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小初高学习高中英语 Unit 14 Careers Lesson 2lesson 3教案.docx

1、小初高学习高中英语 Unit 14 Careers Lesson 2 lesson 3教案Unit14 Careers Lesson2&lesson3【教学目标】1、学习并掌握重点单词、短语、句型 2 会分析复杂结构的句子,正确理解句义3、提高学生的阅读理解能力【知识梳理】Lesson 2 Interview学案【单词预习】1._v.采访 _n.采访者,面试官 _n.受访者,应聘者2. _n. 托儿所 _v. 照顾,料理3._n. 约会,约见4. _n. 片刻,瞬息5._n.智慧_adj. 有智慧的,聪慧的_adv. 巧妙地,机智地6. _adj.周围的_v.包围,环绕7._n. 烂泥,泥浆

2、_adj. 泥泞的8. _ adj. 陡峭的9. _n/adj. 道德,美德10. reputation _ quality _ work experience _【重点讲解】1. turn up: appear A.出现,到达 she turned up increase the speed. 开大,调高 Please turn up the radio.C. to be found 找到,发现The police have turned up a lot of new information about the wanted man。拓展:turn away把脸转过去,

3、不理睬 turn about转变方向,回头,向后转turn against 背叛,反抗, turn around 旋转,完全改变turn back 折回 turn down 关小,调小,拒绝turn in 转身转入,交出 turn inside out 由里往外翻,彻底搜查turn off 关掉 turn on 打开turn out结果是 turn over 翻转,翻查turn to 向某人求助,注意,翻到(。页)2 Make up - be made up ofA. to form, to build 组成23 students make up a class.= A class is ma

4、de up of 23 students.B. to invent 捏造,虚构 The boy made up a story.C. to compensate for 补偿,偿还You must make up what you owe before the end of the month.拓展:make up ones mind 下决心 make the beds 铺床make out填写,假装 make up for 弥补,补偿make sense 讲的通,又道理 make of 理解,解释make for 移向,走向3 Speak up : usually used in order

5、 to tell sb. to speak loudlyPlease speak up, we cant hear you.拓展:speak for 代表.讲话 speak out 畅所欲言speak to 谈及,提及 speak for oneself 表达自己的意思4 express: vt to show or make known a feeling n.快车She expressed her thanksNo words can express the grandeur of that parade.拓展:express oneself 表达,显露真情 beyond expressi

6、on 无法形容expression n. 表达,表情 expressional adj. 表现的,表情的expressionless adj. 无表情的 expressive adj. 有表情的,表现的5. experience Cn. Our journey by camel was quite an unforgettable experience. 经历Un. She is a teacher with 30 years experience. 经验Vt. Our country has experienced great changes in the last 20 years经验,体

7、验,感受have experience in 有。的经验be experienced in/ at doing sth 做某事有经验Lesson 3 Nine to Five 课前 自主预习一、重点单词:1.信任_ 2.翻转_ 3.克服_ _ 4.取得好结果;付清_ 5.投身于 _ 6.在舞台上 _ 7.毫不犹豫_ 8. 犹豫地做某事 _ 9.由.判断_ 10.赶上_ 11.给某人动手术 _ 12.对.反应_ 13.对.回复_ 14.万一 _ 15.由于_ 16.幸亏 _ 17.归功于 _ 18.由于.结果 _ 19.此外 _ 20.除.之外,还._二、请根据首字母或汉语意思提示完成下列句子。

8、 1. No problem is too difficult to o_, as long as you work hard and never give up. 2. My English is poor, and sometimes I cant g_ what the foreign teacher says.3. In that city, a lot of people c_ murders every year. 5. After graduating from j_ middle school, he entered senior middle school.6.In many

9、 countries, its _ (违法的) to drive if you are drunk.7. The scientist has a new idea of how the _ (宇宙) began.8. Every Monday morning, our teacher walks around to _ (检查) our homework.9. Which bridge would you say is the most famous in _ (存在) today? 三、词语拓展_v. 仔细检查 _vt. 理解,领会,抓紧 _adj. 不合法的,违法的 _vt. 克服,战胜

10、_v. 反转,打翻 _信任_取得成功,得到好结果 _投入_犹豫,踌躇 _不断地答案: 一、1. believe in 2.turn over 3.get over=overcome off committed to6.on the stage 7.without hesitation 8.hesitate to do sth 9. Judjing from/by 10.catch/keep up with 11.operate on sb 12.respond/response to 13.respond/reply to case+句子in case of+

11、短语15.due to=on account of 16.thanks to 17.owing to a result of addition,.=besides, addition to.=besides.二、overcome grasp /get commit junior illegal universe inspect /check existence 三、Inspect grasp illegal overcome turn over believe in pay off commit hesitateconstantly课堂 互动探究Step O

12、ne: FastreadingMatch the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1 A. The reason why she chose to be a journalistPara 2 B. Characteristics which made her a successPara 3 C. Her feeling about being a reporterPara 4-5 D. Mothers influenceStep Two: Careful readingRead the text carefully to get some specific i

13、nformation from the text. Decide the following sentences are True or False 1. Wang Junyan has been dreaming of becoming famous on TV since childhood. ( )2. Wangs father had great influence on her thoughts and actions. ( ) 3. Wang Junyan was a journalist in a local newspaper. ( )4. The job of a repor

14、ter is interesting and relaxing to Wang Junyan. ( )5.Wang is often tired of her job as a reporter. ( )Step Three: Summary Wang Junyan is a _ now. She said that it was_, _,and _that made her successful. It is _ who taught her to be curious. After graduating from university, Wang became a_. Her report

