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1、学年四川省成都市戴氏教育初一下学期期中考试英语卷2020-2021学年四川省成都市戴氏教育初一下学期期中考试英语卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1_sleeps during the day but at night he gets up and eats food.A、A panda B、A dog C、A koala D、A giraffe2When youre hungry, where can you get something to eat? _.A、In a pool B、In a restaurant C、In a garden D、In a library3When

2、 I grow up, I want_ a football player.A、be B、to be C、am D、are4Its_ in Australia when its winter in China.A、cold B、hot C、winter D、snowing5Look! Emma is_ her bedroom. Her room is always_.A、clean, clean B、clean, cleaning C、cleaning, clean D、cleaning, cleaning6Where are you going, James?I want to do som

3、e shopping. Im going to the_.A、home B、movie C、park D、mall7_? Its next to the library.A、Is there a bank here? B、Is this the bank?C、Excuse me, wheres the bank, please? D、Does your father work in a bank?8_works late, and is very busy when people go out to dinners.A、A waiter B、A bank clerk C、A reporter

4、D、A nurse9Whats Jim doing over there? Hes_ his friends.A、talking B、talking with C、talks D、talk10Toronto is a city in_.A、the USA B、Canada C、Australia D、France11Theres_ interesting pay phone next to_ post office.A、a, the B、an, a C、a, / D、an, the12Thank you very much. _.A、No, thanks B、Youre welcome C、D

5、ont thank me D、All right13Ill go for a school trip. I hope you have a good trip._A、Thanks. B、Me too. C、Sure, I will. D、You too!14_? Hes fat and medium height.A、What does he do B、How old is heC、What does he look like D、What is he doing15Can the Canadians_ French? Yes, they can.A、talk B、say C、tell D、s

6、peak二、完型填空The sun is shining and its very hot 16 many people dont want to go out after 17 Mrs. West has to(不得不) 18 her father at the airport. Her father doesnt feel well, he wants to see a 19 .Now shes 20 no trees and she feels very 21 But shes too 22 and cant walk fast(快). Suddenly she finds(发现) a

7、23 walking behind her. She gets angry and her face turns red. “Why are you walking 24 me, boy?” She asks strictly. “Its cooler”. The boy answers.16ABut BBecause CSo DThen17Abreakfast Bdinner Csupper Dlunch18Awatch Bmeet Chelp Dask19Anurse Bwaiter Cpoliceman Ddoctor20Awalking Bwalks Cwalk Dto walk21A

8、be Bis Care Dam22Acold Bcool Crelaxed Dhot23Ahappy Bfat Cshort Dtall24Aboy Bman Cwoman Ddog25Aon Bin front of Cbehind Dacross from三、用所给单词的正确形式填空用方框中词的适当形式填空difficult, because, begin, beautiful, play, hand, white, say, fun, toothAmericans enjoy Halloween(万圣节). Halloween started hundreds of years ago

9、in Britain. People think that October 31st was the end of fall and the 26 of winter. At that time, ghosts(鬼) came back to see us in our world.These days, Halloween is a time to have 27 . People like 28 games at Halloween parties. One of these games is apple-bobbing(浮在水面上的苹果). People try to pick up a

10、pples with their 29 . The apples are in water. You cant use 30 , so its very 31 . Some people have 32 faces and black mouths like ghosts. Theyre really 33 . The favorite Halloween activity(活动) for young children is “trick or treat.” They go to houses in their neighborhood and 34 “Trick or treat!” Pe

11、ople give them something nice to eat 35 they dont want the children to trick them!单词拼写(10分)36Jim_(居住) with his uncle in Canada.37Some are playing_(沙滩) volleyball, some are singing.38Pandas are kind of shy, so please be_(安静).39The supermarket is on the_(五) Avenue.40Autumn is coming, the_(叶子) turn yel

12、low.41Look! Hes_(游泳) at the pool.42On a _(多云的) afternoon in summer, I like to go to the beach.43Hows the movie? _(相当) good.44Sandra likes_(看) books.45Therere many animals in the_(动物园).四、阅读单选In the morning, Mr. Martin comes into his garden. He sees too much snow in the garden. Mr Martin wants to take

13、 his car out, so he asks a cleaner to clean the road(路) from his garage(车库) to the gate. He says to the cleaner, “Dont put any snow on the flowers or on the wall. And dont put any into the street, or the policeman will come.” Then he goes out. When he comes back, the road is clean. There is no snow

14、on the flowers, on the wall or in the street. But when he opens the garage to get his car out, he sees: it is full of snow, the snow from the road, and his car is under the snow!46What is the weather like?_A、Its very hot. B、Its raining. C、Its cold D、Its windy.47Who cleans the snow on the road? _A、Mr

15、 Martin. B、A policeman. C、Mrs Martin. D、A cleaner.48Why cant the cleaner put any snow into the street? _A、Because theres too much snow, too. B、Because the policeman will come.C、Because there are flowers in the street. D、Because theres a car in the street.49Where is the snow after the cleaner cleans

16、the road? _A、On the flowers. B、In the garage.C、In the street. D、We dont know.50What does Mr Martin think of the cleaner? _A、He is smart. B、He does a right thing.C、He does a wrong thing. D、He helps Mr Martin.One day Mrs Jones goes shopping alone(独自地). When Mr Jones comes home in the evening, she begi

