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1、警察常用英语警察常用英语PrePared On 22 NOVenIber 2020公 安 机 关 接 处 警 常 用 英 语 会 话 集推荐教材:1,实用警务英语口语2,警务英语口语3,口口声声,警务英语、基本会话1、 HeIlo. ThiS is 110 EmergenCy POliCe SerViCe Of YUeXiU MUniCiPal PUbliC SeCUrity Bureau.May I help you / What Can I do for you2、 SOmeOne is killed here, POliCe ShOUld COme at OnCe to investig

2、ate it.3、 What is your POSitiOn (Where are you)你的位置在哪里4、 Ok, OUr Criminal POIiCe Win COme immediately and make investigation Of the SCene Of killing/SteaIingblackmailrobberycar accident.好的,我们民警马上过去调查处理。5、 A SteaIing has taken PIaCe in my house, and WOUld you ask CrinIinal POIiCe to COme immediately

3、and make investigation Of the SCene Of the SteaIing6、 Ok, OUr COneagUeS Wiil COme at OnCe and handle it 7、 My family members SUffer from food POiSOning.我的家人都事物中毒了。8、 Ok, OUr COneagUeS Win COme to the SCene and help you .(We Win COnIe at OnCe and help you.)好的,我们民警马上到现场救援。9、 A fire takes PIaCe here, f

4、iremen, please.失火了,请派消防员来。10、 Fire-brigade Will COme immediately and PUt it out.消防队员马上就来救火。IISl am Caning to report a missing Credit card.是的,我丢失了信用卡要报警。12、HaVe you reported to Credit COmPany about you r IOSS 向信用卡公司挂失了 吗13、 PIeaSe report this IOSS to your Credit COmPany (bank) by yourself. 请自 己向信用卡公司

5、 挂失。14、 What is the issuing bank Of your travelers CheCkS 旅行支票的发行银行是哪家15、 My Car WaS stolen.我的汽车(自行车)被盗了。20、 Where WaS your Parking PIaCe你的车停在什么地方21、 Where did you Park it您的车放在哪里23、SOInething WaS StOlen in my car.我车上的东西被盗了。25、 My money has been StOIen(My money WaS stolen).我的钱被偷了。26、 Ok, OUr COneagUe

6、S Will COme to the SCene right away and handle it.27、 My bag has been robbed.我的包被抢了。29、 I have IOSt my bag in the room Of YUeXiU HOtel30、 WhiCh room and floor are you IiVing What WaS in the bag When did you IOSe Wait a InOnIent, OUr COneagUeS Will COme immediately您住几号楼几号房间包里有些什么东西估 计什么时候丢的31、 A robb

7、ery took PIaCe in my office.我的办公室内发生抢劫。32、 Ok, POliCe OfflCerS Will respond to the SCene right away and IIandle it.33、 I WaS blackmailed at SOme place.我被敲诈了。35、 I WaS troubled in the traffic accident On 我在某地发生交通事故。36、 PIeaSe tell Ine Where you are 告诉我您的位置好吗?37、 My POSitiOn is .kilometers away form S

8、OmePlace.我现在在离某城(地)公里处。39、One Wheel Of my Car is OUt Of Order On WOUId you PIeaSe do me a favor (my Wheel is broken On,help me PIeaSe)我的车轮在某路上坏了,请您帮忙。40、My Wanet has been StOIen.( My Wanet WaS stolen.) 我的钱包被人偷走了。41S Ok ,our COneagUeS Win respond to the SCene right away and IIandle it 42、 IS that 110

9、 There are SOnIe PrObIemS With the gas PiPeline in my house And I am afraid that it Will CatCh fire.是110吗我家的煤气管道出了问题,可能会发生火灾。43、 JUSt a moment, We Wiil Send fire brigade and the gas COlnPany to the SCene44、 My family members get gas POiSOning now.我家有人煤气中毒了 o45、 Ok, OUr COneagUeS Wiil COme to the SCe

10、ne right away and handle it 46、 The PiPe Of unning Water is OUt Order in my house.我家的自来水管坏了 o47、 We Will PaSS your message to the Water SUPPIy COnIPany.48、 There is a POWer CUt in OUr area.我们这里全部停电了。49、 We Will PaSS your message to the POWer SUPPIy bureau.好的,我们马上通知供电局。50、 The telephone-line is OUt O

11、f Order in my house.我家的电话坏了。51、 We Will PaSS your message to the telecommunication bureau at OnCe 电信局52、 Now, I am IOCked OUtSide my house WithOUt keys.我家的门关了,我忘记带钥匙了。53、 We Will inform the IOCkSnIith to your home and Iet him help you, but fees are needed.54、 My Wife SUCIdenIy feels sick, and I Cann

