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1、苏教版五年级英语上册U5U8复习资料Unit 5Review the phrases1.一位语文老师 a Chinese teacher2.教语文 teach Chinese 3.一位好作家 a good writer4.写得好 write well 5.写故事 write stories6.帮助病人 help sick people7.一位工厂工人 a factory worker8.在工厂工作 work in the factory9.一位公交车司机 a bus driver10.开公交车 drive a bus11.待在家 stay at home12.做糖果 make sweets13

2、.美丽的护士 beautiful nurses14.很多男警察 many policemen15.这么多女警察 so many policewomen Read and the sky 在天空中2.see a butterfly 看见一只蝴蝶3.In the US, we call a policeman a cop.在美国,我们把警察叫做“cop”。4.In the UK, we call a firefighter a fireman.在英国,我们把消防员叫做“fireman”。Do you know their jobs?Mikes father is Mik

3、es mother is Su Hais father is Su Hais mother is Can you act?Bobby: My father is a _. He has a nice _.Friend: My father is a _. He makes _.Bobby: My father _ go now. Friend: Oh! There are so _ cars.U5语法知识整理1.职业类名词:teacher老师 writer作家 cook厨师 doctor医生nurse护士 policeman男警察 policewoman女警察worker工人 farmer农民

4、 taxi driver出租车司机visitor参观者2.teach 某人 +某事 后面代词用宾格teach us English teach him his Chinese3.问职业句型:What do you do? =Whats your job?回答Im a student.What does she do?=Whats her job?回答Shes a writer.What do they do?=What are their jobs?回答They are workers.区分: What do you do at weekends?. What does your father

5、 do at Christmas?.4.help帮助help sick people帮助病人help 某人 with 某事 后面代词用宾格help 某人do 某事例: help her with her Maths帮助她数学 help them make sweets 帮助他们做糖果 in the factory 在工厂工作 work on the farm 在农场上工作 work at home 在家工作6. parent 父亲或者母亲(单) parents 父母(复) grandparent祖父或者祖母(单)grandparents祖父母注意正确区分单复数!例句:Our par

6、ents (be) very busy.My grandparent (go) to the park every day.His cat ( not eat) eating the US-cop-firefighter in the UK-policeman-fireman8.元音+y结尾,直接加s 辅音+y结尾,y变i加es(1)toy-toys monkey-monkeys turkey-turkeysbuy-buys boy-boys(2)carry-carries cry-cries country-countriesfactory-factories study

7、-studies body-bodies9.动词变三单一般加s,变动名词一般加ing,变名词一般加er如:work-works-working-worker write-writes-writing-writer teach-teaches-teaching-teacher drive-drives-driving-driver visit-visits-visiting-visitorUnit 6Review the phrases1.一位网友 an e-friend 2.发送这封邮件 send this email 3.发送邮件给我 send emails to me 4.住在澳大利亚 l

8、ive in Australia 5.12岁 twelve years old 6.说中文和英文 speak Chines and English 7.有语文课 have Chinese lessons 8.学习英语 study English 9.什么学科 what subjects 10.明天早上 tomorrow morning11.擅长钓鱼 be good at fishing12.去钓鱼 go fishing 13.坐在河边 sit by the riverRead and a snack bar 在一家小吃店 2.Dont worry. 不要担心。3.w

9、ait a minute 等一会 4.wait and wait 等啊等5.In winter,water turns to ice. 在冬天,水变成冰。6.When the winter weather comes,we always wear warm clothes.当冬天的天气到来,我们总是穿温暖的衣服。7.We write Chinses addresses like this. 我们像这样写中文地址。8.We write English addresses like this. 我们像这样写英文地址。Ask and answer 1.Who is Peter? Hes Wang B

10、ings e-friend.2.How old is he?Hes eleven years old.3.What does he like doing?He likes playing football and swimming.4.What subjects does he like?He likes Maths and PE.5.What does he do after school? He studies Chinese.Who is he?There is our friend at the snack bar.He eats (eat) fish at the table.He