17、ns to tell him about a beautiful dress. “I see it in a shop this morning,” she says, “and” “And you want to buy it,” says Mr Jones, “how much is it?” “Fifteen pounds.” Every evening, when Mr Jones comes back from work, his wife goes on talking only about the dress. And at last, after a week, he says

18、, “Oh, buy the dress! Heres the money!” She is very happy. But the next evening, when Mr Jones comes home and asks, “Have you got the famous(著名的) dress?” She says, “No.” Why not?” he says. “Well, it is still in the window of the shop after a week. I think nobody else wants this dress. So I think it

19、is not a good one!”51Mrs Jones goes shopping_ one day.A、with Mr Jones B、with her friendC、by herself D、with the other woman52Mrs Jones tells Mr Jones about the dress every day because_.A、it is really beautiful B、she wants the shopC、she wants Mr Jones to buy it for her D、she likes it very much53Mrs Jo

20、nes is very happy after_.A、Mr Jones agree(同意) to buy it for herB、Mr Jones gives her the money for the pantsC、she gets the beautiful dressD、she sees the dress is still in the shop window54Mr Jones thinks its the famous dress because_.A、it is a beautiful dress B、it is in the shop window for a weekC、hi

21、s wife has it D、his wife talks about it again and again55From the story we can know_.A、Mrs Jones is a housewife, she doesnt have much moneyB、Mr Jones doesnt like his wifeC、Mr Jones comes home for lunch every dayD、Mrs Jones doesnt like the things if others like themTom lived in a town near New York.

22、His father had a shop there and his mother was a doctor. He was seven years old this year and began to go to school this September. It was a little far(远的) from their shop and his father drove a car to take him to school five days a week. So he was never(从不) late for class and his teachers likes him

23、 very much.It was Monday that day. Miss Green was teaching them to count(数数) from one to ten in the morning. Tom was studying hard. Soon he could count them. Green was happy and asked, “How many people are there in your family, Tom?”Tom stood up and said, “Two, Miss.”“Who are they?”“My father and my

24、 mother.”“Oh,” Miss Green was surprised. She then said, “Therere three people in your family.”“But now Im not at home. Im at school, you know!”56Where did Toms father work? _A、In a factory. B、In a school. C、In a shop. D、In a hospital.57Tom was now a student of_.A、Grade One B、Grade Two C、Grade Three

25、D、Grade Four58Tom was never late for school because_.A、all his teachers liked him B、he went to school in a carC、his house was next to the school D、he just began to school a month ago59Miss Green taught her children to count from one to ten_.A、every day B、one Monday morning C、in Toms house D、five day

26、s a week60Which is the best title(题目) for this story? _A、Two or Three? B、From One to TenC、Tom and his family D、Miss Green and Her Students五、句子配对问答配对61How old is John? A Yes, please.62Where is the school? B Yes, Im sorry.63What is the last day of the week? C He is from America.64What does your father

27、 do? D He is a policeman.65What do you want to be? E Its on Park street .66Is your mother a teacher? F Saturday.67Hows it going? G Not bad.68Where is Mr. brown from? H Yes, she is.69Can I help you? I A doctor.70Are you late for school today? J He is ten years old.六、话题作文71写作姓名Tom White性别男年龄12籍贯美国纽约科目

28、英语数学食品冰淇淋汉堡包颜色红色黄色注意:“+”表示非常喜欢,“+”表示喜欢,“- -”表示一点都不喜欢,“-”表示不喜欢。要求: 请根据表格内容介绍你的笔友,以“My Pen pal”为题用英语写一篇小短文。 短文必须包括表格提示的所有内容。 要做到文理通顺,标点符号正确,不得少于10句话。 参考答案1C【解析】 试题分析:句意:树袋熊在白天睡觉,但是它在晚上起来吃东西。A、A panda熊猫; B、A dog 够;C、A koala 树袋熊;D、A giraffe长颈鹿。此处白天睡觉,晚上起来。这种生活习惯的动物是树袋熊。故选C。 考点:考查名词的用法。2B【解析】 试题分析:句意:当你生

29、气的时候,你能在哪里找到吃的东西?在餐馆里。A、In a pool 在游泳池里;B、In a restaurant 在餐馆里; C、In a garden在花园里; D、In a library在图书馆里。根据where can you get something to eat可知可以找到吃的东西的地方是餐馆里。故选B。 考点:考查介词短语的用法。3B【解析】 试题分析:句意:当我长大的时候,我想要成为一个足球运动员。want to do sth. 想要做某事 。故选B。 考点:考查动词短语的用法。4B【解析】 试题分析:句意:当中国是冬季的时候,在澳大利亚是炎热的。A、cold 寒冷的;B、hot 炎热的;C、winter冬季;D、snowing下雪的。澳大利亚位于南半球,中国位于北半球,当中国是冬季时,澳大利亚是夏季,是炎热的。故选B。 考点:考查形容词的用法。5C【解析】 试题分析:句意:看!艾玛正在打扫她的房间里。她的房间总是干净的。clean作动词时,是打扫;作形容词时,是干净的。第一空表示打扫房间,因为有助动词is,故此处用现在进行时,i

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