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1、英文规定合同翻译常见词注解中英文合同翻译常见词注解(中)十一. notwithstanding释义: in spite of (prep.)尽管;nevertheless (adv.)仍然用法: 法律文件常用词,比although正式。语法: 作介词用时,放在要引导的让步状语前例1:Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 91 of these Regulations, when a business establishment in charge of consolidated tax filing fails to compute the tax

2、able income of different business establishments appropriately on a separate basis, the local tax authorities may make reasonable apportionment of the taxable income among these business establishments, under their respective proportion of business income, costs and expenses, assets, the number of s

3、taff and workers, or the amount of wages.注释:(1)Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 91 of these Regulations:虽有本细则第九十一条的规定(2)a business establishment in charge of consolidated tax filing:负责合并申报缴纳所得税的营业机构(3)fail to compute the taxable income of different business establishments appropriately on a

4、 separate basis:不能合理地分别计算各营业机构的应纳税所得额(4)the local tax authorities may make reasonable apportionment of the taxable income among these business establishments:当地税务机关可以对应税所得在各营业机构之间合理分配(5)under their respective proportion of business income, costs and expenses, assets, the number of staff and workers,

5、 or the amount of wages:按照营业收入比例、成本和费用比例、资产比例、职工人数或者工资数额的比例参考译文:虽有本细则第九十一条的规定,负责合并申报缴纳所得税的营业机构不能合理地分别计算各营业机构的应纳税所得额时,当地税务机关可以对应税所得总额,按照营业收入比例、成本和费用比例、资产比例、职工人数或者工资数额的比例,在各营业机构之间合理分配。例2:If, notwithstanding Sub-Clause 65.1, any damage occurs to any bridge or road communicating with or on the routes to

6、 the site due to the transport of materials or plant, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the matter in question, with a copy to the Employer, as soon as he becomes aware of such damage or as soon as he receives any claim from the authority entitled to make such claim.注释:(1) notwithstanding

7、Sub-Clause 65.1:尽管有65.1款的规定(2)any damage occurs to any bridge or road communicating with or on the routes to the site:对通往现场或位于通往现场路线上任何桥梁或道路造成任何损害(3)due to the transport of materials or plant:因运输材料或设备(4)the authority entitled to make such claim:有权提出此类索赔的机构参考译文:尽管有65.1款的规定,但如果发生因运输材料或设备而对通往现场或位于通往现场路

8、线上任何桥梁或道路造成任何损害时,承包人在得知此类损害之后,或者收到有权提出此类索赔的机构的任何索赔要求之后,应立即通知工程师,并将一份副本呈交给业主。例3:The Engineer shall, from time to time, have authority to issue instructions on the following matters that: 1) any works shall, in the opinion of the Engineer, be removed and re-executed, notwithstanding any previous test

9、thereof or interim payment therefor, because the following items fail to meet the requirements and provisions of the Contract:(i) the materials, Plant or workmanship, or (ii) the design by the Contractor or for which he is responsible.注释:(1)have authority to issue instructions on the following matte

10、rs:有权对下列事项发出指示(2)in the opinion of the Engineer:工程师认为(3)any works shall be removed and re-executed:任何工程均应拆除并重新施工(4)notwithstanding any previous test thereof or interim payment therefor:尽管事先已对其进行过任何检验或临时付款(5)fail to meet the requirements and provisions of the Contract:不符合合同规定参考译文:工程师有权随时对下列事项发出指示:1)尽

11、管事先已对其进行过任何检验或临时付款,但对工程师认为任何工程因以下各项不符合合同规定的,均应拆除并重新施工:(1)材料、工程设备或工艺;或(2)由承包人设计或承包人对其负有责任的设计。例4:Notwithstanding any other provision of the Contract, if the Contractor intends to claim any additional payment pursuant to any Clause of these Conditions or other provisions, the Contractor in question sha

12、ll, within 28 days after the event giving rise to the claim has first arisen, notify the Engineer of his intention, with a copy to the Employer.注释:(1)notwithstanding any other provision of the Contract:尽管本合同有其它规定(2)intend to claim any additional payment:打算索取任何追加付款(3)within 28 days after the event gi

13、ving rise to the claim has first arisen:在引起索赔的事件第一次发生后28天(4)notify the Engineer of his intention:将其索赔意向通知工程师参考译文:尽管本合同有其它规定,如果承包人根据本合同的任何条款或其他有关规定打算索取任何追加付款的话,他都应在引起索赔的事件第一次发生后28天,将其索赔意向通知工程师,并将一份副本呈交业主。例5:The Works shall be measured net, notwithstanding any general or local custom, except where oth

14、erwise provided for in the contract.注释:(1)the Works shall be measured net:工程计量应该计量净值(2)notwithstanding any general or local custom:无论通常的和当地的习惯如何 any general or local custom:通常的和当地的习惯参考译文:无论通常的和当地的习惯如何,工程计量应该计量净值,但合同另有规定的除外。例6:Notwithstanding the provisions of this Clause or any other Clause of the C

15、ontract, no payment certificates shall be issued by the Engineer until the performance security is submitted by the Contractor under the Contract and approved by the Employer.注释:(1)notwithstanding the provisions of this Clause or any other Clause of the Contract:尽管有本条款或任何其它合同条款的规定(2)payment certific

16、ate:支付款证书(3)the performance security:履约保证参考译文:尽管有本条款或任何其它合同条款的规定,在承包人提交履约保证并经业主批准之前,工程师不对任何支付款额开具证书。例7:Notwithstanding the issue of the Defects Liability Certificate, the Contractor and the Employer shall remain liable for the fulfillment of any outstanding obligation incurred under the provisions o

