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1、山东省各地市高考英语最新试题分类汇编9完形填空专题二 完形填空 (二 【山东省青岛二中 2012届高三下学期期中考试】阅读下面短文 , 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、 B 、 C 和 D 中 , 选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。It s easy to see how to help some people, but what about those whose needs are which has stayed with me and helped me ever since.for the needy. Standing behind the counter, wehard time

2、s. Their clothes were so worn-out, and they were so dirty. In short, they looked needy! but needy. He was well dressed, for he wore an expensive suit. I wondered what he was doing there and my jawstation, the more I in a low voice. I wanted to know what this man was doing.he wasn for those who were

3、really in need!took me to one side. She said, “ You havethat the needs of the people who come here must be purely physical: hunger, lack of , clothing and so on. And this gentleman doesnt seem to have any of those ? What if he needs comfort, friends, or just to be among other human beings?” me like

4、a ton of bricks! I felt like I should t .About a week later the shelter centre received a large an anonymous(匿名 source. I can t help butNow, whenever I meet someone I remember my mother s lesson and try to send kindness and blessings what they look like. Needs aren t alwaysBut kindness always makes

5、a difference.36. A. situation B. secret C. lesson D. comment37. A. volunteering B. practising C. training D. performing 38. A. recommended B. collected C. delivered D. distributed 39. A. looking for B. going through C. learning from D. preparing for 40. A. something B. everything C. anything D. noth

6、ing 41. A. peace B. respect C. delight D. amazement 42. A. declared B. remarked C. complained D. argued 43. A. Generally B. Surely C. Largely D. Probably 44. A. meant B. applied C. watched D. answered 45. A. rudely B. excitedly C. slowly D. quietly 46. A. assumed B. ignored C. announced D. confirmed

7、 47. A. food B. shelter C. water D. coats48. A. problems B. choices C. satisfactions D. feelings 49. A. natural B. practical C. valuable D. emotional 50. A. encouraged B. struck C. wounded D. disappointed 51. A. respond B. suggest C. describe D. apologize 52. A. order B. baggage C. donation D. bill5

8、3. A. imagine B. wonder C. realize D. admit54. A. in honor of B. for fear of C. regardless of D. in spite of 55. A. visible B. reasonable C. ridiculous D. mysterious【答案】36-40 CADBC 41-45 DCBAD46-50 ABADB 51-55 DCBCA【山东省实验中学 2012届高三第四次诊断考试】She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. Noy wa

9、y could I have . Maybe someon e h a d k i c k e d h e r t h e i r c a r t h e night before. “ No 38 for her any more with the baby coming.” “ We never really wanted her, but what could we have done? . ” People find all sorts of excusesfor an animal.I called her Goldie. If Iabout her. There was I cou

10、ld do to make her happy, it seemed. Heaven knows what had happened to her at her owner s. But at the end of the first week she calmed down. Always by my side.we were out on one of our long walks or sitting by the fire.That s why it was such a when she pulled away from me one day when we were out for

11、 a walk. We were walking a long way from home, when she started and getting very restless. Eventually I couldn t hold her any longer and she down the road towards a farmhouse in the distance as fast as she could.By the time I the farm I was very tired and upset with Goldie. But when I saw her lickin

12、g(舔 the four puppies(幼犬at the door said, “ I took her for a walk one day, the puppies were born, and she just disappeared.” “ She must have tried to come back to them and got lost, a boy from behind her.I must admit I do miss Goldie , but I ve got Nugget now , and she looks just like her . And I ve

13、learnt a good lesson:not to judge people.36. A. sent her away B. sold it outC. picked it up D. turned it down37. A. beyond B. out of C. from D. within38. A. seat B. interest C. chance D. space39. A. gift B. reminder C. surprise D. bargain 40. A. taking B. protecting C. abandoning D. removing4l. A. t

14、hought B. known C. hoped D. imagined42. A. first B. last C. usual D. special43. A. darkness B. happiness C. sadness D. eagerness44. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing45. A. familiar B. previous C. cruel D. troublesome46. A. eventually B. unwillingly C. unexpectedly D. probably47. A. w

15、hile B. as C. either D. whether48. A. joy B. shock C. sight D. trouble49. A. barking B. eating C. crying D. running50. A. walked away B. fell over C. dropped out D. raced off5l. A. landed B. reached C. left D. found52. A. anxiety B. respect C. sympathy D. pleasure53. A. every time B. before long C.

16、once in a while D. soon after54. A. added B. whispered C. called D. warned55. A. aunt B. sister C. mother D. child【答案】36-40ABDAC 41-45BACDB 46-50ADBAD 51-55BCDAC【山东省潍坊市重点中学 2012届高三 2月月考】阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36 55各题所给的四个选项 A 、 B 、 C 和 D 中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。a beautiful sports car in a dealers showit, he told him that was all he wanted.On the morning of his gra

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