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人教版四年级英语下册Unit 2 What time is it教学设计.docx

1、人教版四年级英语下册Unit 2 What time is it教学设计Unit 2 What time is it 第1课时学习内容:Part A Lets talk& Lets play教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说“What time is it ?Its time for ”并能在情景中进行运用。 2、能理解并运用“Time to go home, kids”“Lets go!”两个短语的句子。 3、教育学生要严格遵守学校规章制度,按时作息。教具准备:教学光盘、单词卡片。教学重点:让学生熟练掌握问句“What time is it?”和相应的回答以及句型“Its time for”的用法

2、。教学难点:1. 句型“Time to .”后面跟动词原形,而“Its time for .”后面跟名词后v.-ing形式。教学过程:Step1. Warm up1.Greeting and free talk.T: Good morning, boys and girls. What time is it now?Ss: Its .T: Its time for English class. Lets begin.2. Game: 单词接龙3. Sing a song:“Round the clock.”Step2. Pre-task stage1. Show a picture, T: W

3、hats this? Ss: Its a clock.2. Show some clocks, and have a free talk.T: What time is it?Ss: Its . Its time for.Step3. While-task stage1. Listen to the tape first time and answer the question:Where are Wu Yifan and John? Answer: They are in the playground.2. Listen to the tape again and tick or cross

4、.(1) John wants to go to the music room. ( )(2) John and Zhang Peng play basketball after class. ( )(3) 5 oclock is the time for dinner. ( )Answer: 3. Watch “Lets talk”, and learn the words: now, kid.4. Listen to the tape and follow it one sentence by one sentence.Step4. Post-task stage1.Role play.T

5、hree students a group and practice.2. Lets playDifferent countries, different time!Practice the sentence pattern: “What time is it ?Its ”Step5. Practice一.我会找答语。( )1.What time is it? A.Its seven oclock. ( ) 2.Lets go home. B.Im in New York. ( ) 3. Wheres the library? C.Its on the second floor. ( ) 4.

6、 What colour is it? D. OK. ( ) 5. Where are you? E. Its black.二.我会连词成句。1. time, what. It, is2. is, time, have, to, class, it, musicStep6. Summary我学会了:Step7.Homework 1. Read Lets talk three times, and read it for your parents, friend or partner. 2. Make a dialogue by yourself.板书设计:Unit 2 What time is

7、 itPart A. Lets talk & Lets playA: Hi! School is over. Lets go to the playground.B: OK.A: What time is it?B: Its 5 oclock.C: Time to go home, kids.A: What time is it?B: Its 6 oclock. Its time for dinner.A: Oh! Lets go!课后反思:Unit 2 What time is it 第2课时教学目标: 1、能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词和词组。 2、能认读句型:What time is

8、it ?并做出相应的回答:Its Its time for 3、能够听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作。教具准备: 1、与教材内容相关的课件、声音、图片等媒体素材。2、教师准备一个教具钟。教学重点:本课时的主要单词和词组: music class , P.E. class , English class , lunch , dinner 。 教学难点:对新句型“What time is it? Its nine oclock. Its time for”的理解和运用。教学过程:Step1. Warm up1. Greeting.2. Free talk.3. Sing a song:“Roun

9、d the clock.”Step2. Pre-task stage 1.教师出示学校各个功能室的图片,学生说出相应的英语名称,然后师生用“接力”的形式进行对话,如:T: We have many rooms in our class. We sing a song in .Ss: Music room.T: We draw pictures in .Ss: Art room.T: We study in .Ss: Classroom.2. Show a clock.T: What time is it?Ss:Its. Its time for.Step3. While-task stage1

10、复习数字1-12。让学生根据教师的口令做动作,如Show me 1 and 3. Show me 8. 在学生听和做的同时,教师在钟表的相应位置写上这12个数字。(2) 教学单词breakfast, lunch和dinner。教师将时钟凋到8点,并用简笔画画出早上初升的太阳,说:Its 8:00in the morning. Im hungry.(教师边说边做饿的动作。) Lets have breakfast.(教师边说边做吃早饭的动作,帮助学生明白单词breakfast的意思,强调单词breakfast的发音。)教师用同样的方式教学lunch和dinner。(3) 教学词组PE class

11、, English class和music class。教师在黑板上用简笔画画出“操场”,问:What is it? 学生回答:Its a playground.教师出示班级的课程表,找出本班体育课的时间,说:Its 2oclock in the afternoon. Its time to go to the playground. Lets go to the playground and have PE class.用同样的方法教学词组“English class”和“music class”。(4) 教学句型“What time is it?”,“Its . oclock.”和“Its