17、f the Contract when the Defects Liability Certificate is issued. To determine the nature and extent of the obligations in question, the Contract shall be deemed to remain in force and be binding upon the parties thereto.注释:(1)notwithstanding the issue of the Defects Liability Certificate:尽管颁发了缺陷责任证书

18、 the defects liability certificate:缺陷责任证书(2)any outstanding obligation:尚未履行的义务(3)to determine the nature and extent of the obligations in question:为了确定任何此类义务的性质和围参考译文:尽管颁发了缺陷责任证书,但承包人和业主仍应对在缺陷责任证书颁发时尚未履行的义务承担责任。为了确定任何此类义务的性质和围,合同应被认为对合同双方仍然有效。例8:Notwithstanding IB 6.2, the Owner reserves the right t

19、o accept or reject any Bid, and to annul the bidding process and to reject all Bids, at any time prior to the award of the Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of grounds for its action.注释:(1)no

20、twithstanding IB 6.2:尽管有IB6.2款的规定 IB:Instructions to Bidders 投标者须知。注:IB不能译成“对投标者的指示”,因为在投标阶段,业主与投标人之间没有合同关系,即上下级关系。合同成立后,投标人成为承包人,那么可以就“对承包人的指示”,这里只能译成“投标者须知”。(2)Bid:投标(书)(3)to annul:put an end to 废除,废止(4)award of Contract:授予合同(5)thereby:by that means;by doing or saying that 由此,因此,是以(6)affected Bidd

21、er:受影响的投标人(7)grounds for its action:行为的根据(或原因)参考译文:尽管有IB6.2款的规定,业主在授予合同前,有保留授受或拒绝任何投标、废除投标程序、拒绝所有投标的权利,而且不承担由此而对投标人造成的不利条件的责任,同是也不承担通知受影响的投标人有关业主作出这一决定的原因的义务。十二. shall释义: 应该,必须用法: 在合同等法律文件中,表示强制性承担法律或合同义务。有时可用will,但力度比shall弱。这时决不能用“must”或“should”。should在法律文件里往往用作“if”,只表示“如果”之意。例1The board meeting sh

22、all be called and presided over by the Chairman. Should the Chairman be absent, the vice-Chairman shall, in principle, call and preside over the board meeting.注释:(1)The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the Chairman.:董事会会议应由董事长召集并主持 the board meeting:董事会会议 preside over:主持(2)the vice

23、-Chairman:副董事长参考译文:董事会会议应由董事长召集并主持;如董事长缺席时,原则上,应由副董事长召集主持。例2The Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures Company shall terminate upon the expiration of the joint venture term.注释:(1)the Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures Company:中外合作经营公司(2)the expiration of the joint venture term:合作期满时参考译文:

24、中外合作经营公司应于合作期满时终止。例3The term of the Company shall be 5 years commencing from the date of issuance of the Companys business license.注释:(1)the term of the Company:公司的期限(2)the date of issuance of the Companys business license:公司营业执照签发之日参考译文:公司的期限为5年,自公司营业执照签发之日计算。例4This Contract and the appendices here

25、to shall come into force from the date of approval by the examination and approval authorities.注释:(1)the appendices hereto:the appendices to this Contract 本合同附件(2)shall come into force:应生效参考译文:本合同及其附件须经审批机构批准,应自批准之日生效。例5Any amendment to this Contract or to its appendices shall come into force after

26、the written agreement is concluded and signed by the Parties hereto and approved by the original examination and approval authorities.注释:(1)any amendment to this Contract or to its appendices:本合同及其附件的任何修改(2)the original examination and approval authorities:审批机构参考译文:本合同及其附件的任何修改,必须经双方签署书面合同文件,并报原审批机构

27、批准后才能生效。例6This Company shall be a Chinese legal person. All activities hereof shall be governed and protected by the Laws and relevant rules and regulations of Peoples Republic of China.注释:(1)a Chinese legal person:中国法人(2)shall be governed and protected by the Laws and relevant rules and regulations

28、 of Peoples Republic of China:应受中华人民国法律和法规的管辖和保护参考译文:本公司应为中国法人。公司的一切活动应受中华人民国法律和法规的管辖和保护。例7The production and business scope of the Company shall be as follows: to manufacture, sell and develop cooperatively produced products and other relevant products.注释:(1)the production and business scope of the

29、 Company:公司的生产及经营围(2)to manufacture, sell and develop cooperatively produced products:制造、销售和开发合作产品(3)relevant products:相关产品,配套产品参考译文:公司的生产及经营围是制造、销售和开发合作产品及其相关或配套产品。例8The first Board meeting shall be convened within one month after the issuance of the Companys business license.注释:(1)be convened with

30、in one month:一个月召开(2)the issuance of the Companys business license:公司营业执照的签发参考译文:第一次董事会应在公司营业执照的签发后一个月召开。例9The date of issuance of the business license of the Company shall be the date of the establishment of the Board of Directors of the Company.注释:(1)the date of the establishment of the Board of D

31、irectors of the Company:公司董事会成立之日参考译文:公司营业执照签发之日应为公司董事会成立之日。例10The documents on the major issues of the Company, including but not limited to, the management plan, the monthly report, quarterly report and annual report, shall be signed jointly by the General Manager and the Deputy General Manager, then the documents shall come into effect.注释:(1)the documents on the major issues of the Company:公司的重要文件(2)the management plan:管理计划(3)the monthly report:月度报告(4)quarterly report:季度报告(5)annual report:年度报告(6)shall be signed jo

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