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Unit 1essay on America培训讲学.docx

1、Unit 1 essay on America培训讲学Unit 1 essay on AmericaUnit one text A Essay on AmericaStep1: Introduction of the author Stanley Zir is the founder of Never Again Is Now and Victorious America. com, dedicated to the completion of Americas destiny . in fulfilling Libertys mandate: Our Eternal War on Tyran

2、ny.“ an American of Jewish Descent Articles: Obama hammers and sickles America The Obama Doctrine: Terrorists are R U.S.“ House votes Israel negotiate with terrorists Iran now, the threat to America is imminent background information-Puritans It was the name given _to the more extreme _within the Ch

3、urch of England who thought the English Reformation had not gone far enough in reforming the doctrines and structure of the church; they wanted to purify their national church by eliminating every shred of_. _century many Puritans emigrated to America, where they sought to found _in new world. Purit

4、anism remained the dominant cultural force in that area into the_. their beliefs Most of American puritans held ideas in the mainstream of Calvinistic thought. In addition to believing in the absolute sovereignty of God, the total depravity of man, and the complete dependence of human beings on divi

5、ne grace for salvation, they stressed the importance of personal religious experience. During the whole colonial period, Puritanism had direct impact on both religious thought and cultural patterns in America. In the 19th century its influence was indirect, but it can still be seen at work stressing

6、 the importance of education in religious leadership and demanding that religious motivations be tested by applying them to practical situations. Influence on American Society 1.Traditon: The Puritans hoped to build a city upon hillan ideal community in New England. Since that time, Americans have v

7、iewed their country as a great experiment, a worthy model for other nations. 2. American Values: American values such as individualism, hard work, and the sense of equality owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.Step2: General idea of the text In this passage, the author mainly confirms Americans emph

8、asis on individual rights and freedom and check on the status quo by demonstrating us how they struggled for this from the perspective of its history. Whats more, in the end he concludes that it is this emphasis and struggle that define America character and set it apart from the rest of the world.S

9、tructure of the text Part 1:(para1-para5) Before 1620 Puritans, persecuted for their religious beliefs by the Church of England, were determined to emigrated to America to act their religious beliefs. This later became the driving force of Americas struggle for individual rights and freedom. Part 2:

10、 para6- para12 17th-19th They fought against British for their rights and freedom and found documents to ensure their rights. In addition, the government was structured to preserve the rights of individual and the status quo was also put/kept in check. Part 3: para13-para16 19th-20th Their struggle

11、for individual rights such as the rights of the black, womens rights, civil rights, workers rights. continues gathering momentum. Part4: para17-para 20 conclusion In the end, the author points out that the reason why America, a young country, develops so fast is that it stresses the individualism in

12、stead of collectivism and keeps the status quo in check.Step3: Para 1 When the Puritans lived in England they were persecuted for their religious beliefs. The Church of England prohibited them from worshipping in their own way. There was no debate about the validity of the Puritans doctrine. They we

13、re considered heretics by the absolute power and authority of the Church, exercising the power of the Status Quo. General idea: Puritans living in England were persecuted for their religious beliefs and were considered heretics by The Church of England.New Words Persecute- treat sb badly or cruelty

14、over a period of time, especially because of their religious or political beliefs Eg: During the Cultural Revolution, Liu Shaoqi was persecuted for his political thoughts. Prosecute- To say officially that sb might be guilty of a crime and must be judged by a court of law Eg: He was prosecuted for c

15、orruption. Synonyms: charge, accuse be charged with, be accused of, be prosecuted forNew words Prohibit To officially stop an activity by making it illegal or against the rules Eg:Smoking is prohibited inside this building. Synonyms: prevent, ban, forbid, stop, exhibit, inhibit, prohibit,( look up t

16、he words by yourself)New words exercising the power of the Status Quo exercise V. (formal) to use power, influence I intend to exercise my right to vote. the Status Quo the state of a situation as it is Eg: They have a vested interest in maintaining the Status Quo. But many analysts are skeptical ab

