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13、l?present?the?paper.?列在节目单上的报告人已有些变动,原定由A博士报告的第二篇论文,因(他)不能出席这个会议,而由B博士来报告。二主持报告用语?1.宣布开始和引导演讲?(20)The?first?paper?this?morning?will?be?presented?by?Dr.?A,?professor?of?polymer?science?at?XYZ?University,?and?his?topic?is?“?(title)“,?Dr.?A.?今天上午第一篇论文将由XYZ大学高分子科学教授A博士宣读。他的题目是“(题目)“,A博士。?(21)The next pr

14、esentation in this session is on “(title)”. I would like to call on ask Dr. A to talk this very important subject.本会场下一个报告是:“(题目)”。我想请要求A博士谈谈这一十分重要的课题。2.?演讲顺序进行(22)Sorry, the schedule is very rather tight. We havent any time for discussion, so we must?Go?on to next paper.对不起,议程十分有点紧,我们没有时间讨论了,所以我们必须

15、继续下一篇报告3.报告中对演讲者的提示(23)Dr. A , Im sorry, but we do have to move on; we are running short of time.A博士,很抱歉,我们必须往下赶;时间快要完了。4.结束报告及表示感谢(24)Thank you (very much), Dr. A , for your excellent papercontribution/ presentation/ message/ speech/ lecture / talk/address.(十分)感谢您的卓越的论文演讲/报告 A博士。三报告后的讨论1.宣布讨论开始(25)

16、Time for discussion, do you have any question?现在是讨论时间,大家有问题吗?2.启发和引导提出问题(26)Any more questions or comments for Dr. A ?您还有问题或评论要问A博士吗?(27)Lets turn move on to the next problem the subject of XYZ.让我们转到下一个问题题目XYZ3.限制、中断、终止讨论(28)I think thatll be the last final question before we close this meeting go?o

17、n to next speaker.我想这将是结束这次会议进入到下一个演讲人之前的最后一个问题。四建议和通知1.保持会场秩序(29)May I have your attention please!请各位注意!2.中间休息的通知(30)Lets take five minutes stretch.让我们休息五分钟。五结束会议用语1.宣布会议结束(31)Its time for us to close this meeting.到结束这次会议的时候了。2.结束会议时表示感谢(32)Thank you for your attention.谢谢你们的参与。第三章学术演讲的通用句型一报告正文前后的社

18、交辞令1.开头的称谓(33)Professor A , Ladies and Gentlemen.A教授,女士们,先生们2.感谢主持人的介绍(34)Thank you, Dr. A. Let me first of all thank you for your very kind introduction.谢谢A博士,首先让我对您十分友好的介绍表示感谢。3.报告开头的礼节性用语(35)I am very honored to give this speech (at?conference)(about)我很荣幸能(在会议上)发表此次(有关的)演讲。4.报告结尾的礼节性用语(36)Thank y

19、ou (very much) for the privilege of presenting this paper.(非常)感谢你使我有幸介绍我的论文。二、表明文章中心内容(37)Today this morning / this afternoon I want to talk about some of our work in the field of ABC.今天今天上午/?下午我想向你们报告在ABC领域中我们的某些工作。(38)Today I would like to present the results of ABC studies performed with DEF tech

20、nique at XYZ University by Drs. A,B,C and me myself.今天我打算发表用DEF方法得到的ABC研究的结果,这个工作是XYZ大学A,B,C博士和我完成的。(39)I am going to summarize some recent advances in the field of ABC this afternoon.今天下午我(报告)的目的是总结ABC领域某些最近的进展。三说明报告内容的论述次序(40)I will give this talk in three parts. The first part deals with ABC. The

21、 second part concerns DEF, and then the last part related to GHI.我打算作的报告分为三部分。第一部分涉及ABC,第二部分有关DEF,最后部分是关于GHI。(41)Today, I will first discuss ABC. I will then touch on DEF, and finally describe GHI.今天我将先讨论ABC,然后涉及DEF,最后叙述GHI。(42)I would like to divide my talk this afternoon into three parts. FirstSec

22、ond,and third今天下午我打算将我的报告分成三部分,第一:第二:和第三:四报告中论点的提出1 .提出另一个论点(43)Well now move on to (the next problem of ) ABC.现在我们将转到ABC(的下一个问题)。五详细论述和简略论述方式1.论点的详细叙述(44)I would like to elaborate expand / enlarge / amplify on this matter with some more slides.我想再用几个幻灯片更详细说明这一情况。(45)We will discuss this matter in a

