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1、精品人教版英语五年级下学期期末测试题含答案解析人 教 版 英 语 五 年 级 下 学 期期 末 测 试 卷学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_ (时间:60分钟满分:100分)听力部分(30分)一、听录音,按你听到的内容选择正确的选项补全句子.听两遍.(10分)( )1.I often get up A t _.A 7:10B 6:20( )2.I like _ B est. A summer B spring( )3.Its in_. A MA rC h B A pril( )4.Its on _. A Sept.3rD B Nov.2nD ( )5.ThA t C A t is _. A min

2、e B hers二、听录音,判断图片与听到的句子是()否()相符.听两遍.(12分)( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,根据你听到的内容将句子补充完整,听两遍.(8分)1 is your B irthD A y? Its on 22nD .2WhA ts the D oing?Its the B A mB oo.3Is she her room?No, she is _ A piC niC .4 B ooks A re these?They A re 笔试部分(70分)四、选出每组中画线部分读音不同的选项.(10分)( )1.A .whenB whereC whiC hD

3、whose( )2.A .weA ther B wA it C who D whA t( )3.A .sheep B fish C C hA ir D shirt( )4.A .C hA ir B C hristmA s C lunC h D C hiC ken( )5.A .this B thA t C there D three五、给下列单词分类,将序号写在横线上.(12分)A .D rinkB springC FeB ruA ryD thirD EMA rC h Ffifth Gsleep HwinterIseC onD JOC toB er KC limB LA utumn1季节类 2

4、.动词类 3月份类 4.序数词类 六、单项选择.(10分)( )1.This _ my B est frienD , A my.She _ eA ting B reA kfA st.A is, hA s B hA s,is C is, is( )2.Is this piC ture _? Yes, its _.A yours, mine B your, my C you, mine( )3.I like spring _ its very B eA utiful.A A nD B B eC A use C B ut( )4.I often _ English with my B est fri

5、enD ,Mike.A stuD y B stuD ying C stuD ies( )5._ D og is B lA C k B ut _ is yellow.A His, her B Her, he C His, hers七、根据图片完成句子,一空一词.(8分)1.The B A B y wA ter.2.The monkey the tree.3.The girl in the room.4.My B rother A hA mB urger.八、选出恰当的词填空,注意单词的大小写及形式.(10分)whenD ont whA tsometimeshow muC h how mA nyw

6、hiC hwhyB eC A usein1 B irthD A ys A re there in MA y?Three.2 is your B irthD A y? In D eC emB er.3I like winter B eC A use its too C olD .4I often go home A t 4:00, I go home A t 5:00.5I like thA t D ress. is it?6 seA son D o you like B est? FA ll.7 D o you like spring? B eC A use its B eA utiful.8

7、I like summer it is A lwA ys sunny.9 A re you D oing?Im reA D ing A B ook.10My B irthD A y is FeB ruA ry.九、选择适当的句子补全对话,将序号写在横线上.(10分)Peter :Oh, Look! There is A piC ture of ShA nghA i.SA rA h :1. Peter :Its Johns.He often goes to ShA nghA i in summer vA C A tion.SA rA h:There A re some leA ves.How n

8、iC e they A re!Peter :2. SA rA h:They A re yellow A nD reD .3. Peter :They look like Mikes.He likes to piC k leA ves in A utumn.SA rA h:Look! They A re over there.4. Peter :OK, Lets go!SA rA h:5. Mike:Yes, they A re mine.A nD this piC ture is Johns.ThA nk you!A WhA t C olour A re the leA ves?B Whose

9、 piC ture is thA t?C Lets tA ke these things to them.D A re the leA ves yours, Mike?EWhose leA ves A re they? D o you know? 十、读对话,根据内容判断对(T)错(F).(10分)A nne:Hello.This is A nne.Is thA t Tony speA king?Tony:Hi.This is Tony.A nne:Hi, Tony.Im A t home.Where A re you? WhA t A re you D oing?Tony:We A re i

10、n the pA rk.We A re plA ying sports now.A nne:ReA lly? ThA ts fun.WhA t is your fA ther D oing?Tony:My fA ther is plA ying footB A ll with my B rother.My sister is running.My mother A nD I A re D oing morning exerC ises.A nne:Wow! HA ve A gooD time!( )1.A nnes fA mily is plA ying sports in the pA rk

11、.( )2.Tonys fA ther A nD his B rother A re plA ying footB A ll.( )3.Tonys mother is running with his sister.( )4.Tony is D oing morning exerC ises.( )5.A nne is running in the pA rk.参考答案听力部分(30分)二、听录音,按你听到的内容选择正确的选项补全句子.听两遍.(10分)(A )1.I often get up A t _.A 7:10B 6:20(A )2.I like _ B est. A summer B

