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1、大一上英语笔记整理大一上-英语笔记整理单词总结Bet (sth) (on/against sth ) to risk money on a race or an event by trying to predict the result 下赌注(于) 用.打赌2.used to say that you are almost certain that sth is true or that sth will happen 敢说 八成二词语扩展Ill bet 1(表示理解)有同感 当然2(表示不相信对方的话) e.g: “Im going to tell her what I thi

2、nk of her.” “Yeah. Ill bet.” I wouldnt bet on it/dont bet on it. 不大可能 e.g:”shell soon get used to the idea.” “I wouldnt bet on it!”(很难说) You bet 中文解释 的确 当然 e.g:”are you nervous?” “you bet!”(这还有说) You can bet your life/your bottom dollar (on sth/(that).)中文解释 肯定 毫无疑问 e.g: you can bet your bottom dolla

3、r that hell be late.(他肯定会迟到)Peer Noun 1. a person who is the same age r who has the same social status as you 身份或地位相同的人 同龄人 同辈 2. (in Britain) a member of the NOBILITY 英国的贵族成员 Verb (+adv/prep) to look closely or carefully at sth ,especially when you can not see it clearly.仔细端详Spectacle 1.spectacles

4、相当于 glasses2. a performance or a event that is very impressive and exciting to look at 精彩的表演,壮观的场面3.a sight or a view that is very impressive to look at 壮观的景象 unusual or surprising sight or situation that attract a lot of attention. 奇特的景象 出人意料之外的情况词语扩展Make a spectacle of yourself to draw attenti

5、on of yourself by behaving or dressing in a ridiculous way in public 出洋相 出丑Spare Adj1. that is not being used or is not needed at the time 不用的 闲置的e.g:”Weve got a spare bedroom.”2. kept in case you need to replace that one you usually use 备用的 外加的3. available to do what you want with rather than work

6、空闲的 空余的4. thin and usually quite tall 瘦高的 瘦的Budge (通常由于否定句中) them 取笑 戏弄 寻开心 annoy an animal ,especially by touching it or pulling its tail 招惹 逗弄(动物) make sb sexually exited especially when you dont intend to have sex with them 逗弄(异性) Cast Verb look ,smile, etc in a part

7、icular direction 向.投以(视线,笑容等) make a light, a shadow, appear in a particular place 投射(光,影子等)3.使人怀疑 throw one end of a Fishing line into a river 头(钓线) 抛(钓钩) sb) to choose actors to play the different parts in a film/movie 分配角色 选派角色6.a/your vote/ballot (for sb/sth )to vote for sb/sth 投票

8、Noun1.(一出剧或电影的)全体演员2.特征,特性3.投 抛Issue Noun important topic that people are discussing or arguing about 重要的议题 争论的问题2.a problem or worry sb have sth (有关某事)问题担忧3.一期 期号4.发行 分发 e.g: I bought a set of new stamps on the date of issue.Indicate 1.表明 显示e.g: Research indicates that peoples eating habits ar

9、e changing fast.2.象征 暗示 e.g: A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day.3. sth(to sb) 暗示 间接提及 示意 (to sb) to make sb notice especially by pointing or moving your head 指示 指出 represent information without using words 显示(信息) 标示 be necessary or recommended 有必要 被建议 Assure

10、 (of sth ) to tell sb that sth is definitely true or is definitely going to happen ,especially when they have doubts about it 使确信 向.保证 2.yourself (of sb) 弄清 查明 make sth certain to happen 确保 使确定4.especially against sbs death 保险(尤指人寿保险)Idle Adj 1.(of people) not working hard 懈怠的 懒惰的2.(of peop

11、le) without work 没有工作的 闲散的3.(of machines, factories, etc ) not in use 闲置的Dwarf Noun 1.(神话故事中有魔法的)小矮人2.(现实生活中的)矮子 侏儒Adj (often before noun ) (of a plant or an animal)(植物或动物之前的)矮小的 VerbTo make sth seem small or unimportant compared with sb else 使显得矮小 使相形见绌Stiff Adj1.不弯曲的(或活动的)硬的2.(指肌肉)僵硬的 一动就疼的3.困难的 艰

12、难的 严厉的 激烈的 Adv(informal ) very much 非常 及其 Noun 死尸 VerbTo cheat sb or not pay them what you owe them especially by not leaving any money as a tip 诈骗 不给钱 (尤指)不给小费Pursue do sth or try to achieve sb over a period of time 追求 致力于 continue to discuss, find out about or be involved in sth 继续探讨(或追究