23、 little more detail as we go on.我们在后面将更详细地讨论这件事。2.论点的简略叙述(46)I am afraid I wont have time to cover everything of ABC.我恐怕没有时间涉及ABC的每件事。(47)Time is limited, I will go through over the next three points very briefly.时间有限,我将非常简略地探讨再下面的三点。3.将在后面再次提到的论点(48)I will Let me return come back to this point late

24、r .?后面(隔一会儿)我将回到这论点上。六论述重点的强调方式1.提出重要内容(49) I will focus on the research and development of ABC.我将重点讲下ABC的研究和开发。七口误的修正(50)The first Figure, excuse me, the first curve shows?图一,请原谅,曲线1显示八归纳重点与总结(51)Now, I would like to sum up the results of this investigation.现在,我想总结这一研究的结果。(52)In summary, we have di

25、scussed ABC, DEF and HIJ.作为总结,我们已讨论了ABC,DEF和HIJ.九演讲中转换语意时常用短语例如?for example?另一方面?on the other hand?然而?however这是因为?this is because?因此?for this reason / therefore为了达到这个目的?for this purpose?另外?in addition除此之外?besides?尽管?although?有关?as for?与此同时?at the same time?稍后?later?总而言之?to sum up第四章学术讨论用语一表示意见看法的各种类

26、型1.肯定性的表示(53)I think so .我想是这样。(54)You are true.?(那是)正确的。2.否定性的表示(55)I hope am afraid/ guess not.?我希望恐怕/?猜不是。(56)I dont think so.?我不认为这样。3.同意,赞成的表示(57)I agree (with you ) (about /that)我同意(您)(关于/?那个)4.不同意,不赞成的表示(58)(Im afraid/ Im sorry ) I dont cant agree with Dr. A about on that idea.(恐怕/?抱歉)我在那个想法上

27、不同意A博士。5.支持、辩护的表示(59)I am in favor of that point.我支持这个观点。6.反对、不支持的表示(60)Well, as a matter of fact, I would say just the opposite.实事求是讲,我必须说正好相反。7.要求愿望的表示(61)Can I have a look at?, please?我能看一下,吗?提议,建议的表示(62)Why dont you Why not go on your experiment?为什么您不继续您的实验?二陈述意见、观点的具体方式1.一般性陈述(63)Id like to off

28、er present / give my opinion view on this subject.我想就这个题目提出我的意见观点2.强调性陈述(64)The point is that the effect of the compound may vary as a function of concentration.重点是:此化合物的影响可随浓度而变化。(65)Let me emphasize stress the limitations of this theory.让我强调这个理论的局限性。3.适当强调性陈述(66)Im afraid it may be inadequate inap

29、propriate to say that恐怕是不恰当的。(67)Im afraid I cant give you an answer.恐怕我无法给您一个答复。第五章报告后的质疑与答疑用语一问题的提出1.直接提问方式(68)Id? like to ask Mr. A a question two questions.我想问A先生一个两个问题。2.间接提问方式(69)Mr. A, can you explain / comment on this point?A先生,您是否能对这一点解释/评论一下?(70)Id like to know a little more about ABC.?有关A

30、BC,我想再了解一些。二具体提问各论1.原因和理由的质疑(71)One cause of this problem has been stated. Are there other causes?这个问题的一个原因已被说明,还有其它原因吗?(72)Could you tell us why you object to using ABC?您能告诉我们为什么您反对用ABC嘛?2.区别和不同之质疑(73)What is the difference between ABC and DEF?ABC和DEF之间的差别是什么?3.关系的质疑(74)Dr. A, do you see any relati

31、on connection between ABC and DEF?A博士,您是否看到ABC和DEF之间的一些关系?4.质询优缺点(75)Is there any advantage or disadvantage of using these two chemicals in the system?在这体系中用这两种化学药品有什么优点或缺点?5.质询经验(76)Dr. A, do you have have you had any experience with this method?A博士,您对这个方法有什么经验吗?(77)What is your proof that vitamin C will prevent colds?维生素C能预防感冒,您的证据是什么?

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