12、 spring(B )3.Its in_. A MA rC h B A pril(A )4.Its on _. A Sept.3rD B Nov.2nD (B )5.ThA t C A t is _. A mine B hers二、听录音,判断图片与听到的句子是()否()相符.听两遍.(12分)三、听录音,根据你听到的内容将句子补充完整,听两遍.(8分)1_When_ is your B irthD A y? Its on _NovemB er_ 22nD .2WhA ts the _pA nD A _ D oing?Its _C limB ing_ the B A mB oo.3Is she

13、 _C leA ning_ her room?No, she is _hA ving_ A piC niC .4_Whose_ B ooks A re these?They A re _his_笔试部分(70分)四、选出每组中画线部分读音不同的选项.(10分)(D )1.A .whenB whereC whiC hD whose(C )2.A .weA ther B wA it C who D whA t(C )3.A .sheep B fish C C hA ir D shirt(B )4.A .C hA ir B C hristmA s C lunC h D C hiC ken(D )5.

14、A .this B thA t C there D three五、给下列单词分类,将序号写在横线上.(12分)A .D rinkB springC FeB ruA ryD thirD EMA rC h Ffifth Gsleep HwinterIseC onD JOC toB er KC limB LA utumn1季节类_B _H_L_ 2.动词类_A _G_K_3月份类_C _E_J_ 4.序数词类_D _F_I_六、单项选择.(10分)(C )1.This _ my B est frienD , A my.She _ eA ting B reA kfA st.A is, hA s B h

15、A s,is C is, is(A )2.Is this piC ture _? Yes, its _.A yours, mine B your, my C you, mine(B )3.I like spring _ its very B eA utiful.A A nD B B eC A use C B ut(A )4.I often _ English with my B est frienD ,Mike.A stuD y B stuD ying C stuD ies(C )5._ D og is B lA C k B ut _ is yellow.A His, her B Her, h

16、e C His, hers七、根据图片完成句子,一空一词.(8分)1.The B A B y_is_ _D rinking_ wA ter.2.The monkey _is_ _C limB ing_ the tree.3.The girl _is_ _sleeping_ in the room.4.My B rother _is_ _eA ting_ A hA mB urger.八、选出恰当的词填空,注意单词的大小写及形式.(10分)whenD ont whA tsometimeshow muC hhow mA nywhiC hwhyB eC A usein1_How_mA ny_ B ir

17、thD A ys A re there in MA y?Three.2_When_ is your B irthD A y? In D eC emB er.3I _D ont_ like winter B eC A use its too C olD .4I often go home A t 4:00, _sometimes_ I go home A t 5:00.5I like thA t D ress._How_muC h_ is it?6_WhiC h_ seA son D o you like B est? FA ll.7_Why_ D o you like spring? B eC

18、 A use its B eA utiful.8I like summer _B eC A use_ it is A lwA ys sunny.9_WhA t_ A re you D oing?Im reA D ing A B ook.10My B irthD A y is _in_ FeB ruA ry.九、选择适当的句子补全对话,将序号写在横线上.(10分)Peter :Oh, Look! There is A piC ture of ShA nghA i.SA rA h :1._B _Peter :Its Johns.He often goes to ShA nghA i in summ

19、er vA C A tion.SA rA h:There A re some leA ves.How niC e they A re!Peter :2._A _SA rA h:They A re yellow A nD reD .3._E_Peter :They look like Mikes.He likes to piC k leA ves in A utumn.SA rA h:Look! They A re over there.4._C _Peter :OK, Lets go!SA rA h:5._D _Mike:Yes, they A re mine.A nD this piC tu

20、re is Johns.ThA nk you!A WhA t C olour A re the leA ves?B Whose piC ture is thA t?C Lets tA ke these things to them.D A re the leA ves yours, Mike?EWhose leA ves A re they? D o you know? 十、读对话,根据内容判断对(T)错(F).(10分)A nne:Hello.This is A nne.Is thA t Tony speA king?Tony:Hi.This is Tony.A nne:Hi, Tony.I

21、m A t home.Where A re you? WhA t A re you D oing?Tony:We A re in the pA rk.We A re plA ying sports now.A nne:ReA lly? ThA ts fun.WhA t is your fA ther D oing?Tony:My fA ther is plA ying footB A ll with my B rother.My sister is running.My mother A nD I A re D oing morning exerC ises.A nne:Wow! HA ve A gooD time!(F)1.A nnes fA mily is plA ying sports in the pA rk.(T)2.Tonys fA ther A nD his B rother A re plA ying footB A ll.(F)3.Tonys mother is running with his sister.(T)4.Tony is D oing morning exerC ises.(F)5.A nne is running in the pA rk.

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