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1、十月联考答案十月联考答案【篇一:2015年10月全国gct联考真题及答案(新)】第一部分 语言表达能力测试 (50小题,每小题2分,满分100分) 一、选择题 1、成语“韦编三绝”出自史记关于孔子读易的记载。下面成语与之意思不相近的是() a.凿壁偷光 b.囊萤映雪 c.悬梁刺股 d.程门立雪 【答案】d 2、甲将笔记本电脑借给乙使用,乙将这个笔记本电脑以市价卖给不知情的丙。下面选项符合我国法律的是() a.甲有权要求丙赔偿笔记本电脑 b.甲有权要求乙和丙共同赔偿损失 c.甲有权要求丙返还笔记本电脑 d.甲无权要求丙返还笔记本电脑 【答案】d 3、手机能够利用无线通信网络处理图像、音乐、视频等

2、多种形式文件,提供网页浏览到呢个多种信息服务。下面属于网络传输信息载体的是() a.超声波 b.次声波 c.电磁波 d.机械波 【答案】c 4、下面对曹操短歌行?“月明星稀,乌鹊南飞,绕树三匝,何枝可依?山不厌高,海不厌深,周公吐脯,天下归心”的解说,不恰当的是( ) a.“山不厌高,海不厌深”二句通过比喻说明人才越多越好 b.用“周公吐脯”的点股表现了作者希望统一天下的心情 c.这几句诗点明了短歌行不拘一格,求贤若渴的主题 d.“月明”四句喻指人才在群雄并起的局面下一时无所适从 【答案】a 5、中共十八大首次提出“海洋强国”战略。下面选项中不属于该战略提法的是() a.维护国家海洋权益 b.

3、搁置岛礁争议c.保护海洋生态环境 d.发展海洋经济 【答案】b 6、下面的句子都采用了字面相同的词语,其中表述恰当的是() a.【一定】要在车间里【一定】的位置安装设备 b.这并不是【简单】地提出口号那么【简单】的 c.灾民们都【安全】地转移到了【安全】的地方 d.这个【计划】其实是我们早就【计划】好了的 【答案】d 7、古代文人喜以独具奇趣的中药名制作谜语,如“胸中荷花兮,西湖秋英;晴空夜明兮,初入其境;长生不老兮,永世康宁”。下面药名不是这首诗的谜底的是() a.万年青 b.金银花 c.穿心莲 d.满天星 【答案】b 8、下面句子没有歧义的是() a.要是没有钱就不用找了 b.我一直只喜欢

4、一个人 c.要是我来晚了,你等着 d.这个姑娘谁都看不上 【答案】b 9、效益和效率是企业运营中经常运用的两个既有联系又有区别的概念。下面指标中最直接反映企业经营效率的是() a.销售净利率 b.资产负债率 c.资金周转率 d.市场占有率 【答案】a 10、下面句子没有语病的是() a.大家必须认真准备,任何一个细小的错误都会影响到这次行动的结果 b.针对中国队进攻方面比较弱的情况下,近期特别加强了这方面的训练 c.今年9月我将结束现在的工作,同时开始我到澳门大学面临新的生活 d.来自申办城市所在国家的委员在他所在国家没有被淘汰之前不能投票 【答案】a 11、下面关于讨厌名的说法,不恰当的是(

5、) a.归田园居是代表作之一 b.作品注重模山范水c.他的创作崇尚自然 d.主要创作是田园诗 【答案】b 12、下面关于文史知识的表示,正确的是() a.初唐时期设立的音乐机构“乐府”,后来成为一种新诗体的名称 b.2015年是青年杂志(后改名新青年)创刊100周年,这意味着“五四运动”至今已有百年历史 c.“国学”一般是指以儒学为主体的中国传统文化与学术,同时也包括近代以来引进的西方学术思潮 d.1942年,毛泽东在“延安文艺座谈会”上发表讲话,提出文艺为工农兵服务的要求,对中国文学影响深远 【答案】d a.罗烽、白朗、骆宾基、萧红 b.许广平、萧军、罗烽、舒群 c.萧红、萧军、矛盾、骆宾基

6、 d.萧红、萧军、赵树理、白朗 【答案】a 14、下面的成语,意思比较接近的一组是() a.顺水推舟顺藤摸瓜 b.桃李不言瓜田李下 c.三人成虎众口铄金 d.破镜重圆覆水难收 【答案】c 15、下面关于史记的评述,不正确的是() a.司马迁非常擅长描写人物的个性特征 b.是中国古代编年体史书的代表性作品 c.为后代小说和戏曲提供了丰富的题材 d.对中国古代散文创作产生了深渊影响 【答案】b 二、填空题 16、新文化运动以来,现代文学的问题意识有了新的发现,出现了、等全新的、具有现代品质的文学体裁,并收获了大量优秀作品。 a.销售 杂文 散文诗 b.杂文 笔记 报告文学 c.小说 笔记 散文诗

