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5、会上的讲话中说到,“推进人的全面发展,同推进经济、文化的发展和改善人民物质文化生活,是互为前提和基础的。人越全面发展,社会的物质文化财富就会创造得更多,人又越能推进人的全面发展”。从建国以来我国共产党员领导同志在实践中所研究出的优秀理论成果来看,得到一个基本的结论,人需要发展,社会需要发展,国家需要发展。那么同等意义上来说,对我校亦是如此。我校地处西部,是国家教育部直属学校,是西北地区教育事业的带头机构,承担着推进教育改革、促进教育发展的重要职责。切实抓好学习实践科学发展观活动,对于我校当前的发展和长远的进步,有着十分重要的意义。附送:研究生英语演讲比赛稿研究生英语演讲比赛稿to take t

6、hem on and give them honest thinking is the first step to be prepared for both opportunities and hallenges ing our a. e need to respond honestl.a petition like this dras talented students from all over the ountr. and of ourse, i learnt more things than just about publi speaking. sine in the final an

7、alsis, publi speaking is all about effetive muniation. and this goes true for all muniations, hatever their setting.and the folloing is the final version of m speeh:globalization: opportunities and hallengesfor hinas ounger generationthirt ears ago, amerian president rihard nixon made an epoh-making

8、 visit to hina, a ountr still isolated at that time. premier zhou enlai said to him, our handshake ame over the vastest oean in the orldtent-five ears of no muniation. thirt ears sine, hina and ameria have exhanged man handshakes. the fundamental impliation of this example is that the need to muniat

9、e aross differenes in ulture and ideolog is not onl felt b the to ountries but b man other nations as e an see toda, environmentalists from different ountries are making joint efforts to address the issue of global arming, eonomists are seeking solutions to finanial rises that rage in a parti

10、ular region but nonetheless ripple the orld eonom, and politiians and diplomats are getting together to disuss the issue of bating terrorism. peae and prosperit has bee a mon goal that e are striving for all over the orld. underling this might trend of global muniation is the eho of e. m. forsters o

11、rds onl onnet!ith the it revolution, traditional boundaries of human soiet fall XX. our ulture, politis, soiet and mere are being sloshedsintosone large melting pot of humanit. in this interlinked orld, there are no outsiders, for a disturbane in one plae is likel to impat other parts of the globe.

12、e have begun to realize that a orld divided annot endure.hina is no ativel integratingsintosthe orld. our reent entr to the to is a good example. for deades, e have taken pride in being self-reliant, but no e realize the importane of partiipating in and ontributing to a broader eonomi order. from a

13、prearious role in the orld arena to our present to membership, e have e a long a.but hat does the a ahead look like? in some parts of the orld people are demonstrating against globalization. are the justified, then, in ritiizing the globalizing orld? instead of narroing the gap beteen the rih and th

14、e poor, the sa, globalization enables the developed nations to sallo the developing nations ealth in debts and interest. globalization, the argue, should be about a mon interest in ever other nations eonomi health. e are reminded b karl marx that apital goes beond national borders and eludes ontrol

15、from an other entit. this has bee a realit. multinational orporations are seeking the loest ost, the largest market, and the most favourable poli. the are often poerful lobbists in government deision-making, ruthless expansionists in the global market and a devastating presene to loal businesses.for

16、 hina, still more hallenges exist. ho are e going to ensure a smooth transition from the planned eonom to a market-based one? ho to onstrut a legal sstem that is sound enough and broad enough to respond to the needs of a dnami soiet? ho to maintain our ultural identit in an inreasingl homogeneous or

17、ld? and ho to define greatness in our rise as a peae-loving nation? globalization entails questions that onern us all. like man oung people m age in hina, i ant to see m ountr get prosperous and enjo respet in the international munit. but it seems to me that mere patriotism is not just enough. it is