12、Ot COntaCt With 120 ReSCUe Center by telephone.Can you help me妻子突然生病,但我无法和120急救中心电话联系,请你帮忙。55、 CaInl down, PleaSe tell me your address in detail.别着急,告诉我们您的具体地址。57、 PIeaSe Wait a moment, and OUr COneagUeS Win get there soon.请稍等,民警马上就到。58、 A mental Patient is making CIiStUrbanCe here.我们这里有一个精神病人在闹事。59

13、、 Ok, OUr COlleagUeS WiIl COme to the SCene right away and handle it.60、I have forgot my bag in the taxi.我的包忘在出租车上了。61、 What is the IiCenSe PIate Of the taxi.那辆出租车的牌号是多少?62、 It SeemS Iike T-2179, but I CannOt read the ChineSe Ietter before T.好像是 T-217963、 Ok, We Wiil get COntaCt With you SOOn after

14、We find it YOUr PhOne number PleaSe ?64、 My Car bumped against SOnIeOne When I WaS driving 我开车撞人 T。65、 Ok, OUr traffic POliCe Wiil COme immediately and make investigation Of the SCene Of the accident.好的,交警马上就到现场处理。66、 My baby has been IOSt his way.我的小孩走失了。68、 PIeaSe Stay CaIm.请保持冷静。69、 IS your Child

15、 a girl Or a boy HOW OId is She When She WaS IOSt What WaS She Wearing 你 孩子是男孩还是女孩多大了何时丢失的穿什么衣服?70、 When did he IOSe his Way What is his name and how OId is he And What is your home address We WiIl do OUr best find him.何时走失的姓名年龄家在哪里?71、 A girl Of 4 years old, She WaS in a red blouse and a COlOrfUl d

16、ress72、 DO not worry. We Will Iet OUr COneagUeS help to IOOk for her.73、 IS that 110 EmergenCy POIiCe SerViCe I took a taxi just now and Ieft my bag in it. WOUIdyou PIeaSe help me to IOOk for my bag74、 IS there anything in your bag DO you remember the IiCenSe Plate Of the Car HOW Can WeCOntaCt With

17、you after We get the bag76、 JUSt a minute, We Will inform 什Ie fourth group Of traffic POIiCe to SearCh for the taxi. If We find it, We Will tell you.我们马上通知交警四大队处理,查到后通知您。77、 I took a taxi, but the driver blackmailed me for InOre money PleaSe help me to handle it.78、 What is your POSitiOn 您的位置在哪里?80、

18、Ok, We get it and POIiCe Will arrive soon.知道了,民警很快就到。81、 There is a quarrel between SeVeral ChineSe young Inen and me POliCe ShOUld COme herequickly!我和几个中国青年发生纠纷,请赶快派民警来!82、 Where are you IiVing Teil me your exact address.您住在哪里请告诉详细地址。83、 I am IiVing in room 8 Of YUeXiU HOtel84、 JUSt a moment, OUr C

19、OneagUeS Win arrive there soon.请稍等,民警马上就到。85、 IS that 110 I Want to PrOSeCUte 我想投诉。86、 WhO do you Want to PrOSeCUte And for What 请问您投诉谁 为何事?87、 There is a traffic POIiCeman WhO delayed my Car and gave me a Parking (SPeeding) ticketBUt I did not break the traffic.交警扣了我的车,还罚款,但我没有违章停车。88s Teil me your

20、 spot, PIeaSe 请告诉我您的位置。90、 PIeaSe Stay Where you are. We Win Send inspectors to investigate it.督察前去处理C91、 There is decoration COmPany downstairs, The noise affects OUr rest.投诉噪音92、 What is your address 您的地址在哪94、 Ok, We Will inform the DePartment Of the EnVirOnment.马上联系环保部门处理。95、 I Want to apply for

21、a passport. COUId you PleaSe tell me Where the AdminiStratiOn Of EXitand Entry is我想申请护照,请问出入境管理处在哪里96、 At ShangGlIan Iane , WUYi road, that is, the house for CertifiCatiOn On the east Side Of the building Of public.在五一路上官巷3号,公安厅大楼东侧的办证大厅内。97、 It is my first trip to COme to GUanDOng PleaSe tell me Wh

