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1、新概念英语第二册笔记第56课Lesson 56 Faster than sound 比声音还快【 Text 】Once a year ,a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost.The most unusual car was a Benz w

2、hich had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part.After a great many loud explosions, the race began. Many of the cars broke down on the course andsome drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! A few cars, however , completed the race.The winning car reached a

3、 speed of forty miles an hour-much faster than any of its rivals. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.【课文翻译】旧式汽车的比赛每年举行一次 . 去年有

4、很多汽车参加了这项比赛 . 比赛开始之前 , 人们异常激动 . 最漂亮的汽车之一是罗尔斯 - 罗伊斯生产的银鬼汽车 , 而最不寻常的一辆则要属只有 3 只轮子的奔驰牌汽车了 . 该车造于 1885 年 , 是参赛车中最老的一辆 . 在好一阵喧闹的爆炸声之后 , 比赛开始了 . 很多汽车在途中就抛了锚 , 而有些驾驶员花在汽车底下的时间比坐在汽车里面的时间还长 . 然而还是有几辆汽车跑完了全程 . 获胜的那辆车达到了时速 40 英里 - 远远超过任何对手 . 它在接近终点时 , 冲下了山坡 , 驾驶员费了好大劲才把车停下来 . 这次比赛使每个人都挺开心 . 它虽然与现代汽车比赛大不相同 , 但激

5、动人心的程度并不亚于现代汽车大赛 .【 New words and expressions】sound声音excitement激动,兴奋handsome漂亮的,美观的Rolls-royce Benz罗尔斯 - 罗伊斯(劳斯莱斯奔驰wheel轮子explosion爆炸,轰响course跑道;行程rival对手speed疾驶sped-speddownhill下坡一 单词讲解: sound n.声音soundn. 任何声音都可以the sound of the wind风声the sound of the sea大海的声音the sound of a car汽车的声音the sound of mus

6、ic音乐之声the sound of voices说话的声音like the sound of ones own voice滔滔不绝的讲话(常指不想听别人说话,只听自己来说)voice n. 人的声音noise n. 和周围不和谐的声音 , 躁音 v. 听起来That sounds good.The news sounds real. adj. 合理的 , 有道理的 , 通情达理的 , 讲道理的(等于 reasonable )I have a piece of sound advice. 我有一个合理的建议。+ly 一般变副词时soundly adj. 香甜的sleep soundly exc

7、itementn.激动 , 兴奋excite使。兴奋,刺激His story excites me very much.他的故事令我非常激动。The scene would excite the hardest man to pity.那个场面就算是最铁石心肠的人也会同情的。His speech excited everyone present to anger. 他的发言激怒了所有在场的人。excitementn. 激动 , 兴奋Everyone is in a state of great ones excitement 令某人激动的是To everyone s

8、 excitement, though it was very difficult, he won the prize.excitingadj.令人激动的(形容物)The most exciting thing is that最令人激动的是The most surprising thing about it is that最令人惊讶的事情是excitedadj. 令人激动的(形容人)I was excited by the news.It excited me that让我激动的是 handsome adj. 漂亮的 , 美观的handsome adj. 形容男孩 , 英俊 , 一般与男孩子连

9、如handsome 与人连用有阳刚的美,与物相连表示美观大方,并表示制作精良;与女性连用的时候就表示这个女孩子有阳刚气,类似女侠的概念Your husband is handsome.This is a handsome car .beautiful adj. 漂亮的,美丽的形容人的时候表示内在和外在美的统一 , 完美的概念You look beautiful.Flowers are beautiful.The picture is beautiful.prettyadj.美丽 ( 用于女孩或小孩 ) ,有柔美的意思pretty跟男性连用就表示没有阳刚气,女性化Your wife is pre

10、tty.pretty boy / pretty girl / pretty womanniceadj.美好的 ( 人,天气 , 食物 , 物品的品质等 )You are nice.你长得不错lovelyadj.可爱的This is a lovely story.这是一个可爱的故事good-lookingadj.很好看的smartadj. 小巧而美丽的 ( 物 ) 或时髦而美丽的 ( 人 )She is smart.cuteadj.漂亮 , 可爱的常用来形容小孩The baby is cute.What a cute baby!多漂亮的宝宝啊 !How cute you are!你多漂亮啊 !(

