please. .Here it is.Here you are. .Excuse me, Sir.Can I help you,Sir? .I go to school by bus every day.Please give me a pen. (双宾语动词) 间接(人) 直接(物)改:Please give a pen to me. 直接 间接Lesson 5 Nice to meet you.Grammar

6、 in use特殊疑问句:(1)以疑问词 what,who,when,which,why,where,whose,how(+adj/adv)等引导的问句,读降调。构成:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(省去要回答的内容)+?eg:Is your name Tom? 改 What is your name?what:用来询问型号、名字、工作、颜色、国籍等。eg:.What make is this car? .What nationality are you? .What is your job? .What colour is it? .What size is this skirt?.Everyday

7、 Englisheg:.That s a good idea. .Have a good time. .She is good at English. .Honey is good for you. .How nice to see you! .Have a nice time! .Glad (Nice)to meet you! Glad(Nice)to meet you,too! .正式场合初次见面:How do you do? How do you do? .Lets meet tonight! .Are you a teacher,too?Lesson 7.Grammar in use1

8、.特殊疑问句(2)What .? .what +一般疑问句(省去回答的内容)+ ? eg:What is this? This is a book. .what + n + 一般疑问句+ ? eg:What nationality are you? -Im American.2.不定冠词:a ,an (第一次提到,泛指).a:用在读音以辅音音标开头(不是拼写)的单词前面。 eg: a pen a book a用在读音以元音音标开头(不是拼写)的单词前面。 eg: an apple an egg an hour an honest man.Everyday Engl

9、ish.I am very busy. .What is your ( family) name?.What nationality are you? =Where are you from?/Where do you come from?.Whats your job? =What do you do?/What are you?/What do you do fora living?.My name is (names) Dick Liu ./I am (Im) Dick Liu.口语中常见缩略形式:肯定式:There is = Theres There are = TherereYour

10、e = You are Were = We are theyre = they areIts = It is shes = she is hes = he is否定缩略形式:they are not =they arent =theyre notwe are not = we arent =were not I am not =Im not she is not = she isnt =shes not he(it)is not = he(it)s not =he(it) isntyou are not = you arent = youre not there is not = theres

11、 not = there isntLesson 9 How are you today?.Grammar in use1.How.?社交中的用法,表示“如何”的疑问句。(1)询问健康状况或一般生活情况:eg:.How are you ? .How are you doing?.How is it going? .How have you been?(2).-How do you do? 正式场合第一次见面! - How do you do?(3).询问目前状况的疑问句.eg:.Hows life? .Hows everything?(4).用于其它特殊疑问句。.How many.?(可数名词复

12、数).eg:How many books do you have?How much.?(问价格或不可数名词)eg:How much is it?.How long.?(问多久时间) eg:How long have you been in Shenzhen?.How often.? (问动作发生频率,多久一次)eg:How often do you play football?.How far.?(问距离多远)eg;How far is it from your home to the school?.How soon.?(问多久将发生)eg:How soon will you come ba

13、ck?.How about.?(问.怎么样?)=What about.?eg:How about a cup of tea?.How old.?(问年龄) eg:How old are you?Im ten years old.How heavy is the baby?.Everyday English.English is spoken all over the world today.I hope everything will be well with you.Well done !.Hows your wife?-Shes fine,thank you.I see.I like ea

14、ting hot food.Shes very busy now.Lesson 11 It is this your shirt?.Grammar in use1.以疑问词whose引导的特殊疑问句。(1).用来询问所有关系.(回答: 用形容词性物主代词及名词所有格)whose+名词+is (are)+this(these)/that(those) + ?eg:Whose book(s) is(are) this(these)/that(those) + ?-This is my book.(=mine).(2).Whose 也可在句了中作表语。eg:Whose is this/that bo

15、ok?-This /That is Toms.2.名词所有格:在名词后面加-S,作定语,表语。eg:.This is Tims pen.(定语) .Whose bag is that?-That is Lisas.(表语)构成:A.单数名词+s. Toms pen. 不规则复数名词+s the Childrens Day B.规则可数名词+ the students bags3. 单 数 / 复 数种类、人称第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词my yourhis her itsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshis hersoursyour

16、stheirs.Everyday English.True blue will never stain .(谚).Every white has its black, and every sweet has its sour.I caught a bad cold yesterday.Like father, like son.(谚).Failure is the mother of success.(谚).Chinese is my mother tougue.Lesson 13 A new dress.Grammar in use1.what colour.?(询问什么颜色。)eg:.Wh

17、at colour is your new shirt?-Its white. .Whst colour is it?Its black.2.祈使句:表示请求、建议、要求、命令、叮嘱、催促、忠告等意义的句子,读降调。(1)常省略主语you,谓语动词用原形,句末用“!”或“.eg:.Come here(in),please! Stop (talking)! .Shut up! .Look out! .Hurry up! .Keep off the grass!(2)祈使动词还可以跟and 和另一个祈使动词。eg:.Come and see this goldfish. .Go and buy y

18、ourself a pen.Everyday English.Come this way, please.How are you coming now?.See you at the same time tomrrow.Your pen is the same as mine.Youre a lovely girl!.Love my dog.(谚).Youre a lucky dog.Every dog has his day.(谚).Its raining cats and dogs.Have a nice time.Let me have a look at it!Less

