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1、英语我的寒假总结作文英语我的寒假总结作文篇一:初中英语作文:我的寒假生活初中英语作文:我的寒假生活The Winter HolidayI like the winter holiday very much.Though its very short,I can enjoy the Spring Festival. I can watch cartoon every day.I neednt go to school frepuently.Sometimes I can go to play with my friend outside. With the festival xxing,I ca

2、n play all the time. I can play video game with my brother.I am good at playing PC game.So I often beats my brother.Then more and more relative came to my home.We had dinner together.Its so lively that Iam very happy.But I still have to do my homework.篇二:我的寒假-英语作文happy winter holidayI have got a hap

3、py winter holiday this this year,I have a 7-day winter the first day,I went back to my hometown with my I got there,I saw my we had lunch that time,we not only had dilicious food,we also talk about our wonderful laughed and sang,it was so happy lunch,I got out and found my old friends in the were al

4、l taller and stronger than sat down on the ground and talk about funny was so interesting and also played some funny have never play such a funny game since I leave my hometown for a big was so happy that was the happiest time in my it was so funny.篇三:我的寒假英语作文My Winter HolidayWe are going to have th

5、e winter the holiday we will have the Spring all of the families in China are having a busy of the children in China like Spring Festival very much,because they can eat many delicious food and get many children in China have to do the homework for Winter that the could remember what they have learn

6、the year of the children likes Winter Holiday.I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday. But I didnt. Let you to listen to my story of Winter spend a lot of time on the homework. Every day in myWinter Holiday, I always got up late. Then I listened to the tape, it was nine oclock. T

7、hen I ate breakfast and then I did myhomework during the daytime! Im not very slow but the homework was too heavy!篇四:我的寒假英语作文Time flies really fast, a blink of an eye, happy winter vacation is xxing to an end of life, recalling the winter vacation, I think I had a full and happy. Just a winter vacat

8、ion soon, my family came a housecleaning, early in the morning, we started the division of labor: Dad cleaning cupboard, mother wiped the floor, I wipe the glass. That action action, I take the newspaper will be glass carefully wipe, and then for the good helper a wipe. I put in two sponge wet, will

9、 wipe half inside, the other half on the outside, pressed against the glass, bang glue grip, half of the line I used to hold out, and then there are sequentially on a mobile. My one breath brushed five windows, wipe clean the windows of the pole, even let dad look outside, got a package. In order to

10、 reward me, Dad promised to go fishing with me, but I cant make a sound. I promised again and again. A few days later, my father took me into the field of a large pond, took out a fishing rod, I put on the earthworm, I chose a place, put it off, and then quietly waiting for the fish to bite. So for

11、a long time, but nothing happened, I almost want to throw down the fishing rod to play, there have been several fish can see dad in the bucket, but also not willing to lose to him, just holding a fishing rod stem, ogle buoy buoy, suddenly trembled, I rubbed my eyes, it came again, Im sure the fish h

12、ook, fishing rod is put up, ha ha, a big fish, I lift of her head toward the father, father eyes looked at me with surprise,Im so happy! Have a good beginning, I believe, not to give up easily. So, the goddess of fortune befalls me, fish fish to eat the bait, I came to a big harvest. Back home, mom

13、and dad have to gave me the thumbs up, I also admire myself. Yes, your winter vacation well, Is it right Like me full and happy Good.篇五:我的假期英语作文篇一:我的假期英语作文my holidaymy holiday si happy 。no school, no class. this life is the most beautiful。i very iike my holiday。 because it is holiday.。during the hol

14、iday, i will go every day to and my friends go out to play, we play are very happy, i am very happy. we will go to the library to read a book, this is the most i like doing. i will play the game together with father, and the father when playing the game very happy。i will help my parents to clean the

15、 room every day, my parents it is day。i iike my holiday.我的假期我的假日是快乐的。没有学校,没有课。这是人生中最美丽的。我非常喜欢我的假期。因为它是在假期。在假期里,我会每天去和我的朋友出去玩,我们玩的很开心,我很开心。我们将去图书馆读一本书,这是我最喜欢做。我会和爸爸一起玩游戏,和爸爸玩游戏时非常高兴。我会帮我的父母每天打扫房间,我的父母是天。我喜欢我的假期。 春节作文写春节作文前,我们可以先回忆下过春节是我们参加过的活动,如贴倒福、分压岁钱、吃饺子、掸扬尘、贴年画、贴剪纸、放鞭炮、守岁、给压岁钱、挂千千结、贴春联等,然后挑一个我们印象