12、 time for .”。T: Look at the clock.(教师指着黑板上的钟表。) What time is it? Oh, its . oclock. (教师自问自答,直接呈现新授句型。)教师转动钟表的时针指向12。T: Oh! Its 12 oclock. Its time for lunch!(边说边呈现lunch的单词卡片。)I have fish and rice for my lunch, and you?S1: I have . for lunch.S2: I have . for lunch.(5) 教师介绍对话情境:Zhang Peng and John are

13、talking about time and class. Lets listen to the tape and know something about their dialogue.第一次播放教学录音,让学生跟着录音读对话,了解对话的大致内容。第二次播放教学录音,学生听完录音后回答下面的问题。 What time is it? Is it the time for English class?Answers: Its 9 oclock. Yes, it is.(6) Work in pairs and then act. Step4. Post-task stage 1. Games (

14、1)Magic fingers (2)Match 2. Lets do(1) 教师每说一个单词或词组,学生听到后就立刻做出相应的动作,如教师说出“breakfast”或“time for breakfast”,学生听到后做吃喝东西的样子。教师根据学生做的动作,继续引导学生做“Drink some milk./Have some chicken./.”的动作。(注意再次强调单词“breakfast”的发音。)(2) 教师播放两遍录音后,让学生听录音,做动作。 3. Sing a song: Its twelve oclock.Step5. Practice 1. 根据中文释义,选择对应的词组。(

15、 )(1)吃早餐 A. have breakfast B. have dinner( )(2)英语课 A. Chinese class B. English class ( ) (3) 唱歌跳舞 A. jump and run B. sing and dance ( ) (4) 喝牛奶 A. eat some rice B. drink some milk 2. 选出不同类的词,将其序号写在括号里。 ( )(1) A. breakfast B. playground C. dinner D.lunch ( )(2) A. class B. music C. English D. PE ( )(

16、3) A. bread B. rice C. breakfast D.milk ( )(4) A. jump B. run C. sing D. gym ( )(5) A. five B. second C. ten D. sixStep6. Summary 我学会了:Step7. Practice1. 将本节课所学的新单词和词组在四线三格内抄写五遍。2. 和同桌一起玩“画画、写写”的游戏。根据本人实际情况用钟表的形式画出自己的活动时间,并和同桌一起进行问答练习。板书设计教学反思Unit 2 What time is it 第3课时学习内容:A. Lets spell教学目标: 1、通过大量的

17、听读操练,掌握字母组合ir和ur在单词中间的发音规则。2、能听、说、读、写 girl, bird, nurse, hamburger四个词语。3. 纠正学生错误的发音,引导学生自主发现发音规作,并能根据发音规律读生词。教学重点:能听、说、读、写 girl, bird, nurse, hamburger四个词语。教学难点:1. 引导学生自主发现发音规律,激发学生学习英语音标知识的兴趣。2. 音标/:/的发音较难,要帮助学生反复操练。教学过程:Step1.Warm up1、Greeting.2、Free talk. A: What time is it? B: Its .3、Sing a song

18、: Its twelve oclock.Step2.Pre-task stage 1. Lets do. Listen and do. 2、Review Lets spell in Unit1.Step3.While-task stage 1. Show some pictures. Let the students read the words according to the pictures. 2. After reading the words, let the students find out the rules. girl bird nurse hamburger ir/ur -

19、 / 发音规则:字母组合ir和ur在单词中发/音。发音时,双唇呈扁平口形,自然张开,舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起,舌尖抵下齿底部。 3. Watch the cartoon. 4. Lets sing. 5. Try to read. dirty sir first skirt shirt thirteen purple hurt turtle fur turn burnStep4.Post-task stage 1. Read, listen and circle 2. Look, listen and writeStep5.Practice一、根据例词的读音规则补全下列单词。一、 1. rule

20、r und numb wint 2. eraser aft riv teach 二、判断下面每组划线字母读音是否相同,相同的请打“”,不同的请打“” 。 ( )1. clock home ( )2. nurse hamburger ( )3. kid rice ( )4. hurry run ( )5. thirty girlStep6.Summary 我学会了:Step6.Homework Write the words two three times if you can recite, write the words two times if you cant recite.板书设计Un

