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1、Businessplantemplate 全英商业计划书模板之欧阳主创编Business plan for a new business时间:2021.02.17创作:欧阳主The business plan consists of a narrative and several financial worksheets. The narrative template is the key to the business plan. It contains more than 150 questions divided into several sections. Omit any quest

2、ions that do not apply to your type of business. When you have finished writing your first draft, you will have a collection of small essays on the various aspects of the business plan. The next stage is to edit them into a smooth-flowing narrative.The real value of creating a business plan is not i

3、n having the finished plan in your hand; rather, the value lies in the process of researching and thinking about your business in a systematic way. The act of planning helps you to think things through thoroughly, study and research if you are not sure of the facts, and look at your ideas critically

4、. It takes time now, but will help avoid costly, perhaps disastrous, mistakes later.This business plan is a specific model suitable for high-tech businesses. Before you begin, look atthe 1stsection Tailoring the plan. It has tips for fine-tuning your plan to make an effective presentation to investo

5、rs. If this is why youre creating your plan, pay particular attention to your writing style. You will be judged by the quality and appearance of your work as well as by your ideas.It typically takes several weeks to complete a good plan. Most of that time is spent in researching and revising your id

6、eas and assumptions. But this is the value of the process. So make time to do the job properly. Those who do so never regret the effort. And finally, be sure to keep detailed notes on your sources of information and on the assumptions underlying your financial data.Tailoring the planThe generic busi

7、ness plan presented should be modified to suit your specific type of business and the audience for which the plan is written.For raising capitalFor investorsInvestors have a different perspective. They are looking for dramatic growth, and they expect to share in the rewards:oFunds needed short-termo

8、Funds needed in two to five years timeoHow the company will use the funds, and what this will accomplish for growthoEstimated return on investmentoExit strategy for investors (buyback, sale or IPO)oProportion of ownership that you will give up to investorsoMilestones or conditions that you will acce

9、ptoFinancial reporting to be providedoInvolvement of investors on the board or in managementFor type of businessHigh-tech companiesEconomic outlook for the industryWill the company have information systems in place to manage rapidly changing prices, costs and markets?Will you be on the cutting edge

10、with your products and services?What is the status of research and development? And what is required to:oBring product/service to market?oKeep the company competitive?How does the company:oProtect intellectual property?oAvoid technological obsolescence?oSupply necessary capital?oRetain key personnel

11、?High-tech companies sometimes have to operate for a long time without profits and sometimes even without sales. If this fits your situation, a banker probably will not want to lend to you. Venture capitalists may invest, but your case must be very good. You must do longer-term financial forecasts t

12、o show when profit take-off is expected to occur. And your assumptions must be well documented and well argued.Business planOWNERSYour Business NameDateE-MailWebpageTable of contents1.Executive summaryWrite this section last.We suggest that you make it no more than two pages long.Include everything

13、that you would cover in a five-minute interview.Explain the fundamentals of the proposed business: What will your product be? Who will your customers be? Who are the owners? What do you think the future holds for your business and your industry?Make it enthusiastic, professional, complete and concis

14、e.If proposing for an investment, state clearly how much you want, precisely how you are going to use it, and how the money will make your business more profitable, thereby ensuring repayment.Paragraph headings can be used if they identify the purpose of each paragraph. (example below)Company and Ma

15、nagement(Team)Product/Service DescriptionMarket AnalysisCompany StrategyRisk AnalysisFinancial PlanInvestment Proposition2.Introduction to the Company and its Management2.1Company OverviewWhat business will you be in? What will you do?Mission Statement: Many companies have a brief mission statement,

16、 usually in 30 words or fewer, explaining their reason for being and their guiding principles. If you want to draft a mission statement, this is a good place to put it in the plan.2.2Organisational StructureIf youll have more than 10 employees, create an organizational chart showing the management h

17、ierarchy and who is responsible for key functions.Include position descriptions for key employees. If you are seeking loans or investors, include resumes of owners and key employees.2.3The Management TeamWho will manage the business on a day-to-day basis? What experience does that person bring to th

18、e business? What special or distinctive competencies? Is there a plan for continuation of the business if this person is lost or incapacitated?2.4Advisory BoardList members of management advisory board and their short resume/CV.2.5Proposed Management CompensationIf the management team are willing to

19、 reduce their compensation in the first year of business2.6Headcount ForecastNumber of employees of each departments and the total in the next 5 years. (tables preferred)3.Products and Services Description3.1Products and Technologies IntroductionDescribe in depth your products or services (technical

20、 specifications, drawings, photos, sales brochures and other bulky items belong in the Appendices).What factors will give you competitive advantages or disadvantages? Examples include level of quality or unique or proprietary features.What are the cost, feeor commission structures of your products o

21、r services?Dont forget to include the current Patent Status.3.2Detailed Development Plan3.2.1Product RoadmapsList and describe product type and service of all categories, what they do, when they are available, and the timeline of design, prototype, sample promotion etc. (tables and figures are encou

22、raged)3.2.2Development StagesWrite down the stages used to measure the stepping successes (deliverables, milestones) of the whole company according to the development plan.3.3Future ApplicationsList and describe potential applications.4.Marketing AnalysisNo matter how good your products and services

23、 are, the venture cannot succeed without effective marketing. This begins with careful and systematic research. It is very dangerous to assume that you already know about your intended market. You need to do market research to make sure you are on track. Use the business planning process as your opp

24、ortunity to uncover data and to question your marketing efforts. Your time will be well spent.There are two kinds of market research: primary and secondary.Secondary research means using published information such as industry profiles, trade journals, newspapers, magazines, census data, and demograp

25、hic profiles. This type of information is available in public libraries, industry associations, chambers of commerce, from vendors who sell to your industry, and from government agencies.Primary research means gathering your own data. For example, you could do your own traffic count at a proposed lo

26、cation, use the yellow pages to identify competitors, and do surveys or focus-group interviews to learn about consumer preferences. Professional market research can be very costly, but there are many books that show small business owners how to do effective research themselves.In your marketing plan

27、, be as specific as possible; give statistics, numbers, and sources. The marketing plan will be the basis, later on, of the all-important sales projection.4.1Market TrendDescribe your industry. Is it a growth industry? What changes do you foresee in the industry, short term and long term? How will y

28、our company be poised to take advantage of them?Facts about your industry:What is the total size of your market?What percent share of the market will you have? (This is important only if you think you will be a major factor in the market.)Current demand in target market.Trends in target marketgrowth

29、 trends, trends in consumer preferences, and trends in product development.4.2Market SegmentationShow the understanding of the market segments (sizes, volume growth, revenue growth)4.3Market Gap (Unique Selling Point)Analyze the current market and identify and explain that there might be a gap, a we

30、ak/missing segment of the market for your particular product. And describe growth potential and opportunity for a business of your type and size.4.4Competitive AnalysisWhat products and companies will compete with you?List your major competitors:Will they compete with you across the board, or just f

31、or certain products and customers or in certain locations?Will you have important indirect competitors? (For example, video rental stores compete with cinemas, although they are different types of businesses.)How will your products or services compare with the competition?You can use the Competitive

32、 analysis table below to compare your company with your two most important competitors. The first column lists key competitive factors. Since these vary from one industry to another, you may want to customize the list of factors.In the column labeled Me, state honestly how you think you will be perceived in customers minds. Then check whether you think this factor will be a strength or a weakness for you. Sometimes it is hard to analyse our own weaknesses. Try to be ver

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