11、 可爱啊 !) Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯 - 罗伊斯 Benz 奔驰 wheel 轮子1. 车轮,轮子the wheels of a car 汽车的轮子2. 方向盘,舵轮be behind wheel/ sit behind wheel 握着方向盘 ( 在开车 / 开船)be at the wheel/ sit at the wheel 握着方向盘 ( 在开车 / 开船)America is a country on the wheel ? 美国是一个车轮上的国家。Australia is a country on the back of sheep. 澳大利亚是一个羊背上的国家。whe

12、el chair 轮椅stretcher 担架 explosion n. 爆炸 , 轰响explode 1.v ( 使 ) 爆炸,炸开explode a bomb 引爆一枚炸弹The fireworks exploded in his hand. 爆竹在他手里爆炸了。2. (感情)迸发The audience exploded with/in laughter . 观众哄然大笑。explosion n. 爆炸声 , 轰响a bomb explosion 炸弹的爆炸a great many loud explosionsexplosive n. 爆炸物 ,炸药; adj. 爆炸 ( 性 ) 的,

13、 爆发 ( 性) 的 , 暴露bomb n. 炸弹; vt. 投弹于 , 轰炸The bomb exploded. course n. 跑道,行程 n. 跑道,行程,航线A southward course 向南的路线on the course 按照轨道运行Many cars broke down on the course.许多车在半路上抛锚了The captain set a course for New York.船长启程去纽约了。off course 偏离轨道 of course 当然 n. 过程;课程The course of history 历史课程An English cours

14、e 英语课程An art course 艺术课程This term, I took/take seven courses. 这学期我学了七门课The course of learning English is bitter (miserable), but the result is exciting.学习英语的过程是痛苦的,但是结果是令人惊喜的。 rivaln. 对手a business rival商业对手a violinist without rivals无与伦比的小提琴家rivals in love情敌a rival company同行业As a landscape painter, h

15、e is without rival.作为山水画家,无人可与他匹敌。competitionn.竞争 , 竞赛The person takes part in the petitorn.竞争者 , 对手oppositen.相反的事物; adj.相对的 , 对面的 , 对立的 ,相反的 , 对等的 ,对应的opponentn. 对手 , 反对者 ( 持反对意见的人 , 如辩论赛上的和政治上的 )enemyn.敌人rivaladj. 势均力敌的; n. 势均力敌的对手 speed( sped, sped) v. 疾驶,急行The police car sped past us.The two men

16、 sped out of the room. n. 速度at the speed of以的速度 at a very low speed以很慢的速度at top speed/ at full speed以全速More haste, less speed.欲速则不达。越着急就越慢。The car goes at the speed of 40 miles an hour / at 40 miles an hour.speed up速度的增加 , 加速; slow down减速The fire engine sped along the street.消防车急行过这条街道。Speeding n. 超

17、速行驶A speeding ticket 超速罚款单A parking ticket 违章停车罚款单 downhilladv.下坡downstairs下楼;upstairs上楼downriver顺流而下upriver 逆流而上downwards朝下upwards朝上go downstairsgo downhill下山downtownn.&adj.&adv.市中心的商业区(反意词 uptown远离商业区)Ill go to the downtown.二 Key structures :many 与 much 既可用作限定词,又可以用作代词; many 修饰可数名词, much 修饰不可数名词Th

18、ere isnt much( 限定词 )whisky, but you can have a little. 威士忌酒不多了,但是你可以喝一点。Whisky 是不可数名词,用 much 以及 a little 修饰。 Much 表示许多, a little 表示有一些。There arent many( 限定词 ) apples, but you can pick a few. 苹果不多了,但是你可以摘一些。其中, many 及 a few 修饰可数名词 apple 的复数。 Many 表示许多, a few 表示一些。There isntmuchI can do to help him.我帮

19、不了他多少忙。Much 指代一个不可数的东西, much在这里做代词。Manyof our products are sold overseas.我们的许多产品销到了海外。Many指代可数名词,在这里做代词用。表 “许多 ”还可以用a lot of,可修饰 c,u,常用于肯定句中。What a lot of presents!多么多的礼物呀!在感叹句中,a lot of 修饰 present的复数名词。I saw quite a lot of her during the holidays.假期中我见过她很多次。There was lots of money in the safe.保险柜中没