7、d.杂文 散文诗 报告文学 【答案】d 17、鲁迅是中国现代最重要的作家,他笔下的许多人物都称为经典。如祝福中的、故乡中的、药中的、伤逝中的。 a.闰土 华老栓 子君 祥林嫂 b.子君 闰土 华老栓祥林嫂 c.祥林嫂 闰土 华老栓 子君 d.祥林嫂 华老栓 闰土 子君 【答案】c 18、中国古典诗词中多使用树木花草等意象,在下面横线处,一次填入最恰当的词语。 独怜幽涧过生,上有黄鹂深树鸣。(韦应物滁州西润) 请看石上藤萝月,及映洲前芦荻。(杜甫秋兴八首其二) 草不谢荣于春风,不怨落于秋水。(李白日出入行) 岭重遮千里目,江流曲似九回肠。(柳宗元登柳州楼) a.树 草 花 木 b.木 树 草 花

8、 c.花 木 树 草 d.草 花 木 树 【答案】d 19、填入最齐当的词语,完成下面段落:“况吾与子渔樵于江渚之上,侣鱼鳜而友麋鹿,驾一叶扁舟,举匏尊以相属。寄蜉蝣于,渺之一粟。哀吾生之须臾,羡之无穷,挟飞仙以遨游。抱以长终。”(苏轼前赤壁赋) a.长江 明月 沧海 天地 b.天地 沧海 明月 长江 c.长江 天地 沧海 明月 d.天地 沧海 长江 明月 【答案】d 20、在下面横线处,依次填入最恰当的语句。 作家的写作是担负着责任与使命的,因此不可任意而为。在写作过程中,作家,。 必须集中他所有的美德 必须是真诚的,认真严肃的 必须和他现实生活中的所有恶习分开 必须是通情达理和满怀同情与怜

9、悯之心的 a. b. c. d. 【答案】a 21、在线面各横线处,依次填入最恰当的词语。 他第一次在上海了一个愉快的春节 8月底,企业已完成年生产计划的80%街上有卖小吃的,有卖五金器械的,有卖猫儿狗的,很是。 a.度过截至喧闹 b.度过截至喧嚣 c.渡过截止喧嚣 d.渡过截止喧闹 【答案】b 22、2015年9月,纪录片天河以中国最长的高原河流为主线,首次全面展示这条国际大河在全流域的自然风光、人文景观,深入介绍该流域的生态现状、百姓生活和社会经济发展。 a.雅鲁藏布江 青海 b.雅鲁藏布江 西藏 c.通天河青海 d.通天河西藏 【答案】b 23、在线面文字的横线处,依次填入最恰当的关联词

10、语。 一般人都能理解同意,自由不能是无限的。无限自由就等于取消自由。正义必须是无限的,人类永远无法实现绝对的正义。限制正义就是等于取消正义,而却笑正义将导致一个健康社会的崩溃。 a.并且 由于 反之 不过 b.并且 因为 反之 哪怕 c.或者 由于 所以 哪怕 d.或者 因为 所以 不过 【答案】b 24、2015年7月14日,“新视野”号称为人类首歌造访冥王星的探测器。冥王星曾经被认为是太阳系之一,在2006年8月24日国际天文学联合大会上,被降级为。 a.八大行星 矮行星 b.八大行星 卫星 c.九大行星 矮行星 d.九大行星 卫星 【答案】c 25、“这是我们江南的一个小村子,村子靠着山

11、,山脚有个大龙潭,龙潭的水流到村前成了小溪,溪水碧清碧清的。”以上文字。 a.运用顶针手法,反映这一村庄与山水的位置关系和相互联系 b.运用回环手法,反映了这一村庄与山水的位置关系和相互关联 c.运用回环手法,表现了所有江南村庄山水相连的普遍特征 d.运用顶针手法,表现了所有江南村庄山首相连的普遍特征 【答案】a 26、诗经中“兴”作为一种首发,指“触物兴词”。诗句“”使用了“兴”的手法。 a.相鼠有皮,人而无仪。人而无仪,不死何为?()【篇二:2010年十月在职硕士全国联考英语真题及答案】 class=txt1. man: jane, you wont believe it. i won t

12、he lottery! woman: _. man: no, its true. when i found out, i was shocked. a. so what? b.does it really count? c.are you putting me on? d.imagine that! 2. man: its raining cats and dogs outside. did you remember to bring the umbrella? woman: oops, _. a.everything is fine can count on me c.itll

