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1、英语听力教学论文设计英语听力教学论文郝 元 和Abstract Modern language teaching theory highly emphasizes the effect of “listening” on the learning and the use of language. The teaching of English listening isnt only a teaching of language, also a training of ability. In the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and wr

2、iting, listening is the basic, and the most important skill. It isnt only the main way of acquiring language information, but the base of improving other skills. Many Chinese students regard the listening test as the most difficult part of a whole test. In this article, we start with the conditions

3、of the middle school listening teaching, point out some problems and design some activities in the beginning of the class. Then we focus on some activities of teaching English listening and insist that the activities should be emphasized on the process of listening, rather than the result of listeni

4、ng. How can students improve their listening and get good mark, become the subject that junior middle school teachers care. During the English teaching, it is important for teachers to master the skill of designing the listening activities Key Word listening; middle school; English teaching; barrier

5、; teaching activity designing;【摘 要】随着时代的发展和进步,英语作为一种国际通用语在贸易往来和文化交流过程中发挥着不可替代的作用。掌握好英语这种交际工具,对学生将来的发展有着深远的影响。现代语言教育理论高度重视“听”在语言学习和语言使用中的作用。听力教学既是一种语言教学,也是一种技能的培养。在听,说,读,写四项技能中,听是最基础的,最重要的技能。它不仅是获取语言信息的主要途径,还是提高其他技能的基础。许多中国学生认为听力能力的测试是所有测试中最难的部分。在本篇论文中,开篇介绍了现在中学听力教学的情况,指出当中存在的一些问题,针对课前的一些较短的时间设计了一些教学

6、活动。然后集中介绍了听力教学活动的设计,强调听力教学活动应将目光集中在听力的过程上,而非其结果上。如何提高学生英语听力水平,使他们能取得好的成绩,成为广大初中教师所共同关注的问题。在英语教学中,教师如何进行听力教学,精心设计教学活动,如何掌握听力教学的各种技巧显得十分重要。【关键词】听力;初中;英语教学;障碍;设计教学活动1. IntroductionIt is true that listening, speaking, reading, and writing are four basic skills in language teaching and learning. Developm

7、entally, these skills are acquired in a certain sequence. Listening is essential for developing other skills and provides a basis for language learning. But it is also the most difficult of all the learning skills for learners to master. When listening, listeners follow the speaker, thinking about w

8、hat the speaker is saying and what is going on in the mind of the speaker, guessing the speakers opinions and attitudes and catching the true meaning of the speakers words. Listening itself accounts for almost half of the commutative activities in ones daily life. In addition, learners should have t

9、he knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. Many learners are afraid of listening, looking on it as more difficult than any other skills and pay much attention to training their ability to speak, read and write. Improving listening ability is not in a short time, it is a long time work.2. Bac

10、kground studyListening is important in junior students English learning. A child first listens for a long time before he is able to speak, so listening plays the first and the most important role in learning a foreign language. Listening is an important means of language. “It is one of the important

11、 ways in English language communication. According to Rivers study indications, listening occupies 45% of the whole social interactions. From this, we can see that a good listening can help to improve students ability of language understanding. And some statistics show that nearly 50% students regar

12、d listening comprehension as the most difficult part among all kinds of examinations.” 1 ( p1-2) . We must admit that there is no short cut in our life, so as the English learning. It finds that the original initiative to learn listening is very important, which can lead the way to success.Now have

13、a look at our junior schools. What most teachers do in class is merely to play the recorder and check answers to listening exercises. So most students can hardly learn anything in class, and listening comprehension gives much headache. Hence, in teaching listening comprehension, it is very important

14、 for teachers to find the problems students have and suitable ways to solve the problems. English teaching and learning asks for quite some challenges. The challenges are the lack of adequate linguistic environment, the strong interference from their mother tongue, the overcrowded classrooms and the

15、 lack of sufficient time for English study on the students side. And students are having quite a few subjects on hand and shouldering the great task of all-respect full development in schools. And, in many junior school, it is true that Chinese students are not so influent as those in Western countr