13、)从事 follow or chase sb/sth especially in order to catch them 追逐 跟踪 追赶短语总结1.walk home (走路)送人回家2.部分俗语总结 a plain Jane 无出众的长相 Jack of all rounds 三脚猫功夫(什么都会但是什么都不精) average Joe 平明老百姓 Uncle Sam 美国 Tohny One Note 五音不全3.have sb back 需要某人回来 about/of sth (不用于进行时)读到 查阅到5.sign (签)draft(起草) +contract(

14、合约)refine(润色)6.dwell on/upon 1)to think or talk a lot about sth, especially sth it would be better be forget 老师想着 唠叨(尤指最好应忘记的事)2)to look at sth for a long time 细看 凝视7.on a basis regular 有规律8.leave a message to 给某人留信息9.had better do sth 最好去做某事(注意不加to)10.suggest doing sth 建议去做某事 sb back (sth ) (

15、向某人)还钱pay sb off 1)付清工资后解雇 遣散 2)用钱封某人的口 买通某人pay sth off 付清 偿清pay sb back (for sth) 报复 惩罚12.make for 1. to move towards sth 向移动 2. to help to make sth possible 促成 make off to hurry away, especially in order to escape 匆忙离开(尤指)仓皇逃跑 make out 1 (询问是否处理得当)应付 度过 e.g: How did he make out while his wife is a

16、way?” 2 区别 3 write out or complete 填写 完成 make up 1 化妆 上妆 2 resolve 解决问题或困难 3 to put sth together from several different things 拼装 组成 make for compensate 补偿 弥补13.grind sth out to produce sth in large quantities often sth that is not good or interesting 大量生产(尤指粗制滥造)14.on one occasion once 15.on occasi

17、on 偶然 偶尔16.raise to occasion 处理问题很自如17.long for sb/sth (尤指对看似不会很快发生的事)渴望18.ill at ease 不安 不自在 of letter 有学问的人 mania for sth/ for doing sth (通常指许多人共有的)强烈的欲望 狂热 极大的热情 the wheel 在车上 the third wheel “电灯泡” wheel and deal 协商 faithful to the truth 真实的 alien to 背道而驰 ones bit to do/

18、 for 尽本分做某事 ones presence 当着某人的面 sbs wits end 没办法 没招了 the peak of 在.的高峰 obsess with 着迷28.roar towards 轰隆隆地 the extent 达到的程度 the rate of 以的速度31.move upon 进逼32.major city 意为 大城市 敏感的 sensible 明智的 sensual 感官的 sensuous 愉悦感官的 sentimental 情感的(而非理性的)词义辨析Tournamen

19、t and Match Tournament 指的事一系列的比赛而match 指的事一场比赛At the completion and After completing 前者指的是短时间的 short time 而后者指的时间长度可长可短Historic and historical 前者指的是在历史上值得纪念的事情notable or memorable in history 后者指的是属于历史的belong to history Peer at and Peep at and Peek at Peer at 指的是看不清而凑近了仔细看 peep at 指的是(尤指通过小孔)窥视 偷看pee

20、k at 是指 to look at sth quickly and secretly because you should not be looking at it 窥视 偷看Punch and Pound 前者指的是敲击的很用力forcefully 后者更强调反复击打 连续砰砰地敲击英文解释是 to hit sth/sb hard many times especially in a way that makes a lot of noise Slap and Smack 前者着重打脸后者着重打屁股Change and Transform and Alter Change 指的事方方面面的

21、改变 Transform 指的是性格,功能上的改变 Alter 指的是(使)改变Receive and Accept and Obtain Receive 指的是被动的收到 Accept 指的是主动地接受 Obtain 指的是努力之后得到Separate and Isolated and Individual and Solitary Separate指的是主动地分开Isolated(指建筑物或地方)偏远的Individual指的是分开的一种状态Solitary(带有感情色彩的)孤僻On average and on an average 前者指的是一般来讲 后者指平均的Oppose and

22、Deny and Offend Oppose指反对Deny指否认Offend指冒犯Collect and Gather and Accumulate and Assemble Collect指的是收集同一类的东西Gather指的是范围最为广泛的收集Accumulate指的是长时间的积累Assemble指的是把分散的东西集合在一起 Originate and Initiate and Inaugurate and Start Originate指的是起源和发展还有创立和发明的意思其英文解释是to create sth new Initiate有开始发明创立的意思其英文解释是to make sth