11、likes (like) going fishing.He sits (sit) by the river now. Finally, he has (have) many fish.He is really good at fishing (fish)U6语法知识整理1.与to连用 . send an email to my e-friend 给我的网友发一封邮件 write a letter to him给他写封信 some sweets to the children给孩子们一些糖 a card to yo

12、ur parents给你父母看一张贺卡2.The letter is from my e-friend. 这封信是来自我网友的。 The email is to you. 这封电子邮件是给你的。 The card is for her. 这张贺卡是给她的。*给某人的信,邮件用to*给某人的礼物,东西用for3.与for连用的词组: wait for等. wait for me 等我 buy.for.为.买. buy presents for him为他买礼物 make.for.为.制作. make cards for her为她做贺卡4.与at 搭配的词组: at a snack bar, a

13、t school, at home, at night, at six oclock, at Christmas, at weekends, at the party 5.by在.旁边 sit by the river坐在河边 stand by the window站在窗前 *by同音词buy buy-buys-buying buy presents for you给你买礼物6.wait相关的词组: wait and wait等啊等 wait a minute等一会 wait for me 等我 wait for the bus等公交车7.We write Chinese addresses

14、like this. 我们像这样写中文地址。(从大到小,国名-地名-人名) We write English addresses like this. 我们像这样写英文地址。(从小到大,人名-地名-国名) 8.tomorrow明天 tomorrow morning 明天早上 居住 live in Australia住在澳大利亚 live with my parents和我父母住 live in +国家,speak+语言 国家前面不加the,UK US 是特例例:He lives in China, he speaks Chinese. 他住在中国,他说中文。Unit 7Review

15、 the phrases1.在周末 at weekends2.拜访我的父母 visit my parents3.和他们的猫玩 play with their cat4.和他们吃完饭 have dinner with them5.和他聊天 chat with him6.在网上 on the Internet7.有舞蹈课 have dancing lessons8.去电影院 go to the cinema9.放风筝 fly kites 10.在那里野餐 have picnics there11.吃了很多 eat a lot12.去游泳 go swimming Read and translate

16、e out出来 2.get out出去3.visit Mr Rose 拜访罗斯先生 us 展示给我们看5.all the lovely roses 全部可爱的玫瑰花 6.grow flowers 种花7.Basketball is very popular in the US. 篮球在美国很流行。8.Football is very popular in the UK. 足球在英国很流行。9.Table tennis is very popular in China. 乒乓球在中国很流行。Do you remember? 1. Su Hai and Su Yang usually

17、_ at weekends. They like_. They often _.2. _ always has dancing lessons. She sometimes _ with her friends. 3. _ usually chats with their grandparents on the Internet. He usually _ with Wang Bing. He sometimes _ and _ with his family in the park.Can you ask?Then, answer.1._ does Billy do at weekends?

18、2._ _ Sam and Bobby do in spring?3._ _Sam and Bobby_ in summer? autumn?U7语法知识整理1. at +周末, on+星期几, in+早中晚,at+时间点at weekends 在周末 on Saturdays 在周六in the evening在晚上 at twelve oclock在12点2.visit拜访(1)visit某人,后面代词用宾格 visit my parents拜访我的父母 visit them拜访他们(2)visit某地visit Beijing拜访北京 visit the US 拜访美国3.wit

19、h 某人,和某人一起, *放在动词后,后面代词用宾格。chat with him和他聊天 play with them和他们玩go with me 和我走 watch films with me 和我看电影例题:He usually plays basketball with (they).Do you like talking with (I ) father?4.very 很 very much 非常very+形容词、副词 very good很好 动词+very much like singing very much非常喜欢唱歌 例句:He likes studying very much

20、.他很喜欢学习。e out 出来 go out 出去 look out 当心6.频率副词(放在人后面,动词前面)always总是-usually通常-often经常-sometimes有时 聊天 chat-chats-chatting(双写t)(1)chat with 某人,后面代词用宾格chat with him 和他聊天 chat with your e-friend和你的网友聊天 (2)chat on the Internet在网上聊天例句: Mike likes chatting on the Internet with his e-friend.迈克喜欢在网上和他的网友聊

