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1、服务公平对顾客自发行为影响的实证研究服务公平感对顾客自发行为影响的研究詹志方 The research about the influence of service fairness on the Customer Voluntary Performance摘要 本文就服务公平感对顾客自发行为的影响做了探索。在研究中,我们对服务公平感采取了四因素结构,服务公平感包括结果公平、分配公平、人际公平和信息公平四个维度。研究显示,服务公平感四个维度通过关系品质对顾客自发行为有显著的间接影响,除此之外,服务公平感的某些维度对顾客自发行为还有显著的直接影响。关键词 服务公平感 关系品质 顾客自发行为Abs

2、tract:People do not worry about poverty but unfairness; while on the contrary, peoples behavior is greatly influenced by fairness which is focused on from the ancient. Nowadays, with the social progress and the improvement of peoples need,peoples concern to fairness is even more strengthened. The re

3、search in the business enterprise pays attention to peoples subjective feeling towards fairness, namely peoples judgment,consciousness and feeling of whether thing or behavior is fair according to peoples views, standpoints and outlooks. In fact , it is the problem of the fair consciousness or fair

4、feeling. In most empirical researches, Fairness is a kind of social mental state construct, namely if the most people thinks that a kind of behavior is fair, so this kind of behavior is fair ( Cropanzano and Greenberg,1997 ).In order to explore the structure of service fairness, this paper first get

5、s the item of fairness by literature review, opening questionnaire and interviews etc. Then we refine and confirm the item with three questionnaires. Firstly we investigate MPA student to refine the item and get the scale of service fairness. Second we take on pre-measure to analyze the reliability

6、and validity of fairness scale, and further refine the item again. Thirdly, based on first and second step, we began to investigate formally. In this step we add the scale of relationship quality and customer voluntary performance in the questionnaire. After obtaining the actual data, we analyze the

7、 reliability of the formal questionnaire. Then we analyze the result that all kinds of structures ( one- factor structure、two-factor structure、three-factor structure and four-factor structure) fit to the data .We find four-factor structure as a resul fit to the data best. At last, we use the variabl

8、es of relationship quality and customer voluntary performance(CVP)to confirm the predictive validity of fairness scale. The analysis on structure square model shows that the four-factor structure has the good predictive validity.Firstly we explore the service fairness construct of Chinese consumer,

9、and get a local scale of service fairness.From review of the literature, although organized research put forward with four dimensions of fairness: distributive justice、procedural justice、interpersonal justice and informational justice. But most research is based on Clemmers study that customer would

10、 judge fairness from three aspects of result, procedure and human relations, as a result,service fairness is three-factor structure. We think under the condition of the network information and the background of Chinese consumer, with the importance of information, the invisible character of serve an

11、d the influence of Chinese culture, the service fairness of Chinese consumer be more likely to be four factor-structure. Based on review of related research, we combine the fairness research with Chinese consumer characteristics, and put forward with the hypotheses that the service fairness of Chine

12、se consumer is four- factor structure. After questionnaires, we explore and confirm the four-factor structure of service fairness. Our research develops the theories of service fairness to some extent, also contributes to research further the use of service fairness in relationship marketing.Secondl

13、y, we explore the influence of service fairness on CVP.Although there were researchs to investigate the influence of service fairness on the relation between business and customer before (Clemmer, 1988; The Clemmer and Schneider, 1993), furthermore scholars pointed out the importance of service fair

14、ness to maintain customer (Bowen, 1997). Bettencourt (1997) also explore a few prior condition of the CVP. There is no special literature to study the influence of service fairness on CVP. Based on review of literature, we integrate the relation among service fairness, relationship quality and CVP,

15、and build a systematical model which shows the influence of service fairness on CVP. We explore the path on which fairness affects the CVP. (In regard to already literature)At last, we systematically explore the influence of service fairness on relationship quality.Although there were researches to

16、explore the influence of service fairness on the relationship quality before(Han Xiaoyun and Wang Chunxiao 2003; Clemmer and Schneider,1993), no special literature study the relation between the four dimensions of service fairness and the three dimensions of relationship quality. We use structure eq