22、ere the DeVeIOPIBent ZOne is 我 第一次来广东,请问广东开发区在哪里?98、Where are you 您在哪里?100、YOU Can Start form the hotel and go along the XinJian SOUth road southward, you ShOUIelPaSS SiX CrOSSrOad and turn Ieft to go on. It is about 2 kilometers WaIk for you to arrive there. 沿新建南路一直向南走.过6个十字路口,然后向向东走2公里就到了。102、Hell

23、o, We are police. WhO CaIled 110 for EmergenCy POliCe SerViCe 是谁报的警?104、It is OUr duty to COme On to the SCene On time 按时赶到现场是我们的职责。106、DO you SPeak ChineSe Or EngIiSh 你说汉语还是英语?108、 Tell me the WhOle story, PleaSe请把事情的整个经过告诉我。109、 HOW Clid the accident OCCUr这个事故是怎么发生的?110、 WOUld you PleaSe tell Ine

24、the incident in detail 请把事情的详细经过告诉我?111、 COUId you tell Ine the time 你能告诉我时间吗?112、 May I ask your name, PleaSe能告诉我您的名字吗?113、 HOW to SPeil your SUrname 您的名字怎么拼写114、 What is your address您的(住址)地址是哪里?115、 What is your nationality 您的国籍是什么?116、 What is your OCCUPatiOn 您的职业是什么?118、What did you IOSe When di

25、d you IOSe it120、That is too bad./I am SOrry to hear it.太糟了124、 SOrry , I did not quite follow you.对不起,我没完全听懂您的话。125、 WOUId you SPeak SlOWly ,please 您慢一点说好吗?126、 WOUld you tell me again , PIeaSe 您能再对我说一遍吗?127、 YOUr PrOPerty WaS turned in.你的遗失物找到了128、 YOUr PrOPerty has not been turned in yet.你的遗失物还没有

26、找到 129、I Will Inake a report On your IOSt property.我将要填写遗失申报表130、 COUId you tell me your name, age address and telephone number .131、 PIeaSe IeaVe your full home address SO that We Can get in touch With youI32s PIeaSe try to recall What happened at that time.请尽量回忆当时的情况。133、 We Will try OUr best to I

27、OOk for your IniSSing article.我们尽力帮助您找回失物。134、 DO not worry, everything Will be OK.不必扌日心,一切会好的。135、 When and Where did you IaSt See it您是何时何地最后见到遗失物的136、 When and Where did you notice you IOSt it 您是何时何地发现了遗失物的?137、 PIeaSe describe the O OOO in detail.请告诉。特征。138、 IS there anything distinctive about th

28、eo O O 那O。有特征吗?139、 We Will get in touchy With you if it is found.如果找到了您的东西就同您联系。140、 What is your address and telephone number 您的住址和电话号码?142、143、DO you have any relatives Or friends here WhOm We Can COntaCt after you IeaVe China您离开后,有无在中国能够联系的亲戚或朋友?144、 There is a traffic accident here, and SOmeOne

29、 WaS injured. POIiCe ShOUld COme quickly. 这里发生交通事故,有人受伤,请警方赶紧来处理。145、 Ten me the traffic accident, What kind Of traffic the two PartieS USed HOW about the CaSUalty请告诉我事故发生的位置双方是何种车辆人员有无伤亡?146、 It is in front Of a restaurant in the north Of YinZe Bridge. The accident took PlaCe between two CarS and t

30、he drivers are badly wounded.在迎泽桥北面的一个饭店门前,两辆 车发生交通事故,驾驶员伤势严重。147、 JUSt a moment, OUr COlleagUeS Wiil arrive soon, it is OUr duty to inform the n120RescueCenter.请稍等,民警就来,同时我们负责通知120急救中心。148、HelIo, this is 110 EmergenCy POliCe Service. Can I help you ?149、 PleaSe tell me the WhOle StOry as exact as P

31、OSSibIe请尽可能讲清事件的全过程。150、 DO not worry, We Will Send for OUr COneagUeS to handle it right away, PleaSe trust me!151、 JUSt a moment, it is OUr duty to help you as InUCh as POSSible152、 PIeaSe Iet me know your telephone number and address, SO that We Can keep in touchWith you.请留下地址和电话,以便与您联系。153、 Calm

32、down and be polite, please, We are busy, PleaSe do not affect OUr WOrk154、 Calnl down, PleaSe , you dial the WrOng number.不要冲动,您打错了 电话。156、 WOUld you Iike IeaVe a message 您要留句话吗157、 PIeaSe feel free to Call me if there is anything I Can do.有什么事,请随时打电话。158、 In emergency, just dial 110.有紧急情况请拨 1IOO159、 If you dial 110, We Will run to you at once.拨了 110 我们马上就会赶到

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