18、 vitall important that e oung people do more serious thinking and broaden our mind to bigger issues. there might never be eas ansers to those issues suh as globalization, but to take them on and give them honest thinking is the first step to be prepared for both opportunities and hallenges ing our a

19、. this is also one of the thoughts that ame to me hile preparing this speeh.第四篇:英语演讲比赛稿to me marh 28th as a luk da. it as on that partiular evening that i found mself at entral stage, in the spotlight. inning the 21st enturerisson up seventh national english speaking petition is a memor that i shall

20、 treasure and one that ill surel sta.more important than inning the up is the friendship that has been established and developed among the ontestants, and the hane to muniate offstage in addition to peting onstage. also the petition helps boost publi speaking in hina, a skill hitherto

21、r me, though, the petition is a more personal experiene. habituall sh, i had been relutant to take part in an suh ativities. enouraged b m friends, hoever, i made a last-minute deision to give it a tr. in the ourse of preparation i someho redisovered mself, a truer me.i found that, after all, i like

22、 muniating ith other people; that exhanging vies an be so muh funand so muh rearding, both emotionall and intelletuall; that publi speaking is most effetive hen ou are least guarded; and that it is essential to suess in ever alk of a more pratial level, i realized knoing hat ou are going to

23、sa and ho ou are going to sa it are equall important. to take the original ideas out of our head and transplant them, so to speak, to that of others, ou need to have an organized mind. this abilit improves ith there should not be an loss or addition or distortion in the proess. those ide

24、as that finall find their asintosanother head need to be reognizabl ours. language is a means to transmit information, not a means to obstrut muniation. it should be luid to be hina, ertain publi speaking skills have been undul emphasized. ill it reall help, e are pelled to ask, to ba

25、ng at the podium or ell at the top of our lungs, if ou have e ith a poorl organized speeh, a muddled mind, and unillingness to trul share our vies?above all, the single most important thing i learnt as that as a publi speaker, ou need to pa attention, first and foremost, to the ontent of our speeh.

26、and seond, the struture of our speeh: ho one idea relates and progresses to after these e deliver and non-verbal muniation: speed ontrol, platform manner, and so on. pronuniation is important, et of greater importane is this: is our language petent enough to express our ideas exatl the a

27、 ou intend them to be understood?i as informed afterards that i as hosen to be the inner for m appropriatel orded speeh, exellent presene and quik-itted response. in so remarking, the judges learl shoed their preferene: the e to listen for meaningful ideas, not for loose judgments, nor eas laughters

28、.some ontestants failed to address their questions head on. some ere able to, but did not knosheresto stopthe dragging on betraed their lak of onfidene. the root ause as that the did not listen attentivel to the questions. or the ere thinking of hat the had prepared. as i said in m speeh, it is vita

29、ll important that e oung people do more serious thinking to take them on and give them honest thinking is the first step to be prepared for both opportunities and hallenges ing our a. e need to respond honestl.a petition like this dras talented students from all over the ountr. and of ourse, i learn

30、t more things than just about publi speaking. sine in the final analsis, publi speaking is all about effetive muniation. and this goes true for all muniations, hatever their setting.and the folloing is the final version of m speeh:globalization: opportunities and hallengesfor hinas ounger generation

31、thirt ears ago, amerian president rihard nixon made an epoh-making visit to hina, a ountr still isolated at that time. premier zhou enlai said to him, our handshake ame over the vastest oean in the orldtent-five ears of no muniation. thirt ears sine, hina and ameria have exhanged man handshakes. the

32、 fundamental impliation of this example is that the need to muniate aross differenes in ulture and ideolog is not onl felt b the to ountries but b man other nations as e an see toda, environmentalists from different ountries are making joint efforts to address the issue of global arming, eonomists are seeking solutions to finanial rises that rage in a partiular region but nonetheless ripple the orld eonom, and politiians and diplomats are getting together to disuss the issue of bating terrorism. peae and prosperit has bee a mon goal that e are striving for al

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