20、有很多钱。Safe做名词,是保险柜的意思。Lots of修饰不可数名词 moneylot of和 lots of 含义是一致的,口语中多用lots of用于修饰可数名词的限定词有:many许多 a great many许多 a good many许多 a great number of许多a large number of许多few几乎没有a few有一些用于修饰不可数名词的限定词有:much许多 , 大量 a great deal of许多 , 大量 a good deal of许多 , 大量little几乎没有a little有一些a large amount of许多 , 大量即可修饰可

21、数名词又可修饰不可数名词的限定词有:a lot of许多 , 大量lots of许多 , 大量plenty of 许多 , 大量a large quantity of 许多 , 大量large quantities of 许多 , 大量练习a great deal of excitement 许多的兴奋 (excitement 是不可数名词 )a great deal of pleasure 大量的乐趣many of the cars 许多的汽车, many 是代词many cars 许多汽车, many 是限定词a great many loud explosions 许多的轰鸣声, exp

22、losion 是可数名词,用 great many 修饰表示对比关系the same as, 和 一样be different from 不同,不同于My jacket is the same as yours. 我的夹克和你的事一样的。相当于 my jacket is like yours.My jacket is different from yours. 我的夹克和你的不一样。相当于 my jacket isnt like yours.三课文讲解:Once a year, a race is held for old cars. 旧式汽车的比赛每年举行一次 .( held 是 hold

23、的过去分词) be held, 被召开,被举行once a year , 每年一次,一年一次once a week , 一星期一次once a month , 一个月一次once( 一次 )-twice( 两次 )-three times( 三次) -four times( 四次)once or twice 一两次once 曾经We once lived in San Francisco. 我们曾经住在旧金山。A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just b

24、efore it began.去年有很多汽车参加了这项比赛. 比赛开始之前 , 人们异常激动 .enter for参加(比赛,考试)join in参加take part in参加excitement是不可数名词,用great deal 修饰 One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost.最漂亮的汽车之一是劳斯莱斯银铃系列的车Handsome adj (指男子)好看的,漂亮的,英俊的,相貌堂堂的eg He is a very handsome young man. 他是一个非常清秀的年轻人。pretty/beautifu

25、l adj (指妇女或儿童)很漂亮的eg She used to be very pretty as a child. She is now a beautiful woman.孩提时代她很漂亮,现在她是一个漂亮的女子了。good-looking adj 好看的(复合词) ,即可以修饰女子,也可以修饰男子eg She is a very good-looking girl, and her boy friends good-looking too.她是个好看的女孩子,她的男朋友也很好看。one of +(pl.)n. 之一 The most unusual car was a Benz whi

26、ch had only three wheels.最不寻常的一辆则要属只有 3 只轮子的奔驰牌汽车了 .the most unusual 最不寻常的 Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. 该车造于 1885 年 , 是参赛车中最老的一辆 .built in 1885, 过去分词短语做状语,表示原因。相当于 as it was built in 1885(因为他建造于 1885 年) . 可以还原成一个原因状语从句。taking part 现在分词短语作定语修饰 cartake part 参加take part in+( 宾语) 参加

27、 比赛,同意短语有, join in/ enter foreg The professor took no small part in the dispute. 在那次争论中,这位教授参与不少。take place (必要事件)发生be held 被召开,举行occur/happen (偶然事件)发生eg The next race will take place in a years time. 下次比赛一年以后举行。 After a great many loud explosions, the race began. 一阵轰鸣之后,比赛开始了。a great many + (pl.) 许

28、多,大量。修饰复数名词 Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under theircars than in them! 很多汽车在途中就抛了锚 , 而有些驾驶员花在汽车底下的时间比坐在汽车里面的时间还长 .break down, 抛锚 ,出故障eg The telephone system has broken down. 电话系统出故障了。eg We broken down on the motorway. 我们在高速公路上抛锚了。break v 休息eg Give me a break! 够了!住嘴!without a break 毫不休息地同义词 brake breik n 刹车,闸put on

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