15、 _ people and it also helped the government _ the company and catch the _. Her hard work _ when she won an award for the report. She also said that as a reporter she needed many _ and kept _ new things. She still felt _ now .答案: Step One: 1 B 2 D 3 A 4-5 CStepTwo: F F T F F Stept Three: TV presenter

16、 being curious working hard believing in what was trueher mother reporter helped inspect the guilty people paid off different skills learning curious核心词汇 讲练悟1. grasp vt. 领会;理解;抓住,握紧 n抓住;理解(教材P26)She said she chose to be a journalist because it is important that people grasp what is going on around t

17、hem.她说选择做记者是因为人们了解周围发生的事是很重要的。拓展:have a good grasp of 深刻了解 within/beyond ones grasp 为某人力所能及/不及in the grasp of 在掌握中He grasped me by the arm. 他抓住我的手臂。I could not grasp her meaning. 我不懂她的意思。I still dont grasp how it works. 我还是没有明白它是如何运转的。I kept her hand in my grasp. 我抓住她的手。She has a good grasp of the E

18、nglish language. 她精通英语。运用:完成句子(1)他德语语法掌握得很好。He has a _of German grammar.(2)我们觉得这个建议难以理解。We find _(3)我们还没有充分理解所发生事情的重要意义。We did not fully _of what had happened.2. pay off 得到好结果;取得成功(教材P26)This paid off because she won an award for the report. 这些努力得到了回报,因为那篇报道她获奖了。拓展:pay v付款;付钱给(某人) pay back 报答,偿还(借款)

19、,归还,报复pay up 全部付清 pay for 付钱,支付pay out 付(钱),出钱Ill pay him off for treating me like that. 他那样待我,我早晚要报复的。Did your daring plan pay off? 你那项大胆的计划成功了吗?He paid the doctor and paid for his medicine too. 他酬谢了医生,并付了买药的钱。I lent her some money last month but she forgot to pay back. 上个月我借给了她一些钱,但她忘还了。I will tak

20、e you to court unless you pay up immediately.除非马上还清欠款,否则我和你打官司。运用:用pay off, pay back,pay for的适当形式填空(1)How much did you _the dictionary?(2)You should _the money you borrowed from me.(3)With the help of a lot of people,our plan has _3. existence n. 存在;存活(教材P26).and she said that although there wasnt m

21、uch glory in a reporters existence, she found it interesting and challenging. 她说作为记者虽然没有很大的荣耀,但是很有趣,很有挑战性。The new country came into existence in 1949. 那个新国家于1949年成立。There was a fear that the club might go out of existence for lack of support.人们担心这个俱乐部会因缺乏支持而关闭。The organization was brought into exist

22、ence ten years ago. 这个组织10年前就存在了。运用:1.完成句子(1)There is _(没证据表明水的存在)on other planets.(2)The United Nations _(1945年诞生)(3)Pollution _(使许多物种灭绝)2.用 exist 和 existence 填空(1)The blue whale is the largest creature that has ever _on the earth.(2)The organization has been in _for 25 years.4beneath adv. 在底下 prep

23、.在下面(教材P26).I still feel like Im turning over stones to see what might be hiding beneath! 我还常常觉得好像自己是在翻开那些石头,去看看下面藏着什么东西!They live on the floor beneath. 他们住在楼下。The book lay beneath a blanket of dust. 书籍被厚厚的灰尘覆盖。beneath 在正下方,两者接触,与on相对。below 不强调在正下方,两者不接触,与above相对。under 强调在正下方,两者不接触,与over相对。运用:用under

24、,below,beneath填空(1)The earth lay _a blanket of snow. (2)My brother is in the class _mine.(3)She sat in the shade _a tree.5. turn over (使)翻转;调转;仔细考虑;移交;交给(教材P26)Today when Im looking for stories, I still feel like Im turning over stones to see what might be hiding beneath! 现在每当我寻找新闻故事的时候,还常常觉得好像自己是在搬

25、起那些石头,去看看下面藏着什么东西!拓展:turn against转而反对;使反对 turn away不理睬;拒不接受turn down拒绝;把(收音机等的音量)开小 turn out关掉(电灯或煤气);结果是turn to 查阅(某书);求助于;找(某人寻求帮助等);变成 turn around转回身;把往回开 turn up出现turn back翻回;使往回走 turn in交(上去);交给(警察)turn into 变为;使变为;翻译 in turn 轮流,反过来Turn over or your back will get sunburnt.翻过身去,不然你的后背要被阳光灼伤的。He

26、turned the new idea over in his mind.他仔细地考虑了这种新想法。To whom should we turn over the key when we leave here? 在离开这里时,我们把钥匙交给谁呢?They offered her the job but she turned it down.他们给了她那份工作,但她拒绝了。运用:用turn的短语完成句子(1)Lets not wait any longer,he might not _at all.(2)The French pianist who had been praised very h

27、ighly _to be a great disappointment.(3)Faced with all the difficulties,the girl _her mother for comfort.(4)You should _your paper in three days.(5)I tried to stand on my own two feet rather than _my parents.重难句导学1. (教材P24)The instant she stopped asking questions,I got up and went out of the room.她一停

28、止问问题,我就站起来,走出了房间. 句中the instant 引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”。Please telephone me the instant you know the result. 请你一知道结果就给我打电话。拓展:常见的表示“一就”的方式还有以下几种:(1)the moment(that),the minute(that),the second(that)(2)as soon as(3)immediately,instantly,directly等副词(4)on(upon)名词或ving形式(5)no sooner.than.,hardly.when.,scarcely.when.(前一分句用部分倒装,并和过去完成时连用)The moment she saw it,she began to cry.她一见到它,就哭起来了。I want to see him the minute(that)he arrives.他一来我就要见他。The students stopped talking the s

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