19、on 15 Your passports please.Grammar in use1.复数名词:表示两个或两个以上概念时,要用名词的复数形式,例如:These are trees. 这些是树These are three glasses on the table. 桌子上有三只玻璃杯。2.名词复数形式构成的规则变化(1)一般的情况是在名词尾加“S” 清辅音后读“s.例如: book-books map-maps lake-lakes desk-desks 浊辅音后读“z。例如: pen-pens lesson-lessons table-tables bag-bags 元音后读“z”。例如:

20、 boy-boys play-plays ruler-rulers banana-bananas2.以s ,sh,ch,x结尾的名词加“es ”读“iz例如:bus-buses box-boxes watch-watches dish-dishes sandwich-sandwiches church-churches3.以f或fe结尾的名词多数变f或fe为v 加es 读“vz,少数不变,在词尾只加“s 读“s 例如:knife-knives life-lives thief-thieves wife-wives leaf-leaveshalf-halves self-selves wolf-

21、wolves shelf-shelves4.以辅音加y结尾的名词变复数时,把y变为i加es 读“z.例如:country-countries family-families factory-factoriescity-cities story-stories party-parties university-universities5.以元音加y结尾的名词变复数时,在词尾加s读z例如:play-plays boy-boys ray-rays toy-toys guy-guys day-days6.以辅音加o 结尾的名词变复数时在句尾加es读“z”例如:(一般为有生命)tomato-tomato

22、es potato-potatoes hero-heroes negro-neroes7.以o结尾的外来语名词变复数时在词尾加s读“z”例如:(一般为无生命)radio-radios piano-pianos photo-photos kilo-kilos studio-studios注意:有些外来语没有复数形式,例如:fen(分) mu(亩) jin(斤)li里roof变复数时则为roofs cliff-cliffs safe-safes有时以o结尾的名词有两种形式:volcano-volcanos- volcanoes (火山) zero-zeros-zeroes(零).Everyday

23、English.Tony has a smart girlfriend .Lily has a handsome boyfriend.A friend in need is a friend indeed.(谚).Id like to make friends with you.Tina is friendly to me.Lesson 17 How do you do?.Grammar in use1.名词复数形式构成的不规则变化1.英语中有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,要逐个记住,常见的不规则名词复数如下:(改变内部元音字母)man-men(男人) woman-women(女人) gooes

24、-geese(鹅)foot-feet (脚) tooth-teeth (牙齿) mouse-mice(老鼠)child-children (儿童) 2.表示国家的名词的复数:Englishman-Englishmen Frenchman-frenchmen Chinese-ChineseJapanese-Japanese American-Americans German-Germans注意:表示某国人的专有名词的单数变化的规律为:英法变化a变e,中日不变总一致,其余一律加s.3.复合名词的复数形式有三种:(1).gentleman-gentlemen(绅士) policeman-police

25、men(警察)afternoon-afternoons(下午) breakfast-breakfasts(早饭)(2).将构成复合词的主要词(中心词)变成复数形式.例如:looker-on-lookers-on(旁观者) passer-by-passers-by(过路人) 英国人的称号复数形式为:the two Mr.Smiths两位史密斯兄弟。(3).将构成复合词的两个部分变成复数形式。这种复合名词的第一个词必须是man或woman。例如:man doctor-men doctors(男医生) woman teacher-women teachers(女教师)woman singer-wom

26、en singers(女歌手) man cook-men cooks(男厨师)boygirl当修饰成分的时候,其本身不变复数。例如:boyfriend-boyfriendsgirlfriend-girlfriends penfriend-penfriends.人称代词主格主格人称代词在句中做主语是为避免重复,具体有:数单 数复 数人称第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey例如:Xiao Li is my good friend. She is very nice.who 引导的特殊疑问句此类疑问句可以对主语进行提问。例如:.Who brok

27、e the window?(对主语提问)谁打破了窗户? LiMing did.李明打破的.Who are you ? Im Dick Liu.或Im an English teacher.注意:区分what 引导的特殊疑问句,它是问人的职业。例如:What are you? Im a teacher.Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty.Grammar in use1.There be 句型构成:(1)There be .表示某处有或存在某个(些)不确定的人或物。常与介词短语连用,说明范围或地点场所。There is + n.(可数单数名词或不可数名词)+介词短语(作状语)T

28、here are + n.(可数复数名词)+介词短语(作状语)常用介词:in在.里面:in the box/room/office. on在.上面:on the desk/ is a pen in the box. .There is some water in the bottle. .There are ten students in the classroom. .There are two books on the desk.(2).否定句与疑问句。如果一个句子中有be的形式存在,疑问或否定形式都在,be本身变化。疑问句 :把系动词be提前放句首;否定句在

29、系动词be后面 there a pen in the box?-Yes,there is.No,there isnt. .There is not (isnt)a pen in the box.2.系动词be根据不同人称和数相应变化。人称代词和物体的数Ihe/she/itthey/we/you单数名词不可数名词复数名词系动词beamisareisisare.Everyday English.Whats the matter with you?(Tom)=(Whats wrong with you?).It doesnt matter. .Im tired of your words.Are you all right? .Thats all right.Open your book and turn to page twenty-one.Shut up! .Its too heavy for me to lift.All day long they work in the office.Lesson 21 Which book?.Grammar in use1.人称代词代词:用来代替名词或名词短语的词,人称代词:主格和宾格之分数 单 数 复 数格主格be动词宾格主格be动词宾格人称第一人称I

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