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1、关系副词引导定语从句副词从句副词从句 关系副词引导定语从句 副词从句:副词从句 关系副词引导定语从句 副词从句 : 副词从句篇一 : 副词从句 : 副词从句 -术语概述,副词从句 -相关词条 因为从句起着名词、形容词和副词的作用,所以一些语法学家 把从句分为名词从句、形容词从句和副词从句。地点副词 _副词从句 - 术语概述 因为从句起着名词、形容词和副词的作用,所以一些语法学家把从 句分为名词从句、形容词从句和副词从句 ; 但从句同时也起着句子成 分的作用,因而也有一些语法学家把从句分为主语从句、宾语从句和 状语从句。由此可以看出,副词从句和状语从句是同一概念 2 种表达 术语。副词从句是在句

2、中起副词作用的主谓结构,它可以修饰主句中 的动词、形容词和副词或整个主句 :a.He asked me to stay where I was.Dont come beforeWe Are Readyfor you.I ll go wherever the party sends me.b.She has made greater progress than we expected.Winter came earlier than it ever did before.He speaks so clearly that we understand every word he says.c.No

3、 matter what the others may say, I stick to my opinion.Seeing that the weather has improved, we shall be able to enjoy ourgame.副词从句可以用来表示地点、时间、原因、比较、让步、目的和结果等意义。地点副词 _副词从句 - 相关词条1 表示时间、地点的副词从句1.1 由 when, while, as; until, not until; before, after; whenever 等 引导的副词从句a.when, while, as 意为”当时候”。when和as可

4、以表示”点时间”, 也可以表示”一段时间” ;while 只能表 示”一段时间”。- When he arrives he ll tell us all about the match.-When she was a child, she lived in Shanghai.-While he shaved he thought about the coming interview.-As they were talking, the rain began. .-As I left the house I remembered the key. .-As she came to know hi

5、m better she relied on him more. .-As it grew darker it became colder. .注意 :1(as 多用来连接 2 个逐渐发展或演变的动作或状态。例如 :Weadvance in experience as we advance in years.2(当as意为”当时候”时,主要与表示动作或发展过程的动词连 用,一般情况下它不与下列动词连用,表示感觉的动词如 feel, taste, smell 等; 表示感情和情绪的动词如 admire, appreciate , desire, fear,hate等; 表示精神活动的动词如 :a

6、gree, believe, mean, know, recall, remember, suppose, understand 等; 表示拥有的动词如 belong, own,possess 等。b.till, until当 till 和 until 引导的从句在主句后,且主句的谓语动词含有 come, finish, go, reach, return, start 等一 时性动作动词时,主句的谓语用否 定形式,即nottill ,其意为”直到才”。-I asked Peter not to sign the agreement until he has heard from us. .-

7、 He didn t reach the station until after the train had left. .-I am afraid I can not finish the work till he arrives. 当主句的谓语是表持续性的动词如 :remain, stay, wait 等时,主句谓 语用肯定形式 :- I ll stay till you come back. .- Lets wait until the rain stops. .-We ran and ran, till I thought my heart would burst. . 在句首时,多用

8、 until:-Until you told me, I had no idea of it.-Not until I had read your letter did I understand the true stateofaffairs. .-Not until he came back did I know it.not until 常用于” It was not until that ”这一强调结构中 :-It was not until I had read your letter that I understood the true state ofaffairs.-It was

9、 not until he came back that I knew it.1(在多数情况下, till 和 untill 可以通用。2( 在 till 和 until 所引导的从句中,谓语不可用 shall, will 或 would 。c.before, afterbefore 和 after 可以用 just, right, immediately,sometime, a long time 修饰语修饰,以表示精确的时间。-I took the examination a year before my brother did. .-He was still tired even aft

10、er he had had eight hours of sleeping. .- I ll do it after I finish this work.before 和 after 可作介词、副词。-He was killed in a car accident four years after their marriage.- Please come before 5 o clock.-I never met him before.-Let me go in and you follow after.、I 、+ :注意:before 作介词用,在表示时间时,不可接一段时间,须接一特定的

11、点时间。d.wheneverwhenever 主要用于引导 1 个频度状语,表示该情景是重复出现的 :-It rains whenever we are camping.- Whenever that man says “ To tell you the truth ”, I suspect that hesabout to tell a lie.-Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us. whenever 引导的时间副词从句时常兼有让步的含义,有时让步的意 味比时间的意味还强。例如 :- I ll discuss it

12、with you whenever you like.- I d like to see you whenever it s convenient.在口语中常用 every time 代替 whenever-You get younger every time I see you.-Every time I catch a cold, I have pain in my back.1.2 由 as long as, every time, each time, next time, last time 等引导 的时间副词从句 as long as 意为”在之际” ;every time 意为”

13、每次” ;each time意为”每逢之际” ;next time 意为”下次” ;last time 意为”上次”; by the time 意为”在时候以前”。-You can never enter this house as long as I live in it.-As long as I live, you will not want for anything., the instant , the minute , directly, immediately, instantly 引导的副词从句该词组引导的副词从句表示主句的动作在从句的动作一瞬间之后。 这组连接词的含义为”一就

14、”。-Once you see her, you will find what I say is true.-Once you object to a man, everything he does is wrong.once 引导的副词从句同时含有时间和条件意味 :-Once you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty.= As soon as you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty.= If you understand thi

15、s rule, you will have no further difficulty.-She wept aloud as soon as she heard the news.-The moment she saw me her face lighted up with a smile.-The instant he opened the door, a dog ran in.-The minute he saw me, he began to cry.- I ll give you an answer immediately I ve finishe d reading yourfile