16、深刻的上查些资料,可以到XX搜春节的八个习俗,春节的由来与传说等,也可以上作文作文素材频道找到相关资料再进行介绍。作文题目可以自拟,如欢度春节,春节游文庙,除夕之夜,美丽的春节,春节花会 开头部分:大致介绍一下春节,及春节的一些习俗,点明你所要介绍的习俗。(略写) 第二部分:介绍这一习俗的来历、象征意义等,像剪纸、年画、千千结等还可以写写这些物品的种类、样子等。(详细)第三部分:回忆自己参与这一活动的情景。(详细)结尾结尾部分:写写自己对这一习俗的感受。每个部分举例:开头部分:大致介绍一下春节,及春节的一些习俗,点明你所要介绍的习俗。(略写) 例:元宵节是我国的四大节日之一,元宵节一过,春节也


18、事多” 幅幅春联让千家万户喜气盈门。春联的种类比较多。按照使用场所,可分为门心、框对、横批、春条、斗方等。因此,贴的位置也不同,如“门心”贴在门板上端中心部位;“横批”贴在门楣的横木上。第三部分:回忆自己参与这一活动的情景。(详细)例:记得去年元宵节的晚上爸爸妈妈带我去工人体育馆看烟花。八点整,只听见几声沉闷的声音,一个个烟花带着红红的火星窜上了天空,几声脆响,夜空绽放出几朵美丽的花朵。它们的形状和颜色各不相同,有五颜六色的满天星,金黄色的蒲公英,紫色的牵牛花,火红的玫瑰花,粉红的月季、银色的百合,真是绚丽多彩。随着一声声的炮响,人们在惊呼,在赞叹,夜色中,人们微微扬起的脸上也变幻着多姿的色彩

19、,露出了幸福的笑容 结尾结尾部分:写写自己对这一习俗的感受。例:我看着那散发着传统文化芳香的中华结,仿佛品味到了中华民族远古的神秘和东方的灵秀。它的古香古色,它的千变万化,让我神往,让我遐想春节的街头今天,是中国传统节日春节。早晨我还没醒,就听到了鞭炮的声音。平静的社区,今日显得热闹非凡。这热闹的喧嚣,把我的睡意一股脑的全都打撒开来。于是,起床穿上了新衣服连早饭都来不及吃就冲到门外,看着各家各户的炮竹,烟花。接着就是跟爸爸妈妈一起去走街串巷拜年!“李伯伯,新年快乐”“王阿姨,工作顺了”“刘奶奶,身体健康”跟所有的长辈们拜过年之后,妈妈提议说:一会,去街上看看,感受下新年的气氛。 一上街,街上可


21、花在太阳的照射下显得多么的生机勃勃啊。那鲫鱼,鲢鱼,青鱼,草鱼等等在水里游来游去,真是印证了我们中国的老话:年年有鱼(余)!黄的韭菜,红的番茄,黑的木耳,白的萝卜真是要什么有什么呀。“哎哟!可真够挤的。”我嘀咕了一句。跟着妈妈买了几个我爱吃的菜,结完帐就走出了菜场。超市里的收银台前也早已排起了长龙。 傍晚时分,街上,又渐渐安静下来。店主们把店子关了,超市也比往常早了些许关门。大家都提着东西回家过年去了。到了晚上6点左右,社区渐渐安静,孩子们都回家吃团圆饭去了。吃完团圆饭7、8点的样子社区又重新热闹起来。孩子们全都出来放花炮了。这个放个“降落伞,”那个又放个“天女撒花”各式各样的花炮全有。每放完

22、一个都会聚集好几个孩子,他们在讨论谁的花炮最美丽,谁的花炮颜色最多,之后又是阵阵欢笑。大人们或几个坐在一起打牌,打麻将;或几个坐在一起嗑瓜子,剥花生;或看着自己的孩子放花炮,偶尔还要帮他们一下。大多数的孩子,都是自己独立操作完成。夜,更深了。人们陆陆续续的回家了,有些不肯回家的孩子也在父母的劝说下,不情愿的回了家,一天的热闹景象渐渐被夜幕包围。我不禁感叹又是一年到,时间过得可真快呀! 春节见闻“当、当、当”新年的钟声敲响了,家家户户的门上早已贴上了或火红或金黄的对联,每一家的老老少少都乐得合不拢嘴。兴奋的孩子们有的目不转睛地盯着电视,品尝着一年一度的晚会大餐春节晚会;有的急着给自己的长辈拜年,

