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1、牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit3词组汇总牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit3词组汇总1. take a boat / plane trip to Suzhou1. 乘船、飞机去苏州旅行2. a coffee shop by the river2. 河边的一家咖啡店3. have a good/wonderful/great time doing sth=have fun doing sth = enjoy oneself doing sth=do sth happily3. 很开心的做某事4. visit some foreign countries =pay a visit to some

2、foreign countries4. 参观外国 (2)5. go past the Opera House in Sydneythe Eiffel Tower in France; by the River Seineunder the famous Harbour Bridge in Australiago to Beijing Amusement Parkpyramids in Egypt; the Peoples Great Hallthe Golden Gate Bridge in the USA the Monument to the Peoples Heroes the Temp

3、le of Heaven in China;the Yellow Mountain; at Tiananmen SquareZhalong Nature Reserve5. 经过悉尼的歌剧院法国埃菲尔铁塔;塞纳河边澳大利亚著名的港湾大桥下去北京游乐园埃及金字塔;人民大会堂美国金门大桥人民英雄纪念碑中国天坛黄山;在天安门广场扎龙自然保护区6. Which city do you want to go to?6. 你想去哪个城市?7. at the beginning of the month7. 在月初8. invite sb to do sthinvite me to join their s

4、chool trip to SH invite him to join in the game8. 邀请某人做某事邀请我加入他们学校组织的上海之旅邀请他参加游戏9. organize a day out for them9. 为他们组织一天外出10. He lives at Flat A,6/F, Block 3.10. 他住在3区A公寓6楼11. only a few thousand people11. 只有几千人(many) thousands of peoplehundreds/ millions of成千上万的人成百、成百万12. want to meet Kate and him1

5、2. 要去接Kate和他13. There is a lot of traffic. = The traffic is heavy/ busy. =There is much movement on the road.13. 交通拥挤 (3)14. The coach is coming. Lets get on it. get on / off the bus14. 长途车来了,我们上吧!上下车15. learn sth all by oneself = teach oneself sthhide oneself/ hurt oneself/ help oneself to sthenjoy

6、 oneselflose oneself in doing sth leave one by oneself15. 自学(2)自己躲起来;自己受伤自便、别客气吃/用。玩的开心沉迷于;沉醉于 把某人单独留下16. a song and dance parade16. 歌舞游行17. be made of metal/ cotton/ wood/ feathers/ leatherPaper is made from wood.The machine is made in France by some workers.17. 有金属/棉/木头/羽毛/皮革制成纸是木头做的。这机器是法国工人造的。18

7、. The model pyramids looked like the real ones in Egypt.18. 金字塔模型看上去和埃及的一样19. places of interest from all over the worldshow great interest/ show no interest in learning Englishmany interesting placesbe interested in the interesting models. made us interested in the story19. 来自世界各地的名胜/景点学英语体现很浓/没有兴趣

8、许多有趣的地方对有趣的模型感兴趣使我们对这个故事感兴趣20. Therere lots of pictures for us to look at.20. 我们有许多图画要看。21. feel sick for most of the trip21. 大部分旅程感到恶心22. no more/ longer; notany more/ longer22. 不再 (4)23. It has two stomachs for food.23. 两个胃24. The boring meeting made me bored.24. 令人乏味的会议使我感到乏味。25. be on the high w

9、ay25. 在主干道上26. arrive at/ get to/ reach the World Park Has he arrived? ( ) = Has he reachedhere?26. 到达世界公园他到了吗?(2)27. The sky is blue and the air is fresh.27.天空很蓝,空气新鲜。28. We were excited at the exciting newsmade us excited28. 我们对令人兴奋的消息感兴趣。使我们激动,兴奋29. I saw him go into/ enter the room just now.29.

10、我刚才见他进入房间。30. Soon, we were inside.He will finish the work soon.30. 很快,我们来到了里面。他会很快完成工作。31. I must go through the whole city to work.31. 我要穿过整个城市上班。32. Danielle is standing in front of the class.Danielle is standing in the front of the classroom.32. 丹妮站在全班面前。丹妮站在教室前半部分。33. When I saw them, I couldnt

11、/ wasnt able tobelieve my eyes.33. 当我看到他们时,我不能相信我的眼睛。34. It was such an amazing day that all of us enjoyed ourselves.34. 这么令人惊讶的一天,我们都过得很开心。35. Go and see for yourself.35. 去亲自看看。36. We can save time by using computers.36. 我们可以通过用电脑来节省时间37. see models of so many places of interest from all.37. 看到来自世界

12、各地的名胜的模型38. like traveling from one place to another38. 喜欢从一地方到另一地方旅行39. There was too much movement of Cars on the city road.39. 市区公路上汽车太多。40. come up from your stomach = feel sick40. 反胃41. the most famous tall metal building in Parisbe famous for./ be famous as.41. 巴黎最有名的大型铁制建筑物以。文明;作为。文明42. some

