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高二英语译林版选修6课时卷四 含答案.docx

1、高二英语译林版选修6课时卷四 含答案Unit 1课下能力提升(四).根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词的正确形式1Many stars are _ (看不见的) without a telescope.2The store was _ (挤满) with shoppers.3He lives in a _ (暖和舒适的) little room.4The king _ (撕) the paper in halves and threw them at the servant in anger.5Have you written back yet, thanking for her _ (邀请)?6A

2、 p_ of dirty clothes lay by the washing machine.7Seeing the young man trying to rob her bag, the lady g_ at him and fought back.8Everyone b_ as Queen walked into the room.9An ambulance d_ to the scene of the accident.10Mr Smith b_ into anger when he saw his son was beaten by some boys.完成句子1警察突然闯进了房间

3、并抓住了小偷。The police _ the room and caught the thief.2我总是尽力回避她,可今天却偏偏撞上她了。I tried to avoid her, but it was just my luck to _ her today.3我怀疑我们能否坚持到胜利。I doubt whether we can _ until victory.4这个可怜的人好像是要吓死了似的。The poor man seemed _ frightened to death.5你那样跟父母争吵,肯定是疯了。You _ mad to quarrel with your parents l

4、ike that.完形填空If I could learn one difficult skill, I would learn how to build and fly a model airplane. Model airplanes that are flown by a remote control (遥控器) are very _1_ to build and control.Many people think of remotecontrolled planes as just toys, but in fact theyre _2_ real planes. Since the

5、models are expensive, crashing one is something you really want to _3_. You also have to _4_ things like trees, birds and changes in the wind, _5_ any one of these could cause your model to crash and do a lot of _6_. You really need to learn how to _7_ the controls and you have to be careful at all

6、times. Carefulness is very _8_ when operating a small expensive machine like a model airplane.Another thing that people have to _9_ about model airplanes is that they take a long time and a lot of _10_ to build. Each piece has to be assembled (安装) _11_, or the model will not work properly and the mo

7、tor itself is the hardest part to _12_. You cant try to do it all _13_. You have to go step by step for days so that the glue (胶水) can dry. Once all the _14_ are assembled, it will look and work just like the real thing. Completing the model brings a feeling of achievement and being able to fly it o

8、nly _15_ that feeling.My _16_ is to become a pilot one day and flying a remotecontrolled model seems like a great way to prepare myself for that _17_. Being able to _18_ one of those could be my first step towards being a real pilot. The controls of a model plane are _19_ to the controls of a real p

9、lane. Once Ive _20_ those controls, I can get used to the controls of a real plane more easily.1A.simpleBboringCcheap Ddifficult2A.hightech BnewstyleCreadymade Dsmallsized3A.avoid BlearnCcontrol Ddiscover4A.pick out Bsearch forClook up to Dwatch out for5A.unless BbecauseCalthough Bdama

10、geCresearch BstudyChandle Dchange8A.impossible BstrangeCimportant Dunnecessary9A.doubt BexpectCforget BpatienceCspace Dmemory11A.quickly BpubliclyCdifferently BuseCremove Dstart13A.once again Bon timeCas usual Dat once14A.pieces BmodelsCpla

11、nes Dcontrols15A.limits BincreasesCreduces Dexpresses16A.feeling BadviceCdream Dability17A.journey BprocessCcareer BflyCfix Dbring19A.equal BspecialCsimilar Drelated20A.lifted BkeptCrecognized Dmastered.阅读理解Americans wear black for mourning. Chinese wear white. Westerners think

12、of dragons as monsters. Chinese honor them as symbols of God. Chinese civilization has often shown such polarities (极性) with the West, as though each stands at extreme ends of a global string. Now a University of California, Berkeley, psychologist has discovered deeper polarities between Chinese and

13、 American cultures polarities that go to the heart of how we reason and discover truth.His findings go far toward explaining why American cultures seem so contentious and Chinese cultures so passive, when compared to each other. More importantly, the research opens the way for the peoples of the Eas

14、t and the West to learn from each other in fundamental ways. The Chinese could learn much from Western methods for determining scientific truth, said Kaiping Peng, a former Beijing scholar, who is now a UC Berkeley assistant professor of psychology. And Americans could profit enormously from the Chi

15、nese tolerance for accepting contradictions (矛盾) in social and personal life, he said.“Americans have a terrible need to find out who is right in an argument,” said Peng. “The problem is that at the interpersonal level, you really dont need to find the truth, or maybe there isnt any.”Chinese people,

16、 said Peng, are far more content to think that both sides have flaws (缺陷) and virtues, because they have a holistic awareness that life is full of contradictions. They do far less blaming of the individual than do Americans, he added.In studies of interpersonal argument, for example, when subjects w

17、ere asked to deal with contradictory information stemming from conflict between a mother and a daughter or a student and a school, Peng found that Americans were “noncompromising, blaming one side usually the mother for the causes of the problems, demanding changes from one side to attain a solution

18、 and offering no compromise”in dealing with the conflict. Compared to this angry, blaming American stance, the Chinese were paragons (模范) of compromise, finding fault on both sides and looking for solutions that moved both sides to the middle.1In Paragraph 1, the author sets examples in order to _.A