23、发短信,打电话,所有新年的祝福话语仿佛怎么也说不完;调皮的孩子正在向自己的父辈们 “讨要”压岁钱;屋外的鞭炮声此起彼伏,炸开了锅,五彩的烟花更是把这个特殊的夜晚点缀得绚丽多姿。正月初一,农历新年的第一天迎着人们的喜悦祥和而来。我这个平时最赖床的懒汉,今天却起了个大早,因为我极想穿上我那美丽的新衣,出去好好炫耀一翻。我要去走亲访友拜新年了,这无疑也是一件高兴的事。我们小孩子走在拜年队伍的前面,见到长辈们拜个年,说几句吉利话,就可以收获一大把的压岁钱,然后拿到街上去买自己喜爱的东西玩具、零食、鞭炮,家长好像变了个人似的,对我们的放纵是那么的宽容,一切都有了!这就是过年的感觉。“放鞭炮喽!”不知是谁

24、喊了一声,小孩子们很快都聚在了一起。一串串鞭炮在人们手中点燃。响声震天,四处飞溅,仿佛要把一个个美好的愿望送到千家万户。一阵阵炮竹声接连不断,热闹非凡。到了吃饭的时候,望着满桌子平时最爱吃的菜肴,我们小孩子却一点儿也不觉得饿。大人们在推杯换盏之间,谈论最多是:今非昔比啊!今天的幸福生活从餐桌上最能说明问题,现在人们生活好了,天天就像在过年!奔波在走亲访友的路途上,我见到了春意盎然的田间大地,一条条新修的高速公路缩短了我们的行程,通往乡村的泥巴路也被“村村通”的水泥路所覆盖,城市高楼大厦像雨后春笋,一年一个变化春节对于我们小孩子来说,那就是一切都在变化,一切都是新的!篇二:我的寒假英语作文 my

25、 holidaymy holiday si happy 。no school, no class. this life is the most beautiful。i very iike my holiday。 because it is holiday.。during the holiday, i will go every day to and my friends go out to play, we play are very happy, i am very happy. we will go to the library to read a book, this is the mo

26、st i like doing. i will play the game together with father, and the father when playing the game very happy。i will help my parents to clean the room every day, my parents it is day。i iike my holiday.我的假期我的假日是快乐的。没有学校,没有课。这是人生中最美丽的。我非常喜欢我的假期。因为它是在假期。在假期里,我会每天去和我的朋友出去玩,我们玩的很开心,我很开心。我们将去图书馆读一本书,这是我最喜欢做

27、。我会和爸爸一起玩游戏,和爸爸玩游戏时非常高兴。我会帮我的父母每天打扫房间,我的父母是天。我喜欢我的假期。篇六:英语作文我的假期My HolidayOh! It was winter holiday. I was very happy. I read my favourite books. I have many wonderful books. But I could not read these books too much. I also had a lot of homework to do. I like playing xxputer games, too. It s very i

28、nteresting. But I could not play it too much. I wear glasses, I m very sad. It s not good for my eyes to play xxputer games too much.Oh! It was the Spring Festival. It s Chinese traditional festival. People were very happy. They went shopping, cleaned their houses, had supper together I went to my g

29、randparents home with my parents. My grandparents were very happy to see us. They prepared many kinds of nice food, such as fish, meat, vegetables and fruit. In the evening, we watched TV and lighted fireworks. We also knocked on people s doors and gave some presents to them. After the Spring Festiv

30、al, we went to Shanghai to go shopping. We bought clothes, shoes and some delicious food.I had a good holiday, I think. I also have very nice school life now.篇七:寒假英语作文我的寒假计划 My Plan for Winter Holiday How time flies. This term ends quickly and the winter holiday is xxing. I make a general plan for i

31、t. Firstly, my teachers leave us some homework, so I must earnestly finish them on time. I plan to finish them before the Spring Festival, and then I can enjoy the festival with all my heart. Secondly, I will spend some time with my friends. Generally, we study together but have little time to play.

32、 During the holiday, we want to have fun together. Finally, I will visit my grandparents with my parents, and then we will spend the Spring Festival with them. I havent seen them for a long time. I miss them very much. This is my winter holiday plan. What is yours时间过得真快!这个学期马上就要结束了,寒假即将开始。我制定了一个大概的寒假计划。首先,老师们给我们布置了寒假作业,所以我要先认真地按时完成作业。我打算在春节前完成,这样我就可以全心全意过新年了。其次,我会抽些时间和我

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