13、tall stone buildings42. 一些高大的石头建筑物43. take a look at the photos of our school tripto the World Park in Beijing43. 看看我校去北京世界公园的照片44. climb up the Great Wall and look at the amazing view.44. 爬上长城看令人不可思议的风景45. feel the beauty of the old park; her beautymore and more beautiful; play the piano beautifull

14、y45. 感到古老公园的美;她的美越来越美; 钢琴弹得很美46. ride a bicycle to schooltake the underground to the Great Wall46. 骑自行车上学乘地铁去长城47. It will be expensive but fast47. 它会很贵但很快48. What great fun going horse riding is!48. 去骑马是多么有趣啊!49. prepare to do sth; agree to do sth; plan to do sth (plann)decide to do sth; want/ woul

15、d like to do sth;choose to do sth (chose-chosen); hope to do sth49. 准备做;同意做; 计划做;决定做;想做; 选择做;希望做;来、去某地做。; 学做;必须做go /come .to do; learn to do sth; needto do sthneed sb. to do sth; use sth to do sth; try (not)to do sthThere is no time/money to do sth.; be the first to do sthIts easy for sb. to do sth

16、tell/ ask sb. (not) to do sth需某人做;用某东西做;没时间、钱做;第一个做;对某人来说很容易做; 叫某人(别)做。50. enjoy doing sth; finish doing sth; practicing doing sthkeep ( on) doing sth; mind ones doing sthbe busy doing sth; look forward to doing sth;lose oneself in doing sth enjoy oneself doing sth (4种)50. 喜欢做;做完;练习做;不断做; 介意做;忙于做;盼望

17、做;沉迷于做。做某事很开心 (4种)51. had better do sth; had better not do sth;Would you please do /not do sthmake sb. do sth; let sb. do sth;why not do sth?51. 最好做; 最好别做; 请你做、别做。好吗? 使某人做;让某人做;为什么不做52. hear sb. do/ doing sth; see sb. do/ doing sthwatch sb. do/ doing sth; find sb. doing sthfind the bike locked/ stol

18、en; find the dog lyingforget /remember to do sth; forget/remember doing sthstop to do sth; stop doing sth52. 听到某人做;看到某人做(4个单词)发现自行车锁了、偷了忘记/记得要做;忘记/ 记得做了停下来去做另一件事;停止做;53. Let me take some photos of you.53. 让我帮你拍照。 (照片上是你)54. reflexive pronouns (8)54. 8个反身代词55. Lets play hide-and-seek, shall we?55. 让我

19、们玩捉迷藏,好吗?56. Some climbers are pulling themselves up the rocks.56. 一些登山者在攀岩。57. He might hurt himself.57. 他可能伤及自己。58. They kept their secret to themselves.58. 他们没有把自己的秘密告诉别人59.Luckily/ Unluckily, .; Good/ Bad luck with sth to sb.;be lucky/ be unlucky; a lucky number59. 幸运系列60. These supporters need

20、your support.We will support you if you are in the final of the competition.60. 这些支持者需要你们的支持。如果你们进入决赛,我们就支持你们。61. Lets cheer for our team. a cheerful girl61. 让我们为我队加油喝彩62. Im sure great changes will take place. in Wuxi in 2 years.The match will take place tomorrow. The story took place in the past.G

21、reat changes have taken place in Wuxi since 2006.=Wuxi has changed a lot since 2006.=There have been great changes in Wuxi since 2006.62. 我相信2年后无锡会发生巨大的变化。比赛明天举行。这故事发生在过去。自2006年以来无锡发生了巨变。(3)63. Here are two concert tickets.One is for you, the other is for myself.63. 有2张音乐会的票,一张给你,另一张给我自己。64. I wonde

22、r where these climbers live.64. 我想知道这些登山者住哪儿。65. Its impossible/not possible for us to leave here today.65. 我们今天离开这里是不可能的。66. Presentation of cup and medals took place yesterday.66. 昨天举行了颁奖仪式。67. The cost of his living is much higherthan mine.67. 她的生活费用要比我高的多。68. I will do as possible as I can to he

23、lp you.68. 我会尽可能的帮你。69. Show me the plan for this month.69. 给我看看这个月的计划。70. We will make it a really fun day for everyone.70. 我们会让人人开心的度过这一天71. Please let us know as soon as he arrives in Hongkong.71. 他一到香港就请通知我们。72. Our team played badly at first.72. 我们的球队开始打得很糟。73. He packed everything well just no

24、w.73. 刚才他把一切都打包好了。74. He stayed at home instead of going to school yesterday.=He didnt go to school yesterday, he stayed at home instead.( instead of sth/ doing sth )74. 昨天他没去上学,呆在了家里。(2)代替;而没有 。75. All the winners received some gifts after the game.all the winners / players/ runners/ visitors names75. 所有获胜者赛后收到了一些礼物所有获胜者、运动员、跑步者、参观者名单76.Everyone has a different opinion on the subject.76. 关于这件事每人有不同的观点。

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