21、it 2 What time is it? A. Lets spellgirl bird nurse hamburger ir/ur - /教学反思Unit 2 What time is it 第4课时学习内容:Part B Lets talk& Lets play教学目标:1.能用英语完成课文中的对话练习。2.能用英语说出简单的时间点,表达出在这个时间点所做的事。3.能准确使用Its time to do sth.这一句型。教学重点:正确认识本节课单词:thirty, hurry。教学难点: 1、运用所学单词和句式进行对话练习并巩固所学的单词和短语。 2、Breakfast is ready

22、!和Im ready!的发音。教学过程:Step1.Warm up1、Greeting. T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thanks. And you? T: Im fine,too. Thank you. Whats this in English? Ss: Its a clock.A: What time is it? B: Its eight oclock. Its time for class.2、Sing a song: Its twelve oclock.Step2.Pre-task stageT: I have a friend and h

23、e is very busy today. Do you want to know what he does at different times? Lets go and see!S: Yes.T: OK. Lets go.Step3.While-task stage 1. B. Lets talk.(1) 教学单词thirty。教师拿出钟表,将钟表调到6:40,问:What time is it? 学生回答:Its six fort教师再将钟表调到6:30,继续问:What time is it? 教师乘势引出单词thirty, 并领学生读几遍。(2) 操练句型Its . 和Its tim

24、e for/to .T:(把指针拨到 6:30)What time is it?Ss: Its 6:30.T: What do you do?S1: I get up.S2: .教师板书:Its 6:30. Its time to get up.利用表盘模型引出本课的重点句型:Its 7:30. Its time to go to school. Its 8:00. Its time for English class.T: Hurry! Its time to read English. Are you ready?Ss: Im ready.T: OK. Read together, ple

25、ase.(教师手指板书,学生齐读。)(3) 先声夺人:教师展示并朗读:math/music/lunch/go home/go to school/., 要求学生在听到单词的第一时间用句型Its time for ./ Its time to . 进行抢答造句。学生熟悉后,可以采取一组读单词或短语,另一组说对应句型的方式进行操练,速度要不断加快,保持游戏的竞赛特点,挑战的学生的反应速度。优异的小组或个人可以被评为本次“先声夺人”的“Super Group/Super Star”。(4) 介绍对话情境。教师出示本部分的情境图,让学生简单了解对话的大致内容,然后教师介绍说:Its 6:30 in t

26、he morning. Mike gets up and prepares for school. Lets listen to the tape and know something about it.(5) Listen to the tape and get the general idea.(6) Listen to the tape again and answer the questions. What time does Mike get up? What is ready? When do they have English class?Answers: 6:30. Break

27、fast is ready. 8:00.(7) Listen to the tape and follow it.Step4.Post-task stage 1. Practice in pairs and then act. 2. Lets play. (1) 教师请两位学生示范读对话。(2) 学生同桌合作,拿出画笔和画纸,画出钟表和自己喜欢的时间,仿照示例进行对话,然后教师请几组学生上讲台表演对话。 3. Make a new dialogue according the picture.Step5.Practice一、我会找答句。( )1. What time is it? A. Its

28、 on the first floor.( )2. Is breakfast ready? B. Its nine thirty. ( ) 3. Thank you very much. C. Youre welcome. ( ) 4. Where is the teachers office? D. Yes, I do. ( ) 5. Do you have an English friend? E. Yes, it is. 二、我会连词成句。 1. it, for, time ,class, English, is 2. time, get, to, up, it, is 3. time,

29、 go, school, to, it, is 4. breakfast, ready, is Step6.Summary 1. 师生一起总结本节课所学的词汇和句型。2. 教育学生要珍惜时间,合理安排自己的作息。Step6.Homework1. 跟着录音读三遍Lets talk部分的对话。2. 仿照Lets talk部分的情境图,画一幅自己的上学过程图,并在图旁边写上时间和相应的动词短语。板书设计Unit 2. What time is it? B. Lets talkOh! Its 6:30. Its time to get up.Breakfast is ready.Hurry up! I

30、ts time to go to school.OK.What time is it?Its 8 oclock. Its time for English class.Im ready.教学反思Unit 2 What time is it 第5课时学习内容:Part B Lets learn& Lets play Lets sing教学目标: 1、能够听、说、认读本课时的四个动词词组。 2、能够理解并在情景中正确使用句型:Its time to 教学重点:听、说、认读本课时的四个动词词组。教学难点:在情景中正确使用句型:Its time to 教学过程:Step1.Warm up1.Greeting.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Su.T: How are you today?Ss: Very w

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