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1、精选八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题无答案2016-2017学年下学期第一次月考试卷八年级英语考试时间:90分钟;分值:120分注意事项:1答题前,请考生务必将答题卷左侧密封线内的项目填写清楚。 2请考生按要求将所有试题的答案书写在答题卷上,在试题卷上作答无效。第一部分 听力(满分20分)I. 听句子,根据所听内容选择合适应答语。句子读两遍 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)( )1.A. She is very shy. B. She is so kind. C. She looks tall and thin.( )2.A. He is going to a basketball class

2、. B. He is wearing a blue shirt. C. He is a middle school student.( )3.A. She is very serious. B. Its a big surprise. C. She should put a bandage on it.( )4.A. He is too old. B. He should have a good rest. C. I will give him some money.( )5.A. Its good for your health. B. Lets have a big party. C. T

3、hanks a lot.II. 短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)( )6.What will Mike hand out in the classroom? A. Fruit B.Food C. School things ( )7.What will Tom do? A. Fix the bike B. Cook the food C. Buy a phone ( )8.What will David give away to the children in the village? A.Clothes B. Books C. Bags ( )9.What will the gi

4、rl do? A. Fold the clothes B. Wash the clothes C. Buy the clothes ( )10.What happened to the girl? A. She hurt her knee. B. She hurt her arm. C. She hurt her eyes.III. 长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段对话,回答11-12小题。 ( )11.What is the boy reading? A. The newspaper B. The magazine C. The storybook ( )12.Who

5、will take the dog for a walk? A. Steve B. Steves mother C. Steve and his mother 听下面一段对话, 回答13-15小题。 ( )13.Whats the matter with the man? A. He has a toothache. B. His leg hurts. C. His hands hurt. ( )14.What does the woman advises Bob to do? A. To have a rest. B. To go to the hospital. C. To take a

6、taxi. ( )15.Whats the relationship between Bob and Frank? A. Doctor and patient(病人) B. Father and son C. Teacher and studentIV. 短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)16.Mrs.Miller is _ years old and she lives alone.17.Jane lives in No.1 neighborhood with_.18.Mrs.Miller fell down in the street and hurt her_two months

7、 ago.19.Jane did housework for Mrs.Miller_ a week.20.Mrs.Miller said to her neighbors, “ Jane is _. She helps me a lot. ”第二部分 笔试(满分100分)一单项选择(共15小题;共15分)( ) 21.Does Helen have _ fever?Yes, she does. I think she could go to_ hospital.A. an; / B. a; the C. a; an D .the; an( ) 22. The bus was broken, s

8、o all of the _had to get off and wait for the next one.A. passengers B. guests C. players D. drivers( ) 23. The car was out of _ and hit a tree by the road.A. danger B.breathC. control D. drivers( ) 24. Kate was born _, so she has never seen our beautiful world.A. beautiful B. deaf C. crazy D.blind(

9、 ) 25. - Its too noisy outside. I cant fall asleep. - I cant,either. We have to _ new ways to solve the problem.A. come up with B. get on with C. make up with D.catch up with( ) 26. Jenny fell down in the PE class yesterday and hurt_.A. him B. himself C.her D.herself( ) 27. -What are your plans for

10、this weekend? -I decide _ my grandparents and go to the zoo.A. visit B、to visit C、visiting D、visited ( ) 28. -Bruce is unhappy because he lost his wallet just now. -Well, lets do something to _.A. cheer up her B.cheer her up C. cheer up him D. cheer him up( ) 29.-Excuse me, can I _your new bike? -So

11、rry, I _it to Bob yesterday afternoon.A. borrow; lent B.borrow;borrowed C.lend;borrowed D.lend;lent( ) 30.-Its very cold outside. Could you please_ the door ? -Sorry, I will close it now. Adont open Bnot to open Cnot open Dnot opening( ) 31.- How long will you stay here? - _ I finish my work, Ill go

12、 back home.A.As soon as B.Because CUnless DAlthough ( )32.Her mother was out. She stayed at home_, but she didnt feel _.A.alone;alone B.alone;lonely C.lonely;lonely D.lonely;alone( )33.He _go out with his parents, but now he_staying at home on his own.A.used to;used to used to;is used to C.used

13、 to;is used to used to;used to( )34._exercise you take, _youll be.A.The more; the healthier B.The less; the healthier C.The more;the more healthy D.Less; healthier( )35.-Hi,John. _? -I hurt my leg because I fell off my bike yesterday.A.How old are you B.Whats the matter C.Hows your bike D.Did y

14、ou go to the hospital二完形填空(共10小题;共10分)Mrs. Brown asked her students to talk about the topic(主题)”Could you help to do housework at home?”. Some of the students talked about it.Mark said, “ I _1_ every kind of chore because they re too boring. If they are _2_, we will call them fun things. Talking out

