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参考中考英语专题复习 专题五 句子翻译 精讲一 根据中文补全句子.docx

1、参考中考英语专题复习 专题五 句子翻译 精讲一 根据中文补全句子参考-中考英语专题复习 专题五 句子翻译 精讲一 根据中文补全句子【2015陕西】VI. 完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。(共5小题,计10分)56. 我爷爷七十岁了,但看起来依然帅气。My grandfather is 70, but he still _.57. 我们每年三月植树。We plant trees _ every year.58. 如果你不知道事实,请保持沉默。If you dont know the truth, please _.59.请访问我们的网站,来购买特别的礼物。 Please

2、 visit our website to _.60. 多么有用的词典啊!What _ they are!56. looks handsome/cool/smart. 57. in March 58. silent/silence/quiet/in silence 59. buy(get)a special gift(present)/special gifts(presents) 60. useful dictionaries 【2015江苏淮安】完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)1. 像往常一样,我们放学后步行回家。_, we went back home _after scho

3、ol.2. 你最好不要熬夜,这样才能保持健康。You _not stay up late, so you can _.3. 今天下午我们将上一节关于美国乡村音乐的课,不要迟到。This afternoon we will have a lesson about American _. Dont _class.4. 打开电视好吗?我想知道明天的天气预报。 Would you please _the TV? I want to know the _for tomorrow.5. 这个女孩既不喜欢唱歌也不喜欢跳舞,但她偏爱画画。 The girl enjoys _, but she prefers

4、to draw pictures.16. As usual; on foot 17. had better; keep fit/ healthy 18. country music; be late for 19. turn on; weather forecast 20. neither singing nor dancing 七、根据所给中文完成句子(共6小题,每小题1.5分,满分9分)【2015江苏常州】54. 你为什么不学会独自处理这个问题? Why dont you learn _54. to deal with the problem by yourself/on your own

5、【2015江苏常州】55. 成龙在昨天的会议上建议我们参加慈善活动Jackie Chan _at the meeting yesterday.55. advised us to take part in/join in charity activities. 【2015江苏常州】56. 她宁愿严格要求自己也不愿放弃梦想 She would rather _56. be strict with herself than give up her dream【2015江苏常州】57. 打断别人说话多没礼貌啊!_others!57. How impolite it is to cut in/on /

6、What bad manners it is to cut in/on 【2015江苏常州】58. 这本书会尽快翻译成英语吗?Will the book _?58. be translated into English as soon as possible【2015江苏常州】59. 你的未来取决于你现在如何努力学习。 Your future _59. depends on how hard you work/ are working now【2015湖北襄阳】五、完成句子 (本大题满分14分,每小题2分)阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡

7、上相应的题号后。(注意:只写答案,试题的其它内容不得抄入答题卡。)66. -Where is your sister, Bob? -She _(在做家庭作业). (do)67. -Do you miss your brother?-Yes, very much. I _(未收到他的来信) for 3 months. (hear)68 -Why does everyone like that boy?-Because he _(总是乐于助人). (ready)69. -Do you like the song Little Apple? -Yes, I do. Its _(我听过的最受欢迎的歌曲

8、之一). (popular)70. -Did you _(考虑过如何避免伤到自己) in P.E. class? -Yes. We discussed it in our class meeting. (avoid)71. -Why dont you get nervous before the exams? -Because we _(常被教导别把分数看得太重). (educate)72. -Can you tell me _(游客是否应被阻止踩踏草地) in the park? -Yes, I think they should. (prevent)66. is doing (her) h

9、omework (now) 67. havent (have not) heard from him (yet) 68. is always ready to help others (other people) 69. one of the most popular songs (that) Ive (ever) heard (listened to) 70. consider how(you would avoid) to avoid hurting(injuring) yourself (yourselves) 71. are often educated not to take mar

10、ks (grades/ scores) too seriously 72. if (whether) (the)visitors(travelers, tourists) should be prevented(from) walking(stepping) on the grass/ if (whether) they should prevent visitors(from) walking(stepping) on the grass【2015湖北黄石】VII.完成句子(每小题1分,每空0.5分.共10分) 根据汉语意思.完成下列句子,每空一词。81.所有宠物在生活上给予它们主人爱与安慰

11、82.我更愿意待在家里看电视,而不是跟朋友在外闲逛。 hanging out with friends,I prefer to watch TV at home.83.熬夜对健康不好。 late is bad for your healthy.84.我最好的朋友跟我相似,因为我们都勤奋。 My best friend is me because We are both hard-working.85.我期待着收到你们所有人的来信。 I look forward to you all.86. 去野营是多好的建议啊! good advice is to go camping!87.我衷心祝愿你们能

12、够通过这次考试! I sincerely hope that you can passing this exam .88.处于困境时尽量微笑面对生活,这样你很快就会又高兴起来。 Try to smile at life when you are and soon youll be happy again.89.我和我姐尝试了滑翔,我感觉像一只鸟。 My sister an I tried paragliding.I a bird .90.要么你要么我将去超市买些水果。 you I will go the supermarket to buy some fruit.81. provide/ of

13、fer; with 82. Instead of 83. Staying up 84. Similar to 85. hearing from 86. What; it 87. succeed in 88. in trouble 89. felt like 90. Either; or 完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)【2015山东济南】101. 我爸爸每天骑自行车上班。 My father goes to work _ _ every day.【2015山东济南】102. 尼泊尔地震之后,其他国家向当地人民捐赠了大量的钱款物资。 After the earthquake in Nepal, other countries gave away _ _ money and things to the local people.【2015山东济南】103. 马路上有位老人跌倒了,站不起来。我们赶紧跑上前去扶

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