16、.-Instantly the button is pressed, the mine explodes.-Everyone will see the misprint directly they pick the book up.the moment, the instant, the minute 是名词当连词用,后面可接 that , 但通常省略 ;directly,immediately, instantly 是副词当连词用。1.4由 since, ever since 引导的副词从句 该组副词从句表示主句动作的开始时间,从句中谓语动词通常用一 般过去时态,而主句中谓语动词通常用现在完

17、成时态。- I haven t seen John since he returned from Paris.-It has been raining ever since I came home.-It has been ten years since my father left home.-Since I started swimming, I have lost five pounds.It is 和It has been 可以通用。例如:-It is five years since he joined the army.-It has been five years since h

18、e joined the army.1.5when引导的副词由 no sooner than,barely/ hardly /scarcely从句置于句首就须用倒装结构该组副词从句表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作一瞬间之前。这组 连接词的含义为”一就”。如果把 no sooner, barely, hardly, scarcely-She had no sooner heard the news than she fainted.-No sooner had she heard the news than she fainted.-He had barely arrived at the sta

19、tion when the train began to leave.-Barely had he arrived at the station when the train began to leave.-I had scarcely come in when the phone rang.-Scarcely had I come in when the phone rang.-We had hardly got into the country when it began to rain.-Hardly had we got into the country when it began t

20、o rain.、,I 、+ :注意:在这组句型中,主句的谓语动词通常用过去完成式,而副词从句的 动词通常用过去式。1.6由 where, wherever 引导的表示地点的副词从句-Where there is no rain, farming is difficult or possible.-We will meet wherever the committee decides.-She follows him wherever he goes.wherever 引导的从句有时具有很强的让步含义,特别是当 wherever引导的从句放在主句前,而且谓语动词有 may或might等情态动词时

21、。-Wherever you may go, he will not forget you.everywhere 和 anywhere 也可以引导表示地点的副词从句,其功能 和意义和 wherever 相近。-Everywhere they appeared there were ovations.-Everywhere I go, I find the same thing.-You may go anywhere you like.地点副词从句可以放在主句的前面或后面。放在主句前面时,常用 逗号把它同主句隔开 ; 如放主句后,就不用逗号隔开。 在2 表示原因、目的和结果的副词从句2.1be

22、cause, since, as because, since, as 是引导表示原因的副词从句最常用的 3 个词,其中 because 语气最强 , since 次之, as 语气最弱。a.because 从句通常置于主句之后,强调直接原因 ; 有时也可置于主 句之前。-He was angry because we were late. .-The fuseblewbecause we have overloaded the circuit.-Because it was too dark to go on, we camped there.-Because he wants us to

23、make rapid progress, the teacher is strictwithus.b.可以用否定词 not 和并列连词 but 形成并列 because 从句 :- I m going on a trip tomorrow, because I have to, not because Iwant to.-Hestole, not because he wanted the money but because he liked.c.在强调原因分句时,只能用 because 从句,而不能用 since 从句 或 as 从句 :- It was because he was ill

24、 that he didn t go with us.-It is because he has behaved so badly that he must be punished.1( 在回答以疑问词 why 开头的问句时,只能用 because 而不能用 since 或 as。2( 并列连词 for 从句表示因果关系时,可以和 because 交替使用。 -could not have seen me, for / because I was not there.所不同的只是 because 从句的位置可前可后,而 for 从句只能后置 当 for 从句不表示因果关系,而只是对前面主句的内

25、容加以解释或 推断时,这时, because 不能代替 for 。-It rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning.d.由 as 或 since 引导的原因副词从句,只是附带说明主句的内容, 它通常位于主句之前,但有时也可置于主句之后。-As he was such a fool, I refused to listen to him.-As the soup was verysalty, we were thirsty afterwards-As there was very little support, the strik

26、e was not successful.-I left the party at 10 p.m. as I had to get up early the next day.由于 since 表示的原因,指的是讲话者和听话者已知的事实, since 除有”因为”意义外,还含有”既然” 之意。- Since he can t answer the question, you d bet ter ask someoneelse.-Since no one is against it, we will adopt the proposal. .ll have to ask- Since you c

27、an t type the letter yourself, youSusan to do it for you. .- He cant be very tired, since he has walked only half a mile.2.2由 now ,seeing that ,considering that ,in that 引导的表原因的副词从句-Now you are a big boy, you must behave better.-Now you have finished the work, you are free to do what you like.-Seein

28、g that it is raining hard tonight, we will have to stay here for the night.-Seeing that it seems as if it will rain soon, we had better leave now.-Considering that he is a boy, I forgive his bad manners.-He did poorly in his examinations, considering that he had studied hard for them.-Men differ fro

29、m brutes in that they can think and speak.-The speech is all the more important in that it was made by a man of authority.、I 、+ :注意:1( 在口语里常把 now that 中的 that 省去,这时 now 与表示原因的as 和 since 有相同意义。2(now 引导的副词从句,时间意义很强时,被看作时间副词从句。-Now that I come to think of it, I see you are right.3(in that 的含义为” in the

30、fact that ”,相当于 because。2.3引导的表示目的副词由 that, so that, in order that, for fear that从句a.当主句的动词为现在时、现在完成时或将来时时, that, so that 和 in order that 后从句的谓语多用 may / can / will + 动词原形。-Bring it nearer that I may see it better.-Ships carry lifeboats so that the crew can escape if the ship sinks.-These men risk th

31、eir lives in order that we may live more safely.-I have lit the fire so that the house will be warm when they return.b.当主句的动词为一般过去时、过去进行时或过去完成时时, that,so that 和 in order that 后从句的谓语多用 should, could, might 或 would+动词原形。-They died that we might live.-We arrived early so that we could get good seats.- He wrote his diary in code so that his wife wouldn t be able toread it.-We hid it carefully so that no one should see it.-We

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