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1、英语视听说4教案Advanced Media English Listening and SpeakingUnit 1 School lifeBy Xiaoyang QiThere are six clips in this Unit, all about School life.Time Allotment: 2 periods=2 classes per week, each unit will spent 2 weeks.Learning objectivesOn completion of this unit, students should be able to : Approve

2、the listening ability; Learn to find out the key points during listening clips, such as the figures. Learn the discussion ability which relates the topics; Improve the team work ability; Understand and talk about school life.Teaching Content: Listen the healthy eating in school, and discuss about is

3、sues which relates to the meal, environment and service of school cafeteria. Listen to the grants for school buildings, and let students do the discussion of where can get grants for its campus refurbishment. Listen to the clip three of the increasing tuition fee. Let students discuss the issue of t

4、he increasing higher education tuition fee. Listen to the clip four of the Graduates facing difficult time. Let students discuss the job market in China nowadays. Listen to the clip five of Value of a degree, and discuss the the benefits that a good educational background can bring to people. Listen

5、 to the clip six of school disciplines, and discuss the importance of school disciplines and how to strengthen school disciplines.Teaching ProcedureClip 1:1. Lead-inTeaching tipsa. Ask students to work in pairs or in groups, discuss these questions and then share their answers with the whole class.b

6、. It is nor necessary for every student to discuss all the questions, so the teacher may assign one or two questions to each pair or group.c. The teacher may walk around the classroom and provide assistance when needed.Questionsa. Do you often eat at the school cafeteria?b. How do you think of the f

7、ood there?2. Listening skillsWord Tipsa. an array of 一组,一群Script of Healthy Eating in SchoolWomen 1: The schools are doing it because theyve got to promote healthy eating and I think its the right message. But I think really they should target the parents beforehand, because I think its quite sad fo

8、r the children to have things in there and then to take them away.Women 2: I think it is a good idea. I think children should eat healthy while theyre at school. Treats should be weekends or after school.Man 1: So what is allowed in childrens lunch bag? Well, I have an array of food. Good and bad.Ma

9、n 2: Sandwiches, pasta, fruit and nuts are fine. Sweets, crisps, fizzy drinks and chocolate though are set to be taken away.Clip 2:1. Lead-inTeaching tipsa. Ask students to work in pairs or in groups, discuss these questions and then share their answers with the whole class.b. It is nor necessary fo

10、r every student to discuss all the questions, so the teacher may assign one or two questions to each pair or group.c. The teacher may walk around the classroom and provide assistance when needed.Questionsa. Where do you think schools can get grants for its campus refurbishment?2. Listening skillsWor

11、d Tips Refurbishment n. 整修Commit v. 调配.供使用,拨出Muffle v. 包裹,裹住Forensic adj. 法庭的,法医的Forensic science 法医学Script of Grants for School BuildingsVoice-over: The building work continues but for how much longer? Theyre ready to start a second phase of refurbishment here, but the college may have to send the

12、builders home.Women 1: Weve just come up onto the roof of the old building and as you can see across there, that is the new building weve been working on for two years and were just about to move into the refurbishment of this great two-lifted building.Voice-over: The principal of South Thames Colle

13、ge told me what would happen is she doesnt get the money for the new building project.Women 1: I will have already committed six and a half to eight million pounds that will then be the colleges debt. And this building would no longer work because the services would be cut off and this will have to

14、be muffled.Voice-over: From hair dressing to forensic science- over 20,000 students and adult learners come here. Some classes are in the old listed building. But the basement floods and the heating breaks down and thats why they wanted to give it a refurb.Clip 3:1. Lead-inTeaching tipsa. Ask studen

15、ts to work in pairs or in groups, discuss these questions and then share their answers with the whole class.b. It is nor necessary for every student to discuss all the questions, so the teacher may assign one or two questions to each pair or group.c. The teacher may walk around the classroom and pro

16、vide assistance when needed.QuestionsThe tuition for higher education is increasing year by year at home and abroad. As a college student, how do you think of the issue? If you come from a poor family, how would you cover the increasing tuition? Give some examples to illustrate idea.2. Listening ski

