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1、自动化专业英语句子PART 2Unit 2A stability and the time responseThe stability of a continuous or discrete-time system is determined by its response to input or disturbance. Intuitively, a stable system is one that remains at rest (or in equilibrium) unless excited by an external source and returns to rest if

2、all excitations are removed. The output will pass through a transient phase and settle down to a steady-state response that will be of the same form as, or bounded by, the input. If we apply the same input to an unstable system, the output will never settle down to a steady-state phase; it will incr

3、ease in an unbounded manner, usually exponentially or with oscillation of increasing amplitude. 连续或离散系统的稳定性由其对输入或者干扰的响应决定。直观地说,如果一个系统是稳定的,则其停留在稳态(或者平衡点),除非是受到外部激励,且当外部激励去除后,输出又回到稳态点。输出经过瞬态阶段后将回到与输入有相同形式的稳态或者是在输入的附近。如果我们将同样的输入作用于不稳定的系统,其输出将不会回到稳态,而是以无界的方式增长,通常其幅值是指数增长或者振荡增长。Stability can be precisely

4、 defined in terms of the impulse response of a continuous system, Kronrcker delta response of a discrete-time system, as follows: A continuous (discrete-time) system is stable if its impulse response (Kronecker response ) approaches zero as time approaches infinity.系统的稳定性可以用连续系统的脉冲响应或者离散系统的Kronrcker

5、 响应来定义:一个连续(离散)系统是稳定的,如果其脉冲响应(Kronrcker 响应)当时间趋于无穷大时趋于零。An acceptable system must at minimum satisfy the three basic criteria of stability, accuracy, and a satisfactory transient response. These three criteria are implied in the statement that an acceptable system must have a satisfactory time respo

6、nse to specified inputs and disturbances. So although we work in the Laplace and frequency domains for convenience, we must be able to relate these two domains, at least qualitatively, to the time domain.一个可接受的系统必须至少满足:稳定性、精度和满意的瞬态响应这三个指标。在陈述:“一个可接受的系统对指定输入和扰动必须有满意的时域响应”已经包含了这三个指标的含义。因此尽管我们为了方便工作在拉氏

7、域或者频率域,我们必须与时间域(至少是定性的)相联系。With the transfer function in the form of Eq.(2-2A-1), the order of the system in defined as the order of the characteristic function D(s), the highest power of s appearing in D(s) establishes the order of the system.在传递函数所在的方程(2-2A-1)中,系统的阶次定义为特征函数D(s)的阶次,因此D(s)的最高次幂决定了系统

8、的阶次。The first term is the forced solution, due to the input, and the second the transient solution, due to the system pole. Fig.2-2A-2 shows this transient as well as c(t). The transient is seen to be a decaying exponential, and the commonly used measured of the speed of decay is the time constant:

9、The time constant is the time in seconds for the decaying exponential transient to be reduced to e-1=0.368 of its initial value. Since when t=T, it is seen that the time constant for a simple lag is T seconds. This is, in fact, the reason a simple lag transfer function is often written in this form.

10、 The coefficient of s then immediately indicates the speed of decay, and it takes 4T seconds for the transient to decay to 1.8% of its initial value.第一项为强迫解,对应于输入;第二项为瞬态解,对应于系统的极点。 在图2-2A-2中,该瞬态解为c(t)。瞬态解看上去为指数衰减的,且通常用于衡量衰减速度的是时间常数:即指数衰减的瞬态解衰减至其初始值的36.8%所需的时间(秒数)。因为,当t=T, ,对于一阶惯性环节,时间常数是T秒。这也是为什么一阶惯

11、性环节要写成这个形式。S的系数立即给出了衰减的速度。而且,当时间为4T时, 瞬态解衰减至初始值的1.8%。B:Steady StateA control system is designed to control the dynamic behavior( the time response) of a plant subject to commands or disturbances. The designer should be fully aware, however, of the role of the steady equations and errors in the overa

12、ll process, as well as their influence on the dynamic behavior of the plant.控制系统设计就是使装置在有指令信号或者干扰时有满意的行为(时域响应)。设计者必须清楚地知道整个过程的稳态方程和误差,以及他们对装置的动态性能的影响。An accuracy of a system is a measure of how well it follows commands. It is an important performance criterion; a guidance system that cannot place sp

13、acecraft on a suitable trajectory is obviously useless no matter how well-behaved its transient response.衡量系统的精度之一,就是其如何跟踪给定命令。这是一项重要的性能指标。一个导航系统如果不能将飞行器置于合适的轨迹,那么无论有多好的动态性能,都是没有用。Actual system are also subjected to undesirable inputs, such as noise in command inputs and disturbances arising from ch

14、anges in the plant parameters or changes in the environment in which the plant is operating. Noise inputs that enter the system with the command input require filtering techniques to remove or suppress them without affecting the command input itself. We shall limit our discussion to disturbance inpu

15、ts which enter the system at the plant rather than at the controller.实际系统总是容易受到不希望的输入干扰,例如, 命令输入中的噪声以及由于参数改变在被控对象中产生的干扰或者被控对象工作环境变化产生的干扰。随着命令输入进入系统的噪声输入需要滤波器进行驱除或者抑制并不对输入信号产生影响。我们将限于讨论通过被控对象进行系统的噪声而不讨论通过控制器进入系统的噪声。It is often difficult to minimize both components of the error simultaneously. Obvious

16、ly, it is necessary to have some knowledge as to the nature of probable disturbance inputs. Both error terms of Eq.(2-2B-7) can be set equal to zero by introducing an integrator into the controller. This additional integrator increases the type of the system ( from 1 to 2, for example) , thus elimin

