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1、江西省七年级下学期期末考试英语试题含答案2020年七年级下册期末模拟测试题英语试题卷一、听力测试(本题有27小题,每小题1分,共27分)A请听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话 读两遍。1. Whatclub does the man want to join?A.The sports club. B.Theswimming club. C.Themusic club.2. Howdoes the man get to school?A.Bybus. B.Bycar. C.

2、On foot.3. What is Jack doing?A.Cleaning theclassroom. B. Singing. C. Listening to the music.4. Where canAnna eatatschool?A. In the classroom. B. Inthe hallways. C. In the dining hall.5. Where is the hospital?A. In frontof the bank. B.Behind thebank. C.Next to the bank.6. WhatdoesMike like for break

3、fast?A.Eggs. B.Bread. C.Eggs and bread.7. Whatcolor isJohns brothers hair?A.Brown. B.Blond. C.Black.8. How wasEmmas vacation?A.Great. B.Notbad. C.Terrible.B请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三 个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题给出5秒钟作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第1 段材料,回答第9 至10 小题。9. Whatanimals

4、does the woman like?A.Tigers. B. Elephants. C. Koalas.10. Whatanimals does the man like?A.Tigers. B. Elephants. C. Koalas.请听第2 段材料,回答第11 至12小题。11. Whatdoes Kate look like?A. She hascurlyhair and big eyes.B. She hasstraighthair andbigeyes. C. She hascurlyhair and smalleyes.12. Whatdoes Kate like wear

5、ing?A.Awhite sweater. B.Ablack sweater. C.Awhite skirt.请听第3 段材料,回答第13 至15 小题。13. Whatdoes thewoman want to do?A.To go to school. B.Tohave breakfast. C.Tohavelunch.14. How is the restaurant?A. Smalland clean. B.Big andquiet. C.Big andclean.15. Where is the restaurant?A.Near the school. B.Next to the

6、school. C.Behind the school.请听第4 段材料,回答第16 至18 小题。16. When did Lilyhave a birthdayparty?A. LastSaturday. B. LastSunday. C. LastMonday.17. Who was a little late for the party?A.Jane. B. Mike. C.Peter.18. Whatdid theydo thatday?A.Played music. B.Played computergames. C. Listened to music.请听第5 段材料,回答第1

7、9 至22 小题。19. WhatsAnna doing?A.Doing the housework. B. Listening tomusic. C.Doing herhomework.20. Who is playing computergames?A.Annas brother. B.Annas mother. C.Annas father.21. What isAnnas grandmotherdoing?A.Readinga newspaper. B.WatchingTV. C.TalkingtoAnnas mother.22. Where isAnnas father?A. In

8、the dining room. B. In the living room. C. In the garden.C请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。听独白前你将有50 秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。23. Yesterdaymyclassmates went to the zoo .24. Ittook them toget there.25. Theysawa group of pandas aball.26. Of all the animals, the pandas were the most .27. After that, they gam

9、es.二、单项填空(本题有8小题,每小题1分,共8分)请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳 答案。28. CanIhelpyou?Yes,please. Ibought this radio here yesterday, butit .A. doesnt work B. didnt work C. works D. worked29. Bequiet, Mike.Your brother his homework.Sorry,mom.A. does B. did C. is doing D.do30. We all like MissBlack be

10、cause she is good us and good telling stories.A. to; to B. at;at C. at; to D. to;at31. Does your brotherhave straighthair or curlyhair? .A.Yes, he does B.No, he doesnt C.He hascurlyhair D.He has shorthair32. Excuse me. Is there a hotelaround here?No, there isnt, but there is across fromthe bank onCe

11、nterStreet.A. other B. one C. a D. any33. There some soup and some hamburgers foryouon the table.A. have B. has C. are D. is34. Did you enjoy yourself inthe countryside lastSunday?Yes.We the mountains and some greatplaces.A. climb;visit B. climbed;visit C. climbed;visited D. climb;visited35. MayItak

12、e a message for him?Sure.Couldyou please tellhim .A. to callme back B. to callback me C. callme back D. callback me三、完形填空(本题有25小题,每小题1分,共25分)A请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出 可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。TomisanEnglish 36 inChina.HeisfromEnglandandheis30yearsold.Hereally likesJackieChan(成龙)becausehe 37 Jack

13、ieChan.Heis 38 mediumheightandhe hasabignose,smalleyesandblackshortcurlyhair.Sometimeshe 39 apairofsunglasses.Helikestellingstoriesandheis 40hisstudents, 41 .Heoftensaystohisstudents,“If youstudy 42 ,yourdreamwill 43 .”Hecanalsomakehisclasses 44 .Helikes his students and allof his students also like

14、 45 .Heoften plays with his students afterschool.LastSunday, the weather was46 , sohe went to thebeach with his friends happily.They47 thereinthemorning.Intheafternoon,they wenttothecountryside 48 .They visited a farmthere.After that they 49 .Theywere 50 but theyhad a great time.36.A. farmerB. teach

15、erC. workerD. bus driver37.A. looksatB. looks likeC. looks forD. looksafter38.A. ofB. forC. atD. in39.A. puts onB. woreC. wearsD. is wearing40.A. good forB. good atC. friend forD. friendlyto41.A. eitherB. alsoC. orD. too42.A. hardlyB. hardC. goodD. bad43.A. come inB. come upC. come trueD. come out44

16、.A. boringB. terribleC. interestingD. bad45.A. himB. heC. hisD. hes46.A. badB. terribleC. goodD. cold47.A. playvolleyballB. played volleyballC. playthe volleyballD. played the volleyball48.A. bybusB. bythe busC. bya busD. bybuses49.A. wenthomeB. gohomeC. went to homeD. go to home50.A. happyB. relaxi