17、llsWord Tips Put sb. off 使扫兴Breathtakingly adv. 让人吃惊地Chancellor n. 大学名誉校长Recession n. (经济的)衰退;衰退期Ivory tower 象牙塔(指脱离实际生活的文学家或艺术家的小天地)Reckless adj. 不计后果的Controversial adj. 有争议的Script of the Increasing Tuition FeeVoice-over: University fees paid by these students are capped at around 3,000 pounds a ye

18、ar. But the government is due to review the situation and the body representing the bosses of Englands universities has a suggestion, to increasing fees to 5,000 or even 7,000 pounds a year.Woman 1: We have a world-class reputation that needs to be maintained. Students, I think quite rightly, expect

19、 a very high-quality higher education. And that has to be paid for.Woman 2: Todays second-year students will leave university with debts of more than 17,000 pounds on average. Under one of the schemes being discussed today, that amount will increase to more than 26,000 pounds, a sum that could take

20、quite a few years to pay off. The questions is, would this increase actually put young people off from applying to university in the first place.Man 1: Potentially yes. Yes, I would have to assess my personal situation at that time. But I think it will put a lot of people off as its huge amount of m

21、oney.Woman 2: Im doing a history degree so I only have about eight hours of contact a week. So as for my money being wasted, whereas medical students have lots of labs and lots of money spent on them, so I think it would kind of cause me to think twice about going to university and which university

22、I go to and where.Man 2: Well I think it is breathtakingly arrogant of university vice chancellors to be talking about doubling the level of tuition fees and the level of graduate debt in the middle of a recession. I think they need to get out of their ivory tower to look at what is going on with th

23、e economy now. Students are in increasing hardship already and leaving tens of thousands of people graduating with even bigger amounts of debts is reckless and irresponsible.Voice-over: Introducing tuition fees in the first place was controversial and difficult so the government is unlikely to rush

24、to increase them now. Annabel Roberts. ITV News.Clip 4:1. Lead-inTeaching tipsa. Ask students to work in pairs or in groups, discuss these questions and then share their answers with the whole class.b. It is nor necessary for every student to discuss all the questions, so the teacher may assign one

25、or two questions to each pair or group.c. The teacher may walk around the classroom and provide assistance when needed.QuestionsLook at the picture. It shows the job market in China nowadays. Now, describe the picture from the following two aspects.a. What do you see in this picture?b. What does the

26、 picture show about job-hunting situation in China nowadays?2. Listening skillsWord Tips Downturn n. (经济)衰退Meltdown n. 灾难Crunch n. 艰难局面Savvy adj. 聪慧的Script of Graduates Facing Difficult TimeVoice-over: Students setting out on lifes journey are feeling the economic strain before theyre even secured t

27、heir first job. For as the economy contracts, graduate vacancies have fallen for the first time in three years.Woman 1: Most of the other people that I know in my degree, in my course, theyre still struggling to find jobs.Voice-over: Diphian Serran is a final-year student hoping for a first-class de

28、gree and praying for a good job. So far, despite numerous interviews and an impressive CV, shes had bad luck.Woman 1: Very bad luck. Unfortunately. Ive gone through the interview stage of many, so to the final stage. But once I reached there, I often get, either get rejected or its, you know, “well

29、let you know”.Voice-over: The downturn in manufacturing and the meltdown in the financial services mean that nearly half of the employers expect to hire fewer graduates this year. That means the competition on campus had never been tougher.Woman 2: This is the generation of university students who w

30、ere born and bred in the economic boom. But they are graduating in the economic bust. Recruitments down, salaries are frozen.This is crunch time in every sense.Man 1: These times are a lot rougher than they had been the last 10,15, possibly even 20 years. But employers are still recruiting. The brai

31、ns of today are the profits of tomorrow. The question is whether the graduates are able to adjust their expectations to the realities of the labour market.Voice-over: For this final year engineering students reality is still great. Vacancies in engineering and public sector are on the rise. Wills fo

32、und a job in a bank. His starting salary is 42K.Man 2: There are still opportunities down there for people being smart or, kind of risk savvy enough to get them so its just, you know, its more difficult but its not impossible.Voice-over: The generation who never had it so good as children may find the economic realities harder as adults. Penny Marshall. News at Ten. Warwick University.Clip 5:1. Lead-inTeaching

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