17、out the willingness of leaders to adopt significant changes, noting the concentration of power and money at the top of the party. The new set of leaders appears to uphold the status quo, according to Willy Lam, a history professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. (CNN) paraphrase: There was n

18、o debate about the validity of the Puritans doctrine. There was no discussion about whether the beliefs of the puritans were reasonable or not. In other words, the beliefs of the puritans were not allowed to discuss at that time.Para2 The Church of England believed in Christianity. But was it the te

19、aching of their founder to persecute others, lock them up and take away their freedom simply because their beliefs were different? In this case, if they had cared to see, their own professed beliefs would have acted as a mirror to expose their hypocrisy and evil. General idea: What the Church of Eng

20、land did to puritans in fact was a far cry from what they believed in. In other words, the Church of England is hypocritical and evil.New wordsProfessed 1)clearly and openly stating what you believe a professed Christian 公开表信仰的基督教徒 2) pretended, rather real or sincere eg: I couldnt stand their profe

21、ssed kind. 我受不了他们的假慈悲。 Profess, profession, professional,Translation But was it the teaching of their founder to persecute others, lock them up and take away their freedom simply because their beliefs were different? 但是仅仅因为他们的信仰不同,基督教创造者的教义就是迫害他人,囚禁他们以及剥夺他们的自由吗?Translate In this case, if they had ca

22、red to see, their own professed beliefs would have acted as a mirror to expose their hypocrisy and evil. 在这种情况下,如果他们当时仔细看看,就会发现他们公开声称的信仰就会作为一面镜子揭露出他们的虚伪与邪恶。Para3 Having the chance to resettle in America the Puritans acted. If they had stayed in England, the Church and the Government would have destr

23、oyed them because of their beliefs and because they did not have the support from the general populace at the time. General idea: When the puritans emigrated to America, they acted their beliefs. Para 4 What happened to the Puritans and their choice to settle in America set in motion a wave of deter

24、mination so great it not only became the driving force of the development and character of American society but it also became the impetus for the spreading of human rights and democracy worldwide. 承上启下: 上: What happened to the Puritans and their choice to settle in America 下: the driving force of t

25、he development and character of American society the impetus for the spreading of human rights and democracy worldwide New Words or phrases Set in motion To start a process or series of events that will continue for some time Eg: Chinese government has set in motion a wide-ranging combat against cor

26、ruption. impetus & momentum an influence that makes sth happen or happen more quickly Eg: The combat against corruption is gather momentum/impetus in China .Translation What happened to the Puritans and their choice to settle in America set in motion a wave of determination so great it not only beca

27、me the driving force of the development and character of American society but it also became the impetus for the spreading of human rights and democracy worldwide. 清教徒在英国所遭受的迫害和他们移民到美国的选择掀起了一股决心高涨的浪潮。并且这股浪潮如此强大,使得它不仅推动了美国社会的发展和塑造了美国人的个性而且还促进了人权和民主在全世界的传播。Para 5 Why was this force so powerful that no

28、thing could stop it from displaying its indomitable resolve in the human spirit? The Church of England tried to suppress the individual in their spiritual beliefs, their private domain, the seat of life where all people inquire about their own existence. It tried to imprison their mind, the seat of

29、judgment which is the main driving force to discern good from evil. This triggered a chain reaction that would release the flow of individual rights, that would saturate the American psyche, thus becoming the driving force that would shape our history and become the standard of behavior to protect w

30、hat is most noble in humanity. General idea: The reason why this force was so powerful that nothing could stop it from displaying its indomitable resolve in the human spirit.New words indomitable & invincible too powerful or strong to be defeated or changed an old man of indomitable spirit( the Old

31、Man and the Sea) 一位意志坚强的老人 her invincible determination/ resolve 她那坚定不移的决心 resolve & determination Strong or powerful will My English teachers encouragement strengthened my resolve /determination to speak English in class. domain & realm an area or a field of activity, interest, or knowledge Military history is really outside my domain. 我对军事实在一窍不通。 new discoveries in the realm of science 科学领域的新发现Translation The

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