23、 new Inaugurate的意思是引进开创开始其英文解释是to introduce a new development or an important change Start的意思也有开始着手 动手其英文解释是to begin doing or using sth 与笑有光的几个单词辨析Giggle verb (at/about sb/sth )to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous (因感到有趣,窘迫或紧张而)咯咯地笑 傻笑Titler verb to laugh quietly, e

24、specially in a nervous or embarrassed way (尤指紧张或尴尬)傻笑,嗤嗤的笑 窃笑Beam verb (sth) (at sb) to have a big happy smile on your face 笑容满面 眉开眼笑Grin verb (at sb) to smile widely 露齿的笑 咧着嘴笑Chuckle verb (at/about sth ) to laugh quietly 低声轻笑轻声的笑Snicker noun/verb a quiet unpleasant laugh, especially at sth rude or

25、at sbs problems or mistakes 窃笑 暗笑Snigger 同snickerSneer verb (at sb/sth)to show that you have no respect for sb by the expression on your face or by the way you speak 嘲笑 讥讽 嗤笑To and Through and Along To 意为“向,往,给”仅在表示钟点的时候在其后接表示时间的短语 Through 意为“通过,经由”一般用于表示方式 Along意为“顺着 沿着”后面一般接道路等词语Barely and Really

26、and Ever Barely意为“仅仅,刚刚,几乎不能”一般表示否定的意思Really意为“真正的,实际上”一般用来表示强调Ever意为“曾经,永远,究竟”一般用于表示时间或强调Growth and Raise and Addition and Extension Growth可以指人口的增长Raise意为“上升,饲养,筹集”主要指位置的提高Addition意为“增加,加法”常用于短语 in addition to 意为“之外,而且” Extension意为“延长,扩充”主要指范围的扩大Load and Restraint Load意为“负担,重担” Restraint意为“抑制,克制”We

27、alth and Treasure Wealth指“财富”一般用来表示钱财或其他物质上的财产Treasure专门用来表示宝藏,财宝也可以表示珍爱的人和事物Common and Conventional and Ordinary and Frequent Common意为“普遍的 常见的” Conventional意为“惯例的 常规的” Ordinary意为“平常的,普通的,平凡的” Frequent意为“时常发生的,频率的”表示频率的高低Major and Essential and Prior Major“主要的,重要的” Essential意为“本质的,实质的,基本的” Prior意为“优

28、先的,在前的” prior to 在.之前 Conveyed and Entered and Exhausted and Consumed Conveyed意为 传达,运输Entered意为进入,登记Exhausted意为耗尽,用尽Consumed意为消费,消耗 Rescue and Forbid and Offend Rescue意为 营救,救援 一般接人作宾语Forbid意为 禁止,阻止常用于forbid sb to do sth 这一结构中 Offend 意为“冒犯,触犯”常用人作宾语Disturbed and Depressed and Amused and Amazed Distur

29、bed意为 扰乱的,受到干扰的Depressed意为 忧郁的Amused意为 愉悦的,被逗乐的,一般表示对某种有趣的可笑的事情做出反应Amazed意为“惊奇的,惊讶的”Contain and Retain and Attain and Maintain Contain意为包含,含有Retain意为 保持,保留Attain意为实现,获得Maintain意为维持,保持Interfere and Reckon and Rest Interfere 意为干涉,干扰Reckon意为估计 后面常接to be 结构Rest 意为休息,依赖 后面常接介词on 意为依靠,依赖Impact and Outcome

30、 and Function and Commitment Impact常用于短语make a big impact on “对产生巨大的影响” Outcome意为结果,结局Function意为功能,用途Commitment承诺新闻中的常见词语idassist(帮助,援助)alterchange or modify(改变)askinquire(询问)assaildenounce(谴责)axedismissreduce(解雇,减少)balkimpede(阻碍)banprohibit or forbid(禁止)barprevent(防止,阻止)bareexpose or reveal(暴露,揭露)blastexplode(爆炸)begincommence(开始)bidattempt(努力)bilkcheat(欺骗)boltdesert or abandon(放弃)boostincrease(增加,提高)checkexamine(检查)claimause the death of(夺去的生命)clashdisagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议)curbcontrol or restrict(控制)dipdecline or decrease(下降)easelesse

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