16、ies mainly because they lack self-confidence and they are afraid of making mistakes .In addition, teachers are quite used to the old teaching method, which lays more emphasis on grammar. In order to make themselves understood by all the students, some teachers would explain the grammar rulers or eve

17、n the texts in Chinese rather than in English in class. Thus, students get fewer opportunities to improve their listening skills.3. What are the factors influencing the listening comprehension in Chinese middle school classrooms?Listening is an important mean of language learning. It is one of the s

18、ignificant ways in English language communication. But so many students regard listening comprehension as the most difficult one among all kinds of examinations. Where are their barriers? How to train some tactics for them? Thats what I am going to talk about here.3.1 The analysis of the reasons for

19、 students poor listening ability3.1.1About the teacher aspectThere is a shortage of English teachers in China. It is usually difficult for English teachers in China to go to English-speaking countries to study or work. Most of them dont have the experience of going abroad. They have learned their En

20、glish only in China. So we may say they have certain shortage.3.1.2The English environmentThe English environment in China is different from other countries e.g. Canada. In China, English is a foreign language (EFL), not a second language (ESL). Both students and teachers are doing their jobs under

21、this condition which is quite different from that such as in the US. For example, Chinese immigrant students in Canada can learn English more quickly than those in China. Why? Because in Canada, English is regarded as their second language. They enjoy a much better English environment as well as hav

22、e English high motivations. This is what is needed in China. What those students in China need is this authentic language environment which isnt easy to be created in China.3.1.3. The learning aspectListening comprehension is the summation of hearing and understanding. If you have a better level abo

23、ut English knowledge, you may be capable of understanding very well in listening to the materials, and may have an excellent response to any questions asked by the speakers on the tapes. ()Barriers on Phonetics and PhonologyIt is clear that “Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonetic medium o

24、f language, and Phonology studies how speech sounds system in a language form pattern.” (p22) English, as a new language for Chinese students, usually appears some problems exactly on Phonetics and Phonology, such as the mistakes on pronunciation, intonation, and all kinds of skills like word stress

25、, sentence stress, motion of sound, assimilation, sound-linking and incomplete explosion, etc. Therefore some basic knowledge about English Phonetics and Phonology will directly influence students listening comprehension. So designing activities must be aimed at point. So designing some interesting

26、game is to let students discriminate the different pronunciation. The key point is guiding students to find the difference themselves. For example, most Chinese students find the discrimination of some sounds is a problem in listening comprehension, especially, some vowels. E.g., they can hardly dis

27、tinguish the words like “sitsea” and “bed-bad”. In a sentence like “He saw a thief steal into the palace”, steal /sti:l/ is very important in understanding the sentence, but some students just recognize it as still/stil/.() Barriers on tempoTempo means the speed of speaking. It can be controlled by

28、an actor who is good at tongue twisters. Some people enjoy more variation in tempo than others, but everyone has a norm which in characteristic of his usual conversational style. One who tends to use a rapid tempo in everyday speech in English, but Chinese students usually dont have such a tempo in

29、listening. Although sometimes they can speak very fast, they may not catch up with the materials on normal tempo while theyre listening to a tape, especially to a longer conversation or a passage, thats their problems. Because they only used to listen to teachers who always read under the average sp

30、eed in daily life, or used to slow conversations with their partners while practicing oral English, thats why Chinese students can not suit the need of normal speed listening materials or native speakers. Teachers can help students to form a good sensation. Students can train the tempo through readi

31、ng, because there are many skills on it. English teachers should take efforts to teach students how to learn some knowledge about sentence stress, rhythm, sound and intonation, etc. So, during in the class, or at the beginning of the class, teacher can design a game or completion about reading. The

32、student who is the winner can give him/her a present. Through insisting on doing so, studentss sensation can be improved.() Barriers on lexicology and grammar During the process of listening comprehension, listeners should not only do the exercises of sound recognition, but also learn more vocabular

33、y. If a new word appeared while theyre listening, theyll find it difficult for them to understand the whole meaning, even some students stop to listen and think about over and over the new word they met before while the material are going on. So does the grammar. Grammar can help us to catch the implicatio

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