21、天。8.have dancing lessons上舞蹈课动名词修饰名词a swimming match 一场游泳比赛 my running shoes 我的跑鞋9.没有a an 用复数 fly kites=fly a kite放风筝 have picnics=have a picnic野餐10.与go搭配的词组:(1)go to 某地 (具体名称前不加the) go to the park go to Zhongshan Park(2)固定搭配go to school去上学 go to bed去睡觉go home回家 gothere去那 (home there 前不加to)(3)go+doin

22、g go skating去溜冰 go and +动原 go and skate去溜冰 go to +动原 go to skate去溜冰Unit 8Review the phrases1.在圣诞节 at Christmason Christmas Day 2.去看圣诞老人 go to see Father Christmas 3.买礼物 buy presents 4.给我们买礼物 buy presents for us 5.等礼物 wait for presents 6.等他 wait for him 7.吃火鸡 eat turkeys 8.唱圣诞歌 sing Christmas songs9.

23、制作圣诞贺卡 make Christmas cards 10.看起来好 look good 11.醒得早 wake up early12.写信给我 write letters to me13.把漂亮的东西放在圣诞树上 put pretty things on the Christmas tree Read and translate1.First,fold a card . 首先,对折一张贺卡。 2. Next,draw a picture. 接着,画一幅画。3.Then,write your message.然后,写你的信息。4.Finally,write your name.最后,写你的名

24、字。5.jump up 跳起来 6.get juice on my jacket 把果汁弄到我的夹克衫上7.get yourself wet 把自己弄湿 8.Happy New Year! 新年快乐!9.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!Ask and answer: Father Christmas1.When is Christmas Eve?2.When is Christmas Day?3.What do usually people do on Christmas?Can you do it? At Christmas, Bobby and Sam are very h_.

25、 They b_ a Christmas tree, they s_ Christmas songs and h_ a Christmas party. But Mr Turkey l_ sad. Because p_ eat t_ on Christmas Day!U8语法知识整理1.与Christmas相关的词组 at Christmas 在圣诞节 on Christmas Day 在圣诞节 (后面有day前用on) on Christmas Eve 在平安夜 before Christmas 圣诞前 after Christmas圣诞后 Father Christmas 圣诞老人 Mer

26、ry Christmas!圣诞快乐! Christmas comes.圣诞到了。 sing Chrietmas songs 唱圣诞歌 2.have a lot of fun有很多乐趣 have fun 玩的开心 have a good time 玩的开心 great fun 有趣极了3.顺序副词:first首先-next接着-then然后-finally最后 买 buy -buys- buyingbuy things for 某人,后面代词用宾格buy cards for your teacher给你老师买贺卡buy a stocking for her 给她买一只长筒袜buy fl

27、owers for them给他们买花5.make制作 make-makes-makingmake things for某人,后面代词用宾格make a kite for me 给我制作一个风筝make kites for my cousin 给我表弟制作风筝6.put 放置 put-puts-putting(双写t)put a stocking on the bed把一只长筒袜放在床上put presents under the tree把礼物放在树下7.wake up 醒来 wake up early醒得早 wake up late 醒得晚 区分: get up 起床 8.early早ge

28、t up early起床早 go to bed early睡得早9.have a big lunnchdinner 吃一顿大餐 eat a turkey吃一只火鸡 (turkey复数turkeys) eat Christmas pudding 吃圣诞布丁(不可数)10.pretty 漂亮的 some pretty tings 一些漂亮的东西 present礼物 wait for presents等礼物 parent父母 their parents 他们的父母 parrot鹦鹉 a lot of parrots 很多鹦鹉11.look+形容词look good看起来好 look sad看起来难过

29、 look great 看起来棒例句:Mr Turkey looks sad.12.What s wrong with.?怎么了后面代词用宾格Whats wrong with him? =Whats the matter with him?区分: wrong 错误的 -Youre wrong.你是错的。 worry 担心的-Dont worry.别担心。13.letter 信write a letter写一封信write letters to her 给她写信send a letter 寄一封信send letters to my friends 给我的朋友们寄信* write a letter to her=write her a letter send a letter to you=send you a letter

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