17、ngC. interestingD. tiredB请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。same delicious tomato across from tidy go medium only kind hungryManypeople like noodles.There is a noodle house 51 our school. Itsellsmany 52 ofnoodles.Itisntverybigbutitsvery 53 .Ioftenhavenoodlestherebecausethenoodles are 54 . Isome

18、times eatbeefnoodles and sometimes eat 55 and egg noodles. These two aremyfavorite.YesterdayI 56 therewithmycousin.Hewasalsomyclassmate.Wewerein the 57 class.Usuallya 58 bowlwasenoughforme.ButIwastoo 59 thatday,so Iwanted a large bowl. Howmuchwas a large bowl of noodles?Oh, it was 60 10 yuan.四、阅读理解(

19、本题有20小题,每小题2分,共40分)A请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选 项。AName of the movie:HistoryofTimeTime:9:30am-11:30amSunday, June20thPlace:PeoplesCinemaTicketprice:Adults(成人):30 yuan;Children under12:FreeRules Dontgo into thecinema after11:00 am. Dont run or fight.No takingfood into thecinema. No photos.

20、Pleasehelp keep thecinemaquietand clean.61. How longis the movie History ofTime?A. 2hours. B. 9 hours. C. 11 hours. D. 12 hours.62. Alan(11yearsold)andhisfather(42yearsold)wanttoseethemovie,howmuchdothey need to pay?A. 60 yuan. B. 42yuan. C. 30yuan. D. 18 yuan.63. Which of the following isTRUE?A.We

21、cantgo into the cinema after11:00 am.B.We cant take children under12 into the cinema. C.We can take some hamburgers into the cinema. D.We can take some photosin the cinema.BLiuFengisstudyinginan Americanschoolnow.HeisfromNanchang,China.Allofhis lessonsarevery good,butheisalittleshy.Hedoesnttalkmuchw

22、ithhisclassmatesbecausehe thinks there are so manydifferences betweenhimand them.Thatistrue. Hisclassmatesspeakdifferent languages,havedifferenteatinghabits,andeven theirlooksaredifferentfrom his.Forexample,LiuFengshairisshort,blackandstraight,buthis classmatesare not the same.Mikes hair isyellowand

23、 long. Sams hair iscurlyandbrown. Mollys hairisblonde.LiuFengthinkshisclassmatesbuildsandclothesseemtobestrange,too.For example,Alanisatallandthinboy,buthewearsacolorfulT-shirt.Tom isshort,buthesalittle heavywith a big nose andlong curlyhair.64. Where is LiuFeng studying now?A. In Nanchang. B. In Ch

24、ina. C. InAmerica. D. In Shanghai.65. Theunderlined word“them” in the firstparagraph refers to .A. LiuFengs classmate in China B. LiuFengs classmates inAmericaC.LiuFengs teachers in China D. LiuFengs teachers inAmerica66. Who hasyellowand long hair according to thepassage?A. LiuFeng. B. Mike. C. Sam

25、. D. Molly.67. LiuFeng thinks his classmatesbuilds andclothes are .A. great B. terrible C. beautiful D. strangeCHello!MynameisAlice.Ihaveagreatfamily.Wealllikemusicverymuch.Jennyismy mother.Sheisagreatmusician.Sheisgoodatplayingtheviolin.Shecanalsoplay thepiano.She likestosingandshecansingwell.Myfat

26、herTonyisateacher.Hecantplayanyinstruments,but he likes music. He thinks its relaxing.When mymotherplays the piano, he always listens toher.Iliketoplaytheguitarthoughitsdifficult.Iplayiteveryday.SoIcanplay itverywell.But mybrotherBillcantplaythe guitar. He thinksits boring. I want to teach him to pl

27、aythe guitar, but he doesnt want to learn.Heonlylikes to sing. He thinksits interesting.68. WhatdoesAlices motherdo?A.Amusician. B.Asinger. C.Ateacher. D.Aplayer.69. The underlined word“it” in the second paragraph refers to .A. thepiano B. the violin C. the guitar D. thedrum70. WhatdoesBill think of

28、 singing?A.Relaxing. B.Interesting. C.Boring. D.Cool.71. Whats the best title of the passage?A.AGreatMusician. B. Interesting Music. C.BusyPeople. D.AGreatFamily.DLastweekmy grandpacalledme.Heaskedmetospendmyvacationwithhim.Helivesina villageinthecountryside.Itssmallbutitsprettycoolthereinsummer.The

29、weatherisvery hotin ourcityandIoftenfeelboredhere.Iwasveryhappyandthankedhim.Isaid,“Imgoingtovisit you when mysummervacationbegins.”OnJuly5th,myparentsandIwentshoppingandboughtsomedeliciousfoodformygrandpa.Thenextmorningmy fathertookmetothetrainstation.Itwasthefirst timeformetohaveatrain trip alone(

30、独自). Ilooked outof the windowonthetrain. Ifound the scenery(风景)was beautiful. Ithought the trip was relaxing.Atfourintheafternoonthetrainarrivedatthestation.Isawmygrandpastandingoutside when Igotoff(下车).Hewas happywhen he sawme. His village is about one kilometer fromthe station so we walked there.

31、I looked around and found the mountains were high and green. IthoughtIcould have a good time there.72. Mygrandpa called and asked me to .A. spend myvacation with him in the countryside B. spend my vacation withmyparents in the city C. have a train trip aloneD. walk to his village73. Whatdid myfatherand Ibuyformygrandpa?A. Some fruit. B. Some food. C. Some clothes. D.Some cakes.74. When did myfather take meto the train station?A. Last

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