13、clear up soon slipped my mind this morning 3. man: _how can i possibly review all this material by next week? woman: take it easy. ill help you with it. going crazy! b.cant glad its finally over. d.what a load off! 4. man: get a move on. we need to be at the airport in an hour. w

14、oman: come on! theres plenty of time. remember, were going on this trip to relax, _.a. were in the same boat b.not the other way around lets go forget it 5. wife: can you come over here, please? which one is better?husband: _.wife: come on, cant you make up your mind for once?a.i have no i

15、dea b.i have nothing more to say c.i dont care d.i dont like itsection b dialogue comprehension directions: in this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. at the end of each conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices marked a, b, c, and d. choose the best

16、 answer to the question from the 4 choices given and mark your answer on the answer sheet with a single line through the center. i heard youve got a wonderful job in a post office. hows your new job going? woman: i just feel like a fish out of water. question: what does the woman feel about h

17、er new job? a.she is satisfied with it. b.she feels uncomfortable about it. c.she feels its her dream come true. d.she finds it demanding. hi, linda, are you going to teach after you graduate from that university? woman: where did you get the idea like that? question: what can be concluded ab

18、out linda? a.she has no desire to teach. b.she likes teaching very much. c.she has no idea about teaching. d.she may choose to teach. why, you have to ask your parents to pay your rent? woman: well, i am unable to make ends meet. question: what do we know about the woman? a.she is unable to m

19、anage her money. b.she cant get her parents to pay her rent. c.she cant help her parents out. d.she is financially in trouble. ken and sandra hope to sell their house for $3 million. woman: yeah, they always think big. question: what does the woman think of ken and sandras plan?a.its worth a

20、try. b.its realistic. c.its not going to work. d.its ridiculous. excuse me. do you need some help? woman: well? im trying to get to the railway station, but i cant make heads or tails of this ticket machine. question: what is the womans problem? a. she doesnt have the small change with her.

21、b.she doesnt know how to use the machine. c.shes not sure how much the trip will cost. d.shes unable to get the ticket in time. part ii vocabulary and structure (20 minutes, 10 points) directions: there are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. for each sentence there are 4 choices marked a, b, c

22、 and d. choose the one that best completes the sentence. mark your answer on the answer sheet with a single line through the center. 11.discipline cannot be _until the last day of school has passed. a. lessened b.reduced c.relaxed d.lowered 12.some people argue that _ regulations for water pollution

23、 will drive up costs and put jobs at risk. a.firm b.tight c.tense d.close keep her job, she has to _the bad temper of her boss. 14.student journalists are taught how to be _ when writing in a limited space. a.convincing b.brief c.appealing d.expressive 15.the discussion was so _that at interva

24、ls the speakers stopped for refreshments. a.exhausted b.exhausting c.excited d.exciting 16.the popularity of these schools is growing steadily _ their high tuition fees. a.instead of favor of spite of place of is often not easy to _ the marked generation gap which exists between

25、 the young and their elders. a.broaden b.break c.bridge 18.the drive from england to scotland provides the tourist with many pleasant changes of _ . a.scenery b.sight c.perspective d.scene c.containing d.involving 20.because of the popularity of the region, visitors are advised to book hotel

26、s _ . order person turn advance 21.he purposely ignored her call because he just didnt feel like _. a.disturbing disturb c.being disturbed be disturbed you really think bill will help you write the report? dont count your chickens _ they are hatched. b.after

27、c.before d.while 23.if you want a thing _ well, do it yourself. a.done b.doing do d.being done 24.the committee members agreed to the proposal that the issue _ to immediate voting. to be put put c.should put d.must be loudly _ that even people in the next room could hear him.

28、 a.did he speak b.does he speak c.he spoke d.he speaks master a foreign language like french requires hard work, so you _study too hard. a.should b.must c.cant d.may not 27.gaining a new customer costs _ keeping an old one. many as five times b.five times as many as much as five time

29、s d.five times as much as 28.people with glasses are perceived to be up to ten iq points more intelligent than _. a.those without b.that without c.these without without 29.reading books, _takes the reader to other worlds, is a wonderful way to “escape”. a.that b.what d.which 30.take 60mg

30、up to four times a day, _advised otherwise by a doctor.a.if b.until c.though d.unless part iii reading comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) directions: there are 4 passages in this part. each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. for each of them there are 4 choices marked a, b, c and d. choose the best one and mark your answer on the answer sheet with a single line through the center. passage one the rich have traditionally passed their wealth on to their children. but an increasing number of b

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