17、ating the velocity error, and by being introduced ahead of the point of entry of the disturbance into the system, eliminates the steady-state error resulting from a step in the disturbance input. This additional integrator must be accompanied by at least one zero if the system is to remain stable.通常

18、同时将误差的两个部分最小化是困难的。很明显,具有适当的干扰输入特性的一些知识是很有必要的。方程2-2B-7的两个误差项都能通过在控制器中加入积分器而消除。这些附加的积分器增加了系统的型(例如,从1型系统变为2型系统),因此可以消除速度误差,并通过在系统扰动进入点之前引入积分环节,可以消除由输入信号中包含的阶跃扰动引起的稳态误差。如果要保持系统稳定该附加的积分器必须相应增加至少一个零点。UNIT 3A:The Root LocusThe root locus technique is a graphical method of determining the location of the ro

19、ots of the characteristic equation as any single parameter, such as a gain or time constant, is varied from zero to infinity. The root locus, therefore, provides information not only as to the absolute stability of a system but also as to its degree of stability , which is another way of describing

20、the nature of the transient response. If the system is unstable or has an unacceptable transient response, the root locus indicates possible ways to improve the response and is a convenient method of depicting qualitatively the effects of any such changes. 根轨迹技术是当一个单一的参数,例如增益或者时间常数从零到无穷大变化时,确定特征方程的各

21、个根的位置的图形技术。因此,根轨迹不仅仅提供了系统绝对稳定性的信息,还提供了稳定程度的信息。稳定程度实际上还是描述动态响应特性的方式。如果系统是不稳定的或者动态响应不可接受,根轨迹还可以指出可能改进响应的方法而且可以定性描述改进的效果。 A zero is a value of s that makes Z(s) equal to zero and is given the symbol . Do not automatically assume that this zero is also a closed-loop zero that makes N(s) equal to zero in

22、 the system (closed-loop) transfer function; it may be, but is not necessarily so. A pole is a value of s that makes P(s)equal to zero and is given the symbol . The sn term represents n poles, all equal to zero and located at the origin of the s plane. A root of the characteristic equation has previ

23、ously been defined as value of s that makes D(s) equal to zero and is given the symbol . 零点是使Z(s)为零的s值,用符号表示。不能自动地假设这个零点就是使N(s)为零的闭环传递函数的零点。它可能是,但不一定。极点是使P(s)为零的s值,用符号表示。sn表示n 个极点,其值为零,位于s 平面的原点。特征方程的根前面已经定义为使D(s)为零的s值,用符号表示。Since s is a complex variable and the poles and zeros may be complex, is a

24、complex function and may, therefore, be handled as a vector having a magnitude and an associated angle or argument. Each of the factors on the right side of Eq.(2-3A-2) can also be treated as a vector with an individual magnitude and associated angle, as shown in Fig. 2-3A-1. Note that the angle is

25、measured from the horizontal and is positive in the counterclockwise direction.由于s是一个复变量,极点和零点也可能是复数,也是一个复函数,因此有可能视为一个有幅值和相角的向量。方程(2-3A-2)右边的每一个因子都可以视为有各自幅值和相角的向量,并如图2-3A-1.所示。请注意相角是按从水平轴逆时针方向为正计算。If the part of the real axis between two o.l. poles ( o.l. zeros) belong to the loci, there must be a p

26、oint of breakaway from , or arrival at, the real axis. If no other poles zeros are close by, the breakaway point will be halfway.如果实轴在两个开环极点(开环零点)之间属于根轨迹,则在其中必定有突破点(汇合点)。如果附近没有极点或者零点,则突破点(汇合点)必定在(两个开环极点/开环零点)的中间。 B:The Frequency Response Methods: Nyquist DiagramsThe nature of the input also influenc

27、es the choice of techniques to be used for system analysis and design. Many command input merely instruct a system to move from one steady-state condition to a second steady-state condition. This type of input can be described adequately by suitable steps in position, velocity, and acceleration, and

28、 the Laplace domain is appropriate for this purpose. If, however, the interval between such step inputs is decreased so that the system never has time to reach the corresponding steady-state, the step representation and Laplace domain are no longer adequate. Such rapidly varying command inputs (or d

29、isturbance) may be periodic, random, or a combination thereof. The wind loading of a tracking radar antenna, for example, results from a mean velocity component that varies with time plus superimposed random gusts. If the frequency distribution of these inputs can be calculated, measured, or even es

30、timated, the frequency response can be used to determine their effects upon the system output.输入信号的特性可以影响到系统分析和设计的技术的选择。许多的系统指令输入仅仅是让系统从一个稳定状态转移到另一个稳定状态。这种类型的输入可以用适当的位置、速度和加速度的阶跃来描述。但是,如果减小这些阶跃输入的间隔,系统没有足够的时间来到达下一个相应的稳态,则阶跃响应以及拉普拉斯域就显得不合适。这些快速变化的指令输入可以是周期的、随机的以及它们的组合。例如跟踪雷达天线的风力负载是由一个随时间变化的平均速度成分与迭加

31、的随机阵风组成的。如果这些输入的频率的分布是可计算、测量、甚至可估计的,则频率响应可以用来决定系统输出的效果。 From these equations we see that sinusoidal input to a linear stable system produces a steady-state response that is also sinusoidal, having the same frequency as the input but displaced through a phase angle and having an amplitude that may be

32、 different. This steady-state sinusoidal response is called the frequency response of the system. Since the phase angle is the angle associated with the complex function G(j0) and the amplitude ratio (c0/r0) is the magnitude of G(j0), knowledge of G(j0) specifies the steady-state input-output relationship in the frequency domain. G(j0) is called the frequency transfer function and can be obtained from the transfer function G(s) by replacing the Laplace variable s by j0 . Consequently, if G(j0) can be determined from experimental data, G(s) can also be found by

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