17、uation model to analyze the relation, and get some meaningful conclusion.In conclusion, this paper makes the first step to explore the service fairness construct of Chinese consumer and investigates the relation among service fairness, relationship quality and CVP. There are many problems to be stud

18、ied further, such as the relation among four dimensions of service and their influence on CVP etc., which are our research direction in the future. Key words: Service Fairness; Structure; Relationship Quality; 一、引言人们不患寡而患不均,公平对人们的行为影响很大。心理学的研究表明,人们受到不公平对待之后,就会产生心理的不平衡,为了恢复心理平衡,宁愿付出一定的代价也要抵制不公平的行为。曾有


20、认为一种行为是公平的,那么这种行为就是公平的( Cropanzano和Greenberg, 1997 ) 。服务公平感就是人们对服务企业提供服务的公平感知。虽然人们很早就对公平问题进行了探索。但从实证角度来研究公平问题,则始于组织公平。1965年,亚当斯(Adams)采用社会交换理论对组织公平进行了研究,之后,学者们相继研究了组织公平的概念、维度以及组织公平对员工行为的影响。在组织公平研究中,刚开始的时候,组织公平被认为只包括结果公平(Adams,1965)、程序公平(Thibaut、Walker,1975),后来扩展到互动公平(Bies、Moag,1986)。1993年,Greenberg则

21、从互动公平里分离出了信息公平和人际公平,这使得组织公平在研究中可操作成四因素结构。2001年,Colquitt等人的研究表明,组织公平适合采取四因素结构。在营销领域,服务公平感的系统研究始于Clemmer。1988年,她主要借鉴当时的组织公平的研究对服务公平感进行了探索,认为顾客会从分配结果、程序和互动三个方面来评价买卖双方的交易是否公平。之后,Swan and Oliver( 1991)、Seiders and Berry(1998)、Tax, Brown, and Chandrashekaran(1998)、Szymanski and Henard(2001)等学者在此基础上对服务公平感展


23、为企业产品或服务的有效促销者(promoters)(Bowers et al ., 1990);合作行为作为人力资源的顾客(换句话说,就是提供增强生产力和质量信息的合作生产者(Kelley et al,1990,1992);参与行为作为企业咨询的顾客(Schneider and Bowen,1995;Wostenhome,1988),提供企业服务传递及创新方面的资讯来源(Plymire,1991)。除此之外,Bettencourt还在研究中强调顾客自发行为是顾客与企业关系品质的指针,并提出导致顾客自发行为的三个前提条件为顾客承诺(commitment)、整体顾客满意(global custom

24、er satisfaction)、顾客知觉支持(perceived support)。(3)服务公平感与顾客自发行为关系的研究虽然在组织公平里面有学者研究过组织公平与员工自发行为的关系,但在营销领域没有学者专门就服务公平感与顾客自发行为的关系展开研究,只有少数学者的研究涉及到了服务公平感某些维度与顾客自发行为某些维度的关系。如Maxham and Netmeyer (2002)的实证研究表明,补救性服务公平感对顾客的口头宣传、再购行为有直接影响。Blodgett、Hill and Tax(1997)研究发现,互动公平和结果公平都对顾客忠诚行为有直接影响,与结果公平相比,互动公平对顾客的行为影响


26、结构(即服务公平感只包括结果公平、程序公平、互动公平三个维度),我国学者研究服务公平感的时候也借鉴了西方的成果,只采取了三个维度的服务公平感结构呢。那么在当今网络信息环境下,信息对人们的作用越来越重要,服务公平感是否可以像组织公平研究那样,把信息公平从互动公平中独立出来,从而使服务公平感可以形成一个包括结果公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平的四因素结构?如果服务公平感采取四因素结构,那么四个维度对顾客自发行为的影响具体如何?下面我们对这些问题进行具体研究。三、研究假设和模型 1、概念模型根据前面的文献回顾并结合研究目的,我们提出如图1所示的研究模型。在本模型中,服务公平感操作为四因素结构,包括