19、expose the contradiction between Chinese and AmericansBshow the differences between Chinese culture and American cultureCfind the reason for the differencesDgeneralize the main idea of the passage2The underlined word “contentious” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”AconservativeBaggressiveCobjective D

20、optimistic3Compared with Americans, Chinese are _.Alikely to find the truth in lifeBreluctant to admit their failureCreluctant to have a general idea of thingsDlikely to know advantages and disadvantages of things4The studies show that _.Aan American treats his or her mother badlyBdifferent ideas of

21、 treating the agedCdifferent personalities of Chinese and AmericansDdifferent conflicts of Americans and Chinese.语法填空Frank:A typhoon struck southern China on Thursday with strong winds and heavy rain, 1._ (kill) two people.Gavin:I heard people talk about it on the bus. Any specific details?Frank:The

22、 typhoon hit the coastal areas of Guangdong Province at 1:45 pm. on Thursday, 2._ strong winds reaching 126 kilometers per hour.Gavin:It must 3._ (cause) great losses to the area.Frank:Yes. It is reported 4._ the typhoon has caused economic losses of more than two billion yuan in the province.Gavin:

23、Guangdong Province seems to suffer a lot from such 5._ (nature) disasters every year.Frank:Exactly! And meteorologists (气象学家) forecast that six to eight major typhoons are expected in the coming months.Gavin:Oh, dear! It will be a tough time for people 6._ live there to get through.Frank:7._ (absolu

24、te). To prepare for the coming typhoons, the government has warned people to avoid unnecessary trips outdoors during the typhoon season and is also taking effective measures 8._ (keep) economic losses to a minimum. 9._ least 26 flights are said to have been canceled for safety reasons.Gavin:Really?

25、My filght might 10._ (include)! Im going to fly to Guangzhou next month.Frank:Youd better check.课下能力提升(四).1.invisible2.crowded3.cosy4.tore5invitation6.pile7.glared8.bowed9.dashed10.burst.1.burst into3.hold if5.must have been.语篇解读:本文是议论文。作者解释了想要玩航模的原因。1解析:选D根据第二段和第三段作者提到的航模制作和操作时的注意

26、事项可知,遥控航模飞机很“难(difficult)”制作和操作。2解析:选D根据本空前but一词的转折以及下文的“a small expensive machine like a model airplane”可知,航模是“小型号的(smallsized)”真飞机。3解析:选A参见下题解析。4解析:选D根据上文的expensive可知,由于航模比较贵,要“避免(avoid)”它坠毁,也要“留意(watch out for)”树、鸟、风向改变等。5解析:选B树、鸟、风向改变等可能会造成航模坠毁,故选because。6解析:选B航模很贵,一旦坠毁,就会造成很大的“损失(damage)”。7解析:选

27、C根据下文的“operating a small expensive machine”可知,要学会“操作(handle)”遥控。8解析:选C根据上文的“you have to be careful at all times”可知,玩航模时谨慎很“重要(important)。”9解析:选D参见下题解析。10解析:选B根据下文作者描述航模制作的过程可知,人们必须“意识到(realize)”航模制作需要“耐心(patience)”。11解析:选D根据下文的“or the model will not work properly”可知,航模需要“正确(correctly)”安装。12解析:选A发动机是

28、最难“制作(build)”的部分。13解析:选D根据下文的“You have to go step by step for days”可知,不要试图“一下(at once)”全装好航模。14解析:选A根据上文的“Each piece has to be assembled”可知。15解析:选B完成航模的制作会带来成就感,使它飞起来会“增加(increases)”这种感觉。16解析:选C成为飞行员是“我”的“梦想(dream)”。17解析:选C玩遥控航模是为从事飞行员这一“职业(career)”做准备。18解析:选B根据上文的“flying a remotecontrolled model”可知

29、。19解析:选C参见下题解析。20解析:选D航模的遥控与真飞机的遥控“相似(similar)”,一旦“我”“掌握(mastered)”了操作这些遥控的技巧,“我”就能更容易地操作飞机的控制台。.语篇解读:本文为一篇议论文,从各个细节方面讨论了中美文化的差异。1解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一段“Now a University of California, Berkeley, psychologist has discovered deeper polarities between Chinese and American cultures” 可知,作者用例子来说明中美文化差异。2解析:选B词义

30、猜测题。从句子可推测 contentious 与后面的 passive 相对立,故B项最接近此意。3解析:选D细节理解题。根据文章第三段 “Chinese people, said Peng,.that life is full of contradictions.” 可知中国人善于全面考虑问题。B项(不愿承认失败)文章没有提及。4解析:选C细节理解题。根据文章第四段关于中美处理母女矛盾方式差异的调查,可知这是中美两国人处理问题的不同态度和个性。.语篇解读:本文是两个人关于发生在广东省的台风的对话,台风对广东的经济及人们的生活造成了许多不良影响。1killing考查动词ing形式作状语的用法。设空处作结果状语,typhoon与kill之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且kill所表示的动作与谓语动作几乎同时发生,故填killing。2with考查with复合结构。此处构成with复合结构作伴随状语,故填with。3have caused考查情态动词完成式。由语境可知,此处表示对过去发生事情的肯定推测,故填have caused。4that考查连接词。设空处引导主语从句,且在从句中不作成分,故填that。It

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