15、 the rubbish? I think its very _3_. Taking care of the garden? When I want _4_, Ill go to the supermarket. I dont need a garden.”Tina said, “My father died when I was very young and I m the only_5_ of my family, so I grow up with my mother. I like to cook and she likes to _6_ the rooms. We live in a

16、n apartment so we dont have to do any work outside our house. I always _7_my dad but we also live a happy life.”John said that his mother did almost _8_ in his family. She cooked, cleaned, and even made repairs. His dad worked hard at his restaurant. That was why he couldnt help much at _9_. And Joh

17、ns mother didnt make him do any chores. She thought that if he had to do a lot of chores, it would be hard for him to get good_10_. Maybe she was right because John was excellent at all his subjects. Lets start to keep healthy right now!( ) B.take C.hate D.make( )37.A.educational

18、ring D.lonely( )38.A.dirty B.great C.beautiful D.exciting( )39.A.clothes C.sports )40.A.child B.guest C.student D.friend( ) B.clean C.cheer )42.A.miss B.share C.forget D.hope( )43.A.everyone B.something C.nothing D.everything( )44.A.park B.home C.hotel )45.

19、A.experience C.grades D.situations 三、阅读理解。(共15小题:共30分)ASam 2-26-2017 2:15 pmHi, everyone! As we all know, its great to be a volunteer. What are you going to volunteer to do? Give your ideas, please.Jane 2-26-2017 2:23 pmIn our country, some children in the village are too poor to go to schoo

20、l. So Id like to raise money for their education. Ill have a book sale with many friends to raise some money.Peter 2-26-2017 2:35 pmThere are some disabled people around us. They often have problems in their life. So Id like to volunteer to help them carry their bags, take them across the roads or s

21、how the way for them.Lucy 2-26-2017 2:43 pmOur city is our home, but we are polluting it now. To make it clear, Ill help to clean up the parks, streets or rivers every weekend.Jason 2-26-2017 2:54 pmOld people who have no sons or daughters always feel lonely. So I might go to an Old Peoples Home to

22、cheer them up by singing, dancing or telling them stories.Sam 2-26-2017 3:02 pmAll your ideas sound wonderful. Just make sure you try your best. Then our world will get better.根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 46. How many people give their ideas about volunteering? A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven( ) 47. Who would

23、like to help the disabled people?A.Jane B. Peter C. Lucy D. Jason( ) 48. Lucy wants to be a volunteer by .A.raising money for poor childrenB.helping sick childrenC.helping to clean up the cityD.cheering up old people( ) 49. Where does Jason want to do volunteer work?A.In a village B.In a city park C

24、.In a school D.In an Old Peoples Home.( ) 50. Which of the following is NOT true?A.Some old people feel lonely because they have no children.B.Jane will have a book sale with her friends.C.Peter thinks people are polluting their city now.D.They give the message on the same day. B Have you ever been

25、Ireland (爱尔兰)? Its an old and beautiful country in the west of Europe, not far from Britain. My best friend and I made our trip there a year ago. In the beginning, I wasnt very excited about the trip. But my uncle wanted me to go and he agreed to pay for my trip. Then I agreed. When we got there, we

26、 stayed in a castle (城堡) in Dublin for two days. We enjoyed ourselves when we were in the town Kilkenny. There were so many interesting places and we took lots of beautiful photos. When we travelled there, our taxi driver was so clever. He always knew where to stop for the best photos. In the villag

27、e of Cobh, we enjoyed shopping in some little shops there. And we never had any bad food there. Later we moved to the TrimCastle and knew that people made many famous films there. We were so excited and we also took many beautiful photos there. We loved the country, the food and castles. Just then,

28、I was so indebted to my uncle, because he gave me the chance to be there. Now looking at the photos, I cant think of any words to describe this wonderful trip!( ) 51. Who paid for the writers trip to Ireland? A.His uncle B. His best friend C. His father D. His mother( ) 52. What did the writer and h

29、is best friend do during their trip?A.They visited only one castle.B.They took lots of nice photos.C.They tasted some bad food.D.They watched some great films.( ) 53. What does the underlined word “indebted” mean in Chinese? A.不满的 B. 内疚的 C. 好奇的 D. 感激的( ) 54. Which of the following is TRUE according

30、to the passage?A.The writer went to Ireland two years ago.B.The writer wasnt very excited about their trip to Ireland at first.C.Kilkenny is a beautiful castle in Dublin.D.The writers English is too bad to describe their trip to Ireland.( ) 55. What is the passage mainly about? A. Old castles in Ire

31、land B. Something about Ireland C. A great trip to Ireland D. Taking photos in Ireland C Romeo Dev from India was 84 cm tall and he only weighed 9kilos. However, he was well-known in his town. Every day hundreds of people went to the club in the town to see how the mini-muscleman (迷你肌肉男) was training. Different from other dwarfs(侏儒), Romeo was of good build. Once

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