28、的追求会加强。(3)从公平认知过程来看,也适合把信息公平从互动公平中独立出来,从而使得服务公平感更适合采取四因素结构。按照卡尼门等学者(Kahneman et al.,1986)研究,人们公平感的产生与自身权利认识密切相关,违反消费者权利的现象,都是不公平的。而我们知道,自肯尼迪总统提出知情权等几项消费者权利后,消费者对信息知情权的认识也逐步提高,信息知情权的呼声在世界范围内日益高涨。很多消费者对一些服务(尤其是公共服务)的信息不公平表达了不满。所有这些表明,消费者正日益重视信息公平权。由此我们可推断:随着社会的发展,顾客追求的服务公平感的内容会越来越多,信息公平将会成为服务公平感的一个独立维

29、度。所以服务公平感更适合采用四维度结构。基于此我们提出假设一:H1:服务公平感是一个包括结果公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平的四因素结构。(二)服务公平感对顾客自发行为的影响(1)、服务公平感对顾客自发行为的间接影响在组织公平的研究中,有研究发现组织公平通过满意度、信任、忠诚对员工自发行为产生影响。在营销领域,满意、信任和承诺为关系品质(关系品质为衡量顾客与企业关系好坏程度标志)。Swan and Mercer(1981)、Oliver and Swan(1989a);Blodgett,Hill and Tax,1997;Tax, Brown,and Chandrashekaran(1998

30、);Smith, Bolton,and Wagner,1999);韩小芸、汪纯孝(2003)等人的研究发现服务公平感大部分维度对关系品质的满意、信任和承诺有影响。根据Bettencourt(1997)的研究,顾客自发行为的前提条件有三个:顾客满意、顾客承诺和顾客知觉支持(perceived support for customer)。三个前提条件中就有两个是关系品质的变量。而Bettencourt(1997)在研究所提出的顾客知觉支持(perceived support for customer)其本质是顾客对服务企业的一种品质信任。另外Heskett、Loveman、Sasser和Schle

31、singer (1994)、Ostrowski ,Gordon,(1993)、Rust and Cronin(1993)、Anderson and Sullivan(1993)、Bearden and teel(983)Fornell (1992)、Iinnis and La Londe(1994),Jones and Sasser(1995)等学者的研究也证实了关系品质的某些维度对顾客自发行为的某些维度有显著的影响。综上所述,我们可以假定,服务公平感通过关系品质对顾客自发行为产生显著的间接影响。假设可表示如下:H2:服务公平感各个维度对通过关系品质对顾客自发行为有显著的间接影响。(2)、服务

32、公平感对顾客自发行为的直接影响在组织公平研究领域,Skarlicki & Latham(1996)、Moorman(1991)、Niehoff & Moorman(1993)、Moorman, Blakely & Niehoff(1998)、 Podsakoff &Organ(1990)、 Dittrich & Carroll(1979)、Scholl et al.(1987)、Konovsky & Folger(1991)、Farh et al.(1990)等学者的研究表明公平知觉与员工行为有正向关系。而台湾学者林淑姬(1992)研究发现薪酬公平(结果公平)与程序公平皆会影响员工自发行为。我国学者刘亚(2002)的研究表明公平感对员工自发行为有影响。虽然在服务营销领域,还没有专门文献研究服务公平感对顾客自发行为三个维度的直接影响,但有学者就服务公平感对顾客自发行为的某个维度的影响做了初步探索,如 Blodgett、Hill and Tax(1997)发现,互动公平和结果公平都对顾客忠诚行为有显著的直接影响。我国学者温碧燕、韩小云和汪纯孝(2002)对正常服务中服务公平感和顾客行为意向进行过实证研究,发现服务公平感对顾客忠诚行为有影响。根据社会交换理论,顾客与服务企业之间的关系也是一种社会交换关系,既然组织公平研究表明,在社会交换关系下,组织公平对员工自发行为

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